147 research outputs found

    spacodiR: structuring of phylogenetic diversity in ecological communities

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    Motivation: spacodiR is a cross-platform package, written for the R environment, for studying partitioning of diversity among natural communities in space and time. Complementing and extending existing software, spacodiR allows for hypothesis testing and parameter estimation in studying spatial structuring of species-, phylogenetic- and trait diversities. Availability: Integrated with other software in the R environment and with well documented and demonstrated functions, spacodiR is an open-source package and available at http://cran.r-project.org. Contact: [email protected]; [email protected]

    Inference of evolutionary jumps in large phylogenies using LĂ©vy processes

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    Although it is now widely accepted that the rate of phenotypic evolution may not necessarily be constant across large phylogenies, the frequency and phylogenetic position of periods of rapid evolution remain unclear. In his highly influential view of evolution, G. G. Simpson supposed that such evolutionary jumps occur when organisms transition into so-called new adaptive zones, for instance after dispersal into a new geographic area, after rapid climatic changes, or following the appearance of an evolutionary novelty. Only recently, large, accurate and well calibrated phylogenies have become available that allow testing this hypothesis directly, yet inferring evolutionary jumps remains computationally very challenging. Here, we develop a computationally highly efficient algorithm to accurately infer the rate and strength of evolutionary jumps as well as their phylogenetic location. Following previous work we model evolutionary jumps as a compound process, but introduce a novel approach to sample jump configurations that does not require matrix inversions and thus naturally scales to large trees. We then make use of this development to infer evolutionary jumps in Anolis lizards and Loriinii parrots where we find strong signal for such jumps at the basis of clades that transitioned into new adaptive zones, just as postulated by Simpson’s hypothesis

    Spitzer and z' Secondary Eclipse Observations of the Highly Irradiated Transiting Brown Dwarf KELT-1b

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    We present secondary eclipse observations of the highly irradiated transiting brown dwarf KELT-1b. These observations represent the first constraints on the atmospheric dynamics of a highly irradiated brown dwarf, and the atmospheres of irradiated giant planets at high surface gravity. Using the Spitzer Space Telescope, we measure secondary eclipse depths of 0.195+/-0.010% at 3.6um and 0.200+/-0.012% at 4.5um. We also find tentative evidence for the secondary eclipse in the z' band with a depth of 0.049+/-0.023%. These measured eclipse depths are most consistent with an atmosphere model in which there is a strong substellar hotspot, implying that heat redistribution in the atmosphere of KELT-1b is low. While models with a more mild hotspot or even with dayside heat redistribution are only marginally disfavored, models with complete heat redistribution are strongly ruled out. The eclipse depths also prefer an atmosphere with no TiO inversion layer, although a model with TiO inversion is permitted in the dayside heat redistribution case, and we consider the possibility of a day-night TiO cold trap in this object. For the first time, we compare the IRAC colors of brown dwarfs and hot Jupiters as a function of effective temperature. Importantly, our measurements reveal that KELT-1b has a [3.6]-[4.5] color of 0.07+/-0.11, identical to that of isolated brown dwarfs of similarly high temperature. In contrast, hot Jupiters generally show redder [3.6]-[4.5] colors of ~0.4, with a very large range from ~0 to ~1. Evidently, despite being more similar to hot Jupiters than to isolated brown dwarfs in terms of external forcing of the atmosphere by stellar insolation, KELT-1b has an atmosphere most like that of other brown dwarfs. This suggests that surface gravity is very important in controlling the atmospheric systems of substellar mass bodies.Comment: 14 pages, 3 tables, 11 figures. Accepted by ApJ. Updated to reflect the accepted versio

    Three red suns in the sky: A transiting, terrestrial planet in a triple M-dwarf system at 6.9 pc

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    We present the discovery from Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) data of LTT 1445Ab. At a distance of 6.9 pc, it is the second nearest transiting exoplanet system found to date, and the closest one known for which the primary is an M dwarf. The host stellar system consists of three mid-to-late M dwarfs in a hierarchical configuration, which are blended in one TESS pixel. We use MEarth data and results from the Science Processing Operations Center data validation report to determine that the planet transits the primary star in the system. The planet has a radius of 1.38−0.12+0.13{1.38}_{-0.12}^{+0.13} R⊕{R}_{\oplus }, an orbital period of 5.35882−0.00031+0.00030{5.35882}_{-0.00031}^{+0.00030} days, and an equilibrium temperature of 433−27+28{433}_{-27}^{+28} K. With radial velocities from the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher, we place a 3σ upper mass limit of 8.4 M⊕{M}_{\oplus } on the planet. LTT 1445Ab provides one of the best opportunities to date for the spectroscopic study of the atmosphere of a terrestrial world. We also present a detailed characterization of the host stellar system. We use high-resolution spectroscopy and imaging to rule out the presence of any other close stellar or brown dwarf companions. Nineteen years of photometric monitoring of A and BC indicate a moderate amount of variability, in agreement with that observed in the TESS light-curve data. We derive a preliminary astrometric orbit for the BC pair that reveals an edge-on and eccentric configuration. The presence of a transiting planet in this system hints that the entire system may be co-planar, implying that the system may have formed from the early fragmentation of an individual protostellar core.Accepted manuscrip

    KELT-11b: A Highly Inflated Sub-Saturn Exoplanet Transiting the V=8 Subgiant HD 93396

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    We report the discovery of a transiting exoplanet, KELT-11b, orbiting the bright (V=8.0V=8.0) subgiant HD 93396. A global analysis of the system shows that the host star is an evolved subgiant star with Teff=5370±51T_{\rm eff} = 5370\pm51 K, M∗=1.438−0.052+0.061M⊙M_{*} = 1.438_{-0.052}^{+0.061} M_{\odot}, R∗=2.72−0.17+0.21R⊙R_{*} = 2.72_{-0.17}^{+0.21} R_{\odot}, log g∗=3.727−0.046+0.040g_*= 3.727_{-0.046}^{+0.040}, and [Fe/H]=0.180±0.075 = 0.180\pm0.075. The planet is a low-mass gas giant in a P=4.736529±0.00006P = 4.736529\pm0.00006 day orbit, with MP=0.195±0.018MJM_{P} = 0.195\pm0.018 M_J, RP=1.37−0.12+0.15RJR_{P}= 1.37_{-0.12}^{+0.15} R_J, ρP=0.093−0.024+0.028\rho_{P} = 0.093_{-0.024}^{+0.028} g cm−3^{-3}, surface gravity log gP=2.407−0.086+0.080{g_{P}} = 2.407_{-0.086}^{+0.080}, and equilibrium temperature Teq=1712−46+51T_{eq} = 1712_{-46}^{+51} K. KELT-11 is the brightest known transiting exoplanet host in the southern hemisphere by more than a magnitude, and is the 6th brightest transit host to date. The planet is one of the most inflated planets known, with an exceptionally large atmospheric scale height (2763 km), and an associated size of the expected atmospheric transmission signal of 5.6%. These attributes make the KELT-11 system a valuable target for follow-up and atmospheric characterization, and it promises to become one of the benchmark systems for the study of inflated exoplanets.Comment: 15 pages, Submitted to AAS Journal

    Palmitate and group B Streptococcus synergistically and differentially induce IL-1ÎČ from human gestational membranes

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    IntroductionRupture of the gestational membranes often precedes major pregnancy complications, including preterm labor and preterm birth. One major cause of inflammation in the gestational membranes, chorioamnionitis (CAM) is often a result of bacterial infection. The commensal bacterium Streptococcus agalactiae, or Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a leading infectious cause of CAM. Obesity is on the rise worldwide and roughly 1 in 4 pregnancy complications is related to obesity, and individuals with obesity are also more likely to be colonized by GBS. The gestational membranes are comprised of several distinct cell layers which are, from outermost to innermost: maternally-derived decidual stromal cells (DSCs), fetal cytotrophoblasts (CTBs), fetal mesenchymal cells, and fetal amnion epithelial cells (AECs). In addition, the gestational membranes have several immune cell populations; macrophages are the most common phagocyte. Here we characterize the effects of palmitate, the most common long-chain saturated fatty acid, on the inflammatory response of each layer of the gestational membranes when infected with GBS, using human cell lines and primary human tissue.ResultsPalmitate itself slightly but significantly augments GBS proliferation. Palmitate and GBS co-stimulation synergized to induce many inflammatory proteins and cytokines, particularly IL-1ÎČ and matrix metalloproteinase 9 from DSCs, CTBs, and macrophages, but not from AECs. Many of these findings are recapitulated when treating cells with palmitate and a TLR2 or TLR4 agonist, suggesting broad applicability of palmitate-pathogen synergy. Co-culture of macrophages with DSCs or CTBs, upon co-stimulation with GBS and palmitate, resulted in increased inflammatory responses, contrary to previous work in the absence of palmitate. In whole gestational membrane biopsies, the amnion layer appeared to dampen immune responses from the DSC and CTB layers (the choriodecidua) to GBS and palmitate co-stimulation. Addition of the monounsaturated fatty acid oleate, the most abundant monounsaturated fatty acid in circulation, dampened the proinflammatory effect of palmitate.DiscussionThese studies reveal a complex interplay between the immunological response of the distinct layers of the gestational membrane to GBS infection and that such responses can be altered by exposure to long-chain saturated fatty acids. These data provide insight into how metabolic syndromes such as obesity might contribute to an increased risk for GBS disease during pregnancy

    First radial velocity results from the MINiature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array (MINERVA)

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    The MINiature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array (MINERVA) is a dedicated observatory of four 0.7m robotic telescopes fiber-fed to a KiwiSpec spectrograph. The MINERVA mission is to discover super-Earths in the habitable zones of nearby stars. This can be accomplished with MINERVA's unique combination of high precision and high cadence over long time periods. In this work, we detail changes to the MINERVA facility that have occurred since our previous paper. We then describe MINERVA's robotic control software, the process by which we perform 1D spectral extraction, and our forward modeling Doppler pipeline. In the process of improving our forward modeling procedure, we found that our spectrograph's intrinsic instrumental profile is stable for at least nine months. Because of that, we characterized our instrumental profile with a time-independent, cubic spline function based on the profile in the cross dispersion direction, with which we achieved a radial velocity precision similar to using a conventional "sum-of-Gaussians" instrumental profile: 1.8 m s−1^{-1} over 1.5 months on the RV standard star HD 122064. Therefore, we conclude that the instrumental profile need not be perfectly accurate as long as it is stable. In addition, we observed 51 Peg and our results are consistent with the literature, confirming our spectrograph and Doppler pipeline are producing accurate and precise radial velocities.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PASP, Peer-Reviewed and Accepte
