39 research outputs found

    KolbÀcksÄn - recipientkontroll 1997

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    TillstĂ„ndet i KolbĂ€cksĂ„ns vattensystem 1997 har undersökts inom ramen för ett samordnat recipientkontrollprogram. Programmet omfattade provtagning av vattenkemi vid 9 stationer i rinnande vatten samt i 12 sjöar. Vattenkemiprovtagningen gjordes i mitten pĂ„ varje mĂ„nad i rinnande vatten och i februari och augusti i sjöarna. VĂ€xtplanktonprover frĂ„n sjöarnas epilimnionvatten (vattenvolymen ovanför temperatursprĂ„nskiktet) togs i augusti dĂ„ Ă€ven bottenfaunaprover i litoralen (strandzonen) togs. Bottenfauna provtogs Ă€ven i profundalen (djupbottnar) och i sublitoralen (4-6 meter) i februari. BĂ„de vintern och sommaren 1997 var varmare Ă€n normalt. Årsnederbörden var normal medan medelvattenföringen i KolbĂ€cksĂ„ns mynning vid Strömsholm var 30% lĂ€gre Ă€n normalt. Halterna av fosfor, som Ă€r det viktigaste nĂ€ringsĂ€mnet för vĂ€xtplankton, visade att Kolb~cksĂ„ns vattensystem yar nĂ€ringsfattigt «15Ilg Tot-PIl) i de övre delarna till och med AmĂ€nningen. Mellan AmĂ€nningen och utloppet i Strömsund tillförs mycket fosfor frĂ„n tĂ€torter och jordbruksmark och vattnet kan dĂ€r betraktas som nĂ€ringsrikt. Årstransporten av fosfor med vattnet var 18,6 ton i mynningen. I Freden, en avsnörd vik av MĂ€laren dĂ€r KolbĂ€cksĂ„n mynnar, var fosforhalterna mycket höga i bottenvattnet. Det visar att fosfor som lagrats pĂ„ botten nĂ€r Freden var kraftigare belastad, fortfarande lĂ€cker ut till vattnet och har stor betydelse för vĂ€xtplanktonproduktionen i sjön. Halterna av kvĂ€ve, ett annat vĂ€xtnĂ€ringsĂ€mne, var höga i hela vattensystemet jĂ€mfört med fosfor. I de flesta fall var halterna mĂ„ttligt höga till höga «450 Ilg tot-NIl). KvĂ€vetransporten i mynningen var 750 ton per Ă„r varav 350 ton i form av nitrat och ammonium vilka Ă€r direkt tillgĂ€ngliga för vĂ€xtplankton. Det nationella miljömĂ„let Ă€r att transporter av vĂ€xtnĂ€ringsĂ€mnena kvĂ€ve och fosfor inte ska överskrida den dubbla naturliga halten. Detta mĂ„l uppfylldes för fosfor men inte för kvĂ€ve dĂ€r transporten var 3 gĂ„nger den naturliga. Den största förekomsten av vĂ€xtplankton uppmĂ€ttes i den relativt lilla och belastade sjön TrĂ€tten. HĂ€lften av vĂ€xtplanktons biovolym upptogs dĂ€r av den vattenblommande cyanoba.~terien (blĂ„gröna algen) Aphanizomenon. Mycket stor biovolym uppmĂ€ttes ocksĂ„ i Ostersjön och i Stora Aspen. I dessa sjöar dominerade den stora flagellaten Gonyostomum (gubbslem). Denna art kan i stora koncentrationer orsaka besvĂ€r frĂ€mst i form av klĂ„da för badande. I de resterande sjöarna var vĂ€xtplanktonförekomsten liten eller mycket liten. Bottenfaunans sammansĂ€ttning pĂ„ djupbottnarna visade att tillgĂ„ngen pĂ„ löst syrgas, som Ă€r avgörande för livsbetingelserna, var dĂ„lig i mĂ„nga av sjöarna. SyrgastillgĂ„ngen pĂ„verkas bl a av utslĂ€pp av organiskt material. I de tungt belastade sjöarna Stora Aspen och Freden, visade bottenfaunans sammansĂ€ttning att syrgashalterna var lĂ„ga Ă€ven pĂ„ de grundare bottnarna 4-6 m. TillgĂ„ngen pĂ„o syrgas vid botte~.under sommaren pĂ„verkas Ă€ven av temperaturskiktningen i sjön. I AmĂ€nningen och Ostersjön, som normalt Ă€r omblandade i augusti, orsakade en tillfĂ€llig skiktning ovanligt lĂ„ga syrgashalter vid botten. I Saxen var syrgashalten pĂ„ djupbotten istĂ€llet ovanligt hög, vilket förmodligen berodde pĂ„ en senare skiktning Ă€n normalt. Strandzonernas bottennfauna visade att de provtagna sjöarna i KolbĂ€cksĂ„ns vattensystem inte Ă€r drabbade av försurning. Bl a fanns denJörsurningskĂ€nsliga dagslĂ€ndan Caenis horaria i stor mĂ€ngd i flera av sjöarna. Aven den kemiska provtagningen visade pĂ„ ett gott surhetstillstĂ„nd med pH mellan 6 och 7. Alkaliniteten, som Ă€r vattnets förmĂ„ga att motstĂ„ försurning, var Ă€ven den tillfredsstĂ€llande, med halter över 0,1 mekvll i de flesta fall. Bara i den lilla skogsbĂ€cken PellabĂ€cken, högt uppe i vattensystemet, sjönk alkaliniteten till ° vid nĂ„gra tillfĂ€llen under vĂ„ren och hösten. Detta hade till största delen naturliga orsaker. KolbĂ€cksĂ„n Ă€r kraftigt pĂ„verkad av metaller frĂ„n bĂ„de tidigare och nutida metallhantering. Detta visade sig i att halterna av mĂ„nga tungmetaller var höga. I Saxen och Saxens utlopp var halterna av zink, bly och kadmium dubbelt sĂ„ höga jĂ€mfört med vad som rekommenderas för rĂ„vatten i EU-s dricksvattendirektiv. De höga halterna i Saxen beror pĂ„ lĂ€ckage frĂ„n Saxdalens nedlagda gruva. Under de senaste fyra Ă„ren har zinktransporten i Saxens utlopp halverats. Samtidigt lĂ„g transporten i den nedströms belĂ€gna stationen Ludvika pĂ„ ungefĂ€r samma nivĂ„ vilket visar att den mellanliggande sjön VĂ€smans förmĂ„ga att binda metaller relativt sett har minskat. En liknande tendens noterades för bly. TvĂ„ andra metaller, nickel och krom tillfördes i första hand frĂ„n metallindustrin i vattensystemets nedre delar. Detta kunde man se genom att nickelhalten ökade 3 ggr mellan Semla och Virsbo. KolbĂ€cksĂ„n passerar dĂ€r Fagersta, dĂ€r den största punktkĂ€llan för nickel Ă€r belĂ€gen. För krom skedde den största haltökningen istĂ€llet mellan TrĂ„ngfors och Strömsholm dĂ€r Hallstahammar Ă€r belĂ€get. Den totala Ă„rstransporten av metaller i KolbĂ€cksĂ„ns utloppsvatten i Strömsholm var 1,2 ton koppar, 7,5 ton zink, 0,01 ton kadmium, 0,37 ton bly, 0,72 ton krom, 1,2 ton nickel, 0,14 ton kobolt och 0,22 ton wolfra

    Correlates of Orthographic Learning in Swedish Children With Cochlear Implants

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    This study set out to explore the cognitive and linguistic correlates of orthographic learning in a group of 32 deaf and hard of hearing children with cochlear implants, to better understand the factors that affect the development of fluent reading in these children. To date, the research about the mechanisms of reading fluency and orthographic learning in this population is scarce. The children were between 6:0 and 10:11 years of age and used oral language as their primary mode of communication. They were assessed on orthographic learning, reading fluency and a range of cognitive and linguistic skills including working memory measures, word retrieval and paired associate learning. The results were analyzed in a set of correlation analyses. In line with previous findings from children with typical hearing, orthographic learning was strongly correlated with phonological decoding, receptive vocabulary, phonological skills, verbal-verbal paired-associate learning and word retrieval. The results of this study suggest that orthographic learning in children with CI is strongly dependent on similar cognitive and linguistic skills as in typically hearing peers. Efforts should thus be made to support phonological decoding skill, vocabulary, and phonological skills in this population

    Obesity surgery and risk of colorectal and other obesity-related cancers: An English population-based cohort study

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    Background: The association between obesity surgery (OS) and cancer risk remains unclear. We investigated this association across the English National Health Service. A population-based Swedish study has previously suggested that OS may increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods: A retrospective observational study of individuals who underwent OS (surgery cohort) or diagnosed with obesity, but had no OS (no-surgery cohort) (1997–2013) were identified using Hospital Episode Statistics. Subsequent diagnosis of CRC, breast, endometrial, kidney and lung cancer, as well as time ‘at risk’, were determined by linkage to National Cancer Registration & Analysis Service and Office of National Statistics data, respectively. Standardised incidence ratios (SIR) in relation to OS were calculated. Results: 1 002 607 obese patients were identified, of whom 3.9% (n = 39 747) underwent OS. In the no-surgery obese population, 3 237 developed CRC (SIR 1.12 [95% CI 1.08–1.16]). In those who underwent OS, 43 developed CRC (SIR 1.26 [95% CI 0.92–1.71]). The OS cohort demonstrated decreased breast cancer risk (SIR 0.76 [95% CI 0.62–0.92]), unlike the no surgery cohort (SIR 1.08 [95% CI 1.04–1.11]). Increased risk of endometrial and kidney cancer was observed in surgery and no-surgery cohorts. Conclusions: CRC risk is increased in individuals diagnosed as obese. Prior obesity surgery was not associated with an increased CRC risk. However, the OS population was small, with limited follow-up. Risk of breast cancer after OS is reduced compared with the obese no-surgery population, while the risk of endometrial and kidney cancers remained elevated after OS

    Inhibition of Intestinal Bile Acid Transporter Slc10a2 Improves Triglyceride Metabolism and Normalizes Elevated Plasma Glucose Levels in Mice

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    Interruption of the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids increases cholesterol catabolism, thereby stimulating hepatic cholesterol synthesis from acetate. We hypothesized that such treatment should lower the hepatic acetate pool which may alter triglyceride and glucose metabolism. We explored this using mice deficient of the ileal sodium-dependent BA transporter (Slc10a2) and ob/ob mice treated with a specific inhibitor of Slc10a2. Plasma TG levels were reduced in Slc10a2-deficient mice, and when challenged with a sucrose-rich diet, they displayed a reduced response in hepatic TG production as observed from the mRNA levels of several key enzymes in fatty acid synthesis. This effect was paralleled by a diminished induction of mature sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (Srebp1c). Unexpectedly, the SR-diet induced intestinal fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 15 mRNA and normalized bile acid synthesis in Slc10a2−/− mice. Pharmacologic inhibition of Slc10a2 in diabetic ob/ob mice reduced serum glucose, insulin and TGs, as well as hepatic mRNA levels of Srebp1c and its target genes. These responses are contrary to those reported following treatment of mice with a bile acid binding resin. Moreover, when key metabolic signal transduction pathways in the liver were investigated, those of Mek1/2 - Erk1/2 and Akt were blunted after treatment of ob/ob mice with the Slc10a2 inhibitor. It is concluded that abrogation of Slc10a2 reduces hepatic Srebp1c activity and serum TGs, and in the diabetic ob/ob model it also reduces glucose and insulin levels. Hence, targeting of Slc10a2 may be a promising strategy to treat hypertriglyceridemia and diabetes

    Lipoprotein‐Associated Phospholipase A2 Activity Is a Marker of Risk But Not a Useful Target for Treatment in Patients With Stable Coronary Heart Disease

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    Background: We evaluated lipoprotein‐associated phospholipase A2 (Lp‐PLA2) activity in patients with stable coronary heart disease before and during treatment with darapladib, a selective Lp‐PLA2 inhibitor, in relation to outcomes and the effects of darapladib in the STABILITY trial. Methods and Results: Plasma Lp‐PLA2 activity was determined at baseline (n=14 500); at 1 month (n=13 709); serially (n=100) at 3, 6, and 18 months; and at the end of treatment. Adjusted Cox regression models evaluated associations between Lp‐PLA2 activity levels and outcomes. At baseline, the median Lp‐PLA2 level was 172.4 ÎŒmol/min per liter (interquartile range 143.1–204.2 ÎŒmol/min per liter). Comparing the highest and lowest Lp‐PLA2 quartile groups, the hazard ratios were 1.50 (95% CI 1.23–1.82) for the primary composite end point (cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke), 1.95 (95% CI 1.29–2.93) for hospitalization for heart failure, 1.42 (1.07–1.89) for cardiovascular death, and 1.37 (1.03–1.81) for myocardial infarction after adjustment for baseline characteristics, standard laboratory variables, and other prognostic biomarkers. Treatment with darapladib led to a ≈65% persistent reduction in median Lp‐PLA2 activity. There were no associations between on‐treatment Lp‐PLA2 activity or changes of Lp‐PLA2 activity and outcomes, and there were no significant interactions between baseline and on‐treatment Lp‐PLA2 activity or changes in Lp‐PLA2 activity levels and the effects of darapladib on outcomes. Conclusions: Although high Lp‐PLA2 activity was associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events, pharmacological lowering of Lp‐PLA2 activity by ≈65% did not significantly reduce cardiovascular events in patients with stable coronary heart disease, regardless of the baseline level or the magnitude of change of Lp‐PLA2 activity

    Growth factors and vasoactive substances in intrauterine growth restriction and preeclampsia

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    Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is, next to prematurity, the second leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. To reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality it is important to identify such fetuses in utero in order to monitor their development, and to determine the most optimal time for delivery. The etiology of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is multifactorial. Factors that contribute are fetal malformations, chromosome aberrations or early intrauterine fetal infections, all with poor prognosis for the fetus. In an isolated "placental insufficiency", the prognosis for the fetus is good if delivery time is optimized. Abberations of placentation are a common feature of pathological pregnancies such as IUGR and preeclampsia. The etiology of preeclampsia is still unknown, but endothelial dysfunction is believed to be a central pathogenetic feature. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the possible involvement of serum-borne growth factors and vasoactive substances in fetal growth restriction and preeclampsia. The substances that have been evaluated in fetal serum are: 1) Endothelin- 1; one of the most potent vasoconstrictor known. 2) Erythropoietin; a hematopoietic growth factor, the synthesis of which is induced by tissue hypoxia. 3) IGF-I and one of its binding proteins IMP- 1; IGF-I is a growth factor belonging to the same peptide family as insulin, its production is stimulated by nutrition and it is an essential factor in regulating fetal growth. 4) TGFbeta- I; which plays important roles in many areas including embryonic growth and development, inflammation and angiogenesis. In matemal serum, fibronectin was analyzed as a marker of endothelial injury in pregnancies complicated with IUGR and/or preeclampsia. The results showed that particularly IGF-I is a strong indicator of IUGR, and that also TGF-beta 1 is correlated to fetal growth. EPO and ET-1 appeared to be more associated to presence of hypoxia. Fibronectin may be used as a marker for preeclampsia and may indicate development of preeclampsia already in week 16. Fibronectin values may also give information on the severity of preeclampsia. The findings are relevant to the understanding of the pathophysiology of these diseases

    Passing Swedish? : Assessment and Analysis of Upper-Secondary Student Texts

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    This thesis deals with the assessment of school texts by students in Swedish upper-secondary school or in the corresponding adult education and concentrates on what differs between the grades Pass and Fail. The 60 texts used in the survey come from the 1997 archives of the national test construction group. A questionnaire to teachers asks what criteria are most important when distinguishing between Pass and Fail. The five criteria pointed out are Holistic scoring, Relevant content, The connecting thought, Sentence structure and How the student has followed the instructions. The most salient result regarding grades is the difference between grades from the students’ own teachers and from the independent assessors. Ten texts have received a Fail from the student’s own teacher, but as many as 35 get an average Fail from three assessors. There is variation in assessment, but 18 Fail texts and 18 Pass texts get a unanimous grade. Quantitative analyses of the 60 texts show a definite correlation between grade and number of words. However, the Fail-groups among narrative, expository and argumentative texts contain both the shortest and the longest texts. School texts are longer now than thirty years ago, especially texts with low grades. Sentences and words have become shorter. Coherence is investigated by a method of reference cohesion. No clear difference between Pass and Fail texts can be found, but between types of essay topics. Also important is the organization of the text and its paragraphs, a factor which separates Fail and Pass texts. Various aspects of sentence structure show better results in the Pass texts. The thesis is concluded with a commentary on the demands of the last compulsory course in Swedish. The needed level is argued to be the ability to write for an unknown reader

    FörÀldrars delaktighet under vistelsen pÄ neonatalavdelning. : En systematisk litteraturstudie

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    Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva förÀldrars erfarenhet av delaktighet i vÄrden av sitt nyfödda barn pÄ neonatalavdelning samt att beskriva hur sjuksköterskan hade möjlighet att frÀmja förÀldrars delaktighet. Metoden som anvÀndes var en deskriptiv litteraturstudie dÀr 29 artiklar anvÀndes. Litteratursökningen gjordes i databaserna Blackwell Synergy, CINAHL, PubMed och Elin@dalarna. Resultatet har visat pÄ positiva erfarenheter för förÀldrar att bli delaktiga genom hud-mot-hudkontakt, amning, kommunikation med sjuksköterskan och genom olika omvÄrdnadsmodeller. Negativa erfarenheter av delaktighet upplevdes vid separationen nÀr mor och barn inte fick möjlighet att bo tillsammans och att förÀldrarna inte fick tillÄtelse av personalen att vara med i omvÄrdnaden av sitt barn. Sjuksköterskan hade stort inflytande pÄ förÀldrarnas delaktighet i vÄrden av sitt barn och det var viktigt att lÄta förÀldrarna vara med i den praktiska omvÄrdnaden för att lÀttare hitta sin förÀldraroll och skapa kÀnslan av att det var deras barn

    FörÀldrars delaktighet under vistelsen pÄ neonatalavdelning. : En systematisk litteraturstudie

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    Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva förÀldrars erfarenhet av delaktighet i vÄrden av sitt nyfödda barn pÄ neonatalavdelning samt att beskriva hur sjuksköterskan hade möjlighet att frÀmja förÀldrars delaktighet. Metoden som anvÀndes var en deskriptiv litteraturstudie dÀr 29 artiklar anvÀndes. Litteratursökningen gjordes i databaserna Blackwell Synergy, CINAHL, PubMed och Elin@dalarna. Resultatet har visat pÄ positiva erfarenheter för förÀldrar att bli delaktiga genom hud-mot-hudkontakt, amning, kommunikation med sjuksköterskan och genom olika omvÄrdnadsmodeller. Negativa erfarenheter av delaktighet upplevdes vid separationen nÀr mor och barn inte fick möjlighet att bo tillsammans och att förÀldrarna inte fick tillÄtelse av personalen att vara med i omvÄrdnaden av sitt barn. Sjuksköterskan hade stort inflytande pÄ förÀldrarnas delaktighet i vÄrden av sitt barn och det var viktigt att lÄta förÀldrarna vara med i den praktiska omvÄrdnaden för att lÀttare hitta sin förÀldraroll och skapa kÀnslan av att det var deras barn