9 research outputs found
Pedro Azara (ed.), "Antes del diluvio. Mesopotamia 3500-2100 A.C."
Pedro Azara (ed.), Antes del diluvio. Mesopotamia 3500-2100 A.C.
El movimiento formativo protoestatal en al Yazira y Anatolia Oriental (V-IV milenio a.c.). Los procesos originales y los efectos del contacto con la I Urbanizaci贸n mesopot谩mica
Tesis doctoral in茅dita le铆da en la Universidad Aut贸noma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosof铆a y Letras, Departamento de Historia Antigua, Historia Medieval, y Paleograf铆a y Diplom谩tica. Fecha de lectura: 25-09-201
Los asedios en el imperio neoasirio
El ej茅rcito asirio durante el I milenio a.C. fue el m谩s temido en todo el Pr贸ximo
Oriente. A sus muchas cualidades se a帽adir谩 en 茅poca neoasiria un perfeccionamiento del arte de
la poliorc茅tica, consiguiendo de este modo que muy pocas ciudades fuesen capaces de resistir su
intervenci贸n sin ser arrasadas, con la posterior reorganizaci贸n de las gentes que esto conllevaba.Assyrian army during the 1st millennium was the most fearful in all the Near East.
To their many qualities, we can add their improvement on their gift for assaulting cities in Neo-
Assyrian period. This way, not so many cities were capable of resisting its military intervention
without being devastated and the population reorganized
Slingshots : tensions and conflicts in the protohistory of the Near East?
Abstract: The Late Ubaid signified the creation of a shared culture within a large part of Near East and the emergence of complex societies. The large area into which it expanded led initially scholars to suggest that a process of domination and conquest took place, while later predominated a model of gradual and peaceful expansion of the Ubaid material culture, life ways and organization. Yet some small ovoid objects made of stone and clay found in some Ubaid settlements make us rethink whether this process took place in a manner completely peaceful or violent.Resumen: El Ubaid Tard铆o signific贸 la creaci贸n de una cultura compartida por una gran parte del Pr贸ximo Oriente y la aparici贸n de sociedades complejas. La gran 谩rea por la que se expandi贸 llev贸 a que en un principio se la interpretase como un proceso de dominaci贸n y conquista, para despu茅s ganar peso la idea de una expansi贸n gradual y pac铆fica de la cultura material y formas de vida Ubaid. Sin embargo, algunos peque帽os objetos ovoides realizados en piedra o arcilla encontrados en varios yacimientos Ubaid hacen replantearnos si este proceso tuvo lugar de manera pac铆fica o violenta
El patrimonio arqueol贸gico iraqu铆 y su destrucci贸n a lo largo del tiempo
The current country of Iraq is located in an area where the main cultures of the Ancient East settled down. A priceless cultural heritage which was studied by the country for years. Its majestic past was the pride of the nation. When Iraq was overrun back in 2003, the press published the looting of the National Museum, though it was not just an isolated event, but the most painful one the country had suffered throughout time. In the first place, the pillage from the European colonizing countries interested in increasing the collections of their own museums. Followed by the presence of international unscrupulous mafias, several disastrous wars and an international embargo which lasted for twelve years. All the mentioned episodes worsened even more the difficult situation of the country, which resulted in serious consequences for the cultural heritage
El patrimonio arqueol贸gico iraqu铆 y su destrucci贸n a lo largo del tiempo
The current country of Iraq is located in an area where the main cultures of the Ancient East settled down. A priceless cultural heritage which was studied by the country for years. Its majestic past was the pride of the nation. When Iraq was overrun back in 2003, the press published the looting of the National Museum, though it was not just an isolated event, but the most painful one the country had suffered throughout time. In the first place, the pillage from the European colonizing countries interested in increasing the collections of their own museums. Followed by the presence of international unscrupulous mafias, several disastrous wars and an international embargo which lasted for twelve years. All the mentioned episodes worsened even more the difficult situation of the country, which resulted in serious consequences for the cultural heritage.El moderno pa铆s de Iraq ocupa una zona en la que se asentaron las principales culturas del Antiguo Oriente. Un rico patrimonio arqueol贸gico que durante a帽os el pa铆s se encarg贸 de estudiar. Su glorioso pasado era el orgullo de la naci贸n. Cuando en el a帽o 2003 se produc铆a la invasi贸n de Iraq, los medios de comunicaci贸n publicaron noticias sobre el saqueo del Museo Nacional, sin embargo este no era sino un hecho m谩s, probablemente el m谩s doloroso de los que ha sufrido el patrimonio de este pa铆s a lo largo del tiempo. En primer lugar el expolio de las potencias colonizadoras europeas, interesadas en aumentar los fondos de sus museos, pasando por la presencia de mafias internacionales sin escr煤pulos, varias guerras desastrosas y un embargo internacional que se prolong贸 durante doce a帽os, agravando la ya de por s铆 delicada situaci贸n del pa铆s, y que tuvo consecuencias importantes para el patrimonio arqueol贸gico
Iraqi archaeological heritage and its destruction throughout time
El moderno pa铆s de Iraq ocupa una zona en la que se asentaron las principales culturas del Antiguo Oriente. Un rico patrimonio arqueol贸gico que durante a帽os el pa铆s se encarg贸 de estudiar. Su glorioso pasado era el orgullo de la naci贸n. Cuando en el a帽o 2003 se produc铆a la invasi贸n de Iraq, los medios de comunicaci贸n publicaron noticias sobre el saqueo del Museo Nacional, sin embargo este no era sino un hecho m谩s, probablemente el m谩s doloroso de los que ha sufrido el patrimonio de este pa铆s a lo largo del tiempo. En primer lugar el expolio de las potencias colonizadoras europeas, interesadas en aumentar los fondos de sus museos, pasando por la presencia de mafias internacionales sin escr煤pulos, varias guerras desastrosas y un embargo internacional que se prolong贸 durante doce a帽os, agravando la ya de por s铆 delicada situaci贸n del pa铆s, y que tuvo consecuencias importantes para el patrimonio arqueol贸gico.The current country of Iraq is located in an areawhere the main cultures of the Ancient East settled down. A priceless cultural heritage which was studied by the country for years. Its majestic past was the pride of the nation. When Iraq was overrun back in 2003, the press published the looting of the National Museum, though it was not just an isolated event, but the most painful one the country had suffered throughout time. In the first place, the pillage from the European colonizing countries interested in increasing the collections of their own museums. Followed bythe presence of international unscrupulous mafias, several disastrous wars and an international embargo which lasted for twelve years. All the mentioned episodes worsened even more the difficult situation of the country, which resulted in serious consequences for the cultural heritage