163 research outputs found

    January 1958

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    My dear Brother: It does not require a great stretch of the imagination for me to hear you mutter: Didn\u27t I get one of these yellow sheets only a month ago? Why doesn\u27t he get back to work instead of cluttering up my mail? Well, thereby hangs a tale. A few weeks ago I spent an illuminating, and somewhat dismaying, evening with brother Theophilus in the Middle West. He has a good congregation of about five hundred members. It is an average parish, with the usual complement of saints and sinners, with the lines between them shifting back and forth. Theophilus has worked hard and the Lord of the Church has blessed his hands and his voice

    İstanbul çok pahalı beni Datça'ya gömün

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 109-Hasan Ali-Can Yüce


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    Background: This study aims to determine the effect of parents\u27 levels of COVID-19 phobia on the risk of abuse and neglect towards their children. Subjects and methods: A total of 472 parents, who have children between the ages of 0-18, who use social media and volunteer to participate in the research, were included in the study. The sociodemographic information form, Corona Virus 19 Phobia Scale (C19P-S), and Abuse Awareness Scale-Parent Form were used to collect the study\u27s data. Results: 57.9% of the parents participating in the study were female, and the mean age was 42.08±10.33. It was found that 55.9% of the participants continued to go to the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic. While 12% of the parents were treated for COVID-19, 21.4% were quarantined. The average C19P-S score of the parents was found to be 50.2. The mean score of the subdimensions of the scale varies between 8.4 and 18.5. The average score of the parents from the Abuse Awareness Scale-Parent Form was 55.4. A positive correlation was found between the Abuse Awareness Scale-Parent Form and the C19P-S score averages. Conclusion: The findings have shown that the family\u27s risk of children being exposed to abuse and neglect increases due to the negativities experienced during the pandemic period

    The effects of land-use changes on soil properties: The conversion of alder coppice to tea plantations in the Humid Northern Blacksea Region

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    Over the last century, the conversion of natural ecosystems to agricultural production is one of the primary factors in environmental degradation. As in most parts of the world, forest soils in the north- east of Turkey are being seriously degraded and destroyed due to extensive agricultural activities. This study investigated the effects of changes in land-use on some soil properties in Rize, Turkey. Two adjacent sites were studied: One had been converted 60 years previously from alder coppice to tea cultivation (TC); the other remained as alder coppice (AC). The experimental design at each site was a randomized complete block with four replications in the study area. Four disturbed and four undisturbed soil samples were taken randomly at soil depths of 0 -10 cm, 10 - 30 cm and 30 - 50 cm in each plot in the study area. When the alder coppice was converted into tea cultivation, the bulk density (Db) increased from 0.84 g cm-3 to 1.02 g cm-3, soil penetrometer resistance (SPR) increased from 0.94 to 1.27 MPa, the soil organic matter (SOM) decreased from 5.14 to 4.06%, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) decreased from 40.64 to 16.33 mm h-1 at 0 to 10 cm depth of soil. According to soil depth steps the mean PAW, St, Ksat, SOM and total N content decreased linearly in alder coppice (AC) and tea cultivation (TC). The results indicated that the change in land use and introduction of cultivation had a significant effect on soil properties

    Winter sports awareness levels of students taking ski lessons

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    This study examines the winter sports awareness levels of the students who take the optional ski course at Erzurum Technical University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, and Faculty of Engineering, according to various variables. The data were collected from the students who took the optional ski course in the 2021-2022 academic year with the help of questionnaires. A total of 145 students, 87 male, and 58 female students, participated in the study using the quantitative research model. A questionnaire technique consisting of two parts was used in the research. In the first part, the "Personal Information Form" was used to determine the demographic characteristics of the participants. The "Winter Sports Awareness Level Scale" was used in the second part. Frequency analysis, kurtosis, skewness test, One-Way Anova analysis, t-test, and correlation analysis were used in the study. The study found a moderate, positive, and significant relationship between the sub-dimensions of winter sports awareness levels. According to the gender variable of the students participating in the study, no significance was found in the awareness levels of winter sports. According to the department variable, in the affective sub-dimension, the engineering faculty students were significantly higher than the sports science faculty students. In addition, according to the variable of where you live, it was determined that the students living in the cities were significantly higher than those living in the villages at the level of winter sports awareness. As a result, it can be said that the gender variable is not a distinguishing variable on the level of winter sports awareness. According to the age variable, it was determined that the winter sports awareness levels of the students aged 23-25 were significantly higher than the students aged 26 and over

    Winter sports awareness levels of students taking ski lessons

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    This study examines the winter sports awareness levels of the students who take the optional ski course at Erzurum Technical University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, and Faculty of Engineering, according to various variables. The data were collected from the students who took the optional ski course in the 2021-2022 academic year with the help of questionnaires. A total of 145 students, 87 male, and 58 female students, participated in the study using the quantitative research model. A questionnaire technique consisting of two parts was used in the research. In the first part, the "Personal Information Form" was used to determine the demographic characteristics of the participants. The "Winter Sports Awareness Level Scale" was used in the second part. Frequency analysis, kurtosis, skewness test, One-Way Anova analysis, t-test, and correlation analysis were used in the study. The study found a moderate, positive, and significant relationship between the sub-dimensions of winter sports awareness levels. According to the gender variable of the students participating in the study, no significance was found in the awareness levels of winter sports. According to the department variable, in the affective sub-dimension, the engineering faculty students were significantly higher than the sports science faculty students. In addition, according to the variable of where you live, it was determined that the students living in the cities were significantly higher than those living in the villages at the level of winter sports awareness. As a result, it can be said that the gender variable is not a distinguishing variable on the level of winter sports awareness. According to the age variable, it was determined that the winter sports awareness levels of the students aged 23-25 were significantly higher than the students aged 26 and over

    Elektronik Tablo Ortamında İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Örüntüleri Araştırma Süreçleri

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    The process of pattern generalization is essential to the transition period from arithmetic to algebra. The spreadsheet is a technological tool that is effective in mathematics education and supports this process as well. The aim of this study is to investigate the pattern generalization process of primary school 6th-grade students (aged 11-12), who progress through arithmetic to algebra, within the framework of algebraic reasoning in the spreadsheet environment. Therefore, the student data on two pattern questions, one linear and one non-linear, was analyzed. The study found that the students used recursive and explicit strategies with the help of instrumented technics in the spreadsheet environment, and that the spreadsheet environment functioned as a bridge for students’ transition from verbal expression of the pattern to its algebraic expression, supporting algebraic reasoning objectives.Örüntülerin genellenmesi süreci aritmetikten cebire geçişte önemlidir. Elektronik tablolar ise matematik eğitiminde etkili ve bu süreci destekleyen teknolojik araçlardır. Bu çalışmada elektronik tablo ortamında cebirsel düşünme çatısı çerçevesinde aritmetikten cebire geçiş yapan 6. sınıf (11-12 yaş) öğrencilerinin elektronik tablo ortamında örüntüleri araştırma ve genelleme süreçlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu amaçla lineer ve lineer olmayan iki örüntü sorusu ile ilgili öğrenci verileri analiz edilmektedir. Sonuç olarak öğrencilerin elektronik tablo ortamında enstrümanlı teknikler yardımıyla rekürsif ve belirgin stratejileri kullandıkları, elektronik tablonun öğrencilerin örüntü kuralının sözel ifadesinden cebirsel ifadesine geçişinde bir köprü rolü üstlendiği ve cebirsel düşünme kazanımlarını desteklediği görülmüştür

    H1N1 virüs enfeksiyon nedeniyle meydana gelen myokardit

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    A 25-year-old male patient, applied to emergency department with complaints of fever lasting for 3 days, non-productive cough and tachycardia. Troponin I level was 18 ng/ml. The patient had no previously known disease and was hospitalized in coronary intensive care unit. We presented a case of acute myopericarditis occurred after an acute influenza infection, caused by H1N1 virus that recently led to pandemics worldwide

    Using neuropsychometric measurements in the differential diagnosis of specific learning disability

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to develop a neuropsychometric battery for the differential diagnosis of specific learning disability (SLD), with specific respect to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to help resolve the conflicting results in the literature by an integrative utilization of scores on both the Bannatyne categories and neuropsychological tests. Methods: The sample included 168 primary school boys who were assigned to SLD (n=21), ADHD (n=45), SLD and ADHD (n=57), and control groups (n=45). The exclusion criteria were a neurological or psychiatric comorbidity other than ADHD, a level of anxiety and/or depression above the cutoff score, medication affecting cognitive processes, visual and/or auditory disorders, and an intelligence level outside the IQ range of 85–129. Psychometric scores were obtained from the SLD Battery and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised in the form of Bannatyne category scores. Neuropsychological scores were from the Visual–Aural Digit Span Test-Form B, Serial Digit Learning Test, Judgment of Line Orientation, and Mangina Test. The battery was called the Integrative Battery of SLD. Results: The correctness of estimation for classifying cases into the diagnostic dyads (SLD/ADHD, SLD/SLD+ADHD, and SLD+ADHD/ADHD) by an integrative utilization of both the Bannatyne category scores (n=4) and scores from the four neuropsychological tests (n=10) was 92.4%, 81.4%, and 71.8%, respectively. These proportions were generally higher than those obtained using the Bannatyne category scores alone (86.4%, 75.5%, and 73.1%, respectively). The same trend was seen in the classification of children into diagnostic and control groups. However, the proportion of the correctness of estimation was higher than that obtained for the diagnostic dyads. Conclusion: When conducted using appropriately chosen research designs and statistical techniques and if confounding variables are sufficiently controlled, a neuropsychometric battery that includes capacities that relate to intelligence (Bannatyne categories) and those that relate to neurocognitive processes (neuropsychological tests) can be useful in the differential diagnosis of SLD

    Effect of visitor activities on topsoil hydrophysical properties in two protected areas in northern blacksea region

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    In this study, the effects of visitor acitivities on topsoil hydrophysical properties in two protected areas in northern Bleacksea region were investigated. For this purpose, soil samples taken from study area that was characterized as heavily trafficked site (HTS), moderately trafficked sites (MTS) and control (non-trafficked site). The soil bulk density and soil penetration resistance increased from 1.02 to 1.39 g cm–3 and 0.66 to 1.55 MPa, respectively, saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased from 60.60 to 10.35 mm h–1 in moderately and heavily trafficked sites, respectively, at 0–10 cm soil depth in Ayder protected area. The soil bulk density and soil penetration resistance increased from 0.85 to 1.40 g cm–3 and 0.68 to 1.50 MPa, respectively, saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased from 58.75 to 10.35 mm h–1 in moderately and heavily trafficked sites, respectively, at 0–10 cm soil depth in Kafkasor protected area. The intensity of visitor activities had a negative impact on topsoil hydrophysical properties in the study area in Ayder and Kafkasor. The principles of management in Ayder and Kafkasor protected areas should be revised, and use of this area without a plan should be stopped as soon as possible