31 research outputs found

    Pseudo-rheumatic manifestations of limping: Camptodactyly–arthropathy–coxa vara–pericarditis syndrome: Single case report and review of the literature

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    Camptodactyly–arthropathy–coxa vara–pericarditis (CACP) syndrome is a rare genetic disease characterized by tetrad camptodactyly, noninflammatory arthropathy, coxa vara deformity, and pericardial effusion. Arthropathy typically affects large joints and presents with joint swelling in the absence of other signs of inflammation. We described the case of a girl affected by CACP syndrome caused by a novel compound heterozygous variant in proteoglycan 4 gene (c.2831_2832insT; c.3892C > T) and associated with temporomandibular involvement. The patient received treatment with intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections, which presented rapid but transient improvements of pain and range of motion. A literature review of previously reported CACP patients has been performed. Of the patients. 69.2% (101 out of 146) were Middle Eastern, and 65.7% (96) were consanguineous. The median age of onset was 24 months (interquartile range of 12–36 months), and median age of diagnosis was 96 months (interquartile range of 48–156 months). Arthropathy was always present, mainly involving hips (95.2%), knees (92.4%), wrists (87.7%), elbows (79.5%), and ankles (57.5%). Camptodactyly and pericardial effusion were described, respectively, in 97.3% (142) and 15.1% (22) of patients. The main radiological findings were coxa vara (95.2%), femoral changes (64.4%), intraosseus cysts (14.4%), and bone erosion (5%). Of the patients, 32.9% (48) had received a previous juvenile idiopathic arthritis diagnosis. CACP syndrome can be easily misdiagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. A prolonged lack of response to immunosuppressive therapy associated with typical clinical and radiological features should prompt consideration of this rare syndrome

    Application and performance of disease activity indices proposed for patients with systemic sclerosis in an international cohort of patients with juvenile systemic sclerosis

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    Funding Information: The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article: the inception cohort project is supported by an unrestricted grant from the Joachim Herz Stiftung, Hamburg, Germany. Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2023.Objectives: Juvenile systemic sclerosis is a rare childhood disease. Three disease activity indices have been published for adult patients with systemic sclerosis: the European Scleroderma Study Group Index, a modified version of the European Scleroderma Study Group Index and the revised European Scleroderma Trials and Research index. The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility and performance of the three disease activity indices in a prospectively followed cohort of patients with juvenile systemic sclerosis. Methods: The analysis cohort was selected from the prospective international inception cohort enrolling juvenile systemic sclerosis patients. The correlation of the disease activity indices with the physicians’ and the patients’ global assessment of disease activity was determined. The disease activity indices were compared between patients with active and inactive disease. Sensitivity to change between 6- and 12-month follow-up was investigated by mixed models. Results: Eighty percent of the 70 patients had a diffuse cutaneous subtype. The revised European Scleroderma Trials and Research index was highly correlated with the physician-reported global disease activity/parents-reported global disease activity (r = 0.74/0.64), followed by the European Scleroderma Study Group activity index (r = 0.61/0.55) and the modified version of the European Scleroderma Study Group activity index (r = 0.51/0.43). The disease activity indices significantly differed between active and inactive patients. The disease activity indices showed sensitivity to change between 6- and 12-month follow-up among patients who improved or worsened according to the physician-reported global disease activity and the parents-reported global disease activity. Conclusion: Overall, no disease activity score is superior to the other, and all three scores have limitations in the application in juvenile systemic sclerosis patients. Furthermore, research on the concept of disease activity and suitable scores to measure disease activity in patients with juvenile systemic sclerosis is necessary in future.Peer reviewe

    Psychopathological Impact in Patients with History of Rheumatic Fever with or without Sydenham's Chorea: A Multicenter Prospective Study

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    Sydenham's chorea (SC) is a post-streptococcal autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system, and it is a major criterium for the diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever (ARF). SC typically improves in 12-15 weeks, but patients can be affected for years by persistence and recurrencies of both neurological and neuropsychiatric symptoms. We enrolled 48 patients with a previous diagnosis of ARF, with or without SC, in a national multicenter prospective study, to evaluate the presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms several years after SC's onset. Our population was divided in a SC group (n = 21), consisting of patients who had SC, and a nSC group (n = 27), consisting of patients who had ARF without SC. Both groups were evaluated by the administration of 8 different neuropsychiatric tests. The Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) showed significantly (p = 0.021) higher alterations in the SC group than in the nSC group. Furthermore, 60.4% (n = 29) of the overall population experienced neuropsychiatric symptoms other than choreic movements at diagnosis and this finding was significantly more common (p = 0.00) in SC patients (95.2%) than in nSC patients (33.3%). The other neuropsychiatric tests also produced significant results, indicating that SC can exert a strong psychopathological impact on patients even years after its onset

    Defining criteria for disease activity states in systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis based on the systemic Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score

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    Objective To develop and validate cutoff values in the systemic Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score 10 (sJADAS10) that distinguish the states of inactive disease (ID), minimal disease activity (MiDA), moderate disease activity (MoDA), and high disease activity (HDA) in children with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA), based on subjective disease state assessment by the treating pediatric rheumatologist. Methods The cutoffs definition cohort was composed of 400 patients enrolled at 30 pediatric rheumatology centers in 11 countries. Using the subjective physician rating as an external criterion, 6 methods were applied to identify the cutoffs: mapping, calculation of percentiles of cumulative score distribution, Youden index, 90% specificity, maximum agreement, and ROC curve analysis. Sixty percent of the patients were assigned to the definition cohort and 40% to the validation cohort. Cutoff validation was conducted by assessing discriminative ability. Results The sJADAS10 cutoffs that separated ID from MiDA, MiDA from MoDA, and MoDA from HDA were ≤ 2.9, ≤ 10, and > 20.6. The cutoffs discriminated strongly among different levels of pain, between patients with or without morning stiffness, and between patients whose parents judged their disease status as remission or persistent activity/flare or were satisfied or not satisfied with current illness outcome. Conclusion The sJADAS cutoffs revealed good metrologic properties in both definition and validation cohorts, and are therefore suitable for use in clinical trials and routine practice

    Participation in women’s groups: a mean to overcome oppression? : A Field Study made in urban Bolivia

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    This Bachelor’s thesis is the result of a field study conducted in urban Bolivia. The aim of the study was to get a deeper understanding of the factors that can endorse or limit the potential for the women in a women’s group to influence social and economic agendas. It is a qualitative study that concerns the international social work with a women’s group, whose purpose seek to serve professional management in the production and selling of handicrafts. Participant observations in the women’s group, as well as interviews with two of the international social workers involved with the group were conducted. The results were analysed using a feminist theory perspective, with intersectionality theory as the main tool for analysis. The findings show that the access to income-generating activities can widen the elements of social identification for the women through active learning-processes, and further move towards an image where they become social actors. Concerns regarded if decision-making power were equally distributed among all women in the group

    Kawasaki facile e difficile: Dieci messaggi attraverso i casi degli specializzandi italiani

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    La malattia di Kawasaki (MK) \ue8 una vasculite sistemica che di norma colpisce bambini di 2-5 anni: la diagnosi ed il trattamento sono in genere facili, come descritto nel primo caso. Tuttavia, nonostante un'ageguata terapia, il 10-15% dei pazienti sviluppa aneurismi dell'arteria coronarica. I pazienti ad alto rischio sono quelli sotto l'anno di et\ue0 o con forme incomplete o atipiche. Per questo motivo la tempestivit\ue0 della diagnosi risulta fondamentale per iniziare una terapia adeguata. Questo articolo descrive alcuni casi di forme atipiche di MK: un ascesso retrofaringeo, un ittero colestatico febbrile e una sindrome da attivazione macrofagica. Tuttavia, l'articolo riporta alcuni casi severi di MK come uno shock emodinamico, il caso di un paziente che ha ricevuto una terapia anti-TNF a causa dell'inefficacia della terapia standard ed infine il caso di un adulto che ha subito un intervento di bypass aorto-coronarico dovuto alle conseguenze di un aneurisma gigante sviluppato all'et\ue0 di 2 anni dopo la MK. Alla fine dell'articolo, i messaggi trasmessi dai casi descritti sono riassunti in 10 punti