393 research outputs found

    Evaluación del dispositivo Pavement Quality Indicator (PQI) en la determinación de la densidad in situ de mezclas fabricadas con emulsión bituminosa

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    The Pavement Quality Indicator (PQI) is a non-nuclear gauge used for the on-site density measurement of asphalt pavements without the need to extract core samples. Previous studies of hot asphalt mixes found that PQI density readings were very similar to laboratory density measurements of pavement cores. This paper describes the first stage of a research project whose objective is to analyze PQI density measurements of mixes manufactured with an asphalt emulsion binder. The PQI density variability for such mixes was verified and compared with the results obtained with other on-site methods for measuring pavement density.El equipo Pavement Quality Indicator es un dispositivo para la determinación de densidad in situ en pavimentos asfálticos sin extracción de testigos. Las experiencias con este equipo en mezclas bituminosas en caliente, recogidas en diferentes fuentes bibliográficas, muestran que las densidades medidas in situ con el PQI son muy similares a las obtenidas mediante la extracción de testigos. En este artículo se expone la primera etapa de un proyecto de investigación que tiene por objeto analizar los resultados de mediciones efectuadas con PQI en mezclas bituminosas donde se utiliza emulsión asfáltica como ligante. Se comprueba la variabilidad de la densidad obtenida con el equipo para este tipo de mezclas, y se comparan los resultados con otros métodos de medida de densidad in situ

    Phytoplankton pigment distribution in the northwestern Alboran Sea and meteorological forcing: A remote sensing study

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    A set of weekly-composite SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field of view Sensor) imagery (from 1998 to 2004) has been used to asses the temporal and spatial variability of the surface chlorophyll distribution in the Northwestern Alboran Sea. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis of the images series shows the existence of three different regions in which surface chlorophyll presents a homogeneous temporal behavior in the neighborhood of the Strait of Gibraltar.The temporal patterns of surface chlorophyll concentrations in each region have been characterized by studying the role of several forcing factors, mainly the zonal component of the wind field.The first identified region occupies the coastal area in front of Estepona and Málaga and shows the highest chlorophyll concentration in the entire region of study in absence of easterly winds. A second region is located far offshore, in the zone usually occupied by the Atlantic jet entering the Alboran Sea, showing high concentrations of chlorophyll when the easterlies blow. Finally, a third region has been situated in the normal location of the Western Alboran Gyre (WAG).The zonal wind field arises as a main forcing function in the modulation of the intensity and location of the upwelling processes in the area, while the entrance of the Atlantic jet seems to be the main agent feeding of all these processes

    Phytoplankton, bacterioplankton and nitrate reductase activity distribution in relation to physical structure in the northern Alborán Sea and Gulf of Cadiz (southern Iberian Peninsula)

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    The IctioAlborán-Cadiz 95 cruise (July 1995) covered the northwest sector of the Alborán Sea, the Straits of Gibraltar and the Gulf of Cadiz. We present and discuss the distribution of phytoand bacterioplankton abundance, nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase (NR) activity according to circulation patterns described previously in the literature. The water-column integrated values of chlorophyll-a in the Alborán Sea were higher and more variable (12 to 318 mg m⁻³) than in the Gulf of Cadiz (3 to 49 mg m⁻³). This reflects the higher dynamism of the Alborán sector, related to the existence of characteristic mesoscale physical structures. The plankton (2-80 μm equivalent spherical diameter) in the upwelling region of the Alborán Sea had a biovolume 30 times higher than in the nutrient-poorer water of the Gulf of Cadiz. Large organisms were abundant and dominated the size spectrum of one coastal station in the Alborán zone, whereas the slope of the size spectrum became more negative at the Gulf of Cadiz station, as a consequence of the dominance of small cells. Bacterial abundance maxima ( 3 X 10⁶ bact ml⁻¹) also occurred in the upwelling region. We found relatively high nitrate and chlorophyll a concentrations in Cape Trafalgar's cold surface waters, probably due to the interaction between topography and strong tidal currents. The spatial pattern of the NR activity is discussed according to chlorophyll a, nitrate and bacteria distributions. The existence of high NR activity but low chlorophyll a and bacterial abundance suggests that this could be related with dissimilatory activity in large-sized particles.La campaña IctioAlborán-Cádiz 95 (julio de 1995) cubrió el sector noroeste del mar de Alborán, estrecho de Gibraltar y golfo de Cádiz. En este trabajo se presentan y discuten las distribuciones de abundancia de fitoplancton y bacterioplancton, concentración de nitrato y actividad nitrato reductasa (NR) de acuerdo con los patrones de circulación descritos en la bibliografía. Los valores de clorofila a integrados en la columna de agua en Alborán fueron mayores y más variables (12 a 318 mg/m³) que en el golfo de Cádiz (3 a 49 mg/m³). Esto refleja el mayor dinamismo de la zona de Alborán, relacionado con la existencia de estructuras físicas características a mesoescala. El análisis de la comunidad nano-microplanctónica (2-80 μm, diametro esférico equivalente) de la región de afloramiento del mar de Alborán mostró un biovolumen 30 veces mayor que el de aguas más pobres en nutrientes del golfo de Cádiz. Por otro lado, el espectro de tamaños en una estación costera de Alborán está dominado por organismos planctónicos grandes, mientras que la pendiente del espectro de tamaño se hace más negativa en una estación del golfo de Cádiz, como consecuencia de la mayor abundancia de plancton de pequeño tamaño. En la región de afloramiento se dieron también máximos de abundancia bacteriana ( 3 X 10⁶ bact ml⁻¹). Se han encontrado valores relativamente altos de nitrato y clorofila a en las frías aguas superficiales cercanas al cabo de Trafalgar, lo que se debe, probablemente, a la interacción entre topografía y fuertes corrientes mareales. Se discute el patrón espacial de la actividad NR en relación con las distribuciones de clorofila a, nitrato y bacterias. En muestras con valores elevados de actividad NR pero bajos de clorofila y abundancia de bacterias, se sugiere que esta actividad se relaciona con actividad disimilatoria en agregados de gran tamaño.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Novel Ligand-Based Approach to Screening of Large Databases for Paramphistomicide Lead Generation

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    In this report, non-stochastic and stochastic 2D atom-based linear indices were used to the discrimination of paramphistomicide compounds from inactive ones. Two linear classification-based QSAR models were obtained. These equations, performed considering both non-stochastic and stochastic TOMOCOMD-CARDD descriptors, classify correctly 88.57% of chemicals in database, for a good Mathew’s correlation coefficient of 0.77. A few anthelmintics compounds and other drugs from the Merck Index, Negwer handbook, and Goodman & Gilman were selected/identified by the models as possible paramphistomicide, one of them was found in the recent literature as possessing this activity. The results demonstrate the usefulness of TOMOCOMD-CARDD method for drug discovery of new lead paramphistomicide compounds.En este informe se emplearon índices lineales estocásticos y no estocásticos en 2D, basados en átomos, para discriminar los compuestos de acción paramfistomicida de los inactivos. Se obtuvieron dos modelos lineales QSAR basados en la clasificación. Estas ecuaciones, llevadas a cabo teniendo en cuenta descriptores TOMOCOMD-CARDD tanto estocásticos como no estocásticos, clasifican correctamente el 88,57% de los elementos químicos de la base de datos, arrojando un buen coeficiente de correlación de Mathews del 0,77. Los modelos seleccionaron/identificaron algunos compuestos antihelmínticos y otros fármacos del índice Merck, del manual Negwer y de Goodman & Gilman como posibles paramfistomicidas, y la literatura reciente incluye a uno de ellos como poseedor de esta actividad. Los resultados demuestran la utilidad del método TOMOCOMD-CARDD para el descubrimiento de fármacos y de nuevos compuestos líderes de acción paramfistomicida.Ciencias Experimentale

    Variability of early autumn planktonic assemblages in the strait of Gibraltar: a regionalization analysis

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    The Strait of Gibraltar (SG) is the only connection of the Mediterranean Sea with the global circulation. The SG is an outstanding marine region to explore physical-biological coupling of pelagic communities due to its hydrodynamic complexity, including strong tidal forcing and marked spatial gradients and fronts. The authors have unravelled the role of the fortnightly tidal scale (spring and neap tides) and local processes (upwelling and tidal-topographic mixing) that shape planktonic assemblages in the Strait. To do so, an oceanographic cruise was taken in early autumn 2008 with a high-resolution grid sampling and spring/neap tidal conditions. The planktonic features were captured using different automatic and semi-automatic techniques of plankton analyses (flow cytometry, FlowCAM, LOPC and Ecotaxa) that allowed covering a wide range of sizes of the community from pico- to mesoplankton. The SG was sectorized into two clusters based on the biogeochemical and main water column properties. Cluster 1 (CL1) covered shallow productive areas around Cape Trafalgar (CT). CL1 presented higher concentrations of chlorophyll and nutrients, and phytoplankton was mostly represented by Synechococcus and coastal diatoms while zooplankton had the highest percentage of meroplankton (31%). In contrast, cluster 2 (CL2) covered open ocean waters and presented more oligotrophic features, i.e. nitrogen-depleted waters with lower chlorophyll concentrations and a picoplankton community dominated by Prochlorococcus and holoplankton predominance in mesozooplankton. Under early autumn conditions with overall nutrient-depleted and stratified waters, the CT area emerges as an ecosystem where the constant tidal mixing and nutrients supply is coupled with an active production also being favored by high residence times and finally shaping a plankton community with unique features in the area.En prensa0,56

    Cyclic brightening in the short-period WZ Sge-type cataclysmic variable SDSS J080434.20+510349.2

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    We have observed a new cataclysmic variable (CV) SDSS J080434.20+510349.2 and study the origin of a long-term variability found in its light curve. Multi-longitude time-resolved photometric observations were carried out to analyze the uncommon behavior also found recently in two newly discovered CVs. This study of SDSS J080434.20+510349.2 mainly concerns the understanding of the nature of the observed double-humped light curve and its relation to a cyclic brightening occurring during quiescence. The observations were obtained early in 2007, when the object was at about V~17.1, 0.4 mag brighter than the pre-outburst magnitude. The light curve shows a sinusoidal variability with an amplitude of about 0.07 mag and a periodicity of 42.48 min, which is half of the orbital period of the system. In addition, we have observed two "mini-outbursts" of the system up to 0.6 mag, with a duration of about 4 days each. The "mini-outburst" had a symmetric profile and repeated in about 32 days. Subsequent monitoring of the system shows a cyclical behaviour of such "mini-outbursts" with a similar recurrence period. The origin of the double-humped light curve and the periodic brightening is discussed in the light of the evolutionary state of SDSS J080434.20+510349.2.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by A&A, typos added, figure correcte

    Effects of ammonium nitrate, cesium chloride and tetraethylammonium on high-affinity potassium uptake in habanero pepper plantlets (Capsicum chinense Jacq.)

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    Potassium (K+) is an essential nutrient and the most abundant cation in plant cells. Plants have a wide variety of transport systems for K+ acquisition that catalyze K+ uptake across a wide spectrum of external K+ concentrations and mediate K+ movement within the plant, as well as its release into the environment. The KUP/HAK/KT transporter family plays a key role in K+ homeostasis in plant cells. The present study demonstrates that habanero pepper plantlets have a clear pattern of K+ uptake when resupplemented with K+ after K+ starvation. Habanero pepper plantlets, re-supplemented with a solution containing low concentrations of K+ after 72, 96 or 120 h of K+ starvation were able to decrease the amount of K+ in the solution at different time points. To study the effect of NH4+, we added different concentrations of NH4NO3 to the medium solution and demonstrated that NH4+ inhibited K+ uptake in a dose-dependent manner. When the plantlets were subjected to K+ starvation for 72 h and then resupplemented with 50 or 100 μM K+, exposure to K+ channel blockers (10 mM CsCl and 20 mM TEA) decreased their K+ uptake compared with the control treatment. A model demonstrating the process of K+ uptake through an NH4+-insensitive component was proposed.Key words: Potassium, high affinity transporters, channel blockers, ammonium

    The Expanding Nebular Remnant of the Recurrent Nova RS Ophiuchi (2006): II. Modeling of Combined Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Ground-based Spectroscopy

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    We report Hubble Space Telescope imaging, obtained 155 and 449 days after the 2006 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi, together with ground-based spectroscopic observations, obtained from the Observatorio Astron\'omico Nacional en San Pedro M\'artir, Baja California, M\'exico and at the Observatorio Astrof\'isico Guillermo Haro, at Cananea, Sonora, M\'exico. The observations at the first epoch were used as inputs to model the geometry and kinematic structure of the evolving RS Oph nebular remnant. We find that the modeled remnant comprises two distinct co-aligned bipolar components; a low-velocity, high-density innermost (hour glass) region and a more extended, high-velocity (dumbbell) structure. This overall structure is in agreement with that deduced from radio observations and optical interferometry at earlier epochs. We find that the asymmetry observed in the west lobe is an instrumental effect caused by the profile of the HST filter and hence demonstrate that this lobe is approaching the observer. We then conclude that the system has an inclination to the line of sight of 3910+1^{+1}_{-10} degrees. This is in agreement with the inclination of the binary orbit and lends support to the proposal that this morphology is due to the interaction of the outburst ejecta with either an accretion disk around the central white dwarf and/or a pre-existing red giant wind that is significantly denser in the equatorial regions of the binary than at the poles. The second epoch HST observation was also modeled. However, as no spectra were taken at this epoch, it is more difficult to constrain any model. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that between the two HST epochs the outer dumbbell structure seems to have expanded linearly.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap

    Mesozooplankton distribution, production and respiration in the global ocean.

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    Mesozooplankton biomass, abundance and mass-specific physiological rates as well as community production and respiration in the upper 2000 m were assessed from samples collected during the Malaspina circumnavigation expedition (~35ºN-40ºS) using an image-based analysis system (IBS). Equations relating metabolic rates, temperature, and body weight, were developed according to temperature ranges found at the different ocean regions and depth layers. High abundance and biomass were observed in the epipelagic zone and decreasing with depth as expected. However, high biomass was also found beyond 1000 m related to the colder and productive waters of the eastern regions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Specific growth and respiration rates followed a similar pattern and were highly correlated with temperature (r2=0.835 and 0.806 , respectively). Therefore, higher values were observed in the tropical and subtropical zones as the effect of higher temperature. Community production and respiration were considerably higher in the epipelagic layer, matching the distribution of biomass, with high values below 1000 m in the eastern Pacific/Indian Oceans. Global metabolism assessed through the IBS was similar to previous results based on data review.MALASPINA (CSD2008-00077