739 research outputs found

    New benzene absorption cross sections in the VUV, relevance for Titan’s upper atmosphere

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    This is a pre-print (pre-peer review) manuscript. It is moderately different from the accepted manuscript and from the published article. Citation of published article: Fernando J. Capalbo, Yves Bénilan, Nicolas Fray, Martin Schwell, Norbert Champion, Et-touhami Es-sebbar, Tommi T. Koskinen, Ivan Lehocki, Roger V. Yelle. Icarus, vol. 265, p. 95 - 109. February 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2015.10.006.International audienceBenzene is an important molecule in Titan’s atmosphere because it is a potential link between the gas phase and the organic solid phase. We measured photoabsorption in the ultraviolet by benzene gas at temperatures covering the range from room temperature to 215 K. We derived benzene absorption cross sections and analyzed them in terms of the transitions observed. No significant variation with measurement temperature was observed. We discuss the implications of our measurements for the derivation of benzene abundance profiles in Titan’s thermosphere, by the Cassini/Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS). The use of absorption cross sections at low temperature is recommended to avoid small systematic uncertainties in the profiles. We used our measurements, together with absorption cross sections from other molecules, to analyze four stellar occultations by Titan, measured by UVIS during flybys T21, T41, T41_II, and T53. We derived and compared benzene abundance profiles in Titan’s thermosphere between approximately 530 and 1000 km, for different dates and geographical locations. The comparisons of our benzene profiles with each other, and with profiles from models of the upper atmosphere, point to a complex behavior that is not explained by current photochemical models

    Situating the Marketization of Data

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    Data are neither inherently valuable, nor do all data have the same value. This contribution argues how data are made useful and valuable to specific actors and for specific purposes. It draws attention to the material politics of data flows and valuation, and to the many different actors and stakeholders who build the technological conduits and pipelines that facilitate the circulation and use of data. Therefore, it highlights the need to study the infrastructural layer of the global data market, as well as the central role of intermediaries who build and uphold these infrastructures for the exchange and use of data for different purposes. Both are important to situate the processes of datafication and data marketization in specific empirical settings

    The implementation of a mobile problem-specific electronic CEX for assessing directly observed student—patient encounters

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    Background: Facilitating direct observation of medical students' clinical competencies is a pressing need. Methods: We developed an electronic problem-specific Clinical Evaluation Exercise (eCEX) based on a national curriculum. We assessed its feasibility in monitoring and recording students' competencies and the impact of a grading incentive on the frequency of direct observations in an internal medicine clerkship. Students (n=56) at three clinical sites used the eCEX and comparison students (n=56) at three other clinical sites did not. Students in the eCEX group were required to arrange 10 evaluations with faculty preceptors. Students in the second group were required to document a single, faculty observed ‘Full History and Physical’ encounter with a patient. Students and preceptors were surveyed at the end of each rotation. Results: eCEX increased students' and evaluators' understanding of direct-observation objectives and had a positive impact on the evaluators' ability to provide feedback and assessments. The grading incentive increased the number of times a student reported direct observation by a resident preceptor. Conclusions: eCEX appears to be an effective means of enhancing student evaluation

    Atividade física e hábitos alimentares de participantes e não participantes do programa atleta do futuro (PAF)

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    O estudo objetivou investigar os hábitos de atividade física (AF) e o consumo alimentar de participantes e não participantes do programa Atleta do Futuro do SESI-PAF. Materiais e métodos: Participaram 494 escolares, sendo 246 do PAF (129 meninos e 117 meninas) e 248 não participantes do PAF (112 meninos e 136 meninas), com média de idade de 8 anos. Utilizou-se um questionário auto respondido dividido em informações gerais, estrato econômico, hábitos alimentares e AF. Para a comparação das informações gerais e estrato econômico entre os grupos utilizou-se o teste Qui quadrado. Comparação do nível de AF, consumo diário e gosto alimentar utilizou-se o teste U-Mann Whitney, com o nível de significância estatística de 95%. Resultados e discussão: A maioria dos responsáveis pelos escolares possui ensino médio e pertence ao estrato econômico B. A maioria dos participantes do PAF pratica atividades moderadas (58,5%) enquanto que as não participantes atividades leves (51,6%). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos quanto ao consumo alimentar (ingesta de feijão, cereais, lacticínios, frutas e verduras, proteínas, e batata frita/pizza). Ambos os grupos gostam muito de frutas e sucos, refrigerantes, cereais e verduras, embora não consumam com frequência refrigerantes e guloseimas. Conclusão: Os participantes do PAF tendem a realizar AF de maior intensidade quando comparados aos não participantes. Além disso, o consumo alimentar dos participantes é semelhante nos dois grupos. Ressalta-se que o consumo inadequado de alimentos e a baixa intensidade da AF contribuem para o sobrepeso e a obesidade. ABSTRACT Physical activity and eating habits of participants and non-participants of the athlete of the future-PAFThis study aims to analyze the physical activity (PA) habits and the food intake of participants and non-participants of the program SESI Atleta do Futuro-PAF. 494 schoolchildren participated, being 246 of PAF (129 boys and 117 girls) and 248 non-participants of PAF (112 boys and 136 girls) with average 8 years of age. The instrument used in the study was an auto answered questionnaire composed of: General information, socioeconomic status, eating habits and PA. For comparison, the general information and socioeconomic among the groups the test used chi square and for comparison the level of physical activity, daily food consumption and like food the test used U-Mann Whitney, with level of statistical significance of 95%. Results and discussion: Most of the school children’s parents attended secondary school and belong to socioeconomic stratum B. The assessment of PA indicated that the participants of PAF practiced moderate-intensity activities (58,5%) and the non-participants performed light-intensity activities (51,6%). No found differences significant among the groups in food consumption (intake bean, grain products, dairy products, fruit and vegetables, protein and French fries/pizza. Both groups really like fruit and juice, soft drink, grain products and vegetables, although do not consume soft drink and candies. Conclusion: Although the absence difference significant, the participants PAF tend to be done PA of higher intensity when compared to non-participants. Furthermore, the habits food intake of participants it is similar in both groups. It is noteworthy that the inadequate food intake and low intensity of PA contribute to overweight and obesity

    Implementation of an Affordable Method for MPS Diagnosis from Urine Screening to Enzymatic Confirmation: Results of a Pilot Study in Morocco

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    Background: Rapid and accurate diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) is still a challenge due to poor access to screening and diagnostic methods and to their extensive clinical heterogeneity. The aim of this work is to perform laboratory biochemical testing for confirming the diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) for the first time in Morocco. Methods: Over a period of twelve months, 88 patients suspected of having Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) were referred to our laboratory. Quantitative and qualitative urine glycosaminoglycan (GAG) analyses were performed, and enzyme activity was assayed on dried blood spots (DBS) using fluorogenic substrates. Enzyme activity was measured as normal, low, or undetectable. Results: Of the 88 patients studied, 26 were confirmed to have MPS; 19 MPS I (Hurler syndrome; OMIM #607014/Hurler-Scheie syndrome; OMIM #607015), 2 MPS II (Hunter syndrome; OMIM #309900), 2 MPS IIIA (Sanfilippo syndrome; OMIM #252900), 1 MPS IIIB (Sanfilippo syndrome; OMIM #252920) and 2 MPS VI (Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome; OMIM #253200). Parental consanguinity was present in 80.76% of cases. Qualitative urinary glycosaminoglycan (uGAGs) assays showed abnormal profiles in 31 cases, and further quantitative urinary GAG evaluation and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) provided important additional information about the likely MPS diagnosis. The final diagnosis was confirmed by specific enzyme activity analysis in the DBS samples. Conclusions: The present study shows that the adoption of combined urinary substrate analysis and enzyme assays using dried blood spots can facilitate such diagnosis, offer an important tool for an appropriate supporting care, and a specific therapy, when available

    Metaplastic breast carcinomas exhibit EGFR, but not HER2, gene amplification and overexpression: immunohistochemical and chromogenic in situ hybridization analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: Metaplastic breast carcinomas constitute a heterogeneous group of neoplasms, accounting for less than 1% of all invasive mammary carcinomas. Approximately 70–80% of metaplastic breast carcinomas overexpress the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER)2 and EGFR have attracted much attention in the medical literature over the past few years owing to the fact that humanized monoclonal antibodies against HER2 and therapies directed against the extracellular ligand-binding domain or the intracellular tyrosine kinase domain of EGFR have proven successful in treating certain types of human cancer. We investigated whether HER2 and EGFR overexpression was present and evaluated gene amplification in a series of metaplastic breast carcinomas. METHOD: Twenty-five metaplastic breast carcinomas were immunohistochemically analyzed using a monoclonal antibody (31G7) for EGFR and two antibodies for HER2 (Herceptest and CB11) and scored using the Herceptest scoring system. Gene amplification was evaluated by chromogenic in situ hybridization using Zymed Spot-Light EGFR and HER2 amplification probe. The results were evaluated by bright field microscopy under 40× and 63× objective lenses. RESULTS: Nineteen (76%) metaplastic breast carcinomas exhibited EGFR ovexpression, and among these EGFR amplification (defined either by large gene clusters or >5 signals/nucleus in >50% of neoplastic cells) was detected in seven cases (37%): three carcinomas with squamous differentiation and four spindle cell carcinomas. One case exhibited HER2 overexpression of grade 2+ (>10% of cells with weak to moderate complete membrane staining), but HER2 gene amplification was not detected. CONCLUSION: Metaplastic breast carcinomas frequently overexpressed EGFR, which was associated with EGFR gene amplification in one-third of cases. Our findings suggest that some patients with metaplastic breast carcinomas might benefit from novel therapies targeting EGFR. Because most metaplastic breast carcinomas overexpress EGFR without gene amplification, further studies to evaluate EGFR activating mutations are warranted

    IFNAR1-Signalling Obstructs ICOS-mediated Humoral Immunity during Non-lethal Blood-Stage Plasmodium Infection

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    Funding: This work was funded by a Career Development Fellowship (1028634) and a project grant (GRNT1028641) awarded to AHa by the Australian National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC). IS was supported by The University of Queensland Centennial and IPRS Scholarships. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Mecenazgo y edición en la primera mitad del siglo XVI: el Florindo de Fernando Basurto (Zaragoza: Pedro Hardouin, 1530)

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    Se analizan las funciones del editor y del mecenas en la publicación de libros impresos en el siglo XVI. Para esto se estudia en profundidad la actividad de Fernando Basurto, autor, y de Juan Fernández de Heredia, mecenas-editor, en torno a la primera edición del Florindo publicado por Pedro Hardouin en Zaragoza en 1530. The paper discusses the functions of the publisher and patron in the publication of printed books during the 16th Century. With this purpose, the activity of Fernando Basurto, author, and Juan Fernandez de Heredia, patron-editor, about the fi rst edition of Florindo published in Zaragoza by Pedro Hardouin in 1530 is studied