28 research outputs found

    Effect of aerobic exercise and low-carbohydrate high-fat diet on glucose tolerance and android/gynoid fat in overweight/obese women: A randomized controlled trial

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    The study was designed to compare the effects of weight loss induced by a low-carbohydrate-high-fat diet or a normal diet, with and without exercise, on glucose tolerance measured as area under the curve (AUC), and android (A) and gynoid (G) fat distribution. The study was registered at clinicaltrials.gov; NCT04100356. In total, 57 women classified as overweight or obese (age 40 ± 3.5 years, body mass index 31.1 ± 2.6 kg/m2) were randomly assigned and completed a 10-week intervention using a low-carbohydrate high-fat diet or a normal diet, with or without aerobic interval exercise. An equal deficit of 700 kcal/day was prescribed, either restricting the diet only, or moderately restricting diet and including three 50-min high-intensity bicycle sessions per week. There were thus four groups: normal diet (NORM); low-carbohydrate-high-fat diet (LCHF); normal diet with exercise (NORM-EX); and low-carbohydrate-high-fat diet with exercise (LCHF-EX). Linear mixed models was used to assess differences between groups. With all groups pooled, the intervention resulted in a weight loss of 6.7 ± 2.5% (p < 0.001). The intervention did not result in differences between groups in AUC glucose, nor in fasting glucose or indicis for insulin resistance such as Homeostatic Model Assessment, Matsuda Insulin Sensitivity Index, insulinogenic index and disposition index. Post-intervention android fat was lower in LCHF than NORM (3,223 ± 727 vs. 2,533 ± 535 g, p = 0.041). LCHF reached a lower A/G ratio than NORM (0.94 ± 0.12 vs. 1.04 ± 0.09, p = 0.011) and LCHF-EX (0.94 ± 0.12 vs. 1.09 ± 0.09, p < 0.001) after the intervention. LCHF resulted in lower android fat mass compared to NORM and the lowest A/G ratio compared to the other matched groups, but with no accompanying improvement in AUC glucose. In conclusion, although all groups achieved improvements in glucose tolerance, no superior effect was observed with the LCHF diet, neither with nor without exercise.publishedVersio

    SWOT-analyse av det norske landbaserte matproduksjonssystemets bidrag til matsikkerhet

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    Det norske landbasert matsystemet kan defineres som et system bestående av produksjon, foredling, transport og konsumpsjon av jordbruksprodukt. I denne rapporten presenteres resultatene av en SWOT-analyse med hensyn til norsk matsikkerhet av produksjonsdelen av matsystemet. Formålet med SWOT-analysen var å 1) avdekke de viktigste komponenter for å sikre bærekraft for norsk selvforsyning og hvilke trekk i matsystemet som kan svekke denne bærekraften, og 2) drøfte effekten av forventet politikkutvikling på disse komponentene, og klargjøre hvordan dette påvirkere selvforsyningen, dvs. evaluere selvforsyningens robusthet.SWOT-analyse av det norske landbaserte matproduksjonssystemets bidrag til matsikkerhetpublishedVersio

    Rare variants with large effects provide functional insights into the pathology of migraine subtypes, with and without aura

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023, The Author(s).Migraine is a complex neurovascular disease with a range of severity and symptoms, yet mostly studied as one phenotype in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Here we combine large GWAS datasets from six European populations to study the main migraine subtypes, migraine with aura (MA) and migraine without aura (MO). We identified four new MA-associated variants (in PRRT2, PALMD, ABO and LRRK2) and classified 13 MO-associated variants. Rare variants with large effects highlight three genes. A rare frameshift variant in brain-expressed PRRT2 confers large risk of MA and epilepsy, but not MO. A burden test of rare loss-of-function variants in SCN11A, encoding a neuron-expressed sodium channel with a key role in pain sensation, shows strong protection against migraine. Finally, a rare variant with cis-regulatory effects on KCNK5 confers large protection against migraine and brain aneurysms. Our findings offer new insights with therapeutic potential into the complex biology of migraine and its subtypes.Peer reviewe

    Quality of organically grown protein crops in Norway for livestock concentrates – limited N and S supplementation

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    The aim of organic farming husbandry, is to be entirely based on an organically produced diet. Shortage of organically produced protein crops for production of concentrates supplying the European market, and a contemporary ban on the use of fishmeal for ruminants in the EU has lead to an increased need for organically produced feedstuffs for production of concentrates in Norwegian organic husbandry. Pea is the most common cultivated protein-rich crop in organic agriculture in Norway. For ruminants, peas has a low bypass protein content compared to common protein supplements such as rape meal and soybean meal. Other high-protein crops with complementary properties are therefore needed to meet the demand in feed quality for ruminants, pigs and poultry. Oilseed crops, which are rich in both fat and protein, will become of considerable interest if problems related to their cultivation are solved. Currently, our experience with oilseed crops in organic agriculture is limited. In a four year research project "Organic protein feed and edible oil from oilseed crops" this experience will be extended and the feed quality of organically grown protein crops like rape, turnip rape and camelina will be evaluated. The project will provide knowledge about the rumen degradability of protein, starch and NDF (neutral detergent fibre) and intestine digestibility of protein and starch in organically grown protein-rich crops necessary for the production of concentrates with an optimal feed quality

    Diversifisering av oljeprisrisiko ved finansielle instrumenter

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    Med utgangspunkt i en erkjennelse av at fluktuasjoner i oljeprisen skaper betydelige realøkonomiske problemer for Norge, diskuterer denne rapporten hvordan finansielle instrumenter kan benyttes for å sikre de løpende petroleumsinntektene. I rapportens første deler gjøres det rede for hvordan oljeprisusikkerhet influerer på offentlig og privat sektor gjennom flere ulike kanaler. Dessuten diskuteres relevant risikomål, og det argumenteres for at det er myndighetene snarere enn private individer som bør sørge for diversifisering av oljeprisrisiko. I rapporten andre del gir vi en nærmere redegjørelse for egenskapene ved ulike aktuelle finansielle instrumenter som futures, forward kontrakter, swap-avtaler og opsjoner, og det gis eksempler på mulige strategier basert på utnyttelse av disse instrumentene. Deretter gir rapportens tredje del en oversikt over egenskaper og omfang av dagens terminmarkeder for råolje samt en vurdering av problemer som kan oppstå ved implementering av ulike finansielle strategier i disse markedene. Avslutningsvis konkluderer vi med at enkelte av de problemstillingene som reises, blant annet implementeringskostnader, begrenset størrelse på markedene for sikringsinstrumenter, default risiko for mottager og politiske problemer, er såvidt alvorlige at de begrenser omfanget av mulige strategier basert på den typen instrumenter som er omtalt i denne rapporten. En noe mer begrenset anvendelse av disse instrumentene kan dog være hensiktsmessig. En ytterligere reduksjon av den relevante oljeprisrisikoen kan imidlertid oppnås ved andre virkemidler, først og fremst ved at Statens petroleumsfond i større grad enn idag allokeres slik at det utgjør en nasjonaløkonomisk hedge overfor oljeprisfluktuasjoner

    Left atrial minimum volume is more strongly associated with N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide than the left atrial maximum volume in a community-based sample

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    Previous data have demonstrated that left atrial (LA) minimum volume indexed for body surface area (LAVImin) is more strongly associated with the Doppler echocardiographic E/e' ratio than LA maximum volume index (LAVImax). We sought to explore if LAVImin was more closely related to serum levels of NT-proBNP than LAVImax and E/e' in the community. A community-based sample of 730 subjects underwent echocardiographic examinations and NT-proBNP measurements. The mean age of the participants was 66.3 years (range 38-86) and 72 % were men. Age (Spearman correlation [rho] 0.533), LAVImin (rho 0.460), LAVImax (rho 0.360), estimated glomerular filtration rate (rho -0.349), and E/e' (rho 0.301; all P &lt; 0.001) were strongly correlated with log-NT-proBNP. In a multiple linear regression model with log-NT-proBNP as dependent variable and LAVImin, LAVImax, E/e' ratio, and potential confounders as predictors, an adjusted R-2 of 44.9 % was obtained. When excluding either of LAVImin (R-2 42.6 %, P &lt; 0.001) or E/e' (R-2 44.6 %, P = 0.019) the model fit was significantly reduced. In contrast, when LAVImax was excluded the model fit was preserved (R-2 45.0 %, P = 0.69). To detect an NT-proBNP level of &gt; 125 ng/L, LAVImin yielded a significantly larger area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.749 than LAVImax (AUC 0.701; P &lt; 0.001) and E/e' (AUC 0.661; P &lt; 0.001). In our community-based sample, LAVImin was more strongly associated with NT-proBNP than LAVImax. Moreover, the discriminatory power to detect an elevated NT-proBNP level was stronger in LAVImin than in LAVImax and E/e'. Our findings support previous data that LAVImin may be more closely related to LV filling function than LAVImax

    Keynote Speech: Civil Liberties in the Age of Forever War

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    The 2015 LENS Conference, Law in the Age of \u27Forever War\u27, focuses on the legal issues that accompany warfare in a time when technology, relationships between nations, and the abilities of non-state actors to affect the international stage, are all changing rapidly. Speakers address some of the difficult issues that have come to define modern law as it relates to warfare: targeting, surveillance, home-grown terrorism, intelligence gathering in the digital age, ensuring human rights and civil liberties. Introduction: Professor Scott Silliman, Judge, US Court of Military Commission Review; and Director Emeritus, LENS Speaker: Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean and Distinguished Professor of Law, and Raymond Pryke Professor of First Amendment Law, UC Irvine School of La