Increased susceptibility of erythrocyte membrane lipids to peroxidation in sickle cell disease


A medical research paper on sickle cell disease.Erythrocytes from normal subjects and from cases of sickle cell disease were exposed to hydrogen peroxide and the extent of membrane lipid peroxidation studied. Significantly increased peroxidation was observed in intact erythrocytes, isolated lipids from intact erythrocytes or their ghosts compared with normal controls. However, the extent of lipid peroxidation was less for isolated lipids of intact erythrocytes or their ghosts. This difference may be due to loss of factors enhancing peroxidation in intact erythrocytes in the extraction procedure. It is likely that damage to erythrocyte membranes caused by increased susceptibility to lipid peroxidation may be a factor in some of the haematological features of sickle cell disease

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