380 research outputs found

    Creating a Good Atmosphere for Speaking Activity in the Classroom

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    The purpose of this article is to share to other teachers about an activity that my students have enjoyed. The objective of this article is to allow the students to practice their oral skills and express their idea in an interesting topic. Even the activity is not something new but with appropriate approach, this activity can run well and give new atmosphere in your classroom activity. This activity has applied for the tenth year of IPA of senior High School students in a private school in Sintang regency. Besides from the activity, they enjoyed the activities with group work discussion as they could learn from their friends and supported by the teacher. No student sits in their seat without involving in the activity. It can be concluded that role-play learning provides opportunities for students to use and apply their subject knowledge and skill to deepen understanding. It can be seen that the study of Role-play also can improve the students' score in speaking skill test


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    ABSTRACT Experimental and numerical studies on fast cyclic loading of eutectic tin-lead solder and relevant micromechanical issues are presented. High-frequency twin-lap shear tests on solder joints show cracking inside the solder but often connecting the intruded tips of the intermetallic. Finite element modeling was carried out to study the effect of intermetallic morphology. Without the influence of local phase coarsening, the intrusion of intermetallic into the solder alloy is seen to trigger strain localization which promotes failure. The effect of local phase coarsening was also studied numerically, taking into account the individual phase arrangement. A coarser phase structure always shows a faster accumulation of local plastic strain, leading to early failure. Such results, in agreement with typical thermomechanical fatigue features, cannot be obtained from the traditional argument of strength vs. microstructural size. Modeling of the entire lap-shear specimen was also conducted for the purpose of quantifying the deformation behavior. The exact geometry of solder is found to play a dominant role in affecting the shear response

    Design and determination of stator geometry for axial flux permanent magnet free rod rotor synchronous motor

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    During designing a new axial flux permanent magnet free rod rotor synchronous motor, it is important to know before hand in which phase the largest angular velocity can occur, what is the ways to reduce the power consumption, how to achieve to increase or decrease the rotation speed by changing the core geometry. Therefore, presenting these preliminary information that are necessary for the design of a free rod rotor synchronous motor to the researchers is the aim of this work. In this respect, this study presents the design and geometrical dimensions of the stator for a new synchronous motor which is an axial flux permanent magnet free rod machine with three, four, five and six phases. This type of motors are an innovative approach especially for the applications used in industrial stirrers. Each type of stator is designed such that it has an appropriate number of phases. The rotating magnetic field over the stator is established by a PIC based microcontroller feeding the interface circuit to the stator wounds. The maximum angular speeds of bar magnet rotors with four different lengths and masses are calculated theoretically and determined experimentally. In addition, the effects of the distance between the rotor and stator, the angular speed of the rotor within the limits of the operation, and the volume of the liquid to be stirred to the power applied are investigated. Furthermore, the effects of the lengths and angular speeds of the bar magnet rotors to the distance between the rotor and stator are determined. In the light of the information obtained and taking into account the power used, the most appropriate parameters and variables such as the stator geometry changing with the phase used, the length of rotor, the distance between the rotor and stator and the angular speeds of rotor are determined. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Numerical analysis for remote identification of materials with magnetic characteristics

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    There is a variety of methods used for remote sensing of objects such as acoustic, ground penetration radar detection, electromagnetic induction spectroscopy, infrared imaging, thermal neutron activation, core four-pole resonance, neutron backscattering, X-ray backscattering, and magnetic anomaly. The method that has to be used can be determined by the type of material, geographical location (underground or water), etc. Recent studies have been concentrated on the improvement of the criteria such as sensing distances, accuracy, and power consumption. In this paper, anomalies created by materials with magnetic characteristics at the perpendicular component of the Earth magnetic field have been detected by using a KMZ51 anisotropic magnetoresistive sensor with high sensitivity and low power consumption, and also, the effects of physical properties of materials on magnetic anomaly have been investigated. By analyzing the graphics obtained by 2-D motion of the sensor over the material, the most appropriate mathematical curves and formulas have been determined. Based on the physical properties of the magnetic material, the variations of the variables constituting the formulas of the curves have been analyzed. The contribution of this paper is the use of the results of these analyses for the purpose of identification of an unknown magnetic material. This is a new approach for the detection and determination of materials with magnetic characteristics by sensing the variation at the perpendicular component of the Earth magnetic field. The identification process has been explained in detail in this paper. © 2011 IEEE

    A new wireless asynchronous data communications module for industrial applications

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    All the sensors such as temperature, humidity, and pressure used in industry provide analog outputs as inputs for their control units. Wireless transmission of the data has advantages on wired transmission such as USB port, parallel port and serial port and therefore has great importance for industrial applications. In this work, a new wireless asynchronous data communications module has been developed to send the earth magnetic field data around a ferromagnetic material detected by a KMZ51 AMR sensor. The transmitter module transmits the analog data obtained from a source to a computer environment where they are stored and then presented in a graphical form. In this design, an amplitude shift keying (ASK) transceiver working at the frequency of 433.92 MHz which is a frequency inside the so called Industrial Scientific Medical band (ISM band) used for wireless communications. The analog data first fed into a 10-bit ADC controlled by a PIC microcontroller and then the digital data is sent to the transmitter. A preamble bit string is added in front of the data bits and another bit string for achieving synchronization and determination the start of the data is used. The data arriving at the receiver is taken by the microcontroller and sent to a LCD display as well as the serial port of a computer where it is written in a text file. A Visual Basic based graphics interface is designed to receive, store and present the data in the form of graphical shapes. In the paper, all the work has been explained in detail. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Topography and instability of monolayers near domain boundaries

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    We theoretically study the topography of a biphasic surfactant monolayer in the vicinity of domain boundaries. The differing elastic properties of the two phases generally lead to a nonflat topography of ``mesas'', where domains of one phase are elevated with respect to the other phase. The mesas are steep but low, having heights of up to 10 nm. As the monolayer is laterally compressed, the mesas develop overhangs and eventually become unstable at a surface tension of about K(dc)^2 (dc being the difference in spontaneous curvature and K a bending modulus). In addition, the boundary is found to undergo a topography-induced rippling instability upon compression, if its line tension is smaller than about K(dc). The effect of diffuse boundaries on these features and the topographic behavior near a critical point are also examined. We discuss the relevance of our findings to several experimental observations related to surfactant monolayers: (i) small topographic features recently found near domain boundaries; (ii) folding behavior observed in mixed phospholipid monolayers and model lung surfactants; (iii) roughening of domain boundaries seen under lateral compression; (iv) the absence of biphasic structures in tensionless surfactant films.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, using RevTeX and epsf, submitted to Phys Rev

    Different genes interact with particulate matter and tobacco smoke exposure in affecting lung function decline in the general population

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    BACKGROUND: Oxidative stress related genes modify the effects of ambient air pollution or tobacco smoking on lung function decline. The impact of interactions might be substantial, but previous studies mostly focused on main effects of single genes. OBJECTIVES: We studied the interaction of both exposures with a broad set of oxidative-stress related candidate genes and pathways on lung function decline and contrasted interactions between exposures. METHODS: For 12679 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), change in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV(1)), FEV(1) over forced vital capacity (FEV(1)/FVC), and mean forced expiratory flow between 25 and 75% of the FVC (FEF(25-75)) was regressed on interval exposure to particulate matter >10 microm in diameter (PM10) or packyears smoked (a), additive SNP effects (b), and interaction terms between (a) and (b) in 669 adults with GWAS data. Interaction p-values for 152 genes and 14 pathways were calculated by the adaptive rank truncation product (ARTP) method, and compared between exposures. Interaction effect sizes were contrasted for the strongest SNPs of nominally significant genes (p(interaction)>0.05). Replication was attempted for SNPs with MAF<10% in 3320 SAPALDIA participants without GWAS. RESULTS: On the SNP-level, rs2035268 in gene SNCA accelerated FEV(1)/FVC decline by 3.8% (p(interaction) = 2.5x10(-6)), and rs12190800 in PARK2 attenuated FEV1 decline by 95.1 ml p(interaction) = 9.7x10(-8)) over 11 years, while interacting with PM10. Genes and pathways nominally interacting with PM10 and packyears exposure differed substantially. Gene CRISP2 presented a significant interaction with PM10 (p(interaction) = 3.0x10(-4)) on FEV(1)/FVC decline. Pathway interactions were weak. Replications for the strongest SNPs in PARK2 and CRISP2 were not successful. CONCLUSIONS: Consistent with a stratified response to increasing oxidative stress, different genes and pathways potentially mediate PM10 and tobac smoke effects on lung function decline. Ignoring environmental exposures would miss these patterns, but achieving sufficient sample size and comparability across study samples is challengin

    Mesenteric panniculitis of the sigmoid colon: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Mesenteric panniculitis of the sigmoid colon is a rare occurrence in surgical practice. The aim of this article is to present a case of mesenteric panniculitis of the sigmoid colon and a short review of the literature.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We reviewed the hospital record of a 63-year-old man who presented with a palpable mass in the left abdomen and clinical signs of a partial bowel obstruction. The pre-operative impression was a possible cancer of the sigmoid colon. A laparotomy was performed through a midline incision. The mesentery was found to be markedly thickened, constricted and puckered. The normal architecture of the adipose tissue had been lost and replaced with an irregular nodular mass. The microscopic pathologic sections demonstrated a chronic reactive inflammatory process with an exuberant proliferation of fibroblasts and fibrocytes. The adipose tissue contained scattered areas of steatonecrosis with foci of lipid-laden macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells. The sigmoid colon and its mesocolon were resected. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged in good condition, and followed up for the next two years.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Mesenteric panniculitis of sigmoid is an extremely rare entity of unknown origin in which the normal architecture of the mesentery is replaced by fibrosis, necrosis and calcification. On gross examination the alterations may be mistaken for a neoplastic process. A frozen section may be necessary for confirmation of the diagnosis. When the advanced inflammatory changes became irreversible and bowel obstruction occurs, resection may be indicated.</p
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