37 research outputs found

    Broadband random optoelectronic oscillator

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    [EN] Random scattering of light in transmission media has attracted a great deal of attention in the field of photonics over the past few decades. An optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) is a microwave photonic system offering unbeatable features for the generation of microwave oscillations with ultra-low phase noise. Here, we combine the unique features of random scattering and OEO technologies by proposing an OEO structure based on random distributed feedback. Thanks to the random distribution of Rayleigh scattering caused by inhomogeneities within the glass structure of the fiber, we demonstrate the generation of ultra-wideband (up to 40¿GHz from DC) random microwave signals in an open cavity OEO. The generated signals enjoy random characteristics, and their frequencies are not limited by a fixed cavity length figure. The proposed device has potential in many fields such as random bit generation, radar systems, electronic interference and countermeasures, and telecommunications.Thanks N. Shi and Y. Yang for comments and discussion. This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China under 2018YFB2201902 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under 61925505. This work was also partly supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China under 2018YFB2201901, 2018YFB2201903, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under 61535012 and 61705217.Ge, Z.; Hao, T.; Capmany Francoy, J.; Li, W.; Zhu, N.; Li, M. (2020). Broadband random optoelectronic oscillator. Nature Communications. 11(1):1-8. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-19596-xS18111Feng, S., Kane, C., Lee, P. A. & Stone, A. D. Correlations and fluctuations of coherent wave transmission through disordered media. Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 834 (1988).Wiersma, D. 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    Coexisting high-grade glandular and squamous cervical lesions and human papillomavirus infections

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    Contains fulltext : 144469.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)The frequency of high-risk human papillomavirus (hr-HPV) genotypes in patients with adenocarcinoma in situ (ACIS) with coexisting cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), ACIS without coexisting CIN, and high-grade CIN (CIN II/III) was studied, in order to gain more insight into the relation between hr-HPV infections and the development of coexisting squamous and glandular lesions. The SPF(10) LiPA PCR was used to detect simultaneously 25 different HPV genotypes in biopsies obtained from 90 patients with CIN II/III, 47 patients with ACIS without coexisting CIN, and 49 patients with ACIS and coexisting CIN. hr-HPV was detected in 84 patients (93%) with CIN II/III, 38 patients (81%) with ACIS without CIN, and in 47 patients (96%) with ACIS and coexisting CIN. A total of 13 different hr-HPV genotypes were detected in patients with CIN II/III, and only five in patients with ACIS with/without coexisting CIN. HPV 31, multiple hr-HPV genotypes, and HPV genotypes other than 16, 18, and 45 were significantly more often detected in patients with CIN II/III, while HPV 18 was significantly more often detected in patients with ACIS with/without CIN. There were no significant differences in the frequency of specific hr-HPV genotypes between patients with ACIS with or without coexisting CIN. In conclusion, the frequency of specific hr-HPV genotypes is similar for patients with ACIS without CIN and patients with ACIS and coexisting CIN, but is significantly different for patients with CIN II/III without ACIS. These findings suggest that squamous lesions, coexisting with high-grade glandular lesions, are aetiologically different from squamous lesions without coexisting glandular lesions

    Initial clinical experience with frameless optically guided stereotactic radiosurgery/radiotherapy in pediatric patients

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    The objective of this study is to report our initial experience treating pediatric patients with central nervous system tumors using a frameless, optically guided linear accelerator. Pediatric patients were selected for treatment after evaluation by a multidisciplinary neuro-oncology team including neurosurgery, neurology, pathology, oncology, and radiation oncology. Prior to treatment, all patients underwent treatment planning using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and treatment simulation on a standard computed tomography scanner (CT). For CT simulation, patients were fitted with a customized plastic face mask with a bite block attached to an optical array with four reflective markers. After ensuring adequate reproducibility, these markers were tracked during treatment by an infra-red camera. All treatments were delivered on a Varian Trilogy linear accelerator. The follow-up period ranges from 1–18 months, with a median follow-up of 6 months. Nine patients, ages ranging from 12 to 19 years old (median age 15 years old), with a variety of tumors have been treated. Patients were treated for juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma (JPA; n = 2), pontine low-grade astrocytoma (n = 1), pituitary adenoma (n = 3), metastatic medulloblastoma (n = 1), acoustic neuroma (n = 1), and pineocytoma (n = 1). We followed patients for a median of 12 months (range 3–18 months) with no in-field failures and were able to obtain encouraging toxicity profiles. Frameless stereotactic optically guided radiosurgery and radiotherapy provides a feasible and accurate tool to treat a number of benign and malignant tumors in children with minimal treatment-related morbidity

    Ageism and Dementia

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    This chapter explores the relationship between ageism and dementia. Although dementia is not an unavoidable consequence of ageing, increasing age is the biggest risk factor for having this disease. The prevalence of dementia increases exponentially with age and 95% of those with Alzheimer's Disease, the most common form of dementia, are aged 65 or over. Dementia often has strong negative connotations, partly driven by alarmist media portrayals of the disease, which means that people living with the condition can experience the `double stigma' of ageism and dementia-related discrimination. The stigma attached to dementia can have significant implications for quality of life through, for example, decreased social engagement, reduced self-esteem, increased carer burden and sub-standard healthcare, a situation that is exacerbated by low levels of diagnosis and inadequate training of medical professionals. Despite attempts by governments and not for profit organisations to tackle dementia-related stigma, there remains a strong need to raise awareness of the realities of living with dementia and to reduce the impact of discrimination. This chapter explores the inter-connections and overlaps between ageing and discrimination because someone has dementia. The relationship between dementia and age is discussed, followed by an exploration of the impacts of dementia-related stigma for the individual and society. The chapter continues by analysing the role of the media in fuelling stigma and how having dementia can impact on the receipt of health and social care services. The chapter explores the implications of dementia stigma for social engagement and ends by considering how perceptions of dementia are reflected in research funding

    Genomic diversity of bacteriophages infecting Microbacterium spp

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    The bacteriophage population is vast, dynamic, old, and genetically diverse. The genomics of phages that infect bacterial hosts in the phylum Actinobacteria show them to not only be diverse but also pervasively mosaic, and replete with genes of unknown function. To further explore this broad group of bacteriophages, we describe here the isolation and genomic characterization of 116 phages that infect Microbacterium spp. Most of the phages are lytic, and can be grouped into twelve clusters according to their overall relatedness; seven of the phages are singletons with no close relatives. Genome sizes vary from 17.3 kbp to 97.7 kbp, and their G+C% content ranges from 51.4% to 71.4%, compared to ~67% for their Microbacterium hosts. The phages were isolated on five different Microbacterium species, but typically do not efficiently infect strains beyond the one on which they were isolated. These Microbacterium phages contain many novel features, including very large viral genes (13.5 kbp) and unusual fusions of structural proteins, including a fusion of VIP2 toxin and a MuF-like protein into a single gene. These phages and their genetic components such as integration systems, recombineering tools, and phage-mediated delivery systems, will be useful resources for advancing Microbacterium genetics

    Stress related to care: the impact of childhood cancer on the lives of parents

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    OBJECTIVES: The objective was to assess the stress levels of parents of children with cancer and to identify correlations among demographic data and anxiety levels. METHODS: A descriptive, cross-sectional study, conducted in two Brazilian institutions, with 101 parents of children with cancer. Through interviews, parents responded to two instruments: Pediatric Inventory for Parents - Brazilian version, which assesses stress levels, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, for the measurement of anxiety. The correlations between the instruments and the sociodemographic variables of the parents and children were evaluated using the Spearman correlation coefficient. RESULTS: Higher levels of stress and anxiety were seen by young parents, young children and with less time since diagnosis. The fear of death and the disease impact on the life of a child were the events considered the most stressful for the parents . CONCLUSIONS: In clinical practice, the nurse who can identify the occurrence of these symptoms becomes capable of planning nursing care that includes the family in decisions about the care. Moreover, she can provide support to help parents manage their stress levels and positively face the illness of their children