59 research outputs found

    Investigation of wear and scuffing behaviour of ferrous thermal spray coatings for aluminum engines.

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    The development of lightweight internal combustion engines using materials such as cast aluminum alloys represents one of the most significant technological developments in the automotive industry. These engines reduce weight, which in turn reduce fuel consumption and emission. However, poor wear resistance and low seizure load of unprotected Al-Si alloys are a major drawback for applications involving sliding contact in automotive engine blocks. The wear resistance of cast aluminum parts can be improved by depositing coatings on the sliding surfaces. In this respect, iron based coatings deposited through a thermal spray process may play an important role in improving wear resistances of aluminium parts used in the automotive industry. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2004 .E37. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 65-10, Section: B, page: 5340. Advisers: A. T. Alpas; T. Perry. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004


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    Abstract The implementation of rehabilitation on underage narcotics users based on state regulation of narcotics, an addicts narcotics users is obliged to take a rehabilitation process, but this policy has never been applied, most of the underage narcotics users were sentenced to be put in jail than taking rehabilitation. The formulation of the problem in this thesis is: why is the implementation of rehabilitation on underage narcotics users so low. What is the problem with implementing rehabilitation on underage narcotics users? What do the police at Polda Lampung do on underage narcotics users? The result of the research show that the implementation of rehabilitation on underage narcotics users is not in line with state regulations, they are government policy, policy of health minister on technical regulation on medical rehabilitation for the drugs addicts, drugs users, and victim of drugs users, which stated that the underage narcotics users is supposed to be put in rehabilitation but this rule has never been applied on, most of the underage narcotics users were put in jail than on rehabilitation. The problem on rehabilitation is affected by some factors like law structure of Direktorat Narkoba Polda Lampung on the implementation of rehabilitation is not optimal, law culture on the level of obedience of the society about the law is not optimal, and the effort of Kepolisian Daerah Lampung in solving the underage narcotics users is through preemptive, preventive, and repressive way. Keywords: Rehabilitation, Under Age, NarcoticsAbstrak Pelaksanaan rehabilitasi pengguna narkotika di bawah umur berdasarkan peraturan negara narkotika, pengguna pecandu narkotika wajib mengambil proses rehabilitasi, tetapi kebijakan ini belum pernah diterapkan, sebagian besar narkotika di bawah umur pengguna dihukum untuk diletakkan di penjara daripada mengambil rehabilitasi. Rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini adalah: mengapa pelaksanaan rehabilitasi pada narkotika pengguna di bawah umur sangat rendah. Apa masalah dengan melaksanakan rehabilitasi pada pengguna narkotika di bawah umur? Apa yang polisi di Polda Lampung lakukan pada pengguna narkotika di bawah umur? Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan rehabilitasi pada pengguna narkotika di bawah umur tidak sejalan dengan peraturan negara, mereka kebijakan pemerintah, kebijakan menteri kesehatan pada regulasi teknis rehabilitasi medis untuk pecandu obat, pengguna narkoba, dan korban narkoba pengguna, yang menyatakan bahwa pengguna narkotika di bawah umur seharusnya dimasukkan ke dalam rehabilitasi tapi aturan ini belum pernah diterapkan pada, sebagian besar pengguna narkotika di bawah umur yang dimasukkan ke dalam penjara dari pada rehabilitasi. Masalah rehabilitasi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti struktur hukum Direktorat Narkoba Polda Lampung pada pelaksanaan rehabilitasi tidak optimal, budaya hukum pada tingkat kepatuhan masyarakat tentang hukum tidak optimal, dan upaya Kepolisian Daerah Lampung dalam memecahkan pengguna narkotika di bawah umur adalah melalui cara preemptive, preventif, dan represif. Kata Kunci: Rehabilitasi, di Bawah Umur, Narkotik

    Plasma Nitriding of Titanium Alloys

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    Titanium alloys are found in many applications where weight saving, strength, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility are important design priorities. However, their poor tribological behavior is a major drawback, and many surface engineering processes have been developed to enhance wear in titanium alloys such as nitriding. Plasma (ion) nitriding, originally developed for ferrous alloys, has been adopted to address wear concerns in titanium alloys. Plasma nitriding improves the wear resistance of titanium alloys by the formation of a thin surface layer composed of TiN and Ti2N titanium nitrides (e.g., compound layer). Nonetheless, plasma nitriding treatments of titanium alloys typically involve high temperatures (700–1100°C) that promote detrimental microstructural changes in titanium substrates, formation of brittle surface layers, and deterioration of mechanical properties especially fatigue strength. This chapter summarizes the previous and ongoing investigations in the field of plasma nitriding of titanium alloys, with particular emphasis on the authors’ recent efforts in optimization of the process to achieve tribological improvements while maintaining mechanical properties. The development of low-temperature plasma nitriding treatments for α + β and near-β titanium alloys and further wear improvements by alteration of near-surface microstructure prior to nitriding are also briefly reviewed


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    The purpose of this paper is to compare the reasonableness of insurance for children as victims of sexual violations as directed in Act Number 35/2014 on the Revision of Act Number 23/2002 on Youngster Insurance to the treatment of child victims of sexual mistreatment with a therapeutic equity approach as set forth in Act Number 11/2012 on the Adolescent Criminal Equity Framework. This paper is based on the regularization of legal examination. The findings of the investigation show that the protection of children as victims of sexual savagery in Article 71D of Act Number 35/2014 on the Correction of Act Number 23/2002 on Child Security does not completely mirror the treatment with therapeutic equity approach

    Restorative Justice in the Implementation of Diversion Against Child Criminal Victims

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    One solution that can be taken in handling cases of child crime is a restorative justice approach. Therefore, Police investigators are required to have the right options to carry out diversion activities in handling child criminal cases. The purpose of this study was to examine the implementation of restorative justice by North Lampung Police investigators and the victims’ in carrying out diversion. The method used in this study is the normative legal method. The approach used is an empirical juridical approach, in this case relating to the implementation of restorative justice in the implementation of diversion against victims of child crime. This research conducted in Polres Lampung Utara, Indonesia. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that restorative justice refers to the second precept in Pancasila and carrying out the investigation based on the provisions of KUHAP, Law concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System, Law concerning Child Protection and Law concerning Child Protection. Meanwhile, the implementation of restorative justice is to prevent the repetition of criminal acts committed by children and keep children away from the negative influences and implications of the judicial process. The inhibiting factors are the lack of coordination between agencies carrying out diversion at the investigation level, understanding of the meaning of diversion, lack of public trust in the rules for implementing diversion and regulations regarding supervision of the implementation of the results of the diversion agreement

    Analysis Guidelines and Functionalities of the CATIA Native FEA Solver for Composite Materials

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    The emergence of commercial FEA solvers was a significant breakthrough that boosted the accuracy and complexity of engineering design. While composite materials are special materials, their mechanical properties can be custom made by considering the needs and requirements of the design problem. Given the rapidly expanding global consumption of composite materials, access to FEA solvers capable of assigning these materials is an absolute requirement.The CATIA software is a platform for designing, analyzing, and manufacturing of parts. However, there is no meaningful documentation in the public domain exploring the finite element functionalities of CATIA software for composite materials. Isotropic materials are used in numerous references investigating the CATIA FEA solver; however, the extension to composite materials has been lacking. The present study investigates two phenomena: (1) the procedure to import composite material properties into the Generative Structural Analysis workbench, and (2) the pre-processing and the post-processing toolbars and functionalities pertaining to this matter. The thesis does not address the CAD modelling aspects of the composites per se since there are many references available concentrating on such issues in the CATIA public literature.The composite models are selected from different scenarios labeled as benchmark problems. The results generated by CATIA’s native FEA solver for the static, dynamic, and buckling cases are compared with other tools available to the engineering community. These tools encompass the Classical Lamination Theory and two commercial CAE codes, known as ABAQUS and ANSYS

    Konstitusionalisme Perlindungan Anak terhadap Film di layanan streaming

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    Technological developments in films today are easily obtained through computers, laptops and smartphones by accessing streaming services and can be watched by all people, both young and old, regardless of age. This study uses a normative legal approach. With the streaming service, anyone who wants to enjoy movies can only access them via a computer screen and connected to the Internet without registering. It is accessible without paying a penny. How are children protected against films on streaming services, and what are the inhibiting factors for protecting children against films on streaming services? The objectives of this article are how to protect children against films on streaming services and what are the inhibiting factors for protecting children against films on constitutionalism streaming services; this means the entire fundamental law, both written and unwritten, which governs the administration of state administration in a country. This study uses a normative legal approach, where the data source is obtained from library materials or secondary data, which consists of primary legal materials, including basic norms or rules. In contrast, secondary legal materials include books, research results, and expert opinions. The data obtained will be analyzed using a qualitative descriptive method.   Keywords: Children; Film; Streaming.Perkembangan teknologi sekarang ini film dapat dengan mudah di dapatkan melalui Komputer, laptop dan smartphone dengan mengakses layanan streaming dan dapat ditonton oleh semua kalang baik yang muda maupun tua tanpa melihat usia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan hukum normatif. dengan adanya layanan streaming  maka siapa pun yang ingin menikmati film tinggal mengaksesnya melalui layar komputer dan terkoneksi Internet, tanpa perlu mendaftar dan bersifat gratis tanpa membayar uang sepeser pun

    Wear mechanisms in thermal spray steel coatings

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    Implementasi Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Anak Pelaku Kekerasan Seksual pada Wilayah Hukum Polres Lampung Utara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi perlindungan hukum terhadap anak pelaku kekerasan seksual. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui pendekatan masalah secara empiris. Penelitian mengambil objek penelitian pada wilayah hukum Polres Lampung Utara. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Polres Lampung Utara menerapkan prinsip kekeluargaan dan tidak beratribut kepolisian saat penanganan kasus, serta penahanan tersangka yang dipisahkan dari orang dewasa. Polres Lampung Utara tidak menerapkan kebijakan hukum diversi yaitu pengalihan penyelesaian proses peradilan pidana ke proses di luar pidana. Padahal kebijakan diversi merupakan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 dalam penanganan kasus tindak pidana anak di bawah umur

    The Urgency of Criminal Law Reform in Indonesia in Law Enforcement of Corruption

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    This study aims to analyze the urgency of criminal law reform in Indonesia in law enforcement of criminal acts of corruption. Corruption comes from Latin, namely Corruptus and Corruption, meaning bad, depraved, deviant.  Corruption is an act done with an intention to gain some benefit contrary to official duty and other truths, an act of an official or belief of a person who unlawfully and mistakenly uses some benefit for himself or others contrary to other duties and truths.  Handling corruption while still seeking retaliation, which is basically the enforcement of corruption cases oriented towards paying state losses. The research method used is a normative research method using a statute approach and analyzed using content analysis
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