85 research outputs found

    Characterisation of Extracellular Matrix Cross-Linking in Systemic Sclerosis

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a complex connective tissue disease associated with a high mortality. As development of skin fibrosis in SSc patients leads to major organ-based complications, finding a treatment that resolves this condition can help prevent disease progression. A major obstacle in the discovery of new effective anti-fibrotic therapies is that the exact mechanisms that lead to fibrotic progression and irreversibility have not been fully elucidated. The fibrotic phenotype is associated with increased accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) in an organ that severely impedes its function. Excessive cross-linking of the ECM is a major factor causing its resistance to remodelling by rendering sites of proteolysis less accessible to matrix metalloproteinases. The discovery of new cross-linking sites during disease progression may therefore improve our molecular understanding of the resistance of the ECM to proteolytic breakdown, act as a clinical marker for resolvable vs non-resolvable fibrosis, and contribute to the development of new therapeutic approaches. Transglutaminases are a group of cross-linking enzymes that play a pivotal role in fibrotic progression. A mass spectrometry-based method for the identification of transglutaminase cross-linking sites from complex biological samples has been developed in this project. A model transglutaminase cross-linked peptide was synthesized and its fragmentation behaviour was analysed. After having found the optimal fragmentation conditions the analysis of cross-linking sites was automated using MassMatrix software. The resulting score values were utilised to identify true-positive matches. This technique was successfully applied to an analysis of the transglutaminase cross-linking site of purified fibrinogen dimers. In the final stages of the method development comparative studies of the ECM cross-linking pattern between control and pro-fibrotic dermal fibroblast cell culture and mouse models were performed. The limited number of new cross-linking sites found in the fibrotic models suggest that more significant changes occur at later fibrotic stages

    Lokale behandlingsmuligheter for gjenvinning av næringsstoffer i tørrtoaletter

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    Animal and human excreta had a major role in the development of agriculture in the past, but their role was lost with the development of the modern waterborne sanitation and inorganic fertilizers. To re-envision human excreta as a resource is a way to off-set some of the fertilizer needs and reduce the pressure of nutrient pollution to fresh water and marine environments. Among the existing sanitation systems, dry systems are more interesting from a resource-oriented management standpoint because they minimize the use of water and the volume of waste along with concentrating the nutrients. These toilets are commonly associated with a simple, rudimentary type of latrine but goals like ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all (SDG 6, UN) and to eliminate waste, circulate materials and regenerate nature require rethinking this perception. However, household level treatment options for dry sanitation systems are limited and there is insufficient understanding about how effective they are in a real-life context. Therefore, the main goal of this research was to improve the understanding of on-site treatment in dry toilets and how the nutrients can be recirculated to agriculture. Three main objectives were formulated: 1) to investigate which existing treatment options can be used for resource recovery, 2) to understand how treatment can be improved by comparing composting and lactic acid fermentation followed by vermicomposting, and 3) to evaluate and compare the nutrient content and fertilizer potential of the treatment products derived from the waste. The objectives were approached through a literature review (1) and lab scale experiments (2 and 3). The literature review (Paper Ⅰ) identified composting, vermicomposting, lactic-acid fermentation, chemical disinfection, and source separation of urine and feces as methods used to recover excreta-derived products in dry toilets with on-site treatment. Furthermore, new directions in treatment methods use high temperatures to transform the wet biomass of excreta to solid fuels and chars through processes such as drying, pelletizing, hydrothermal carbonization, and pyrolysis. Other developments use novel biological treatment methods such as anaerobic digestion, bioelectrochemical processes, or black soldier fly larvae composting. By defining the processes and the products with focus on practical considerations, the review illustrated that both the treatment methods and the excreta-derived products should be considered within a complexity of external factors arising from particular environmental and socio-economic contexts. Dry toilets with on-site treatment are household-level technology and as such have a small size, little controlled treatment conditions, and are therefore limited by the prevailing environmental conditions. The treatment process and the products differ in space and time due to the variability in the composition of excreta, additional input materials, how the treatment is managed, and the local context. The products can be valuable resources locally but must be desired and their application regulated. Lab experiments were used to understand how treatment can be improved and to evaluate the fertilizer potential of the treatment products. A controlled lab experiment was designed where excreta from a dry toilet were used in three mixtures, each composted or lactic acid fermented at three different ambient temperatures (7˚C, 20˚C, 38˚C), and then vermicomposted (Paper Ⅱ). To evaluate the potential of the resulting products as fertilizer, they were applied as organic amendments in two experiments (Paper Ⅲ). A soil incubation experiment was used to understand the mineralization dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus, and a pot experiment with barley to demonstrate differences in yield and nutrient uptake under controlled conditions by comparing amendments, amendments supplemented with additional nitrogen, mineral fertilizer, and no fertilizer. The lab scale comparison of composting and lactic acid fermentation illustrated that the degradation process is limited at low ambient temperatures (7˚C), whereas higher ambient temperatures (38˚C) during the composting supported higher microbial activity and active decomposition, resulting in lower numbers of fecal indicators and lower concentrations of pharmaceutical residues. The lactic acid fermentation was not affected by the difference in ambient temperatures (7˚C, 20˚C, 38˚C) and resulted in a substrate that had retained the initial high NH4 content, but showed higher numbers of fecal indicators and pharmaceutical residues compared to the active composting at 38˚C. However, in comparison with the unsuccessful composting at 7˚C, lactic acid fermentation resulted in significantly lower numbers of E. coli. In our study, the vermicomposting was used as a secondary treatment after composting or fermentation, and the earthworm activity resulted in further stabilization and conditioning of the materials. Changes were more evident in the treatments where worms established themselves better, which were those that were less successfully composted at 7˚C or 20˚C. An evaluation of the fertilizer potential of the resulting organic amendments showed that the ranges of the concentrations of nutrients correspond to the ranges reported for other organic amendments such as municipal waste compost, and composted or vermicomposted manures. In a fertile loam soil, an application rate of 20 t ha-1 would result in low application of immediately plant-available nitrogen (2 to 40 kg N ha-1) and slow mineralization of organic nitrogen within 90 days, but substantial application of total phosphor and potassium. In a greenhouse experiment with barley as a test crop, an application rate of 20 t ha-1 of the amendments resulted in yields which were higher than treatments without fertilizer but lower in comparison to conventional amounts of mineral fertilizer. The variation in yield between the amendments was highly correlated with initially available nitrogen, which was highest for those composted at high ambient temperatures (38˚C). Our findings reveal that treatment method has a major effect on nitrogen retention and only a minor effect on other nutrients. The outcomes of this work show that composting is limited at low temperature and lactic acid fermentation and/or vermicomposting could be alternatives or additions, particularly when composting is not successful. Our findings contribute towards better agronomic value quantification of products from on-site dry sanitation systems and the effect of treatment method on the availability of nitrogen. Given how common dry sanitation systems are in rural areas and areas without infrastructure, the results may contribute towards more sustainable management of the resources from those systems.  Ekskrementer fra dyr og mennesker hadde en stor rolle i utviklingen av landbruket tidligere, men deres rolle gikk tapt med utviklingen av moderne vannbaserte sanitærsystemer og mineralgjødsel. Å på nytt se for seg menneskelige ekskrementer som en ressurs er en måte å dekke noe av gjødselbehovet på og redusere faren for næringsforurensning i ferskvann og marine miljøer. Blant de eksisterende sanitærsystemene er tørre systemer mer interessante fra et ressursorientert forvaltningssynspunkt fordi de minimerer vannforbruket og avfallsvolumet samtidig som næringsstoffene konsentreres. Disse toalettene er ofte assosiert med en enkel, rudimentær type latrine, men mål som å sikre tilgjengelighet og bærekraftig forvaltning av vann og sanitær for alle (SDG 6, FN) og å eliminere avfall, sirkulere materialer og regenerere naturen krever en ny vurdering av denne oppfatningen. Imidlertid er behandlingsalternativer på husholdningsnivå for tørre sanitærsystemer begrenset, og det er manglende forståelse av hvor effektive de er i virkeligheten. Derfor var hovedmålet med denne forskningen å forbedre forståelsen av behandling av avfall fra tørrtoaletter på stedet og hvordan næringsstoffene kan resirkuleres til landbruket. Tre hovedmål ble formulert: 1) å undersøke hvilke eksisterende behandlingsalternativer som kan brukes for ressursgjenvinning, 2) å forstå hvordan behandlingen kan forbedres ved å sammenligne kompostering og melkesyregjæring etterfulgt av vermikompostering, og 3) å evaluere og sammenligne næringsstoffinnhold og gjødselpotensial i behandlingsproduktene som kommer fra avfallet. Målene ble nådd gjennom en litteraturgjennomgang (1) og forsøk i laboratorieskala (2 og 3). Litteraturgjennomgangen (Paper Ⅰ) identifiserte kompostering, vermikompostering, melkesyregjæring, kjemisk desinfeksjon og kildeseparasjon av urin og avføring som metoder brukt for å gjenvinne produkter fra ekskrementer i tørrtoaletter med behandling på stedet. Videre brukes høy temperatur i nye typer behandlingsmetoder for å omdanne den våte ekskrementmassen til fast brensel og kull gjennom prosesser som tørking, pelletering, hydrotermisk karbonisering og pyrolyse. Annen utvikling bruker nye biologiske behandlingsmetoder som anaerob fordøyelse, bioelektrokjemiske prosesser eller kompostering ved hjelp av svarte soldatfluelarver. Ved å definere prosessene og produktene med tanke på praktiske hensyn, viste review-artikkelen at både behandlingsmetodene og produktene basert på ekskrementer bør vurderes innenfor komplekse eksterne faktorer som oppstår fra spesielle miljømessige og sosioøkonomiske kontekster. Tørrtoaletter med behandling på stedet er teknologi på husholdningsnivå og har som sådan liten størrelse, lite kontrollerte behandlingsforhold, og er derfor begrenset av de rådende miljøforholdene. Behandlingsprosessen og produktene er forskjellige i rom og tid på grunn av variasjonen i sammensetningen av ekskrementer, tilleggsmaterialer, hvordan behandlingen håndteres og den lokale konteksten. Produktene kan være verdifulle ressurser lokalt, men må være ønsket og anvendelsen må være regulert. Laboratorieforsøk ble brukt for å forstå hvordan behandlingen kan forbedres og for å evaluere gjødselpotensialet til behandlingsproduktene. I et laboratorieforsøk under kontrollerte forhold ble ekskrementer fra et tørrtoalett brukt i tre blandinger, kompostert eller melkesyregjæret hver ved tre forskjellige omgivelsestemperaturer (7˚C, 20˚C, 38˚C), og deretter vermikompostert (Papir Ⅱ). For å evaluere gjødselpotensialet til de resulterende produktene, ble de tilført som organisk gjødsel i to forsøk (Paper Ⅲ). Et inkubasjonsforsøk i jord ble brukt for å forstå mineraliseringsdynamikken til nitrogen og fosfor, og et potteeksperiment med bygg for å demonstrere forskjeller i avling og næringsopptak under kontrollerte forhold ved å sammenligne produktene med eller uten ekstra nitrogen, mineralgjødsel og ingen gjødsel. Sammenlikningen av kompostering og melkesyregjæring på laboratorieskala illustrerte at nedbrytningsprosessen er begrenset ved lave omgivelsestemperaturer (7˚C), mens høyere omgivelsestemperaturer (38˚C) under komposteringen støttet høyere mikrobiell aktivitet og aktiv nedbrytning, noe som resulterte i lavere antall fekale indikatorer og lavere konsentrasjoner av farmasøytiske rester. Melkesyregjæringen ble ikke påvirket av forskjellen i omgivelsestemperaturer (7˚C, 20˚C, 38˚C) og resulterte i et substrat som hadde beholdt det opprinnelige høye NH4-innholdet, men viste høyere antall fekale indikatorer og farmasøytiske rester sammenlignet med aktiv kompostering ved 38˚C. Sammenlignet med den mislykkede komposteringen ved 7˚C, resulterte imidlertid melkesyregjæring i betydelig lavere antall E. coli. I vårt forsøk ble vermikomposteringen brukt som en sekundær behandling etter kompostering eller gjæring, og meitemarkaktiviteten resulterte i ytterligere stabilisering og kondisjonering av materialene. Endringer var mer tydelige i behandlingene der meitemark etablerte seg bedre, som var de hvor komposteringen var mindre vellykket ved 7˚C eller 20˚C. En evaluering av gjødselpotensialet til de resulterende organiske produktene viste at nivået av næringsstoffkonsentrasjon samsvarer med nivået rapportert for andre organiske gjødselmidler som kompost basert på kommunalt avfall og kompostert eller vermikompostert husdyrgjødsel. En påføringsmengde på 20 t ha-1 til en fruktbar leirjord vil resultere i lav tilførsel av umiddelbart plantetilgjengelig nitrogen (2 til 40 kg N ha-1) og langsom mineralisering av organisk nitrogen i løpet av 90 dager, men betydelig påføring av totalt fosfor og kalium. I veksthusforsøket med bygg som prøvevekst, resulterte en tilførselsmengde på 20 t ha-1 ekskrementprodukt i avlinger som var høyere enn behandlinger uten gjødsel, men lavere sammenlignet med konvensjonelle mengder mineralgjødsel. Variasjonen i avling mellom produktene var sterkt korrelert med opprinnelig tilgjengelig nitrogen, som var høyest for produktene fra kompostering ved høye omgivelsestemperaturer (38˚C). Våre funn viser at behandlingsmetode har stor effekt på nitrogenretensjon og kun en liten effekt på andre næringsstoffer. Resultatene av dette arbeidet viser at kompostering er begrenset ved lav temperatur og melkesyregjæring og/eller vermikompostering kan være alternativer eller tilleggsbehandlinger, spesielt når kompostering ikke er vellykket. Våre funn bidrar til bedre agronomisk verdikvantifisering av produkter fra tørre sanitetssystemer med lokal behandling og effekten av behandlingsmetode på tilgjengeligheten av nitrogen. Gitt hvor vanlige tørre sanitærsystemer er i landlige områder og områder uten infrastruktur, kan resultatene bidra til mer bærekraftig forvaltning av ressursene fra disse systemene

    Prä- und postnatale Antibiotikaexposition: eine Beobachtungsstudie mit Daten aus drei Frauenkliniken in den Jahrgängen 2013/2014

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    Die Studie Prä-und postnatale Antibiotikaexposition- eine Beobachtungsstudie mit Daten aus drei Frauenkliniken in den Jahrgängen 2013/2014` hat sich retrospektiv mit 600 Fällen von vaginalen Entbindungen und 600 Fällen von Sektio- Entbindungen an drei verschiedenen Kliniken in den Jahrgängen 2013-2014 befasst, um die Prävalenz prä- und postnataler Antibiotikaexposition zu quantifizieren und qualifizieren. Ausgeschlossen wurde eine Schwangerschaftsdauer weniger als abgeschlossene 38. Schwangerschaftswoche. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass bei 24 % der vaginal entbundenen Frauen eine Antibiose mit der häufigsten Indikationen vorzeitiger Blasensprung und vaginale GBS-Besiedelung verabreicht wurde. Hingegen wurden bei 100 % der Sektio-Fälle Antibiotika gegeben mit häufigster Indikation perioperative Single-shot-Prophylaxe. Die daraus resultierende pränatale Antibiotikaexposition beim Kaiserschnitt lag bei 71,8 % vs. 18,8 % für die vaginale Entbindung. Die postnatale Antibiotikaexposition unter Berücksichtigung der Fälle von Laktationshemmung sowie von eventueller Antibiotikatherapie in der Kinderklinik bzw. postpartualer maternaler Antibiotikatherapie betrug beim Kaiserschnitt 29 % vs. 7,67 % für die vaginal geborenen Kinder. Das am häufigste verabreichte Antibiotikum beim Kaiserschnitt war Cefuroxim vs. Ampicillin bei den vaginalen Entbindungen. Insgesamt zeigte sich eine signifikant erhöhte peripartuale Antibiotikaexposition der Kinder beim Kaiserschnitt, welche die Bildung der physiologischen neonatalen Flora und somit potentiell die Immunität beeinträchtigt. Es ist zu wünschen, dass die Daten der Arbeit bei der Entscheidung Pro und Kontra Kaiserschnitt berücksichtigt werden, um auch unter diesem Aspekt der Antibiotikaexposition den optimalen Geburtsmodus zu definieren

    Avaliação da qualidade alimentar do produto couratos sob diferentes formas de acondicionamento

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Tecnologia e Segurança AlimentarOs couratos desidratados são aperitivos salgados muito apreciados, sobretudo nos Estados Unidos, onde o seu consumo é elevado. A matéria-prima é a pele de suínos, a qual é um produto residual dos matadouros. Em Portugal, a maioria dos couratos é preparada no momento, para consumo imediato. No entanto, encontra-se disponível no mercado nacional, o produto desidratado, acondicionado em embalagens de plástico transparente. Este produto comercial apresenta um tempo de prateleira bastante extenso, cerca de seis meses. Sendo um produto que, em termos nacionais, apresenta alguma procura, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo o estudo da qualidade alimentar do produto couratos sob diferentes formas de acondicionamento. Para isso, estudou-se a qualidade química, microbiológica, física e sensorial de dois lotes diferentes de couratos, ao longo de seis meses, em quatro condições de armazenamento (expostos ao ar e expostos à luz; expostos ao ar e ao abrigo da luz; embalados em polietileno e expostos à luz, embalados em polietileno e ao abrigo da luz). Ao longo dos seis meses de acondicionamento verifica-se que o produto, nas diferentes formas de acondicionamento, não se altera em termos das suas dimensões originais (4 x 3 x 2,5 cm3, em termos médios) e de peso (1,1-1,4 g). A cor manteve-se durante os seis meses em estudo para todas as formas de acondicionamento. Em termos de textura, verificou-se, nas amostras expostas ao ar uma tendência para o aumento da resistência do material à compressão e penetração, ao longo do tempo de armazenamento, indicando uma maior rigidez e dureza nestas amostras não embaladas. Em termos de contaminação microbiológica, não se verificaram diferenças ao longo do tempo de armazenamento e entre formas de acondicionamento. Ao longo do tempo de armazenamento verificou-se um aumento significativo da humidade associada, mas que não representou significado em termos da qualidade associada ao material. As amostras expostas ao ar, tendencialmente apresentaram um teor superior em humidade por comparação com as amostras embaladas. Durante o estudo, verificou-se que o produto, nas diversas formas de acondicionamento, não apresentou oxidação lipídica significativa, avaliada pelo índice de peróxidos, indicando que a fracção lipídica do produto é bastante estável. Estes resultados foram confirmados pelos resultados não positivos obtidos na determinação do índice de browning, um indicador do escurecimento não enzimático. O produto apresentou um aumento do teor de acidez ao longo do tempo de armazenamento que foi mais notório nas amostras expostas ao ar e à luz, tendo atingido o resultado de 0,6 g ácido oleico/100g de amostra. A análise sensorial mostra que os provadores em geral, nem gostam nem desgostam do produto, não se verificando diferenças na opinião dos provadores quer ao longo do tempo quer entre as diferentes formas de acondicionamento. A principal característica positiva associada ao produto, que foi salientada pelo painel, é o facto de este ser bastante crocante. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os couratos desidratados sendo, um alimento sólido e poroso, é resistente, nas diversas formas de acondicionamento estudadas, não se verificando alterações significativas na sua qualidade ao longo de seis meses. É também um alimento nutritivo, pois apresenta um teor em proteína elevado (cerca de 70%)


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    Different constructions of bars are analyzed in the article, all of which are based on the idea of creating prestressed state in material. Improved construction of bar is proposed for equable spreading of elasticity zone along axis of boring bar

    Multiple Mechanisms Regulate NuMA Dynamics at Spindle Poles

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    The large coiled-coil protein NuMA plays an essential role in organizing microtubule minus ends at spindle poles in vertebrate cells. Here, we use both in vivo and in vitro methods to examine NuMA dynamics at mitotic spindle poles. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, we show that an exogenously expressed green-fluorescent-protein/NuMA fusion undergoes continuous exchange between soluble and spindle-associated pools in living cells. These dynamics require cellular energy and display an average half-time for fluorescence recovery of approximately 3 minutes. To explore how NuMA dynamics at spindle poles is regulated, we exploited the association of NuMA with microtubule asters formed in mammalian mitotic extracts. Using a monoclonal antibody specific for human NuMA, we followed the fate of human NuMA associated with microtubule asters upon dilution with a hamster mitotic extract. Consistent with in vivo data, this assay shows that NuMA can be displaced from the core of pre-assembled asters into the soluble pool. The half-time of NuMA displacement from asters under these conditions is approximately 5 minutes. Using this assay, we show that protein kinase activity and the NuMA-binding protein LGN regulate the dynamic exchange of NuMA on microtubule asters. Thus, the dynamic properties of NuMA are regulated by multiple mechanisms including protein phosphorylation and binding to the LGN protein, and the rate of exchange between soluble and microtubule-associated pools suggests that NuMA associates with an insoluble matrix at spindle poles

    Basic training and professional qualifications of teachers in Bulgaria and Turkey: A comparative study [Türki̇ye Ve Bulgari̇stan'Da Öǧretmen Yeti̇şti̇rmede Temel Eǧi̇ti̇m Ve Mesleki̇ Yeterli̇kler: Karşilaştirmali Bi̇r Çalişma]

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    The professional qualification of teachers is a derivative of the career development system, the lifelong study model, the expected efficiency of the learning process and others. Motivating a teacher with regard to the need for continuous development depends on the order of the profession with respect to other professions, the remuneration, the satisfaction one gets from the accomplished work and other conditions. The purpose of this study is to discover the mode of interaction of these factors with continuous development phenomenon of every person, and to relate the accumulated experience of one's personal training at different stages with the project for career development of students with educational majors

    Corporate Social Responsibility in Bulgaria: Advantages and challenges

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    Abstract: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a part of business contribution to sustainable development. The corporate social responsibility is a new socio-economic phenomenon and its manifestation in Bulgarian companies business is current and little researched topic. There are various definitions for CSR, but the common issue is the responsible obligation of business to make contribution to sustainable economic development, to working labour relations, their families, local communities and society, improving the quality of living. CSR is considered as form of corporative management, regulating relationships between companies and the surrounding world. The paper outlines the genesis of CSR conception, turning into a successful business strategy for sustainable development and its manifestations, concrete practices of responsible social behaviour. The article reveals important aspects of the implementation of the corporate social responsibility in Bulgaria. Some specific characteristics of CSR are observed, related to public and social activities, environmental protection, human capital, labour conditions, etc. There are presented the author's views on them and the results of their empirical studying

    Superconducting BSCCO Ceramics as Additive to the Zinc Electrode Mass in the Rechargeable Nickel-Zinc Batteries

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    The electronic conductivity of the main component of the zinc electrode in the rechargeable zinc-nickel battery – ZnO,  is rather poor and this is the main reason for the electrochemical heterogeneity of the anode mass and the loss of active surface area during charge/discharge cycling with a corresponding negative effect on the electrode characteristics In the present work, the possibility of application of superconductive cuprate Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (BSCCO) ceramic as a multifunctional conductive additive to the zinc electrode mass is studied. Powder samples of the BSCCO ceramic Bi1,7Pb0,3Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox are produced by two-stage solid-state synthesis and they are physicochemically characterized. The XRD patterns and SEM observation reveal a well crystallized single phase of superconducting 2212 BSCCO system with average crystallite size 5-10 µm. The chemical stability of BSCCO ceramics in highly alkaline medium of the Ni-Zn battery is confirmed by structural and morphological analysis (XRD, SEM and EDX) of the samples before and after prolong exposure (96 h) to 7M KOH. The electrochemical tests are carried out by a specially designed prismatic alkaline Ni-Zn battery cell with conventional sintered type nickel electrodes and pasted zinc electrode with active electrode mass based on ZnO (88 wt.%) and addition of BSCCO powder or acetylene black as conductive additives. The study show that the zinc electrode with BSCCO superconducting ceramic additive exhibits very good cycleability, remarkable capacity stability and much higher discharge capacity at prolong charge/discharge cycling in comparison to the  zinc electrode with the “classic” carbon conductive additive. It is suggested that the addition of BSCCO ceramics improves not only conductivity of the electrode mass and reduces the gas evolution but also stabilizes porosity structure. The results obtained prove the possibility of application of superconducting BSCCO ceramics as a multifunctional additive to the active mass of the zinc electrodes for alkaline battery systems

    Small-scale on-site treatment of fecal matter: comparison of treatments for resource recovery and sanitization

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    On-site small-scale sanitation is common in rural areas and areas without infrastructure, but the treatment of the collected fecal matter can be inefficient and is seldom directed to resource recovery. The aim of this study was to compare low-technology solutions such as composting and lactic acid fermentation (LAF) followed by vermicomposting in terms of treatment efficiency, potential human and environmental risks, and stabilization of the material for reuse in agriculture. A specific and novel focus of the study was the fate of native pharmaceutical compounds in the fecal matter. Composting, with and without the addition of biochar, was monitored by temperature and CO2 production and compared with LAF. All treatments were run at three different ambient temperatures (7, 20, and 38°C) and followed by vermicomposting at room temperature. Materials resulting from composting and LAF were analyzed for fecal indicators, physicochemical characteristics, and residues of ten commonly used pharmaceuticals and compared to the initial substrate. Vermicomposting was used as secondary treatment and assessed by enumeration of Escherichia coli, worm density, and physicochemical characteristics. Composting at 38°C induced the highest microbial activity and resulted in better stability of the treated material, higher N content, lower numbers of fecal indicators, and less pharmaceutical compounds as compared to LAF. Even though analysis of pH after LAF suggested incomplete fermentation, E. coli cell numbers were significantly lower in all LAF treatments compared to composting at 7°C, and some of the anionic pharmaceutical compounds were detected in lower concentrations. The addition of approximately 5 vol % biochar to the composting did not yield significant differences in measured parameters. Vermicomposting further stabilized the material, and the treatments previously composted at 7°C and 20°C had the highest worm density. These results suggest that in small-scale decentralized sanitary facilities, the ambient temperatures can significantly influence the treatment and the options for safe reuse of the material.publishedVersio