6 research outputs found

    Moroccan Participatory Banks in the Era of the Covid-19 International Health Crisis

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    Apart from the paralysis of the real estate sector and the closure of notaries and concessionaires, the economic situation of customers which is in decline because of the crisis weighs heavily on the activity of participatory banks. Therefore, in Morocco, like all other industries, the participatory banking industry has suffered from the onset of the state of health emergency and total containment of citizens, due to the “COVID-19” health crisis. But participatory banks are relatively better off than conventional banks. However, our present article aims to present the state of play of the said participatory banks a priori and post-mortem of the health crisis in the Moroccan financial fabric, taking into account the measures taken by the monetary authorities at national and international level. Furthermore, a descriptive, understandable and explanatory methodology has been adopted on the basis of a qualitative approach, which aims to identify the concrete situation involving a particular phenomenon. It is therefore a question of understanding and describing the situation of participating banks in the Moroccan banking system during the so-called “COVID-19”. Indeed, by giving meaning to our problem through observation, description and interpretation, by appreciating their context as it presents itself and by providing content data. However, Moroccan participatory banks are called upon to make more sustained efforts in mobilizing savings, in particular by proposing a daily offer of services from the bank that must be competitive, while relying on the affinity that distinguishes it from the classic offer. Moreover, the Moroccan participatory banks still suffer from a significant imbalance in balance sheet management due to several factors. However, this crisis situation was inevitable, but the Moroccan monetary authorities hope that it will only be temporary and that things will return to order as they go.Apart from the paralysis of the real estate sector and the closure of notaries and concessionaires, the economic situation of customers which is in decline because of the crisis weighs heavily on the activity of participatory banks. Therefore, in Morocco, like all other industries, the participatory banking industry has suffered from the onset of the state of health emergency and total containment of citizens, due to the “COVID-19” health crisis. But participatory banks are relatively better off than conventional banks. However, our present article aims to present the state of play of the said participatory banks a priori and post-mortem of the health crisis in the Moroccan financial fabric, taking into account the measures taken by the monetary authorities at national and international level. Furthermore, a descriptive, understandable and explanatory methodology has been adopted on the basis of a qualitative approach, which aims to identify the concrete situation involving a particular phenomenon. It is therefore a question of understanding and describing the situation of participating banks in the Moroccan banking system during the so-called “COVID-19”. Indeed, by giving meaning to our problem through observation, description and interpretation, by appreciating their context as it presents itself and by providing content data. However, Moroccan participatory banks are called upon to make more sustained efforts in mobilizing savings, in particular by proposing a daily offer of services from the bank that must be competitive, while relying on the affinity that distinguishes it from the classic offer. Moreover, the Moroccan participatory banks still suffer from a significant imbalance in balance sheet management due to several factors. However, this crisis situation was inevitable, but the Moroccan monetary authorities hope that it will only be temporary and that things will return to order as they go


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    In recent decades, participatory banks have been growing all over the world, with unusual growth rates, as is the case in the Turkish Republic where there is a mixed banking system that accepts such banks with their conventional counterparts. However, our study focuses on the synergies that participatory banks can achieve on their conventional counterparts in the Turkish banking system. However, to address our present research problem, we have adopted an empirical study which is based initially on the econometric test of the unit root, which aims to verify the stationary nature of the study variables, including, the funds raised and the funds allocated, using the 10th version of the software Eviews. This, in order to move to linear regression between the independent variables representing the participating banks and the dependent ones represented by the conventional banks, and this on the software SPSS21. Indeed, all the observations are in million Turkish Pound and they were collected by the official website of the Turkish Participatory Banks Association covering the period between December 2011 and July 2018, that is, 80 observations. The results found showed us that participatory banks partially achieve synergies effects on conventional banks in Turkey’s mixed banking system. Moreover, these effects can be explained by the ethical principles on which the participatory banks are based and the competitive pressures between them and their conventional counterparts. JEL: E50; G21; G24  Article visualizations

    The contribution of participation banks on the development of the mixed banking system: case of the Turkish Republic

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    Abstract. In this paper, we examine the impact of participation banks on the development of the hybrid banking system in the Turkish Republic, through an empirical study of independent variables that represent the development of participation banks such as allocated funds, raised funds and net profits, and the development of the mixed banking system that is represented by total assets and this is during the period of December 2011 to July 2018, it’s about 80 observations. First, we will start with the unit root test such as ADF, PP and KPSS tests to verify the stationarity of all variables, then we will apply the Johansen cointegration test for the long-term relationship to verify if there is a long-term co-integration relationship between the dependent variable and the independent ones. The results showed that all variables are stationary at the same level (2nd difference), so they are integrated in the same order (I1), while the Johansen test found that there are three long-term cointegration relationships between the variables involved. So, we concluded that participation banks contribute in the long term to the development of the mixed banking system of the Turkish Republic.Keywords. Participation banks, Mixed banking system, Turkey, Unit root test, Cointegration test.JEL. D39, E49, F69, F69, G21

    Le modèle bancaire participatif turc comme référence pour le cas du Maroc

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    Ce papier porte sur une étude comparative entre la Turquie et le Maroc en termes de banques participatives. Pourtant, il vise à résoudre une problématique qui se pose sur la possibilité du Maroc à suivre le modèle bancaire participatif turc. Toutefois, pour résoudre cette problématique, nous nous sommes basés sur une revue de littérature, en citant les principaux travaux qui concernent les banques participatives turques et leur croissance. Ensuite, on afait comparaison entre la Turquie et le Maroc afin de savoir s’il est possible de valider le modèle bancaire participatif turc au Maroc. Pourtant, cette comparaison nous a permis de résulter que les deux pays ayant des points de convergences et autres de divergences. Finalement, on a résulté qu’il est difficile de faire la projection du modèle bancaire participatif turc au Maroc, dont chaque pays a ses spécificités propres


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    La sarcoïdose est une granulomatose systémique d’étiologie inconnue affectant principalement le poumon, les ganglions et la peau. Les atteintes nasosinusiennes et ostéo-articulaires restent rares [1-2], parfois inaugurales et souvent méconnues. Nous en rapportons une nouvelle observation