1,580 research outputs found

    Solvent extraction as additional purification method for postconsumer plastic packaging waste

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    An existing solvent extraction process currently used to convert lightly polluted post-industrial packaging waste into high quality re-granulates was tested under laboratory conditions with highly polluted post-consumer packaging waste originating from municipal solid refuse waste. The objective was to study the technical feasibility of using this extraction technology and to study the quality of the produced cleaned plastic flakes. Two types of dirty plastic flakes from household waste were used; transparent to white flexible film flakes and PET-bottle flakes

    Increased susceptibility of erythrocyte membrane lipids to peroxidation in sickle cell disease

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    A medical research paper on sickle cell disease.Erythrocytes from normal subjects and from cases of sickle cell disease were exposed to hydrogen peroxide and the extent of membrane lipid peroxidation studied. Significantly increased peroxidation was observed in intact erythrocytes, isolated lipids from intact erythrocytes or their ghosts compared with normal controls. However, the extent of lipid peroxidation was less for isolated lipids of intact erythrocytes or their ghosts. This difference may be due to loss of factors enhancing peroxidation in intact erythrocytes in the extraction procedure. It is likely that damage to erythrocyte membranes caused by increased susceptibility to lipid peroxidation may be a factor in some of the haematological features of sickle cell disease


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    This study was conducted in April, 2018 to evaluate the relationships between Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in cocoa beanand in soils along a toposequence of cocoa-growing areas of Abia State, Nigeria. Twelve composite soil samplesand 10 plant tissues (leaves and cocoa pods) were randomly collected from twelve (12) different cocoaplantations along a toposequence (crests, upper, middle, lower and bottom) for laboratory analyses. Theconcentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in both plant tissues and soils were determined. Results showed that the soilswere sandy clay loam, strongly acidic, low in organic matter and sufficient in the four heavy metals contents. Thecontent of coca-cola extractable Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in soils, cocoa bean and leaf varied significantly along the soiltoposequence. The bioavailability of the metals in soils and in plant tissues were in the order: Cu>Zn>Fe>Mn,while, the comparative abundance of the four metals followed the order: cocoa bean > leaves > soil. Significantpositive relationships were also established between the metals in cacao tissues and corresponding levels ofbioavailability in soils. This suggests that, the primary source of the heavy metals in cocoa beans could be linkedto its primary uptake from the soils and secondary from the leaf sprayed with metals containing pesticides. Thisresult can possibly be used as predictive parameter for evaluating Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn levels in cacao bean andcocoa products


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    An experiment trial was conducted in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike to assess the efficacyof some leaf extracts (Vernonia amygdalina, Gongronema latifolium and Ocimum gratissimum) in the controlbacterial leaf spot disease of vegetable cowpea). Also, their effects on disease severity and disease incidence,growth and yield performance were also investigated during the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 cropping seasons.Four varieties of vegetable cowpea were used (Black vegetable cowpea, Brown vegetable cowpea, Ife brown andIfe-143), were tested to susceptibility by bacterial leaf spot pathogen with a view to identify the most resistantvariety that can be adopted by farmers. The experiment was laid out in a randomized randomized complete blockdesign (RCBD) with three replicates and plant the plant extracts were applied two weeks after planting. Isolationand identification were also done by collecting diseased leaf plants from the field to the laboratory by performingpathogenicity tests both invivo and invitro to confirm the identity of the casual organism. Similarly, somebiochemical tests were conducted (Gram-negative, catalase, oxidase, indole, maltose, xylose and glucose) tofurther confirm the identity of the pathogen. Based on these tests conducted, the pathogen was identified asXanthomonas axonopodis pv. vignicola. Data obtained from the two years field trials on growth parameters (plantheight, number of branches, number of leaves per plant, stem girth) and on yield performance including thoe ofdisease (incidence and severity) were subjected to statistical analysis (Fishers Lsd P≤0.05 ). Results obtainedfrom the field showed that significant differences (P≤0.05 ) existed among the different varieties on one hand andamong the leaf extracts on the other hand (74-80% success in reduction) for instance lowest percentage diseaseincidence on vegetable cowpea was recorded with Vernonia amygdalina treated plants (10%) when comparedwith the control (80%). While reduced disease severity score was recorded for the Gongronema latifolium (2.00)compared with the control (8.90) on Ife-143 plants. These significantly enhanced yield and yield components(P≤0.05 )

    Estimation of pollution load from an industrial estate, south-western Nigeria

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    The Ota industrial estate being one of the largest in the southwestern Nigerian, contributes significantly to its socio-economic development. This study is design to generate the much needed industrial emission data for efficient environmental monitoring and compliance. The industrial pollution projection survey (IPPS) and rapid pollution inventory survey (RPIS) models developed by the World Bank were used for the estimation of pollution loads. The results showed that a total of 6970 tons/yr of air pollutants (SO2, NO2, CO, VOC and PM), 10800 tons/yr of wastewater pollutants (BOD and TSS) and 1090 tons/yr of toxic pollution (air, land and water) were released into the environment from the industrial estate. Carbon monoxide accounted for the highest air pollution load representing 57.5%. About 64.0% of the total pollution load of the industrial estate was contributed by industries in the basic metal, iron, steel and fabricated metal works sector. There is need for industrial emission monitoring and enforcement for pollution control and abatement. Similarly, efficient and environmentally friendly waste management practices should be adopted within the confines of this all-important industrial estate.Key words: Industrial pollution projection survey (IPPS), rapid pollution inventory survey (RPIS), models, industrial estate, industrial emission, carbon monoxide

    From static to ‘dynamic’ and ‘agentic’ resources in mathematics education

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    From static to ‘dynamic’ and ‘agentic’ resources in mathematics education

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    Emballage naturel de produits biologiques

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    Les emballages en plastique, renouvelables et biodégradables, sont-ils vraiment écologiques? Pour les entreprises d’emballage, il est difficile d’y trouver la réponse et donc de faire des choix réfléchis. Dans l’analyse ‘Emballage naturel’ le maximum de données a été collectionné et résumé

    Syndrome mermaid - severe syndrome of caudal regression

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    Congenital limb malformations rank behind congenital heart disease as the most common birth defects observed in infants. The term «sirenomelia» («mermaid syndrome») is derived from the physical similarity of the affected fetus to mythical creatures mermaids - charming women with the lower part of the body in the form of a fish tail, where there is a fusion of the lower extremities and partial or complete fusion of the feet