443 research outputs found

    DNA methylation machinery is involved in development and reproduction in the viviparous pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum)

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    Epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA methylation, have been proposed to mediate plastic responses in insects. The pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum), like the majority of extant aphids, displays cyclical parthenogenesis - the ability of mothers to switch the reproductive mode of their offspring from reproducing parthenogenetically to sexually in response to environmental cues. The pea aphid genome encodes two paralogs of the de novo DNA methyltransferase gene, dnmt3a and dnmt3x. Here we show, using phylogenetic analysis, that this gene duplication event occurred at least 150 million years ago, likely after the divergence of the lineage leading to the Aphidomorpha (phylloxerans, adelgids and true aphids) from that leading to the scale insects (Coccomorpha) and that the two paralogs are maintained in the genomes of all aphids examined. We also show that the mRNA of both dnmt3 paralogs is maternally expressed in the viviparous aphid ovary. During development both paralogs are expressed in the germ cells of embryos beginning at stage 5 and persisting throughout development. Treatment with 5-azactyidine, a chemical that generally inhibits the DNA methylation machinery, leads to defects of oocytes and early-stage embryos and causes a proportion of later stage embryos to be born dead or die soon after birth. These phenotypes suggest a role for DNA methyltransferases in reproduction, consistent with that seen in other insects. Taking the vast evolutionary history of the dnmt3 paralogs, and the localisation of their mRNAs in the ovary, we suggest there is a role for dnmt3a and/or dnmt3x in early development, and a role for DNA methylation machinery in reproduction and development of the viviparous pea aphid

    A High Power Hydrogen Target for Parity Violation Experiments

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    Parity-violating electron scattering measurements on hydrogen and deuterium, such as those underway at the Bates and CEBAF laboratories, require luminosities exceeding 103810^{38}cm2^{-2}s1^{-1}, resulting in large beam power deposition into cryogenic liquid. Such targets must be able to absorb 500 watts or more with minimal change in target density. A 40~cm long liquid hydrogen target, designed to absorb 500~watts of beam power without boiling, has been developed for the SAMPLE experiment at Bates. In recent tests with 40~μ\muA of incident beam, no evidence was seen for density fluctuations in the target, at a sensitivity level of better than 1\%. A summary of the target design and operational experience will be presented.Comment: 13 pages, 9 postscript figure

    Sensory perception of rivals has trait-dependent effects on plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster

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    The social environment has myriad effects on individuals, altering reproduction, immune function, cognition, and aging. Phenotypic plasticity enables animals to respond to heterogeneous environments such as the social environment but requires that they assess those environments accurately. It has been suggested that combinations of sensory cues allow animals to respond rapidly and accurately to changeable environments, but it is unclear whether the same sensory inputs are required in all traits that respond to a particular environmental cue. Drosophila melanogaster males, in the presence of rival males, exhibit a consistent behavioral response by extending mating duration. However, exposure to a rival also results in a reduction in their lifespan, a phenomenon interpreted as a trade-off associated with sperm competition strategies. D. melanogaster perceive their rivals by using multiple sensory cues; interfering with at least two olfactory, auditory, or tactile cues eliminates the extension of mating duration. Here, we assessed whether these same cues were implicated in the lifespan reduction. Removal of combinations of auditory and olfactory cues removed the extended mating duration response to a rival, as previously found. However, we found that these manipulations did not alter the reduction in lifespan of males exposed to rivals or induce any changes in activity patterns, grooming, or male–male aggression. Therefore, our analysis suggests that lifespan reduction is not a cost associated with the behavioral responses to sperm competition. Moreover, this highlights the trait-specific nature of the mechanisms underlying plasticity in response to the same environmental conditions

    Neutrino Propagation in a Strongly Magnetized Medium

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    We derive general expressions at the one-loop level for the coefficients of the covariant structure of the neutrino self-energy in the presence of a constant magnetic field. The neutrino energy spectrum and index of refraction are obtained for neutral and charged media in the strong-field limit (MWBme,T,μ,pM_{W}\gg \sqrt{B}\gg m_{e},T,\mu ,| \mathbf{p}| ) using the lowest Landau level approximation. The results found within the lowest Landau level approximation are numerically validated, summing in all Landau levels, for strong BT2B\gg T^{2} and weakly-strong BT2B \gtrsim T^{2} fields. The neutrino energy in leading order of the Fermi coupling constant is expressed as the sum of three terms: a kinetic-energy term, a term of interaction between the magnetic field and an induced neutrino magnetic moment, and a rest-energy term. The leading radiative correction to the kinetic-energy term depends linearly on the magnetic field strength and is independent of the chemical potential. The other two terms are only present in a charged medium. For strong and weakly-strong fields, it is found that the field-dependent correction to the neutrino energy in a neutral medium is much larger than the thermal one. Possible applications to cosmology and astrophysics are considered.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures. Corrected misprints in reference

    Global Free-tropospheric NO2 Abundances Derived Using a Cloud Slicing Technique from AURA OMI

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    We derive free-tropospheric NO2 volume mixing ratios (VMRs) by applying a cloud-slicing technique to data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the Aura satellite. In the cloud-slicing approach, the slope of the above-cloud NO2 column versus the cloud scene pressure is proportional to the NO2 VMR. In this work, we use a sample of nearby OMI pixel data from a single orbit for the linear fit. The OMI data include cloud scene pressures from the rotational-Raman algorithm and above-cloud NO2 vertical column density (VCD) (defined as the NO2 column from the cloud scene pressure to the top of the atmosphere) from a differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) algorithm. We compare OMI-derived NO2 VMRs with in situ aircraft profiles measured during the NASA Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment Phase B (INTEX-B) campaign in 2006. The agreement is generally within the estimated uncertainties when appropriate data screening is applied. We then derive a global seasonal climatology of free-tropospheric NO2 VMR in cloudy conditions. Enhanced NO2 in the free troposphere commonly appears near polluted urban locations where NO2 produced in the boundary layer may be transported vertically out of the boundary layer and then horizontally away from the source. Signatures of lightning NO2 are also shown throughout low and middle latitude regions in summer months. A profile analysis of our cloud-slicing data indicates signatures of lightning-generated NO2 in the upper troposphere. Comparison of the climatology with simulations from the global modeling initiative (GMI) for cloudy conditions (cloud optical depth less than10) shows similarities in the spatial patterns of continental pollution outflow. However, there are also some differences in the seasonal variation of free-tropospheric NO2 VMRs near highly populated regions and in areas affected by lightning-generated NOx

    Development of immunity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) to Aeromonas hydrophila after the dietary application of garlic

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    The development and duration of immune protection against Aeromonas hydrophila infections with garlic as immunostimulant in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss was studied. Rainbow trout fingerlings of 14 g average weight were fed with 0 g (= Control), 0.5 g and 1.0 g of garlic 100 g-1 of feed for 14 days. Physiological factors, biochemical, immunological, hematological parameters and electrolyte indices were evaluated after a further 14, 21 and 28 days before challenge with Aeromonas hydrophila. Fourteen days after the cessation of feeding with garlic, mortality rates of 12 % (relative percent survival [RPS] = 86 %) and 16 % (RPS = 80 %) were recorded in groups which received 0.5 g and 1.0 g of garlic 100 g-1 of feed, respectively, compared to 84 % mortalities in the controls. The corresponding RPS 21 days after ending the feeding regime was 75 % and 68, respectively. One week later, the RPS had dropped to 55% and 46% in the groups fed with 0.5 g and 1.0 g garlic 100 g-1 of feed, respectively

    Measurement of the analyzing power Ay0 for the reaction H(p⃗,d)π+ between 1000 and 1300 MeV

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    The analyzing power Ay0 of the reaction H(p⃗,d)π+ has been measured at a fixed value of the Mandelstam variable ud=-0.17GeV2 for nine proton energies between 1000 and 1300 MeV. The experiment was performed at SATURNE with the SPES1 spectrometer. The data exhibit structure around √s≃2.37GeV. The origin of this structure could be related to a resonancelike behavior of the 1S0P or 1G4F partial amplitudes

    Magnetic Catalysis: A Review

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    We give an overview of the magnetic catalysis phenomenon. In the framework of quantum field theory, magnetic catalysis is broadly defined as an enhancement of dynamical symmetry breaking by an external magnetic field. We start from a brief discussion of spontaneous symmetry breaking and the role of a magnetic field in its a dynamics. This is followed by a detailed presentation of the essential features of the phenomenon. In particular, we emphasize that the dimensional reduction plays a profound role in the pairing dynamics in a magnetic field. Using the general nature of underlying physics and its robustness with respect to interaction types and model content, we argue that magnetic catalysis is a universal and model-independent phenomenon. In support of this claim, we show how magnetic catalysis is realized in various models with short-range and long-range interactions. We argue that the general nature of the phenomenon implies a wide range of potential applications: from certain types of solid state systems to models in cosmology, particle and nuclear physics. We finish the review with general remarks about magnetic catalysis and an outlook for future research.Comment: 37 pages, to appear in Lect. Notes Phys. "Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields" (Springer), edited by D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Yee. Version 2: references adde