758 research outputs found

    Spatial Effects in Low Neutron Source Start-up and Associated Stochastic Phenomena

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    This work concerns the calculation of the neutron source strength necessary to start up a nuclear reactor such that the likelihood of an undesirable stochastic transient is reduced to a specified value (e.g. 10−8). We extend our earlier point model work on low source calculations to include the spatial variation of the neutron source. Results for the source multiplier for a given safety factor are obtained for slab, cylindrical and spherical systems. The spatial term in the Pál-Bell equation is dealt with by Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto collocation methods and this enables an extrapolation distance to be included, thereby simulating a reflector. Results are given for a range of system sizes, and corresponding source multipliers for safe source determination are obtained. The saddlepoint method is used to invert the generating function. In addition to the low source calculations, we have also tested the collocation method on the survival probability in a sphere which demonstrates excellent convergence. We also comment on the usefulness of the Gamma pdf for spatially dependent problems. For clarity of presentation, some of the detailed mathematical work is relegated to Appendices

    Goal-based h-adaptivity of the 1-D diamond difference discrete ordinate method.

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    The quantity of interest (QoI) associated with a solution of a partial differential equation (PDE) is not, in general, the solution itself, but a functional of the solution. Dual weighted residual (DWR) error estimators are one way of providing an estimate of the error in the QoI resulting from the discretisation of the PDE. This paper aims to provide an estimate of the error in the QoI due to the spatial discretisation, where the discretisation scheme being used is the diamond difference (DD) method in space and discrete ordinate (SNSN) method in angle. The QoI are reaction rates in detectors and the value of the eigenvalue (Keff)(Keff) for 1-D fixed source and eigenvalue (KeffKeff criticality) neutron transport problems respectively. Local values of the DWR over individual cells are used as error indicators for goal-based mesh refinement, which aims to give an optimal mesh for a given QoI

    CALLISTO-SPK: A Stochastic Point Kinetics Code for Performing Low Source Nuclear Power Plant Start-up and Power Ascension Calculations

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    This paper presents the theory and application of a code called CALLISTO which is used for performing NPP start-up and power ascension calculations. The CALLISTO code is designed to calculate various values relating to the neutron population of a nuclear system which contains a low number of neutrons. These variables include the moments of the PDF of the neutron population, the maturity time and the source multiplier. The code itself is based upon the mathematics presented in another paper and utilises representations of the neutron population which are independent of both space and angle but allows for the specification of an arbitrary number of energy groups. Five examples of the use of the code are presented. Comparison is performed against results found in the literature and the degree of agreement is discussed. In general the agreement is found to be good and, where it is not, plausible explanations for discrepancies are presented. The final two cases presented examine the effect of the number of neutron groups included and finds that, for the systems simulated, there is no significant difference in the key results of the code

    Wetting-induced volumetric collapse of UO2 powder beds and the consequence on transient nuclear criticality excursions

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    Mathematical and computational models are proposed to simulate wetting-induced volumetric collapse of fissile powder beds. Slumping, nuclear thermal hydraulics, radiolytic gas, and steam production models are coupled with point neutron kinetics to investigate transient nuclear criticality excursions in two 5-wt% enriched UO2 fissile powder beds with varying levels of wetting-induced volumetric collapse. The two beds are distinguished by their mean powder particle size of 30 μm and 100 μm. For the UO2 powder beds modelled, the re-distribution of UO2 powder and moderator due to slumping introduced a negative reactivity into the system. This increased the amount of time taken for a delayed critical state to be reached once infiltration began, and also reduced the total fission energy generated over the course of the simulated transient. The total fission energy generated ranged from 42 MJ to 48 MJ 100 seconds after the initial nuclear criticality excursion was observed for the 30 μm sized UO2 powder bed. The fission energy of the larger sized powder bed (100 μm), varied from 42 MJ to 57 MJ. Larger discrepancies between the slumped and un-slumped initial peak power are predicted. Peak powers varied from 29.2 MW to 106 MW for the smaller-sized powder particles, whereas for larger particles, the peak powers varied from 255 MW to 501 MW

    Transient nuclear criticality excursion analysis of highly dispersed particulate three-phase fluidised systems

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    The aim of this study was to perform sensitivity analysis, investigating how different fluidisation and sedimentation characteristics of three-phase wetted UO2 powder beds, may affect a transient nuclear criticality excursion initiated through the addition of water into a fissile powder bed. This type of postulated nuclear criticality accident scenario may occur in nuclear fuel fabrication facilities when a fire is fought through the use of water, supplied via an automatic or manual fire-suppression system. A similar scenario may also develop as a result of water leaks or flooding of the process area housing UO2 powder. The article introduces a model for gas-bubble induced fluidisation of a UO2 powder bed and examines how this phenomenon may affect the neutron kinetic response of a three-phase fluidised fissile powder system. Empirical analysis has shown that fissile suspensions form agglomerated structures when suspended in water, at agglomerate sizes that range from 18 to 40 . Simulation results indicate that both the critical gas velocity and rate of fluidisation may significantly affect transient nuclear criticality excursion dynamics. The re-distribution of fissile mass into a highly dispersed suspension generally reduces the reactivity of the system, however, depending on the H/U ratio, a positive reactivity may be added to the system. Low Péclet numbers in the suspension suggest that gas-bubble induced motion of the suspension causes a highly dispersive flow field. An oscillatory power response is predicted for low critical gas velocities where the reactivity of the system is predominantly governed by the re-distribution of fissile mass within the system. The frequency of these oscillations is greater for a higher hindered settling rate of powder particles. At a higher critical gas velocity, the transient nuclear criticality excursion is governed by the voidage reactivity feedback, making the response quite independent of fluidisation. In all cases, large volumes of UO2 powder may leave the domain due to overflowing of the suspension. Transient nuclear criticality excursions in UO2 powder beds with a low critical gas velocity are terminated once the bed becomes fully saturated

    P-Multigrid expansion of hybrid multilevel solvers for discontinuous Galerkin finite element discrete ordinate (DG-FEM-SN) diffusion synthetic acceleration (DSA) of radiation transport algorithms

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    Effective preconditioning of neutron diffusion problems is necessary for the development of efficient DSA schemes for neutron transport problems. This paper uses P-multigrid techniques to expand two preconditioners designed to solve the MIP diffusion neutron diffusion equation with a discontinuous Galerkin (DG-FEM) framework using first-order elements. These preconditioners are based on projecting the first-order DG-FEM formulation to either a linear continuous or a constant discontinuous FEM system. The P-multigrid expansion allows the preconditioners to be applied to problems discretised with second and higher-order elements. The preconditioning algorithms are defined in the form of both a V-cycle and W-cycle and applied to solve challenging neutron diffusion problems. In addition a hybrid preconditioner using P-multigrid and AMG without a constant or continuous coarsening is used. Their performance is measured against a computationally efficient standard algebraic multigrid preconditioner. The results obtained demonstrate that all preconditioners studied in this paper provide good convergence with the continuous method generally being the most computationally efficient. In terms of memory requirements the preconditioners studied significantly outperform the AMG

    Uncertainty quantification in nuclear criticality modelling using a high dimensional model representation

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    An adaptive high dimensional model representation (HDMR) is used to decompose the response parameter into a superposition of lower dimensional subspaces which are in-turn projected on to a polynomial basis. These projections are evaluated using an adaptive quadrature scheme which is used to infer the polynomial orders of the basis. The combination of adaptive HDMR and adaptive quadrature techniques results in a sparse polynomial expansion which has been optimised to represent the variance of the response with the minimum number of polynomials. The combined application of these techniques is illustrated using UOX and MOX pin cell problems with evaluated nuclear covariance data. We show that this approach to calculating the variance in is an order of magnitude more efficient when compared to Latin Hypercube sampling with the same number of samples for problems involving up to 988 random dimensions
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