1,154 research outputs found

    the Role of Academic Research

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020Gender inequalities are a reality in economic, political and social participation. The lives of women and men, either cisgender or transgender, are deeply affected by gender inequalities. The identity-based approach to equality policies do not consider the interconnections and interdependence of diverse identity categories, and the acknowledgment that it is not possible to explain inequalities through a single framework. Sexual orientation equality policies often fail to take gender inequalities into account. Academic research has the potential to contribute to clarify the concepts underlying equality policies and to promote an intersectional approach. In terms of equality policies this means, for instance, to formulate policies that take into account groups at the different intersections of inequalities and the way that they are affected by the policies in question. This work aims to explore the contribution of the Portuguese research community to sexual orientation equality policies in Portugal. It will analyze in what extent the academic research in Portugal contributes to question identity-based politics and to advance an intersectional approach to sexual orientation equality policies. It will focus on and critically analyze equality policies in Portugal, and scientific and scholarly publications, namely journal articles, conference papers, theses, and dissertations of the Portuguese academia.publishersversionpublishe

    Equity research report: Corticeira Amorim SGPS, S.A.

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    Projeto de mestrado em Management (specialisation in General Management)O presente projeto consiste num relatório de avaliação da empresa portuguesa Corticeira Amorim SGPS, S.A., desenvolvido utilizando informação publicamente disponível. O principal objetivo do relatório é chegar a um preço-alvo para as ações da empresa para o final de 2023 e fornecer uma recomendação de investimento. Fundada originalmente em 1870 como uma fábrica de produção de rolhas de cortiça, a Corticeira Amorim é, atualmente, o maior fabricante de cortiça do mundo, liderando o sector e contribuindo para a inovação da indústria da cortiça e para economia de uma forma incomparável. As rolhas de cortiça continuam a ser o seu principal negócio, mas a empresa opera em quatro outros segmentos: Matérias-Primas, Revestimentos, Aglomerados Compósitos e Isolamentos. Com um capital social de 133 milhões de euros, a Corticeira Amorim está cotada na bolsa de valores de Lisboa desde 1988 e é uma das empresas integradas no PSI20. O principal método utilizado para realizar a avaliação foi um Modelo de Fluxos de Caixa Atualizados, começando por calcular os fluxos de caixa libertos para a empresa até 2027 e descontando os ao custo de capital, chegando um valor intrínseco da ação de 10,94€ para o final de 2023, o que equivale a uma valorização de 25% em relação ao preço de 8,72€ ao qual estava a ser transacionada a 30 de dezembro de 2022. Considerando a valorização de 25% no valor da ação e a liderança da Corticeira Amorim no sector, este relatório representa uma recomendação para comprar as ações da empresa, e o investimento é avaliado como sendo de risco médio.This project consists of an Equity Research Report of the Portuguese company Corticeira Amorim SGPS, S.A., developed using only publicly available information. The main goal of the report is to perform a valuation of the company to arrive at a price target for its shares for the end of 2023 and provide outsiders with an investment recommendation. Founded in 1870 as a cork stopper factory, which is still its primary business, Corticeira Amorim is now the biggest cork manufacturer in the world, leading the cork sector, and contributing to the innovation of the cork industry and the economy in an incomparable way. In addition to cork stoppers, the company works in four other segments: Raw-Materials, Floor and Wall Coverings, Composite Cork, and Insulation Cork. With a share capital of 133 million euros, Corticeira Amorim has been listed in Euronext Lisbon since 1988 and is part of PSI20. The main method used to carry out the valuation is a Discounted Cash Flows Model, by calculating the free cash flows to the firm (FCFF) until 2027 and discounting them at the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), reaching a price target of €10.94 for the 2023-year end, equivalent to a 25% upside from the €8.72 share price of December 30th, 2022. Considering the 25% upside and Corticeira Amorim’s leadership in the industry, this report supports a buy recommendation, and the investment is assessed as medium risk

    Os Contributos da análise do discurso para o ensino da tradução

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    Polissema: Revista de Letras do ISCAP 2001/N.º 1 - TraduçãoA tradução tem hoje em dia uma importância cada vez maior na sociedade, tanto a nível económico como científico e também artístico. Esta importância está reflectida nas exigências colocadas pelo mercado de trabalho que “ (…) cobre praticamente todas as áreas do conhecimento humano, desde as ciências aplicadas até às ciências fundamentais, passando pelas especialidades e tecnologias.”1 Assim, a tradução como disciplina tem vindo a impor-se, a ganhar autonomia e isso é visível no número de cursos que têm sido criados nesta área. O crescente interesse na formação de tradutores traz consigo a necessidade de um aprofundamento das teorias e técnicas tradutivas que sirvam de suporte a essa formação e subsequentemente ao trabalho do tradutor

    Outdoor Learning Activities as Facilitators in the Construction of Environmental Citizenship

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    The results of an educational research project on a teaching and learning practice developed in the context of primary school teachers’ continuing education in which didactic-pedagogical practices of outdoor learning are given a main role are analysed. The research followed a qualitative approach. It was assumed that environmental literacy is based on the premise of training for critical and responsible citizenship, with the aim of developing knowledge and skill for active participation in making decisions and following behaviours, of social-environmental interest. In this context, a didactic pedagogical component on the topic of “Water” was developed and implemented. The didactic strategy followed was that of outdoor learning, with a teaching learning perspective based on the interrelationship between the sustainability of natural water resources and individual behaviour. The following categories of analysis were used: didactic transformation of curricular content; environmental literacy; science-child-environment interaction. This training course highlighted the acquisition by this group, primary school teacher’s, of skills that are fundamental to the development of a teaching and learning process that promotes environmental citizenship through the discovery of the surrounding natural environment

    Introduction to lesbian geographies

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    A Quantitative Model for Decomposing & Assessing the Value for the Customer

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    The research presented in this paper proposes a novel quantitative model for decomposing and assessing the Value for the Customer. The proposed approach builds on the different dimensions of the Value Network analysis proposed by Verna Allee having as background the concept of Value for the Customer proposed by Woodall. In this context, the Value for the Customer is modelled as a relationship established between the exchanged deliverables and a combination of tangible and intangible assets projected into their endogenous or exogenous dimensions. The Value Network Analysis of the deliverables exchange enables an in-depth understanding of this frontier and the implicit modelling of co-creation scenarios. The proposed Conceptual Model for Decomposing Value for the Customer combines several concepts: from the marketing area we have the concept of Value for the Customer; from the area of intellectual capital the concept of Value Network Analysis; from the collaborative networks area we have the perspective of the enterprise life cycle and the endogenous and exogenous perspectives; at last, the proposed model is supported by a mathematical formal description that stems from the area of Multi-Criteria Decision Making. The whole concept is illustrated in the context of a case study of an enterprise in the footwear industry (Pontechem). The merits of this approach seem evident from the contact with Pontechem as it provides a structured approach for the enterprises to assess the adequacy of their value proposition to the client/customer needs and how these relate to their endogenous and/or exogenous tangible or intangible assets. The proposed model, as a tool, may therefore be a useful instrument in supporting the commercialisation of new products and/or services

    O papel da observação em contexto da formação de educadores de infância - uma prática necessária

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    Atualmente, em Portugal, para estar habilitado profissionalmente para a docência em Educação Pré-Escolar é condição essencial possuir um mestrado em Educação para este nível de ensino ou em dois níveis de ensino associados, Educação Pré-Escolar e ensino do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico. Neste ciclo de estudos as unidades curriculares de prática de ensino supervisionado visam a formação e a integração do futuro docente no exercício da vida profissional, de forma progressiva e supervisionada, em contexto real, pretendendo-se o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais promotoras de um desempenho crítico e reflexivo. Assim, em contexto de sala de atividades e antes de passarem para tarefas de desenvolvimento das capacidades de elaboração de planificações, de realização de atividades pedagógicas, de reflexão sobre as suas práticas de ensino, é fundamental e imprescindível que todos os estudantes realizem um período de observação. O processo de observação é crucial para recolher, reunir, agrupar e compreender dados essenciais que ocorrem durante o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, facilitando a resolução dos problemas que este processo permitiu detetar. Por isso, esta atividade deve ser devidamente introduzida ao longo dos cursos de formação de educadores de infância de forma a ajudar o estudante a analisar práticas e contextos educativos. De facto, “A observação de situações educativas continua a ser um dos pilares da formação de professores (...), demonstrando a investigação que não há um modelo de bom professor, mas sim uma infinidade de modelos possíveis” (Estrela, 1986, p. 61). De facto, o proporcionar uma variedade de situações em contextos reais pertencentes ao sistema educativo atual, capacita o estudante das competências básicas essenciais para que possa ingressar na profissão. Saber observar é uma função específica da prática educativa, constituindo uma capacidade fundamental na promoção de aprendizagens significativas, pois recorre à problematização das práticas pedagógicas apoiadas na reflexão fundamentada em princípios da didática. A inadequada apropriação desta competência é problemática. Assim, para que este processo pedagógico se desenvolva nesta perspetiva, o grupo de docentes da supervisão das unidades curriculares de prática de ensino supervisionada construiu grelhas/roteiros para o registo do processo de observação, pretendendo-se uma articulação da dimensão do conhecimento disciplinar e didático, e do desenvolvimento de competências de investigação com vista a uma formação que se quer investigativa-reflexiva. Neste contexto, a presente comunicação pretende apresentar a experiência da Escola Superior de Educação, Comunicação e Desporto da Guarda em relação à observação em contexto da prática de ensino supervisionada realizada ao longo dos últimos cinco anos

    Reconceptualising public spaces of (IN)equality: sensing and creating layers of visibility

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    Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Geografia e Planeamento Territorial - Especialidade: Geografia HumanaSpace and social identities mutual relation of constitution and reproduction lead us to the understanding that space reflects power relations and hegemonic discourses, and that inequality can perpetuate itself through the ways space is organized, experienced, represented and created. Public spaces are constructed around particular notions of appropriate sexual comportment, reflecting and reproducing heteronormativity, as they exclude non-normative sexualities, such as lesbian sexualities. In a context of a heteronormative socio-spatial landscape women can decide not to disclose their non-normative sexual orientation, leading to a pervasive invisibility of lesbian sexualities in public spaces. Concurrently the pervasive invisibility of lesbian sexualities in public spaces reinforces power inequalities, feeding back the heteronormative socio-spatial landscape. Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation is still a widespread reality in Portugal in spite of the significant legal advances towards equality in recent years. Discriminated minority groups, such as lesbians, experience power inequalities in their everyday lives, and their spatial invisibility in public spaces contributes to their disempowerment. Communication technologies recast the organization and production of the spatial and temporal scenes of social life and they open new possibilities of public action. The production of alternative representations of space, based on individuals’ georeferenced experiences, thoughts and emotions are increasingly supported by the potentialities of Internet based technologies, such as the ever more easy-to-use online software. The potential of these technologies to promote the agency, to change power relations and to disrupt the hegemonic discourse increase as more people become the authors of a complementary flow of knowledge, information, memories and stories. This research explores the potential of geospatial online practices, based upon the experiences, emotions and feelings of lesbian and bisexual women to disclose the socially encoded meanings of different bodies in specific spatial, temporal and cultural contexts, highlighting how spaces and sexual identities are mutually constitutive. This research project aims to explore the potential of collaborative web mapping to promote the agency and empowerment of lesbian and bisexual women. It is structured in three phases: ‘Mapping the landscape’ aims to map spaces of lesbian and gay visibility in public spaces to contextualise the hetero pervasive reality in Portugal; the second phase ‘Sensing the landscape’ focuses on the intersections of gender and sexual orientation, aiming to identify significant dimensions of space and places that relate to lesbian and bisexual women sexual identities; and the third and final phase of the research ‘Creating landscapes’ explores how creating and sharing digital layers of lesbian visibility on collaborative web maps can disrupt a hetero pervasive reality and impact social identity and belonging, building capacities for action of lesbian and bisexual women, and facilitating same-sex public displays of affection. Ultimately, this research aims to explore the empowering potentialities of geospatial online practices to provide alternative possibilities for citizenship, and foster social change


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    The traditional architecture is founded as a defining element of the identity of a region, and its essence should be preserved and conserved by means of maintenance and recovery actions. Thus, the best solutions and proposals for intervention should be looked for but this doesn’t imply a back to back innovation and at construction progress. This work includes the description of techniques for maintenance and conservation of bioclimatic solutions found and inventoried in the north of the Iberian Peninsula, with special focus on a unique bioclimatic solution known as Transition Spaces (from the interior to the exterior of the buildings and vice-versa), whose main purpose is to ensure protection from the elements when entering or exiting buildings, to contribute to the improvement of the buildings thermal performance and to create sheltered interior/exterior living spaces. This architectural characteristic is based on the building’s solar exposure, predominant winds and geographical and topographic conditions. It is important to recover the historical heritage in a sustainable manner, allowing it to become an engine of development for both urban and small rural centres that exist in the periphery of the bigger cities