1,166 research outputs found

    Self-Repairable Smart Grids Via Online Coordination of Smart Transformers

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    The introduction of active devices in Smart Grids, such as smart transformers, powered by intelligent software and networking capabilities, brings paramount opportunities for online automated control and regulation. However, online mitigation of disruptive events, such as cascading failures, is challenging. Local intelligence by itself cannot tackle such complex collective phenomena with domino effects. Collective intelligence coordinating rapid mitigation actions is required. This paper introduces analytical results from which two optimization strategies for self-repairable Smart Grids are derived. These strategies build a coordination mechanism for smart transformers that runs in three healing modes and performs collective decision-making of the phase angles in the lines of a transmission system to improve reliability under disruptive events, i.e., line failures causing cascading failures. Experimental evaluation using self-repairability envelopes in different case networks, ac power flows, and varying number of smart transformers confirms that the higher the number of smart transformers participating in the coordination, the higher the reliability and the capability of a network to self-repair

    Unraveling the Molecular Determinants of Manual Therapy: An Approach to Integrative Therapeutics for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

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    Application of protocols without parameter standardization and appropriate controls has led manual therapy (MT) and other physiotherapy-based approaches to controversial outcomes. Thus, there is an urgency to carefully define standard protocols that elevate physiotherapy treatments to rigorous scientific demands. One way in which this can be achieved is by studying gene expression and physiological changes that associate to particular, parameter-controlled, treatments in animal models, and translating this knowledge to properly designed, objective, quantitatively-monitored clinical trials (CTs). Here, we propose a molecular physiotherapy approach (MPTA) requiring multidisciplinary teams, to uncover the scientific reasons behind the numerous reports that historically attribute health benefits to MT-treatments. The review focuses on the identification of MT-induced physiological and molecular responses that could be used for the treatment of fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). The systemic effects associated to mechanical-load responses are considered of particular relevance, as they suggest that defined, low-pain anatomic areas can be selected for MT treatment and yet yield overall benefits, an aspect that might result in it being essential to treat FM. Additionally, MT can provide muscle conditioning to sedentary patients without demanding strenuous physical effort, which is particularly detrimental for CFS/ME patients, placing MT as a real option for integrative medicine programs to improve FM and CFS/ME.This research was funded by the Fundación Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir (UCV) Research Grant Program grant number 2018-121-001.Fisioterapi

    Documentación y modelización de una hipótesis de reconstrucción del primer molino hidráulico romano de la península ibérica

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    [EN] The accurate graphic survey of an archaeological site is fundamental for its analysis and research. Furthermore, if this site is to be covered by a building and will not be accessible or visible, its documentation is essential, not only to continue with the research, but also to disseminate and enhance the discoveries. An example of this is the "Hoya de los Molinos" archaeological site in Caravaca de la Cruz (Region of Murcia, Spain). This is where the first mark of the wheel of a Roman vertical watermill in the Iberian Peninsula has been found. This fact is crucial because remains of Roman vertical-wheeled watermills have been found across the Mediterranean but not in the Iberian Peninsula. Moreover, the fact that this watermill still has all its structural elements makes this archaeological site in Caravaca de la Cruz very interesting. Due to these facts, it is essential to disseminate this discovery, so that it can be recognized and considered as archaeological and cultural heritage. To that end, the researchers have carried out a three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the most characteristic elements, such as the vertical wheel, the gears that allowed grinding the grain, and the building protecting them. A virtual recreation was carried out, based on the historical and building research, which is displayed in an explanatory video. Furthermore, two reproductions were created: one made to scale of the archaeological site with a 3D printer and another one of the hypothetical structure of the Roman watermill. To achieve this result, historians, archaeologists and engineers have collaborated, thus enabling not only its adequate dissemination, but also its accurate documentation, in an inclusive manner. Thanks to all the work that this paper describes, the Roman watermill found in Caravaca de la Cruz can be known, studied and assessed.[ES] La documentación gráfica y precisa de un yacimiento arqueológico es fundamental para su posterior estudio e investigación. Cuando el yacimiento quede en el subsuelo de un edificio y no sea accessible ni visitable, dicha documentación es imprescindible, no solo para la continuación de la investigación, sino también para poner en valor los hallazgos encontrados. Un ejemplo de ello es el yacimiento arqueológico de “Hoya de los Molinos” en Caravaca de la Cruz (Región de Murcia, España). En la Península Ibérica se ha encontrado la primera impronta de la rueda de un molino vertical hidráulico de época romana. Este hecho es fundamental por dos razones: la primera es que los molinos hidráulicos fueron utilizados por los romanos, no por los árabes como se creyó durante mucho tiempo (hecho que se ha rebatido gracias a los hallazgos arqueológicos); la segunda es que se encontraron restos de molinos hidráulicos en todo el Mediterrráneo, pero no en la Península ibérica. Además, en el yacimiento se hallaron todos los elementos estructurales del molino hidráulico vertical, lo que hace tan interesante este hallazgo. Por los condicionantes descritos es fundamental divulgar el hallazgo para que sea valorado y conocido. Para ello se realizó una reconstrucción tridimensional (3D) de los elementos más característicos, como son la rueda vertical, los engranajes que permitían la molienda de grano y el edificio que los protegía. A tal efecto, se desarrolló una hipotética recreación virtual y se animó en un video explicativo. También se hicieron dos impresiones 3D a escalas diferentes: una de toda la zona estudiada y otra en detalle del molino y sus engranajes. Para realizar todo lo aquí descrito se trabajó con un equipo multidisciplinar que permitió el estudio y reconstrucción adecuados. Historiadores, arqueólogas e ingenieros colaboraron para obtener este resultado haciendo posible, de una manera inclusiva, no solo su correcta divulgación, sino una precisa documentación. Gracias a todo el trabajo descrito en este artículo, el molino hidráulico hallado en Caravaca de la Cruz podrá ser conocido, investigado y valorado.We would like to thank Professor Dr. Robert Spain and the archaeologists in charge of the archaeological site,, María Belén Sánchez González and Juana María Marín Muñoz, for everything. The authors are grateful to Prof Spain, Sánchez and Marín for providing full details of the evidence prior to publication.García-León, J.; González-García, JÁ.; Collado-Espejo, PE. (2021). Documentation and modelling of a hypothetical reconstruction of the first Roman watermill in Hispania. Virtual Archaeology Review. 12(25):114-123. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.15316OJS1141231225Banfi, F. (2020). HBIM, 3D drawing and virtual reality for archaeological sites and ancient ruins. Virtual Archaeology Review, 11(23), 16-33. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2020.12416Brun, J. P., & Borreani, M. (1998). Deux moulins hydrauliques du Haut-Empire romain en Narbonnaisevillae des Mesclans à La Crau et de Saint-Pierre/ Les Laurons aux Ares. Archéologie de la France antique, 55, 279-326.Champion, E., & Rahaman, H. (2020). Survey of 3D digital heritage repositories and platforms. Virtual Archaeology Review, 11(23), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2020.13226Cunliffe, B., & Galliou, P. (2002). The Le Yaudet Project, Twelfth Interim Report on the excavations 2002. Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford and Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique, University of Brest (France).De Felice, G. (2016). Cathedrals in the Desert: A Review of Edoardo Tresoldi's Installation at Siponto, Italy. Public Archaeology, 15, 59-61. https://doi.org/10.1080/14655187.2016.1209634Fassi, F., Achile, C., & Fregonese, L. (2011) Surveying and modelling the main spire of Milan Cathedral using multiple data sources. The Photogrammetry Record, 26(136), 462-487. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1477-9730.2011.00658.xGarcía-León, J., Sánchez-Allegue, P., Peña-Velasco, C., Cipriani, L., & Fantini, F. (2018). Interactive dissemination of the 3d model of a Baroque altarpiece: a pipeline from digital survey to game engines. SCIRES-it, 8(2), 59-76. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v8n2p59García-Molina, D., González-Merino, R., Rodero-Pérez, J., & Carrasco-Hurtado, B. (2021). 3D documentation for the conservation of historical heritage: the Castle of Priego de Córdoba (Spain). Virtual Archaeology Review, 12(24), 115-130. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.13671Jacono, L. (1938). La routa idraulica di Venafro. L'ingegnere 12-15, 850-853.Leveau, P. (2007). Les moulins de Barbegal 1986-2006. In J. Brun, & J. Fiches (Eds.), Énergie hydraulique et machines élévatrices d'eau dans l'Antiquité (pp. 185-199). Publications du Centre Jean Bérard. https://doi.org/10.4000/books.pcjb.434Naujokat, A., Glitsch, T., Martin, F., & Schlimme, H. (2020). Baureka.online- Reseach repository, catalogue and archive for architectural history and building Archaeology. SCIRES-it, 10(1), 43-52. https://doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v10n1p43Oleson, J. P. (1984). A Roman water-mill on the Crocodilion river near Caesarea. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins, 100, 137-152.Palomo Palomo, J. & Fernández Uriel, P. (2007). Los molinos hidráulicos en la Antigüedad. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie II. Historia Antigua, 19-20, 499-524. Madrid: UNED. https://doi.org/10.5944/etfii.19.2006.4465Peña-Velasco, C., García-León, J., & Sánchez Allegue, P. (2017). Documentación, conservación y difusión de un retablo a través de la geomática: el retablo barroco de la iglesia de San Miguel en Murcia. e-rph: Revista electrónica de Patrimonio histórico, 21, 67-90. http://www.revistadepatrimonio.es/revistas/numero21/difusion/estudios/articulo.phpRemondino, F. (2011). Heritage Recording and 3D Modeling with Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning. Remote Sensing, 3, 1104-1138. https//doi.org/10.3390/rs3061104Rodríguez-Miranda, A., Valle Melón, J. M., Korro Bañuelos, J., & Elorriaga Aguirre, G. (2021). Interactive Virtual representation of the disappeared convent of El Carmen (Logroño) generated from a paper craft model. Virtual Archeology Review, 12(24),77-89. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.14038Rojas-Sola, J. I., & López-García, R. (2007). Engineering graphics and watermills: ancient technology in Spain. Renewable Energy, 32(12), 2019-2033. https//doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2006.10.013Romeuf, A. (1978). Un moulin à eau gallo-romain aux Martres des Veyre (Puy-de-Dôme»). Revue d'Auvergne, 92(2), 23-41.Sánchez González, M. B., Marín Muñoz, J. M., Sánchez González, M. J., García López, A. I., & Brotóns Yagüe, F. (2020). El molino hidráulico romano y otros hallazgos arqueológicos en Hoya de los Molinos de Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia). Avance preliminar. XXVI Jornadas de Patrimonio Cultural de la Región de Murcia. Murcia. Tres Fronteras Ediciones, 33-44. http://hdl.handle.net/10317/8809Santoni, A., Martín-Talaverano, R., Quattrini, R., & Murillo-Fragero, J. (2021). HBIM approach to implement the historical and constructive knowledge. The case of the Real Colegiata of San Isidoro (León, Spain). Virtual Archaeology Review, 12(24), 49-65. doi:https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.13661Small, A., & Buck, R. (1994). The excavations of San Giovanni di Ruoti I. The villas and their environment. 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Documentation of cultural heritage using digital photogrammetry and laser scanning. Journal Cultural Heritage, 8(4), 432-427. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2007.06.00

    Intervención y puesta en valor de la Torre de Los Caballos. Un nuevo espacio museístico dedicado a las torres vigía de la costa de Mazarrón

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    [EN] The Tower of Los Caballos is one of the three watchtowers built between the 15th and 16th centuries in Mazarrón (Murcia - Spain), in order to warn the population of eventual incursions by Berber pirates. The Tower is located on the coastline and is currently annexed to the Immaculate Conception Chapel. It has a square plan, two internal levels and a crenelated roof, built of stone and lime masonry. With the restoration and enhancement of the Tower, the original structures have been consolidated, by improving accessibility and internal roominess and its adaptation to the environment. Moreover, a museum space has been created with information panels and didactic materials devoted to “Watch towers and the history of the Miracle”, which enhances this Tower as an important tourist, cultural and leisure resource of Mazarrón.Collado Espejo, PE. (2015). Intervención y puesta en valor de la Torre de Los Caballos. Un nuevo espacio museístico dedicado a las torres vigía de la costa de Mazarrón. En Defensive architecture of the mediterranean: XV to XVIII centuries. Vol. I. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 345-352. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2015.2015.1743OCS34535

    Intervención y puesta en valor de la Torre del Molinete en Mazarrón y su entorno paisajístico y patrimonial

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    [EN] The Tower of El Molinete is one of the three watchtowers built between the 15th and 16th centuries in Mazarron (Murcia - Spain), in order to warn the population of eventual incursions by Berber pirates. The Tower is located in the urban area of Mazarron and it crowns the so-called Hill of El Molinete, which is the great green area of the city. Both the Tower and the Hill were in a poor state of preservation. The intervention has resulted in the improvement of the state of preservation and accessibility to the Tower, as well as the regeneration, fitting-out and landscaping of the entire Hill, as an open and safe urban space recovered for leisure and enjoyment of the historical and natural environment, by reintegrating these two heritage and landscape points of reference into the city.Collado Espejo, PE. (2015). Intervención y puesta en valor de la Torre del Molinete en Mazarrón y su entorno paisajístico y patrimonial. En Defensive architecture of the mediterranean: XV to XVIII centuries. Vol. I. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 79-86. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2015.2015.1725OCS798


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    Abstract. The Negro Tower, in El Algar, Cartagena (Region of Murcia, Spain), is a building which dates to 1585. It is a tower built in a rural environment, inland from the coast, to alert and protect the population from pirate attacks. It was part of the network of watchtowers and defense posts along the coast of Murcia built between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The tower is protected as a historical monument, but its state of conservation is very poor. For this reason, a comprehensive study has been carried out to ensure its correct restoration and future conservation. Historical and constructive analysis has allowed us to discover the social, cultural and architectural characteristics of the tower. Digital photogrammetry and 3D laser scanning compatible with classic topography have been used for the graphic survey of the tower. All this information has permitted the elaboration of thorough three-dimensional modelling and the proposal of a volumetric recomposition of the tower. The presentation will set out the working methodology followed as well as the important results achieved. This research work aims to contribute to the recognition and correct conservation of the Tower. The graphic survey and the three-dimensional model obtained will allow the recovery of the tower and its integration into the natural environment

    Relationship between the anterior forebrain mesocircuit and the default mode network in the structural bases of disorders of consciousness

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    The specific neural bases of disorders of consciousness (DOC) are still not well understood. Some studies have suggested that functional and structural impairments in the default mode network may play a role in explaining these disorders. In contrast, others have proposed that dysfunctions in the anterior forebrain mesocircuit involving striatum, globus pallidus, and thalamus may be the main underlying mechanism. Here, we provide the first report of structural integrity of fiber tracts connecting the nodes of the mesocircuit and the default mode network in 8 patients with DOC. We found evidence of significant damage to subcortico-cortical and cortico-cortical fibers, which were more severe in vegetative state patients and correlated with clinical severity as determined by Coma Recovery Scale - Revised (CRS-R) scores. In contrast, fiber tracts interconnecting subcortical nodes were not significantly impaired. Lastly, we found significant damage in all fiber tracts connecting the precuneus with cortical and subcortical areas. Our results suggest a strong relationship between the default mode network - and most importantly the precuneus - and the anterior forebrain mesocircuit in the neural basis of the DOC