505 research outputs found

    Patterning the insect eye: from stochastic to deterministic mechanisms

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    While most processes in biology are highly deterministic, stochastic mechanisms are sometimes used to increase cellular diversity, such as in the specification of sensory receptors. In the human and Drosophila eye, photoreceptors sensitive to various wavelengths of light are distributed randomly across the retina. Mechanisms that underlie stochastic cell fate specification have been analysed in detail in the Drosophila retina. In contrast, the retinas of another group of dipteran flies exhibit highly ordered patterns. Species in the Dolichopodidae, the "long-legged" flies, have regular alternating columns of two types of ommatidia (unit eyes), each producing corneal lenses of different colours. Individual flies sometimes exhibit perturbations of this orderly pattern, with "mistakes" producing changes in pattern that can propagate across the entire eye, suggesting that the underlying developmental mechanisms follow local, cellular-automaton-like rules. We hypothesize that the regulatory circuitry patterning the eye is largely conserved among flies such that the difference between the Drosophila and Dolichopodidae eyes should be explicable in terms of relative interaction strengths, rather than requiring a rewiring of the regulatory network. We present a simple stochastic model which, among its other predictions, is capable of explaining both the random Drosophila eye and the ordered, striped pattern of Dolichopodidae.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Development and psychometric evaluation of the patient safety violation scale in medical oncology units in Iran

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    Background: Patient safety is one of the key components of nursing care for cancer cases. Valid and reliable context-based instruments are necessary for accurate evaluation of patient safety in oncology units. The aim of the present study was to develop and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Patient Safety Violation Scale in medical oncology units in Iran. Materials and Methods: In this methodological study, a pool of 58 items was generated through reviewing the existing literature. The validity of the 58-item scale was assessed through calculating impact score, content validity ratio, and content validity index for its items as well as conducting exploratory factor analysis. The reliability of the scale was evaluated by assessing its internal consistency and testretest stability. Study sample consisted of 300 oncology nurses who were recruited from thirteen teaching hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Results: Sixteen items were excluded from the scale due to having low impact scores, content validity ratios, or content validity indices. In exploratory factor analysis, the remaining 42 items were loaded on five factors including patient fall, verification of patientidentity, harm during care delivery, delay in care delivery, and medication errors. These five factors explained 62 of the total variance. The Cronbach's alpha of the scale and the test-retest interclass correlation coefficient were equal to 0.933 and 0.92, respectively. Conclusions: The 42-item Patient Safety Violation Scale is a simple and short scale which has acceptable validity and reliability. Consequently, it can be used for assessing patient safety in clinical settings such as medical oncology units and for research projects

    Psychometric properties of the king spiritual intelligence questionnaire (KSIQ) in physical veterans of Iran-Iraq warfare

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    Aims: The study's purpose was to determine reliability and validity of the King spiritual intelligence questionnaires in veterans of Iran-Iraq Warfare. Methods: In this cross sectional study, 300 veterans of the Iran-Iraq war completed the King spiritual intelligence questionnaires. Principal components analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation was used to assess domain structure of the King spiritual intelligence questionnaires. Internal and external consistency reliability was assessed with Cronbach's alpha and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: Internal consistency of King spiritual intelligence questions estimated with Cronbach's alpha, 0.872 and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC).872 (CI 95%: 0.84 -0.89). The construct validity of the questionnaire was calculated using exploratory factor analysis that showed 3 factors with Eigen values of greater than one, which explained in total 44.7% of the variance. (1, 8 items, α= 0.87; 2, 5. items; α = 0.89; 3, 2 items, α= 0.51). Conclusion: The Persian version of King spiritual intelligence questionnaire demonstrated suitable validity and reliability among the Veterans of Iran-Iraq Warfare. With the consideration of the proper psychometric characteristics, this questionnaire can be used to further research spiritual intelligence in this population

    Solving an Optimal Control Problem of Cancer Treatment by Artificial Neural Networks

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    Cancer is an uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells in any tissue of the body. Many researchers have focused on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) based on approaches for cancer treatment. Dissimilar to traditional methods, these approaches are efficient and are able to find the optimal solutions of cancer chemotherapy problems. In this paper, a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with the state variables of immune cells, tumor cells, healthy cells and drug concentration is proposed to anticipate the tumor growth and to show their interactions in the body. Then, an artificial neural network (ANN) is applied to solve the ODEs system through minimizing the error function and modifying the parameters consisting of weights and biases. The mean square errors (MSEs) between the analytical and ANN results corresponding to four state variables are 1.54e-06, 6.43e-07, 6.61e-06, and 3.99e-07, respectively. These results show the good performance and efficiency of the proposed method. Moreover, the optimal dose of chemotherapy drug and the amount of drug needed to continue the treatment process are achieved


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    The modeling of small-scale objects is used in different applications such as medicine, industry, and cultural heritage. The capability of modeling small-scale objects using imaging with the help of hand USB digital microscopes and use of videogrammetry techniques has been implemented and evaluated in this paper. Use of this equipment and convergent imaging of the environment for modeling, provides an appropriate set of images for generation of three-dimensional models. The results of the measurements made with the help of a microscope micrometer calibration ruler have demonstrated that self-calibration of a hand camera-microscope set can help obtain a three-dimensional detail extraction precision of about 0.1 millimeters on small-scale environments

    A multi-scale hybrid approach to the modelling and design of a novel micro-channel cooling structure for the W7X divertor

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    The second operating phase of the W7X stellarator, with an expanded set of plasma-facing components, includes the test of divertor tiles with a continuous heat load reaching 10 MW/ m2. The divertor tiles are cooled by subcooled water. Here a novel cooling concept, based on a network of parallel arrays of micro-channels (MC) with sub-millimetre dimensions, is investigated on a 0.1 m x 0.1 m tile, realizable by Additive Manufacturing. Detailed CFD simulations of the mock-up are performed to check the cooling uniformity using a multi-scale approach, aiming at limiting the dimension of the computational grid without a major loss of accuracy. First, the detailed hydraulic and thermal characterization on a sub-domain with of a small group of MC is performed. Then, the block of MC is substituted with an equivalent porous strip (PS), calibrating the hydraulic and thermal characteristics of the porous medium. The model is verified on an array of MCs or PSs connected to the same manifolds, showing the capability to reproduce the pressure drop and temperature increase with maximum errors of 1.05% and similar to 20% in nominal conditions, respectively. The numerical model of the entire tile equipped with PSs is then reliably adopted to evaluate the thermal-hydraulic performance of the cooling device

    The productivity and its barriers in public hospitals: Case study of Iran

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    Background: Due to the increasing health care costs, the issue of productivity in hospitals must be taken into great consideration in order to provide, preserve and promote public health services. Thus, increasing the level of productivity must become the main aim of any hospital. Objective of this study is to determine the total factor productivity and its components over the period under the study. Methods: In this cross sectional study, total factor productivity changes of hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences were measured according to Malmquist index over the period 2009-2014. To estimate total productivity changes using Data Envelopment Analysis method, inputoriented and variable return to scale assumptions were applied and Deap2.1 software was used. Results: The mean value of total productivity changes was 1.013. It means that during the study period the productivity experienced a 1.3 decrease. Technological efficiency changes have the greatest influence on productivity decrease than the other factors. Scale efficiency, managerial efficiency and technical efficiency changes were ranked. Conclusion: Lack of knowledge of hospital personnel on proper application of technology in patient treatment is the main factor leading to productivity decrease resulting from technological changes in the studied hospitals. Therefore, holding courses for personnel in order to teach them the proper use of technology in diagnosis and patient care can be helpful

    Doxorubicin Removal from Water using Acid-treated Activated Carbon, Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes, and Montmorillonite

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    Medical wastewater is a significant contributor to environmental pollution, posing severe risks to both human health and the environment. To resolve this challenge, the removal of anti-cancer drugs from medical wastewater has been considered. This study investigated the removal of doxorubicin, an effective anti-cancer drug, from an aqueous solution using three types of adsorbents: activated carbon, multi-walled carbon nanotube, and montmorillonite. Our findings revealed that carbon nanotubes exhibited superior performance in doxorubicin removal from water compared to the other two adsorbents. Specifically, the maximum adsorption capacity of doxorubicin with an initial concentration of 50 mg L–1 on the carbon nanotube reached 500 mg g–1. In addition, surface modification of the adsorbents with acid resulted in a 15 % and 41 % increase in adsorption capacity, and an 85 % and 67 % reduction in equilibrium time for carbon nanotube and montmorillonite, respectively. The increasing pH proved to enhance the adsorption efficiency of carbon nanotubes and activated carbon, with the best performance achieved at solution pH of 10 and 8 for MWCNTs and AC, respectively

    Effect of mycorrhizal fungi on the absorption of phosphorus and zinc by two alfalfa varieties in cadmium contaminated soils

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    Some agricultural and industrial practices such as mining activities, waste materials of industrial factories, other pollutants and the application of wastewater on farmlands contaminate the agricultural soils. Cadmium is one of the most common heavy metals which accumulates in agricultural soils as a result of the application of phosphorus fertilizers and can easily be absorbed by plants even at very low concentrations with detrimental effects on the living systems. Alfalfa requires high rates of phosphorus fertilizer and therefore the soils under alfalfa are more prone to contamination of cadmium. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi exist as obligate symbiotic organisms on roots of more than 80% of plant families and enhance the growth of the host plant by providing water and nutrients when the plant growth limited by environmental stresses. In order to evaluate the effect of Mycorrhiza symbiosis on nutrient absorption by alfalfa under the cadmium pollution, a factorial experiment base on completely randomized design conducted by using two alfalfa varieties (2122 and Hamadani cultivars); Glomus intraradices fungi; and four levels of cadmium (0, 5, 10 and 20 mg kg -1 soil) with four replications in green house on 2005. The plants cut at 50% bloom to determine root and shoot dry matter as well as mineral nutrient absorption by using standard laboratory procedures. The soil material rhyzosphere collected to determine colonization percent. Results showed that phosphorus and iron absorption of 2122 was superior under normal growing conditions. However, under cadmium stress Hamadani performed superior where it also proved none suitable as a host plant for symbiosis with Mycorrhiza. Fungi significantly (a = %1) increased the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc by shoots and phosphorus even in the presence of cadmium adverse effects. Time of harvest also significantly improved the uptake of all the nutrients by the shoots as well as the dry matter production by shoots