1,673 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of hot dense H-plasmas: Path integral Monte Carlo simulations and analytical approximations

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    This work is devoted to the thermodynamics of high-temperature dense hydrogen plasmas in the pressure region between 10−110^{-1} and 10210^2 Mbar. In particular we present for this region results of extensive calculations based on a recently developed path integral Monte Carlo scheme (direct PIMC). This method allows for a correct treatment of the thermodynamic properties of hot dense Coulomb systems. Calculations were performed in a broad region of the nonideality parameter Γâ‰Č3\Gamma \lesssim 3 and degeneracy parameter neΛ3â‰Č10n_e \Lambda^3 \lesssim 10. We give a comparison with a few available results from other path integral calculations (restricted PIMC) and with analytical calculations based on Pade approximations for strongly ionized plasmas. Good agreement between the results obtained from the three independent methods is found.Comment: RevTex file, 21 pages, 5 ps-figures include

    On anomalous diffusion in a plasma in velocity space

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    The problem of anomalous diffusion in momentum space is considered for plasma-like systems on the basis of a new collision integral, which is appropriate for consideration of the probability transition function (PTF) with long tails in momentum space. The generalized Fokker-Planck equation for description of diffusion (in momentum space) of particles (ions, grains etc.) in a stochastic system of light particles (electrons, or electrons and ions, respectively) is applied to the evolution of the momentum particle distribution in a plasma. In a plasma the developed approach is also applicable to the diffusion of particles with an arbitrary mass relation, due to the small characteristic momentum transfer. The cases of an exponentially decreasing in momentum space (including the Boltzmann-like) kernel in the PT-function, as well as the more general kernels, which create the anomalous diffusion in velocity space due to the long tail in the PT-function, are considered. Effective friction and diffusion coefficients for plasma-like systems are found.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Thirty-fold: Extreme gravitational lensing of a quiescent galaxy at z=1.6z=1.6

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    We report the discovery of eMACSJ1341-QG-1, a quiescent galaxy at z=1.594z=1.594 located behind the massive galaxy cluster eMACSJ1341.9−-2442 (z=0.835z=0.835). The system was identified as a gravitationally lensed triple image in Hubble Space Telescope images obtained as part of a snapshot survey of the most X-ray luminous galaxy clusters at z>0.5z>0.5 and spectroscopically confirmed in ground-based follow-up observations with the ESO/X-Shooter spectrograph. From the constraints provided by the triple image, we derive a first, crude model of the mass distribution of the cluster lens, which predicts a gravitational amplification of a factor of ∌\sim30 for the primary image and a factor of ∌\sim6 for the remaining two images of the source, making eMACSJ1341-QG-1 by far the most strongly amplified quiescent galaxy discovered to date. Our discovery underlines the power of SNAPshot observations of massive, X-ray selected galaxy clusters for lensing-assisted studies of faint background populations

    ROSAT PSPC Observations of the Richest (R≄2R \geq 2) ACO Clusters

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    We have compiled an X-ray catalog of optically selected rich clusters of galaxies observed by the PSPC during the pointed GO phase of the ROSAT mission. This paper contains a systematic X-ray analysis of 150 clusters with an optical richness classification of R≄2R \geq 2 from the ACO catalog (Abell, Corwin, and Olowin 1989). All clusters were observed within 45' of the optical axis of the telescope during pointed PSPC observations. For each cluster, we calculate: the net 0.5-2.0 keV PSPC count rate (or 4σ4 \sigma upper limit) in a 1 Mpc radius aperture, 0.5-2.0 keV flux and luminosity, bolometric luminosity, and X-ray centroid. The cluster sample is then used to examine correlations between the X-ray and optical properties of clusters, derive the X-ray luminosity function of clusters with different optical classifications, and obtain a quantitative estimate of contamination (i.e, the fraction of clusters with an optical richness significantly overestimated due to interloping galaxies) in the ACO catalog

    A CFH12k lensing survey of X-ray luminous galaxy clusters. II. Weak lensing analysis and global correlations

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    Aims. We present a wide-field multi-color survey of a homogeneous sample of eleven clusters of galaxies for which we measure total masses and mass distributions from weak lensing. This sample, spanning a small range in both X-ray luminosity and redshift, is ideally suited to determining the normalisation of scaling relations between X-ray properties of clusters and their masses (the M − T_X and the M − L_X relations) and also estimating the scatter in these relations at a fixed luminosity. Methods. The eleven clusters in our sample are all X-ray luminous and span a narrow redshift range at z = 0.21 ± 0.04. The weak lensing analysis of the sample is based on ground-based wide-field imaging obtained with the CFH12k camera on CFHT. We use the methodology developed and applied previously on the massive cluster Abell 1689. A Bayesian method, implemented in the Im2shape software, is used to fit the shape parameters of the faint background galaxies and to correct for PSF smearing. A multi-color selection of the background galaxies is applied to retrieve the weak lensing signal, resulting in a background density of sources of ~10 galaxies per square arc minute. With the present data, shear profiles are measured in all clusters out to at least 2 Mpc (more than 15 from the center) with high confidence. The radial shear profiles are fitted with different parametric mass profiles and the virial mass M_(200) is estimated for each cluster and then compared to other physical properties. Results. Scaling relations between mass and optical luminosity indicate an increase of the M/L ratio with luminosity (M/L ∝ L^(0.8)) and a LX−M_(200) relation scaling as L_X ∝ M^(0.83±0.11)_(200) while the normalization of the M_(200) ∝ T^(3/2)_X relation is close to the one expected from hydrodynamical simulations of cluster formation as well as previous X-ray analyses. We suggest that the dispersion in the M_(200) − T_X and M_(200) − L_X relations reflects the different merging and dynamical histories for clusters of similar X-ray luminosities and intrinsic variations in their measured masses. Improved statistics of clusters over a wider mass range are required for a better control of the intrinsic scatter in scaling relations

    Reconstruction of Cluster Masses using Particle Based Lensing I: Application to Weak Lensing

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    We present Particle-Based Lensing (PBL), a new technique for gravitational lensing mass reconstructions of galaxy clusters. Traditionally, most methods have employed either a finite inversion or gridding to turn observational lensed galaxy ellipticities into an estimate of the surface mass density of a galaxy cluster. We approach the problem from a different perspective, motivated by the success of multi-scale analysis in smoothed particle hydrodynamics. In PBL, we treat each of the lensed galaxies as a particle and then reconstruct the potential by smoothing over a local kernel with variable smoothing scale. In this way, we can tune a reconstruction to produce constant signal-noise throughout, and maximally exploit regions of high information density. PBL is designed to include all lensing observables, including multiple image positions and fluxes from strong lensing, as well as weak lensing signals including shear and flexion. In this paper, however, we describe a shear-only reconstruction, and apply the method to several test cases, including simulated lensing clusters, as well as the well-studied ``Bullet Cluster'' (1E0657-56). In the former cases, we show that PBL is better able to identify cusps and substructures than are grid-based reconstructions, and in the latter case, we show that PBL is able to identify substructure in the Bullet Cluster without even exploiting strong lensing measurements. We also make our codes publicly available.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; Codes available at http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~deb/PBL.htm ; 12 pages,9 figures, section 3 shortene

    On reaction-subdiffusion equations

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    To analyze possible generalizations of reaction-diffusion schemes for the case of subdiffusion we discuss a simple monomolecular conversion A --> B. We derive the corresponding kinetic equations for local A and B concentrations. Their form is rather unusual: The parameters of reaction influence the diffusion term in the equation for a component A, a consequence of the nonmarkovian nature of subdiffusion. The equation for a product contains a term which depends on the concentration of A at all previous times. Our discussion shows that reaction-subdiffusion equations may not resemble the corresponding reaction-diffusion ones and are not obtained by a trivial change of the diffusion operator for a subdiffusion one

    Agent-Based Modeling of Intracellular Transport

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    We develop an agent-based model of the motion and pattern formation of vesicles. These intracellular particles can be found in four different modes of (undirected and directed) motion and can fuse with other vesicles. While the size of vesicles follows a log-normal distribution that changes over time due to fusion processes, their spatial distribution gives rise to distinct patterns. Their occurrence depends on the concentration of proteins which are synthesized based on the transcriptional activities of some genes. Hence, differences in these spatio-temporal vesicle patterns allow indirect conclusions about the (unknown) impact of these genes. By means of agent-based computer simulations we are able to reproduce such patterns on real temporal and spatial scales. Our modeling approach is based on Brownian agents with an internal degree of freedom, Ξ\theta, that represents the different modes of motion. Conditions inside the cell are modeled by an effective potential that differs for agents dependent on their value Ξ\theta. Agent's motion in this effective potential is modeled by an overdampted Langevin equation, changes of Ξ\theta are modeled as stochastic transitions with values obtained from experiments, and fusion events are modeled as space-dependent stochastic transitions. Our results for the spatio-temporal vesicle patterns can be used for a statistical comparison with experiments. We also derive hypotheses of how the silencing of some genes may affect the intracellular transport, and point to generalizations of the model

    The X-ray Luminosity Function of Nearby Rich and Poor Clusters of Galaxies: A Cosmological Probe

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    In this letter, we present a new determination of the local (z<0.09) X-ray luminosity function (XLF) using a large, statistical sample of 294 Abell clusters and the ROSAT All-Sky-Survey. Given our large sample size, we have reduced errors by a factor of two for L(X)(0.5-2keV)>10^43 ergs/sec. We combine our data with previous work in order to explore possible constraints imposed by the shape of the XLF on cosmological models. A set of currently viable cosmologies is used to construct theoretical XLFs assuming Lx is proportional to M^p and a sigma_8-Omega_0 constraint (from Viana & Liddle 1996) based on the local X-ray temperature function. We fit these models to our observed XLF and verify that the simplest adiabatic, analytic scaling relation (e.g. Kaiser 1986) disagrees strongly with observations. If we assume that clusters can be described by the pre-heated, constant core-entropy models of Evrard & Henry (1991) then the observed XLF is consistent only with 0.1 < Omega_0 < 0.4 if the energy per unit mass in galaxies is roughly equal to the gas energy (ie if beta=1). (abridged)Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. uses emulateapj.st

    Anomalous Transport in Velocity Space, from Fokker-Planck to General Equation

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    The problem of anomalous diffusion in momentum (velocity) space is considered based on the master equation and the appropriate probability transition function (PTF). The approach recently developed by the author for coordinate space, is applied with necessary modifications to velocity space. A new general equation for the time evolution of the momentum distribution function in momentum space is derived. This allows the solution of various problems of anomalous transport when the probability transition function (PTF) has a long tail in momentum space. For the opposite cases of the PTF rapidly decreasing as a function of transfer momenta (when large transfer momenta are strongly suppressed), the developed approach allows us to consider strongly non-equilibrium cases of the system evolution. The stationary and non-stationary solutions are studied. As an example, the particular case of the Boltzmann-type PT-function for collisions of heavy and light particles with the determined (prescribed) distribution function, which can be strongly non-equilibrium, is considered within the proposed general approach. The appropriate diffusion and friction coefficients are found. The Einstein relation between the friction and diffusion coefficients is shown to be violated in these cases.Comment: 23 pages, 0 figure
