23 research outputs found

    Gastrointestinal Basidiobolomycosis Mimicking Colon Cancer in a Sudanese Patient

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    Basidiobolomycosisis a rare disease caused by the fungus Basidiobolus ranarum. The incidence Rate of Gastrointestinal Basidiobolomycosis is approximately 1 in 45,333,334 or 0.00% in every 5 people in USA), member of the class Zygomycetes found worldwide (1).Basidiobolomycosis is usually a subcutaneous infection but rarely gastrointestinal1. This fungus is found mainly in the soil and on decaying vegetations2. It has been isolated from the banks of tropical rivers in West Africa, and has also been found in association with some insects2. The fungus is known to be present in the gastrointestinal tracts of reptiles, amphibians, and some bat species3. Definitive diagnosis requires culture and serological testing may be helpful. The fungal morphology and the Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon are characteristic histological features. Basidiobolomycosis is treated with surgical resection and itracanzole 200mg BD for three months or Amphotericin B 5mg /kg iv/24 hrs4.Keywords: Zygomycetes, vegetations, subcutaneous infection.

    CD133 in brain tumor: the prognostic factor

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    CD133 has been shown to be an important stem cell factor that promotes glioma progression. However, the mechanism for CD133-mediated glioma progression has yet to be fully elucidated. In this study, we found that CD133 mRNA expression was a prognostic marker in three independent glioma patient cohorts, corroborating a putative role for CD133 in glioma progression. Importantly, we found that CD133 expression in glioma was highly correlated with the expression of HOX gene stem cell factors (HOXA5, HOXA7, HOXA10, HOXC4 and HOXC6). The expression of these HOX genes individually was significantly associated with survival. Interestingly, the prognostic significance of CD133 was dependent on the expression level of HOX genes, and vice versa. CD133 (p = 0.021) and HOXA7 (p = 0.001) were independent prognostic markers when the three glioma patient cohorts were combined (n = 231). Our results suggest that HOX genes may play a more important role in progression of glioma when CD133 expression is low. Furthermore, we showed that low-level expression of LIM2 in CD133-high glioma was associated with poorer survival, suggesting that LIM2 could be a therapeutic target for glioma expressing a high level of CD133. Connectivity mapping identified vinblastine and vincristine as agents that could reverse the CD133/HOX genes/LIM2-signature, and we confirmed this by in vitro analysis in glioma cell lines, demonstrating that CD133 and HOX genes were co-expressed and could be downregulated by vincristine. In conclusion, our data show that CD133 and HOX genes are important prognostic markers in glioma and shed light on possible treatment strategies for glioma expressing a high level of CD133

    Assessing the effect of compaction pressure on the mechanical properties of polytetrafluoroethylene elaborated by field assisted sintering technique

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    We study the effect of compaction pressure on the mechanical properties of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) synthesized by the field-assisted sintering technique (FAST). PTFE is a commonly polymer use material with various technological applications in the automotive, aerospace, and chemical industries. While the manufacture of PTFE is problematic due to its high molecular weight and hence a very high melt viscosity, FAST is an adequate process which can fix this problem by offering rapid densification (a few minutes). In this context, we explore the mechanical behavior of sintered PTFE produced with different compaction pressures, all other operating parameters being held constant. The stress-strain curves of PTFE investigated by uniaxial tension tests show a significant dependence of the compaction pressure on the elastic and plastic mechanical characteristics. An attempt is made to correlate the applied pressure during the sintering process to microstructural changes according to the de Gennes creep model. For plastic deformation, the stress-strain curves are compared to the predictive Hollomon's and Haward and Thackray's models and discussed in physical terms. We conclude that a better mechanical behavior of sintered PTFE materials can be achieved by using an optimum value of compaction pressure which is not necessary found above the yield flow