1,453 research outputs found

    An infrared imaging search for low-mass companions to members of the young nearby beta Pic and Tucana/Horologium associations

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    We present deep high dynamic range infrared images of young nearby stars in the Tucana/Horologium and beta Pic associations, all ~ 10 to 35 Myrs young and at ~10 to 60 pc distance. Such young nearby stars are well-suited for direct imaging searches for brown dwarf and even planetary companions, because young sub-stellar objects are still self-luminous due to contraction and accretion. We performed our observations at the ESO 3.5m NTT with the normal infrared imaging detector SofI and the MPE speckle camera Sharp-I. Three arc sec north of GSC 8047-0232 in Horologium a promising brown dwarf companion candidate is detected, which needs to be confirmed by proper motion and/or spectroscopy. Several other faint companion candidates are already rejected by second epoch imaging. Among 21 stars observed in Tucana/Horologium, there are not more than one to five brown dwarf companions outside of 75 AU (1.5" at 50 pc); most certainly only < 5 % of the Tuc/HorA stars have brown dwarf companions (13 to 78 Jupiter masses) outside of 75 AU. For the first time, we can report an upper limit for the frequency of massive planets (~ 10 M_jup) at wide separations (~ 100 AU) using a meaningfull and homogeneous sample: Of 11 stars observed sufficiently deep in beta Pic (12 Myrs), not more than one has a massive planet outside of ~ 100 AU, i.e. massive planets at large separations are rare (< 9 %).Comment: Astronomische Nachrichten, in pres

    Using Virtual Observatory techniques to search for Adaptive Optics suitable AGN

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    Until recently, it has been possible only for nearby galaxies to study the scaling relations between central black hole and host galaxy in detail. Because of the small number densities at low redshift, (luminous) AGN are underrepresented in such detailed studies. The advent of adaptive optics (AO) at large telescopes helps overcoming this hurdle, allowing to reach small linear scales over a wide range in redshift. Finding AO-suitable targets, i.e., AGN having a nearby reference star, and carrying out an initial multiwavelength classification is an excellent use case for the Virtual Observatory. We present our Virtual-Observatory approach to select an AO-suitable catalog of X-ray-emitting AGN at redshifts 0.1<z<1.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to "EURO-VO AIDA workshop: Multiwavelength astronomy and Virtual Observatory", ESAC, Spain, 1-3 Dec. 200

    A Sample of X-Ray active extragalactic Sources suitable for NIR Adaptive Optics Observations

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    Recent X-ray surveys have now resolved most of the X-ray background (XRB) into discrete sources. While this represents a break- through in the understanding of the XRB, the astrophysical nature of these sources still remains mysterious. In this article we present a sample of X-ray/optically selected extragalactic objects which are suitable for adaptive optics observations in the near infrared (NIR) at highest angu- lar resolution. The sample is based on a cross-correlation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the ROSAT All Sky Survey. The NIR properties can help to disentangle the nature of the X-ray bright, partially absorbed and spectroscopically passive background objects and their hosts.Comment: 4 pages with 1 figure, LateX, uses newpasp.sty, to appear in "AGN Physics with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey", ed. G. T. Richards and P. B. Hall (San Francisco: ASP), 200

    On the orientation of the Sagittarius A* system

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    The near-infrared emission from the black hole at the Galactic center (Sgr A*) has unique properties. The most striking feature is a suggestive periodic sub-structure that has been observed in a couple of flares so far. Using near-infrared polarimetric observations and modelling the quasi-periodicity in terms of an orbiting blob, we try to constrain the three dimensional orientation of the Sgr A* system. We report on so far unpublished polarimetric data from 2003. They support the observations of a roughly constant mean polarization angle of 60 degr \pm 20 degr from 2004-2006. Prior investigations of the 2006 data are deepened. In particular, the blob model fits are evaluated such that constraints on the position angle of Sgr A* can be derived. Confidence contours in the position-inclination angle plane are derived. On a 3sigma level the position angle of the equatorial plane normal is in the range 60 degr - 108 degr (east of north) in combination with a large inclination angle. This agrees well with recent independent work in which radio spectral/morphological properties of Sgr A* and X-ray observations, respectively, have been used. However, the quality of the presently available data and the uncertainties in our model bring some ambiguity to our conclusions.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; Research Note accepted by A&A for publicatio

    K-band polarimetry of an Sgr A* flare with a clear sub-flare structure

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    Context: The supermassive black hole at the Galactic center, SgrA*, shows frequent radiation outbursts, often called 'flares'. In the near-infrared some of these flares were reported as showing intrinsic quasi-periodicities. The flux peaks associated with the quasi-periodic behavior were found to be highly polarized. Aims: The aim of this work is to present new evidence to support previous findings of the properties of the polarized radiation from SgrA* and to again provide strong support for the quasi-periodicity of ~18+-3 min reported earlier. Methods: Observations were carried out at the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope on Paranal, Chile. We used the NAOS/CONICA adaptive optics/near-infrared camera instrument. By fitting the polarimetric lightcurves with a hot-spot model, we addressed the question of whether the data are consistent with this model. To fit the observed data we used a general relativistic ray-tracing code in combination with a simple hot-spot/ring model. Results: We report on new polarization measurements of a K-band flare from the supermassive black hole at the Galactic center. The data provide very strong support for a quasi-periodicity of 15.5+-2 min. The mean polarization of the flare is consistent with the direction of the electric field vector that was reported in previous observations. The data can be modeled successfully with a combined blob/ring model. The inclination i of the blob orbit must be i > 20 deg on a 3sigma level, and the dimensionless spin parameter of the black hole is derived to be a > 0.5.Comment: accepted by A&A Letters for publication; 5 pages, 9 figure

    Simultaneous NIR/sub-mm observation of flare emission from SgrA*

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    We report on a successful, simultaneous observation and modeling of the sub-millimeter to near-infrared flare emission of the Sgr A* counterpart associated with the super-massive black hole at the Galactic center. Our modeling is based on simultaneous observations that have been carried out on 03 June, 2008 using the NACO adaptive optics (AO) instrument at the ESO VLT and the LABOCA bolometer at the APEX telescope. Inspection and modeling of the light curves show that the sub-mm follows the NIR emission with a delay of 1.5+/-0.5 hours. We explain the flare emission delay by an adiabatic expansion of the source components.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, in press with A&

    VLT-SINFONI observations of Mrk 609 - A showcase for X-ray active galaxies chosen from a sample of AGN suitable for adaptive optics observations with natural guide stars

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    We will present first results of ESO-VLT AO-assisted integral-field spectroscopy of a sample of X-ray bright AGN with redshifts of 0.04 < z < 1. We constructed this sample by cross-correlating the SDSS and ROSAT surveys and utilizing typical AO constraints. This sample allows for a detailed study of the NIR properties of the nuclear and host environments with high spectral resolution on the 100 pc scale. These objects can then be compared directly to the local (z<0.01) galaxy populations (observed without AO) at the same linear scale. As a current example, we will present observations of the z=0.034 Seyfert 1.8 galaxy Mrk 609 with the new AO-assisted integral-field spectrometer SINFONI at the VLT. The successful observations show, that in the future - while having observed more objects - we will be able to determine the presence, frequency and importance of nuclear bars and/or circum-nuclear star forming rings in these objects and address the question of how these X-ray luminous AGN and their hosts are linked to optically/UV-bright QSOs, low-z QSOs/radio galaxies, or ULIRGs.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to "Adaptive Optics-Assisted Integral-Field Spectroscopy", Rutten R.G.M., Benn C.R., Mendez J., eds., May 2005, La Palma (Spain), New Astr. Re
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