110 research outputs found

    The Escalada Formation: Characterization of a potential chert supply source in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain) during prehistory

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    [EN] A study of the chert nodules found in the Escalada Formation (Carboniferous, Ponga region, Cantabrian Zone) was carried out as a means to characterise a number of lithic raw materials found in several prehistoric sites of the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain). This study comprises fieldwork aimed at locating the outcrops and obtaining samples. Some selected samples from two localities were used for both petrological (macroscopic and microscopic analyses from thin sections) and geochemical (X-ray fluorescence and powder diffraction) analysis. The macroscopic study shows a rather homogeneus coloration and a conchoidal fracture although two extreme types of cherts with a variety of intermediate forms can be differentiated according to the matrix composition. The microscopic analysis shows a high heterogeneity in carbonate versus silica percentage and gentle differences in some other features such as type of silica, origin of carbonates, occurrence of organic matter and type of skeletal components. The results of several geochemical analysis suggest that there are not geochemical features neither in the major elements nor in the traces that allows us to clearly distinguish between the analysed samples. All these studies allow us to define the main features of these chert nodules and to establish several types and varieties among them. Those varieties with high percentage of silica and with a more homogeneous matrix are the most suitable samples for knapping. These results together with the study of the geological and geographical location of archaeological sites suggest that the nodules from the Escalada Formation likely were lithic material supply sources used in knapping activities When aiming to demonstrate the use of these materials at archaeological sites the sole macroscopic analysis of the pieces does not suffice; further analyses, such as those involving thin sections, are necessary. The absence of chert from Escalada Formation in some Mesolithic sites in the area was confirmed via these additional analyses.SIThis study was supported by funds from project AF-87 “Análisis de industrias líticas prehistóricas: materias primas y tecnología” of the Vicerrectorado de Investigación (Universidad de León, Spain)

    The Escalada Formation: Characterization of a potential chert supply source in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain) during prehistory.

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    A study of the chert nodules found in the Escalada Formation (Carboniferous, Ponga region, Cantabrian Zone) was carried out as a means to characterise a number of lithic raw materials found in several prehistoric sites of the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain). This study comprises fieldwork aimed at locating the outcrops and obtaining samples. Some selected samples from two localities were used for both petrological (macroscopic and microscopic analyses from thin sections) and geochemical (X-ray fluorescence and powder diffraction) analysis. The macroscopic study shows a rather homogeneus coloration and a conchoidal fracture although two extreme types of cherts with a variety of intermediate forms can be differentiated according to the matrix composition. The microscopic analysis shows a high heterogeneity in carbonate versus silica percentage and gentle differences in some other features such as type of silica, origin of carbonates, occurrence of organic matter and type of skeletal components. The results of several geochemical analysis suggest that there are not geochemical features neither in the major elements nor in the traces that allows us to clearly distinguish between the analysed samples. All these studies allow us to define the main features of these chert nodules and to establish several types and varieties among them. Those varieties with high percentage of silica and with a more homogeneous matrix are the most suitable samples for knapping. These results together with the study of the geological and geographical location of archaeological sites suggest that the nodules from the Escalada Formation likely were lithic material supply sources used in knapping activitiesWhen aiming to demonstrate the use of these materials at archaeological sites the sole macroscopic analysis of the pieces does not suffice; further analyses, such as those involving thin sections, are necessary. The absence of chert from Escalada Formation in some Mesolithic sites in the area was confirmed via these additional analyses

    An overview of the Mesolithic in the northwest Atlantic and inland area of the Iberian Peninsula

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    [EN] This paper reviews the Mesolithic in the northwest Atlantic and inland area of the Iberian Peninsula and it is considered in the overall context of the rest of the Peninsula. The Cantabrian Mountains are the northern boundary of the study area, which excludes the adjoining coastal area. In addition to the geographical, geological and environmental settings, the chronology and human remains are also reviewed, paying special attention to the specific characteristics of each of the main sites. The primary faunal, plant remain, bone and stone industry - including raw material supply, technology and typology - features of the main settlements are also presented. All of the above allow us to discuss the similarities and peculiarities of the Mesolithic of this area in relation to other regions of the Peninsula.S

    LegioLit: Knappable material lithotheque in the Prehistory Laboratory at the University of León, Spain

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    This work introduces a comparative collection located in the Prehistory Laboratory at the University of León (Spain) specialised in knappable raw materials, mainly comprising radiolarite and black chert (micro-crypto crystalline quartz), from the western Cantabrian Mountains (north of Iberian Peninsula). A standardised protocol of sample collection and data organisation was developed, which includes the use of several methodologies. First, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for referencing lithic sources. Second, direct observation of the sample for the macroscopic characterization, both de visu and stereomicroscope. Third, petrographic microscopy for a description of main petrological, and palaeontological features, complemented with the identification of the different minerals that make up the samples by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Forth, X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) and Thermogravimetry – Differential Scanning Calorimetry (TG-DSC) for geochemical and thermal features of the samples. Finally, the results of these analyses were entered in a database. All this information is contributing towards the creation of a physical reference collection specialised in local Palaeozoic formations (mostly from Devonian to Carboniferous) that outcrop in the western Cantabrian Mountains, a region whose potential resource base was previously not very well known. This collection would allow to compare archaeological lithic remains from different sites inside and outside the Cantabrian Mountains

    El karst exhumado de Los Peñucos (Camporredondo de Alba, Palencia, España): un ejemplo de patrimonio geológico y minero

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    p. 159-171Este trabajo sugiere una hipótesis que podría explicar la génesis de un afloramiento de calizas karstificadas localizado en la margen izquierda del Embalse de Compuerto (Camporredondo de Alba, Palencia). La peculiaridad de este karst reside en su morfología en torres y pináculos y en la presencia de cantos redondeados y heterométricos de naturaleza silícea que aparecen tanto aislados como acumulados en el propio karst y en su entorno. Este afloramiento podría explicarse como resultado de la exhumación de un antiguo karst previamente fosilizado por materiales de tipo conglomerado. Diversas evidencias apuntan a que dicha exhumación podría haberse producido por actividad antrópica relacionada con labores romanas de explotación del oro, el cual se encuentra a modo de yacimiento secundario en los conglomerados que presumiblemente cubrieron el karst. Por último, se discute el valor patrimonial de este lugar de interés geológico.S

    Identificación mineralógica de piezas arqueológicas elaboradas en talco mediante espectroscopía de reflectancia de laboratorio

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    P. 421-424El talco es un mineral blando que permite trabajarlo fácilmente, por lo que ha sido utilizado desde la Prehistoria. Sin embargo, no es el único mineral blando y a veces, bajo este nombre, se clasifican piezas que han sido trabajadas por grupos humanos sobre minerales de características físicas similares, pero químicamente distintos. El análisis espectroscópico de las muestras permite identificar su mineralogía de manera no destructiva. En el presente estudio se han analizado 30 muestras, tanto de procedencia arqueológica como geológica. De las 27 muestras de talco, se han diferenciado 4 tipos de curvas espectrales, poseyendo todas el rasgo de absorción definido en los 2320 nm correspondiente al talco. El uso de las técnicas continuum remove y Spectral Feature Fitting ha demostrado ser de gran ayuda tanto para la discriminación de grupos de talco de diferentes características como para la identificación de minerales distintos. Se espera que en un futuro estas diferencias permitan también conocer la localización geográfica de donde provienen las muestras y con ello facilitar la labor investigadora de los arqueólogos, abriendo así una nueva vía de aplicaciones de la espectrorradiometría

    Las implicaciones del desarrollo de la agricultura durante la Edad del Hierro en el norte de la península ibérica: el caso de la Peña del Castro (La Ercina, León, España)

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    The archaeological work carried out at Peña del Castro documented four occupation phases from the First Iron Age to the Roman Empire. The present work aims to analyse the importance of agriculture during the third phase, dating to the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. In this phase various carpological remains have been preserved carbonised, together with, a complete set of agricultural tools and mills. For this paper, the different agricultural processes have been evaluated, as well as the impact of agriculture on the economy and society of the settlement during the Late Iron Age. The carpological elements have been identified according to external morphological criteria. Moreover, the macroscopic analysis of the remains of the building walls has been carried out, as well as a typological analysis of the lithic and metallic materials. All these factors have made it possible to identify a complex agriculture with an important influence from the “Meseta” area. This agricultural model also coincides with the time of maximum development of the settlement, as well as of greater social stratification, phenomena related to agricultural surpluses.Los trabajos arqueológicos realizados en la Peña del Castro documentaron cuatro fases de ocupación en este poblado desde la I Edad del Hierro hasta el Imperio Romano. El presente trabajo analiza la relevancia de la agricultura durante la tercera fase, desarrollada entre los siglos II-I a. C. De la misma se conservan carbonizados diferentes restos carpológicos junto a un completo conjunto de herramientas agropecuarias y molinos. Se han evaluado los diferentes procesos agrícolas, así como el impacto de la agricultura en la economía y sociedad del poblado durante los últimos momentos de la Edad del Hierro. Los restos carpológicos han sido identificados atendiendo a su morfología externa. Además, se ha acompañado el análisis macroscópico de restos de paredes de los edificios con otro tipológico de los materiales líticos y metálicos. Gracias a todos estos factores se ha definido una agricultura compleja con una importante influencia del área meseteña. Este modelo agrícola coincide con el momento de máximo desarrollo del asentamiento, junto con una creciente estratificación social, fenómenos relacionados con los excedentes agrícolas

    Glaciokarst landforms in the Siera de los Grajos, Babia and Luna natural park (Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain)

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    Landforms resulting from the interaction between paleo-glaciers and karst are studied by using the Sierra de los Grajos (Cantabrian Mountains) as a model. This area contains glacial landforms that have not interested geomorphologists due to their low altitude (Peña Castillo is about 1857 m a.s.l.), the absence of glacial cirques and the scarcity of large moraines. However, the prevalence of groundwater flow and chemical dissolution has favoured the preservation of glacial landforms. Lateral and frontal moraines show three main glacial stages and other minor glacier stabilization phases, with the paleo-ELA oscillating between 1650 and 1760 m. Moraines are combined with depressions and sinks resulting from subglacial karstic drainage. This convergence of forms and processes is an exception in the Cantabrian Mountains, where postglacial erosion has usually eroded the frontal moraines and the proglacial sediments. In the case of the Sierra de los Grajos, despite the underground drainage and preservation of many glacial deposits on karstic landforms, an outwash-plain was formed. These proglacial sediments and others from non-karstified areas filled the depressions of the preglacial terrain located at their edges. The main glaciokarstic landforms have been mapped and a sedimentological analysis of the outwash plain was made in order to reconstruct the glacial dynamics of this area.Key words: glaciokarst landforms, glacial geomorphology, karst geomorphology, geomorphological mapping, Cantabrian Mountains. Glaciokraški relief na območju Sierra de los Grajos v parku Babia in luna (Kantabrijsko gorovje, SZ Španija)Na območju Sierra de los Grajos (Kantabrijsko gorovje) smo raziskovali relief, ki je v preteklosti nastal z medsebojnim vplivanjem kraških in ledeniških procesov. Zaradi nizke nadmorske višine (Peña Castillo je le 1857 m nad morjem) ter odsotnosti velikih moren in krnic to območje geomorfologov do sedaj ni posebej zanimalo. Prav kraški procesi in z njimi povezano podzemno odtekanje so tu omogočili ohranitev ledeniških oblik. Bočne in čelne morene kažejo na tri glavne faze poledenitev in več manjših faz stabilizacije ledenikov z ravnovesno mejo (ELA) med 1650 in 1760 m.n.m. Morene so pogosto vezane na kraške globeli. Glaciokraške pojave najdemo le na tem območju Kantabrijskega gorovja, kjer je sicer poledeniška erozija odstranila čelne morene in proglacialne sedimente. Kljub podzemnemu odtoku in ohranitvi številnih ledeniških sedimentov na kraškem reliefu se je na Sierra de los Grajos oblikoval predledeniški vršaj (sander). Proglacialni sedimenti in sedimenti iz nekraških območij so zapolnili globeli v predledeniškem kraškem terenu. Kartiranje glaciokraških reliefnih in analiza sedimentov predledeniških vršajev sta nam omogočila rekonstrukcijo dinamike ledenika na obravnavanem območju.Ključne besede: glaciokraške reliefne oblike, ledeniška geomorfologija, kraška geomorfologija, geomorfološko kartiranje, Kantabrijsko gorovje, Španija.

    Telemedicine approach for patient follow-up after total knee and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a pilot study

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    Arthroplasty; Internet-based intervention; TelehealthArtroplàstia; Intervenció basada en Internet; TelesalutArtroplastia; Intervención basada en Internet; TelesaludPurpose: The study aimed to demonstrate the reduction in postoperative follow-up visit time for patients receiving total knee arthroplasty (TKA) or reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA) by implementing a novel asynchronous telemedicine system compared to face-to-face visits. The range of motion interobserver agreement and patient satisfaction were evaluated in the telemedicine group. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted with a total of 28 patients with a mean age of 71 years (range 13.3). Patients were distributed into two study groups, TKA (n = 14) and RTSA (n = 14), and each group was randomly allocated into a face-to-face or virtual follow-up visit group. For the virtual group, software was designed including patient-specific model items (X-ray, range of motion and functional scores) for each arthroplasty. Functional assessment was conducted using the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) score for TKA and American Shoulder and Elbow score (ASES) and Simple Shoulder Test (SST) for RTSA. The range of motion interobserver concordance was conducted in the virtual follow-up groups via an intraclass correlation coefficient. Finally, a satisfaction survey was performed in the virtual follow-up groups. Mann-Whitney U test was used for statistical analysis. Results: Mean time differences between face-to-face and virtual follow-ups were 502.5 s (95% CI 387.8-617.1; p < 0.002) in the RTSA group and 710 s (95% CI 597.91-822; p < 0. 002) in the TKA group. The range of motion interobserver concordance in the virtual group was 0.974 for TKA and 0.804 for RTSA. Finally, virtual follow-up satisfaction using the telematic method was 8.9 out of 10. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that a virtual follow-up using asynchronous telemedicine systems could reduce visit times, allow a correct articular range of motion evaluation and maintain satisfaction perception for patients. Asynchronous telemedicine could be an efficient method to conduct postoperative follow-up after knee and shoulder arthroplasty