32 research outputs found

    Promi-Protest in Österreich

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    Diese Studie befasst sich damit wie prominente Personen aus dem kulturellen Feld gezielt zur UnterstĂŒtzung von Protestereignissen oder Protestbewegungen eingesetzt werden, um die Medienaufmerksamkeit auf das jeweilige Protestthema zu lenken. Die mediale Öffentlichkeit ist dabei eine zentrale Machtressource fĂŒr Protestbewegungen und ermöglicht im Idealfall Druck auf politischer Ebene auszuĂŒben. Der Fokus bisheriger Studien zu Prominenten und Protest lag auf der Ausarbeitung eines Theoriefundaments. Die Methodik beschrĂ€nkte sich auf anekdotische Untersuchungen einzelner Protestbewegungen. Die vorliegende Studie ĂŒberprĂŒft die Theorie zu Promi-Protest erstmals empirisch und ĂŒber einen lĂ€ngeren Zeitraum hinweg. Im Zentrum der Analyse steht die Rolle von prominenten Persönlichkeiten bei politischem Protest und ob bzw. wie sich Protestereignisse mit Prominenten von Ereignissen ohne diese unterscheiden. Untersucht werden zum einen die berufliche Herkunft der Prominenten und ihre unmittelbare Funktion im Rahmen der Protestereignisse. Zum anderen werden Promi- und Nicht-Promi-Protestereignissen anhand der Protest-Themen, dem Gewaltpotenzial, der Medienresonanz und der TeilnehmerInnenzahlen miteinander verglichen. Grundlage der Untersuchung ist eine quantitative Inhaltanalyse von Zeitungsartikeln zu Protestereignissen in Österreich. HierfĂŒr wurde eine Vollerhebung in der Tageszeitung „der Standard“ von Herbst 2006 bis Herbst 2008 durchgefĂŒhrt. Der Großteil der Promi-Protest-Theorie konnte im Rahmen dieser Studie bestĂ€tigt werden. Überraschend waren die Ergebnisse der Medienresonanzanalyse und jene zur Herkunft der protestierenden Prominenten. Zum einen hatte Promi-Protest keinen messbaren Effekt auf die analysierten Medien. Zum anderen nehmen in Österreich mehrheitlich Prominente aus dem Bereich der Hochkultur eine sehr zenrale Rolle bei Protestereignissen ein. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie bestĂ€tigen, dass Promi-Protest in Österreich vorhanden und relevant ist. Die berufliche Herkunft und die aktive Funktion von Prominenten lassen zudem auf einen markanten Unterschied in den strategischen HintergrĂŒnden von Promi-Protest zwischen Theorie und Empirie schließen.This study is centered on the strategic use of celebrity supporters by protest organizers in the aim of attracting media attention to their protest event or their protest movement. Media attention is an essential resource of power for protest movements, because ideally it allows them to exert pressure on the political level and therefore is a way to reach their goal. The focus of previous studies on celebrities and political protest was to draw up its theoretical foundation. The methodology was limited to anecdotal studies of individual protest movements - mostly in the United States. This study examines the theory of celebrity protests for the first time empirically, analytically and over a longer period of time. Central to the analysis is the role of celebrities in political protests in Austria, contrasting protest events with celebrity supporters with those without. First, this study examines the professional background of the celebrities and in what way they participated in protest events. Second, it compares the two types of events (with/without celebrities) in relation to the protest issues, presence of violence, media response, and number of participants in each. The basis of the study is a quantitative content analysis of newspaper articles on protest events, also known as a protest event analysis. A census was performed of all newspaper articles in the newspaper "Der Standard" about protest events in Austria from autumn 2006 to autumn 2008. The bulk of the original hypothesis was confirmed in this study. However, the media response of the events and professional background of the protesting celebrities did not turn out as expected: Celebrity protest had no measurable effect on the media and the vast majority of celebrity protesters in Austria came from high culture. The results of the study confirm that celebrity protests in Austria exist and are relevant. The origin and surprisingly active function of celebrities also suggest a striking difference in the strategy of celebrity protest than what is stated in many theoretical works and the empirical evidence in Austria

    Was Austria’s presidential election really a vote against populism?

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    Austria’s presidential election on 4 December saw a surprisingly large victory for Alexander Van der Bellen over Norbert Hofer, the candidate of the populist right-wing FPÖ. However, as Eva Zeglovits, Hubert Sickinger and Jakob-Moritz Eberl write, the level of support received by Hofer suggests the FPÖ could nevertheless be well placed to win the next federal elections

    Austria election preview: Sebastian Kurz and the rise of the Austrian 'anti-party'

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    Austria goes to the polls on 15 October, with the centre-right ÖVP, led by 31-year-old Sebastian Kurz, currently ahead in the polls. Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Eva Zeglovits and Hubert Sickinger provide a comprehensive preview of the vote, writing that although polling is consistent with the idea the ÖVP and Kurz are the probable election winners, a noteworthy number of voters are still undecided. Kurz becoming the next chancellor is thus not as set in stone as Angela Merkel’s win in Germany was

    Qualitative Interviews with Irregular Migrants in Times of COVID-19: Recourse to Remote Interview Techniques as a Possible Methodological Adjustment

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    Forschungsdesigns erfordern FlexibilitĂ€t. Wichtig ist aber, dass Anpassungen nicht immer ausschließlich mit Nachteilen verbunden sein mĂŒssen. In dieser Forschungsnotiz möchten wir unsere Überlegungen zu den Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf die DurchfĂŒhrung von qualitativen Interviews mit irregulĂ€ren Migrant*innen veranschaulichen. Die AusfĂŒhrungen wurden in Anlehnung an eines unserer eigenen Projekte entwickelt, bei dem sich die Feldarbeit derzeit in der Planungsphase befindet. Aufgrund ihrer möglichen Relevanz fĂŒr Ă€hnliche Projekte möchten wir unsere methodischen Überlegungen teilen. Wir liefern Anmerkungen zur aktuellen Situation irregulĂ€rer Migrant*innen in verschiedenen (europĂ€ischen) LĂ€ndern sowie eine EinschĂ€tzung der methodischen DurchfĂŒhrbarkeit von qualitativen Face-to-Face-Interviews mit irregulĂ€ren Migrant*innen und möglicher Alternativen zu dieser Methode (insbesondere verschiedener Formen von Ferninterviews). Abschließend kommen wir auf unsere Entscheidung zu sprechen, mit einem Mixed-Mode-Ansatz zu arbeiten, der es uns erlaubt, verschiedene Fernbefragungsmodi zu nutzen, und damit die nötige FlexibilitĂ€t zur Anpassung an den Verlauf derartiger gesundheitlicher und gesellschaftlicher Krisen bietet.Research designs require flexibility, and adjustments made to the designs do not always have to lead exclusively to disadvantages. In this research note, we would like to share our reflections on the impact of COVID-19 on the conduct of qualitative interviews with irregular migrants. Since these considerations were developed in close connection with one of our own projects, in which fieldwork is currently in the planning phase, we believe they may be relevant to similar projects. We include a brief remark on the current situation of irregular migrants in different (European) countries, as well as an assessment of the methodological feasibility of qualitative face-to-face interviews with irregular migrants and possible alternatives to this method such as remote and online interview formats. We conclude with insights on our recommendation to rely on a mixed-mode approach, which allows us to use various remote interview modes, thus providing the necessary flexibility to adapt to profound health and social crises such as COVID-19

    Oscillating Between Hope and Despair:Understanding Migrants’ Reflections on Ambivalence in ‘Transit’

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    This paper investigates the under-explored question of how migrants in so-called ‘transit countries’ make sense of migration aspirations. Drawing from recent scholarship on migration-related ambivalence, we focus on how people reflect on the past and present of their migration aspirations, employing a migrant-centered approach. Based on semi-structured interviews with refugees in Libya and Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as complementary expert interviews, we find that ambivalence, which (re-)shapes migration aspirations, is a necessary reaction to the structures of uncertainty installed in current European externalization measures beyond EU borders. By adopting a migrant-centered approach and taking into account the multidimensional and processual nature of ambivalence, our research contributes to a better understanding of migrants as self-critical and reflective actors facing the challenges of making decisions in situations of uncertainty; thus, ambivalence is produced in a dialectic interplay between migrants’ agency and the opportunities/limitations of changing structures that surround them which, in turn, informs the interplay between forward and backward migration aspirations

    Menschen schĂŒtzen und unterstĂŒtzen: warum SolidaritĂ€t weiterhin gefragt ist in der Pandemie

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    Seit Beginn der Pandemie hat sich unser Fachwissen sowohl ĂŒber die Ausbreitung des Virus als auch ĂŒber PrĂ€ventionsmaßnahmen vervielfacht. Tests, Impfungen und Therapien sind verfĂŒgbar und viele Fragestellungen durch die Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahre gelöst worden. Trotzdem bleibt die Entscheidungsfindung fĂŒr Interventionen im Sinne der öffentlichen Gesundheit weiterhin eine Herausforderung. DafĂŒr kann die unabhĂ€ngige und interdisziplinĂ€re Wissenschaft weiterhin wichtige Impulse setzen und Perspektiven liefern. Dieses Papier stellt einige zentrale Punkte zusammen, die aus einem intensiven Diskursprozess entstanden sind, der in den letzten Monaten unter den angefĂŒhrten Expert*innen und Wissenschafter*innen verschiedener Disziplinen stattgefunden hat. Es besteht der Grundkonsens, dass eine gesundheitspolitische und ethische Notwendigkeit besteht, den Schutz jener Menschen im Blick zu behalten, welche anfĂ€lliger fĂŒr schwere COVID-19 KrankheitsverlĂ€ufe, als auch Long Covid sind, sowie deren Umfeld und generell im Hinblick auf Gesundheitsfragen vorsichtig agierende Personen. Dieses Papier soll Bewusstsein fĂŒr die Thematik stĂ€rken, und EntscheidungstrĂ€ger:innen sensibilisieren und darin unterstĂŒtzen, diese Personenkreise in ihren Überlegungen im Blick zu behalten

    Coalitions in the news: How saliency and tone in news coverage influence voters\u2019 preferences and expectations about coalitions

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    Past research has shown that media coverage during election campaigns influences citizen preferences and expectations about parties and political candidates. Very little is known, however, about the effect of media coverage on post-electoral coalition preferences and expectations. This is surprising, given that speculations about post-electoral coalition building are an essential part of election campaigns in all multiparty systems. This paper investigates the consequences that coalitions' media saliency and tone have on voter preferences and expectations about these potential coalitions. Using media and panel data from the 2013 German and Austrian election campaigns, we find that media coverage has substantial effects on voter perceptions although the effects differ in strength between the two countries. These findings have important implications for our understanding of media effects, voter expectations and campaign strategies

    Divided by the Jab: On the Nature, Origins, and Consequences of COVID-19 Vaccination Identities

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    Despite scientific consensus regarding the dangers of SARS-CoV-2 as well as the safety and effectiveness of available vaccinations, public response to the COVID-19 pandemic has become increasingly politicised. We argue that the debate surrounding COVID-19 vaccines provided the basis for identity-based affective polarization, with positive social identities and negative out-group stereotyping developing around support or opposition to the vaccines. This study uses panel survey data to investigate the nature, origins, and consequences of COVID-19 vaccination-related affective polarization in Austria. The results show that vaccination identities are clearly identifiable and are related to extensive stereotyping of in- and out-group members. Moreover, vaccination identities are more strongly related to political orientations than the decision to get vaccinated itself. Importantly, vaccination identities help us understand downstream attitudes, preferences, and behaviours related to the pandemic, even when controlling for other important predictors such as partisanship for anti-vaccine parties and vaccination status

    Political knowledge and populist attitudes influence voter preferences for government formation

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    Government formation in multiparty systems requires election losers to concede victory to the winners and, more often than not, winners to compromise to form a coalition government. Why will some voters concede victory to the winning party but others won’t? And what influences their openness to other parties during coalition talks? Looking at evidence from Austria, a multiparty system at the heart of Europe, Carolina Plescia and Jakob-Moritz Eberl find that, even after controlling for party preferences and ideology, political knowledge and populist attitudes are essential in explaining voters’ willingness or unwillingness to accept these fundamental prerequisites of coalition bargaining and political compromise

    \u2018Not my government!\u2019 The role of norms and populist attitudes on voter preferences for government formation after the election

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    Processes of coalition government formation have recently become subject to increasing delay across Europe. There also appears to be a concurrent surge in the success of \u2018populist\u2019 challengers, who tend to reject key features intrinsic to pluralism such as elite bargaining and compromise. Against this background, this article investigates for the first time citizen preferences for which party should get the mandate to form the government and which parties should definitely be excluded from government formation. We focus specifically on the effect that political knowledge and populist attitudes have on citizen preferences for government formation. We find that both political knowledge and populist attitudes are essential in explaining voters\u2019 willingness or unwillingness to accept the fundamental prerequisite of coalition bargaining and political compromise. These findings have important implications for our understanding of citizens\u2019 attitudes and political representation