141 research outputs found

    Activity of antichlamydia vaccine in sheep controlled by immuno-enzymatic test

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    Les auteurs montrent, par la technique du test immuno-enzymatique pratiqué à partir du sérum de brebis vaccinées en deux temps avec un vaccin antichlamydien (Rickovis), la montée du titre des anticorps anti- chlamydiens et leur persistance après la vaccination.Using an immuno-enzymatic test, the authors showed the rise and the persistance of chlamydia antibodies in ewes vaccinated twice with the vaccin Rickovis

    A frequency-tunable nanomembrane mechanical oscillator with embedded quantum dots

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    Hybrid systems consisting of a quantum emitter coupled to a mechanical oscillator are receiving increasing attention for fundamental science and potential applications in quantum technologies. In contrast to most of the presented works, in which the oscillator eigenfrequencies are irreversibly determined by the fabrication process, we present here a simple approach to obtain frequency-tunable mechanical resonators based on suspended nanomembranes. The method relies on a micromachined piezoelectric actuator, which we use both to drive resonant oscillations of a suspended Ga(Al)As membrane with embedded quantum dots and to fine tune their mechanical eigenfrequencies. Specifically, we excite oscillations with frequencies of at least 60 MHz by applying an AC voltage to the actuator and tune the eigenfrequencies by at least 25 times their linewidth by continuously varying the elastic stress state in the membranes through a DC voltage. The light emitted by optically excited quantum dots is used as sensitive local strain gauge to monitor the oscillation frequency and amplitude. We expect that our method has the potential to be applicable to other optomechanical systems based on dielectric and semiconductor membranes possibly operating in the quantum regime.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Monolithic single mode interband cascade lasers with wide wavelength tunability

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    Financial support by the European Union in terms of the WideLase project (grant agreement no: 318798) within the Seventh Framework Programme is gratefully acknowledged.Monolithic two-section interband cascade lasers offering a wide wavelength tunability in the wavelength range around 3.7 μm are presented. Stable single mode emission in several wavelength channels was realized using the concept of binary superimposed gratings and two-segment Vernier-tuning. The wavelength selective elements in the two segments were based on specially designed lateral metal grating structures defined by electron beam lithography. A dual-step dry etch process provided electrical separation between the segments. Individual current control of the segments allowed wavelength channel selection as well as continuous wavelength tuning within channels. A discontinuous tuning range extending over 158 nm in up to six discrete wavelength channels was achieved. Mode hop free wavelength tuning up to 14 nm was observed within one channel. The devices can be operated in continuous wave mode up to 30 °C with output powers of 3.5 mW around room temperature.PostprintPeer reviewe

    External validation and extension of a diagnostic model for obstructive coronary artery disease: A cross-sectional predictive evaluation in 4888 patients of the Austrian Coronary Artery disease Risk Determination in Innsbruck by diaGnostic ANgiography (CARDIIGAN) cohort

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    __Objective__ To externally validate and extend a recently proposed prediction model to diagnose obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD), with the ultimate aim to better select patients for coronary angiography. __Design__ Analysis of individual baseline data of a prospective cardiology cohort. __Setting__ Single-centre secondary and tertiary cardiology clinic. __Participants__ 4888 patients with suspected CAD, without known previous CAD or other heart diseases, who underwent an elective coronary angiography between 2004 and 2008 as part of the prospective Coronary Artery disease Risk Determination In Innsbruck by diaGnostic ANgiography (CARDIIGAN) cohort. Relevant data were recorded as in routine clinical practice. __Main outcome measures__ The probability of obstructive CAD, defined as a stenosis of minimally 50% diameter in at least one of the main coronary arteries, estimated with the predictors age, sex, type of chest pain, diabetes status, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, smoking status and laboratory data. Missing predictor data were multiply imputed. Performance of the suggested models was evaluated according to discrimination (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, depicted by the c statistic) and calibration. Logistic regression modelling was applied for model updating. __Results__ Among the 4888 participants (38% women and 62% men), 2127 (44%) had an obstructive CAD. The previously proposed model had a c statistic of 0.69 (95% CI 0.67 to 0.70), which was lower than the expected c statistic while correcting for case mix (c=0.80). Regarding calibration, there was overprediction of risk for high-risk patients. All logistic regression coefficients were smaller than expected, especially for the predictor â € chest pain'. Ext

    Mental status and health-related quality of life in an elderly population 15 years after limited cerebral ischaemia

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    BACKGROUND: Stroke has a major impact on survivors. Our study was designed to describe the mental status and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in long-term survivors of TIA or minor ischaemic stroke (MIS) and evaluate associations of mental and physical factors with HR-QoL. METHODS: A random sample of the 10-year survivors of the Dutch TI

    Evaluation of patients on sertindole treatment after failure of other antipsychotics: A retrospective analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Use of the atypical antipsychotic sertindole was suspended for four years due to safety concerns. During the suspension, the regulatory authorities required further studies, including this one, to be conducted. The purpose of this study was to determine if a subset of patients with psychotic illness exists which particularly benefits from sertindole treatment after failure of other antipsychotic drugs, including atypical antipsychotics.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This was a retrospective single-arm observational crossover study of 344 patients, who served as their own controls. Patients mainly from the Sertindole Safety Study who had shown good response to sertindole, and who had followed up to four alternating six month periods of treatment with sertindole and other antipsychotics, were included. (In Period 1 patients took non-sertindole treatment, in Period 2, sertindole was taken, in Period 3, patients reverted to non-sertindole treatment, and in Period 4, sertindole was taken again.) Patient records for each period of treatment were assessed for objective data: number and duration of hospitalizations due to worsening of psychotic symptoms; the amount of self-harming behaviour; indicators of social status. Retrospective evaluation of changes in clinical symptoms from the patients' records was also conducted. Dates and reasons for stopping and/or switching medication were also recorded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was improvement in all objective measured parameters during the periods of sertindole treatment. In particular, the average number of hospitalizations per year due to worsening of psychotic symptoms was reduced in the following way in the group studied over four treatment periods: Period 1 (non-sertindole treatment) 3.4; Period 2 (sertindole treatment) 1.0; Period 3 (non-sertindole treatment) 2.0; Period 4 (sertindole treatment) 1.8. The duration of hospitalizations also decreased significantly during the periods of sertindole treatment. Results showed that patients improved in objective social parameters when switched to sertindole treatment; assessment of the patients' affective lives showed a significant increase in the number of patients having a stable relationship during sertindole treatment; and assessment of the number of patients employed showed an increase after the first and second switch to sertindole treatment (from Period 1 to Period 2 and from Period 3 to Period 4, respectively).</p> <p>Adverse events and lack of efficacy were the main reasons for switching to sertindole.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A group of patients benefited from sertindole after other antipsychotic treatments, including that with atypical antipsychotics, had failed. Further studies are needed to investigate if there is a specific patient profile that corresponds to these responders.</p

    Demonstration of the self-mixing effect in interband cascade lasers

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    In this Letter, we demonstrate the self-mixing effect in an interband cascade laser. We show that a viable self-mixing signal can be acquired through the variation in voltage across the laser terminals, thereby removing the need for an external detector. Using this interferometric technique, we have measured the displacement of a remote target, and also demonstrated high resolution imaging of a target. The proposed scheme represents a highly sensitive, compact, and self-aligned sensing technique with potential for materials analysis in the mid-infrared. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC

    Effectiveness of second generation antipsychotics: A systematic review of randomized trials

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Systematic reviews based on efficacy trials are inconclusive about which second generation antipsychotic drug (SGA) should be preferred in normal clinical practice, and studies with longer duration and more pragmatic designs are called for. Effectiveness studies, also known as naturalistic, pragmatic, practical or real life studies, adhere to these principles as they aim to mimic daily clinical practice and have longer follow-up.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To review the head-to-head effectiveness of SGAs in the domains of global outcomes, symptoms of disease, and tolerability.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Searches were made in Embase, PubMED, and the Cochrane central register of controlled trials for effectiveness studies published from 1980 to 2008, week 1. Different combinations of the keywords <it>antipsychotic*, neuroleptic* AND open, pragmatic, practical, naturalistic, real life, effectiveness, side effect*, unwanted effect*, tolera* AND compar* AND random* </it>were used.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sixteen different reports of randomized head-to-head comparisons of SGA effectiveness were located. There were differences regarding sample sizes, inclusion criteria and follow-up periods, as well as sources of financial sponsorship. In acute-phase and first-episode patients no differences between the SGAs were disclosed regarding alleviating symptoms of disease. Olanzapine was associated with more weight gain and adverse effects on serum lipids. In the chronic phase patients olanzapine groups had longer time to discontinuation of treatment and better treatment adherence compared to other SGAs. The majority of studies found no differences between the SGAs in alleviating symptoms of psychosis in chronically ill patients. Olanzapine was associated with more metabolic adverse effects compared to the others SGAs. There were surprisingly few between-drug differences regarding side effects. First generation antipsychotics were associated with lower total mental health care costs in 2 of 3 studies on chronically ill patients, but were also associated with more extrapyramidal side effects compared to the SGAs in several studies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In chronically ill patients olanzapine may have an advantage over other SGAs regarding longer time to treatment discontinuation and better drug adherence, but the drug is also associated with more metabolic side effects. More effectiveness studies on first-episode psychosis are needed.</p