115 research outputs found

    Cognición y Representación: Persiguiendo un Sueño

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    La verdadera equidad educacional no se logra con sólo abrir los colegios a todos los niños, sino ofreciéndoles oportunidades de éxito escolar a través del cultivo de la diversidad cognoscitiva, considerando el rol de la cultura y de la escuela en este proceso. La mente es un logro cultural cuya conformación está influida significativamente por el tipo de experiencias vivenciadas por una persona en el transcurso de su vida. Las formas de representación que se usan como sistemas de símbolos para representar lo que se piensa influyen en los procesos de pensamiento y en los productos de éste, desarrollan diferentes destrezas cognoscitivas e inciden en lo que uno es capaz de ver y de representar. En el trabajo docente, ellas pueden combinarse para enriquecer el conjunto de recursos ofrecidos a los alumnos a modo de que entiendan ideas importantes, útiles, hermosas y poderosas; que piensen analítica y críticamente; que especulen imaginativamente para ver conexiones en las ideas y que usen lo que saben para mejorar sus vidas y contribuir a la cultura

    Ocho importantes condiciones para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en las artes visuales

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    Para a noção de transformação curricular

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    Neste artigo é evidenciada a relação entre currículo e conhecimento, abordando-se o conhecimento escolar na sua seleção, organização e transformação, a partir de uma revisão do conceito de transposição didática e da proposição dos conceitos de transformação curricular e transformação didática. Qualquer debate sobre o currículo exige a dilucidação do conhecimento e uma reflexão sobre os seus diversos significados, sobretudo quando a educação se torna num projeto amplo de questionamento da realidade social. Para além de várias questões colocadas acerca do conhecimento escolar e do modo como a sua organização pode ser realizada, procura-se centrar o debate numa reflexão sobre as fronteiras entre conhecimentos e esclarecer que, sobre essa temática, jamais poderão existir respostas fechadas.This article highlights the link between curriculum and knowledge, the approach of school knowledge’s selection, organization and transformation is based on a revision of the concept of didactic transposition and on the proposal of the concepts of curriculum and didactic transformation. Debates on curriculum demand an explanation and a reflection on the multiple meanings of knowledge mainly when education aims to be a broad project to contest social reality. It aims to focus the discussion on a reflection regarding the borders between knowledges and to show that in this subject there are never closed answers.Dans cet article est mis en évidence le rapport entre le curriculum et la connaissance, en abordant la connaissance scolaire dans sa sélection, son organisation et sa transformation à partir d’une révision du concept de transposition didactique et de la proposition des concepts de transformation du curriculum et de transformation didactique. Toute discussion sur le curriculum exige la dilucidation de la connaissance et une réflexion sur ses plusieurs signifiés, surtout quand l’éducation devient un projet plus large de mise en question de la réalité sociale. Au delà des plusieurs questions posées autour de la connaissance scolaire et de la manière comme son organisation peut être réalisée, on cherche á fixer le débat dans une réflexion sur les frontières entre connaissances et éclaircir que, sur cette thématique jamais ne pourront exister des réponses absolues.En este trabajo se pone en evidencia la relación entre el currículum y el conocimiento, abordándose el conocimiento escolar en su selección, organización y transformación desde una revisión del concepto de transposición didáctica y de la proposición de los conceptos de transformación curricular y transformación didáctica. Cualquier discusión sobre el currículum requiere la aclaración del conocimiento y una reflexión sobre sus diversos significados, especialmente cuando la educación se convierte en un proyecto más amplio de cuestionamiento de la realidad social. Además de varias preguntas sobre el conocimiento escolar y el modo en el que su organización puede tener lugar, se intenta centrar el debate en una reflexión sobre las fronteras entre conocimientos y aclarar que en esta temática jamás podrán existir respuestas cerradas.(undefined

    Macular thickness measurements in healthy Norwegian volunteers: an optical coherence tomography study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ethnic, intersubject, interoperator and intermachine differences in measured macular thickness seem to exist. Our purpose was to collect normative macular thickness data in Norwegians and to evaluate the association between macular thickness and age, gender, parity, and contraception status.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Retinal thickness was measured by Stratus Optical Coherence Tomography in healthy subjects. Mean macular thickness (MMT) was analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA with three dependent regional MMT-variables for interaction with age, gender, parity and oral contraception use. Exploratory correlation with age by the Pearson correlation test, both before and after stratification by gender was performed. Differences in MMT between older and younger subjects, between oral contraception users and non-users, as well as parous and nulliparous women were studied by post-hoc Student's t-tests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Central MMT in Norwegians was similar to values earlier reported in whites. MMT in central areas of 1 and 2.25 mm in diameter were higher in males than in females. In younger subjects (≤43 years) differences in MMT between genders were larger than in the mixed age group, whereas in older subjects (>43 years) the small differences did not reach the set significance level. No differences were found in minimal foveolar thickness (MMFT) between the genders in any age group.</p> <p>Mean foveal thickness (1 mm in diameter) was positively associated with age in females (r = 0.28, p = 0.03). MMFT was positively associated with age in all groups and reached significance both in females and in mixed gender group (r = 0.20, p = 0.041 and r = 0.26, p = 0.044 respectively).</p> <p>Mean foveal thickness and MMFT were significantly higher in parous than in nulliparous women, and age-adjusted ANOVA for MMFT revealed a borderline effect of parity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Age and gender should be taken into consideration when establishing normal ranges for MMT in younger subjects. The gender difference in retinal thickness in young, but not older adults suggests a gonadal hormonal influence. The possible association between parity and retinal structure and its clinical relevance, should be studied further.</p

    Mouse models to unravel the role of inhaled pollutants on allergic sensitization and airway inflammation

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    Air pollutant exposure has been linked to a rise in wheezing illnesses. Clinical data highlight that exposure to mainstream tobacco smoke (MS) and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) as well as exposure to diesel exhaust particles (DEP) could promote allergic sensitization or aggravate symptoms of asthma, suggesting a role for these inhaled pollutants in the pathogenesis of asthma. Mouse models are a valuable tool to study the potential effects of these pollutants in the pathogenesis of asthma, with the opportunity to investigate their impact during processes leading to sensitization, acute inflammation and chronic disease. Mice allow us to perform mechanistic studies and to evaluate the importance of specific cell types in asthma pathogenesis. In this review, the major clinical effects of tobacco smoke and diesel exhaust exposure regarding to asthma development and progression are described. Clinical data are compared with findings from murine models of asthma and inhalable pollutant exposure. Moreover, the potential mechanisms by which both pollutants could aggravate asthma are discussed

    Eisner, Elliot W., The Primacy of Experience and the Politics of Method, Educational Researcher, 17(June-July, 1988), 15-20.

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    Calls for use of diverse research methods that capture the variety of experience we seek to study; addresses political issues related

    Eisner, Elliot W., The Centrality of Curriculum and the Function of Standards, pp. 148-177 in Elliot W. Eisner, The Arts and the Creation of Mind. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2002.*

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    Discusses conceptions and uses of curriculum objectives and of curriculum standards in general as well as in relation to the arts curriculum; a similar treatment of assessment and evaluation follows these pages

    Eisner, Elliot W., Reimagining Schools: The Selected Works of Elliot W. Eisner. New York: Routledge, 2005.

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    Reprints twenty-one of Eisner\u27s articles published from 1965-2002