31 research outputs found


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    In this review, the latest data on factors influencing efficiency of the treatment of locally advanced inoperable stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are analyzed. Concomitant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) is a current standard of treatment with the 5-year overall survival rate of 20–30 % and median survival time of 17–28 months. However, only a small proportion of patients (13–35 % by the data from population-based studies) can receive CRT. Radiotherapy is currently progressing towards new approaches, including IMRT and IGRT, showing promising results, however, these approaches are still experimental. Accelerated repopulation of clonogens is biological factor necessitating intensification of both RT and chemotherapy. For RT, accelerated hyperfractionation is an optimal way for that. There is some data evidencing negative role of delays in the radiation treatment to overall efficacy and even survival. Therefore, the optimal approach to the treatment of Stage III NSCLC seems to be early beginning of RT and short overall time for both RT and chemotherapy.В обзоре представлены современные данные об эффективности консервативного лечения неоперабельного местнораспространенного немелкоклеточного рака легкого и факторах, способных на нее влиять. Совместное использование ЛТ и ХТ в настоящее время является общепризнанным подходом с пятилетней выживаемостью 20–30 % и медианой выживаемости от 17 до 28 мес, при этом, по данным метаанализов, только одновременная ХЛТ дает преимущество в выживаемости перед ЛТ. Однако в практике значительная часть больных не получает химиотерапию даже в последовательном режиме. По данным популяционных исследований, радикальное химиолучевое лечение получают 13–35 % больных. Лучевая терапия совершенствуется, опубликованы перспективные данные о результатах использования методов IMRT, IGRT, изотоксической эскалации дозы, но эти подходы остаются экспериментальными. Риск ускоренной репопуляции клоногенов при НМРЛ диктует необходимость интенсификации лечения, сокращение его общего времени. Схемы ускоренного гиперфракционирования представляются наиболее оптимальным путем к достижению этой цели. Данные ряда экспериментальных и клинических исследований также свидетельствуют о негативной роли задержек во времени начала любого лечения, а особенно лучевого. Оптимальной тактикой лечения НМРЛ III стадии представляется раннее начало ЛТ и короткая ее продолжительность

    Neoglycolipids Micelle-like Structures as a Basis for Drug Delivery Systems

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    Targeted drug delivery is one of the most promising tasks of nanomedicine, as this is a real way to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic effects against many diseases. In this regard, the development of new inexpensive highly effective stimulating and non-immunogenic drug delivery systems (DDS) is of great importance. In this work new molecular candidates were proposed and studied for the creation of such systems based on the use of new compounds, neoglycolipids. It is shown that these compounds are capable of self-association in aqueous solutions and can serve as potential carriers of drug compounds with targeted delivery determined by their terminal groups (in particular, glycans). The processes of their associates formation and features of their structure are investigated. The results show that these selforganizing nanoscale systems can be used as a basis for developing new drug delivery systems. Keywords: neoglycolipids, micelle-like structures, small-angle X-ray scattering, molecular dynamics simulatio

    Treatment for mixed cognitive impairments and emotional disorders in young and middle-aged patients

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    Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of Tanakan® (EGB761®) used in young and middle-aged patients with mixed cognitive impairments (CI) and emotional diseases.Patients and methods. An open-label observational study of the efficacy of Tanakan® was conducted in 54 patients aged 18–4 years with CI and psychoemotional disorders. Tanakan® was administered at a daily dose of 120 mg (40 mg t.i.d) for 3 months.Results. Tanakan® therapy resulted in health improvement, as shown by the HAM (Health, Activity, Mood) questionnaire; the mean score of the latter increased from 3.86 at baseline to 4.84 after 3 months of treatment. There were improvements in three HAM questionnaire items: the mean score of the item «Health» increased from 3.69 to 4.79; that of the item «Activity» from 3.65 to 4.58, and that the item «Mood» from 4.25 to 5.14 after the completion of the investigation.Tanakan® therapy also demonstrated improvements in memory (the mean number of correctly repeated words increased from 5.7 to 6.7 at the beginning of a visit and from 4.2 to 5.8 at its end) and in attention (the mean symbol-digit coding test score increased from 48.1 to 55.7%. There were no clinically relevant differences between patients with higher and secondary education in the efficacy of Tanakan®.Conclusion. Tanakan® had a very good safety profile; no adverse drug events were recorded during the investigation. Almost all the 53 (98.1%) of the 54 patients were satisfied with Tanakan® therapy results after 3 months of treatment

    Free-radical oxidation as a pathogenetic factor of metabolic syndrome

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    The medical and social significance of cardiovascular diseases remains high. One of the factors that determine cardiovascular risks is metabolic syndrome. As a result of excessive accumulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism products in metabolic syndrome, oxidative (oxidative) stress develops. The article considers both domestic and foreign scientific studies, which highlight various aspects of the influence of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, as well as other free radicals on the formation of oxidative stress in pathological conditions that are part of the metabolic syndrome complex. This describes the mechanisms of the formation of chronic inflammation through excessive secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and adipokines, activation of the transcription factor NF-kB, as well as damage to the antioxidant system in obesity. Separately, a number of mechanisms of the stimulating effect of adipokines: leptin, adiponectin, chimerine, omentin 1, resistin, on the formation of oxidative stress have been noted. The ways of activating the polyol pathway, as well as diacyl-glycerol — protein kinase C — the signaling pathway of oxidative stress, the formation of mitochondrial dysfunction is described. As a result of which there is an excessive production of free radicals in insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus and macroand microvascular complications of diabetes. In addition, the influence of oxidative stress directly on the formation of cardiovascular diseases of atherosclerotic genesis, as well as arterial hypertension, has been shown

    Metabolomic approach to investigate <i>Dactylis glomerata</i> L. from the VIR collection

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    The perennial grass cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) is a valuable early highly nutritious crop used as green fodder in agricultural production. The species is widespread across the Eurasian continent; it is characterized by plasticity and high ecological and geographical variability. The article considers the metabolic profiles of 15 accessions of the cocksfoot from the collection of the N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR). The material is represented by varieties and wild forms of various origin: the European part of the Russian Federation, Norway and Finland. The study was carried out using gas-liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The study and comparison of groups of metabolites of cocksfoot accessions of various ecological and geographical origin was carried out. Statistical processing included the calculation of the main parameters of variability, factor analysis of the correlation system (Qand R-technique), cluster analysis by Ward’s method and discriminant analysis. The variability of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the substances identified was revealed. Based on statistical processing of the results obtained, five groups of cocksfoot accessions were identified, differing in the profile of metabolites. One of the groups with a similar composition of metabolites consisted of accessions from one ecological and geographical region; another, of accessions of different origin. Significant differences were noted in the metabolomic profiles of a late-maturing wild cocksfoot accession from the Republic of Karelia at the booting stage from earlyand mid-maturing accessions at the heading stage; it contained the largest number of free amino acids and the smallest number of identified primary and secondary metabolites. Wild-growing accession k-44020 from Norway surpassed other wild-growing accessions in the content of free amino acids, sugars and phosphates at the heading stage. Wildgrowing accessions differed from breeding varieties with a high content of proline and threonine, indicators of high resistance to lack of moisture and high air temperature

    Prof. Alexey V. Konarev (celebrating the 75th birthday)

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    On January 16, 2023 we celebrated the 75th birthday of Professor Alexey V. Konarev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, a renowned scientist in the sphere of plant biochemistry and molecular biology, one of the eldest staff members of VIR

    Современные представления о роли CD38 в патогенезе бронхиальной астмы

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    Current view on a role of CD38 for pathogenesis of bronchial asthma.Современные представления о роли CD38 в патогенезе бронхиальной астмы

    The effect of climate change on avian offspring production: A global meta-analysis

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    Climate change affects timing of reproduction in many bird species, but few studies have investigated its influence on annual reproductive output. Here, we assess changes in the annual production of young by female breeders in 201 populations of 104 bird species (N = 745,962 clutches) covering all continents between 1970 and 2019. Overall, average offspring production has declined in recent decades, but considerable differences were found among species and populations. A total of 56.7% of populations showed a declining trend in offspring production (significant in 17.4%), whereas 43.3% exhibited an increase (significant in 10.4%). The results show that climatic changes affect offspring production through compounded effects on ecological and life history traits of species. Migratory and larger-bodied species experienced reduced offspring production with increasing temperatures during the chick-rearing period, whereas smaller-bodied, sedentary species tended to produce more offspring. Likewise, multi-brooded species showed increased breeding success with increasing temperatures, whereas rising temperatures were unrelated to repro- ductive success in single-brooded species. Our study suggests that rapid declines in size of bird populations reported by many studies from different parts of the world are driven only to a small degree by changes in the production of young

    Therapy for back pain syndrome

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    There is evidence that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be used in combination with B group vitamins. A number of independent trials demonstrates that B group vitamins potentiate the analgesic effect of NSAIDs and contribute to a rapider regression of pain syndrome than their monotherapy. To reduce the risk of adverse reactions of NSAID therapy, to enhance its adherence, and to reduce its cost, it is reasonable to administer combination drugs that contain these components and allow the dose of active substances to be decreased due to their synergism. The new combination drug neurodiclovit contains slow-release enteric-coated granules and individual immediate-release granules of vitamins B 1, B 6, and B 12. Incorporation of neurodiclovit into treatment regimens for back pain syndromes will promote optimization of their therapy


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    In this review, the latest data on factors influencing efficiency of the treatment of locally advanced inoperable stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are analyzed. Concomitant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) is a current standard of treatment with the 5-year overall survival rate of 20–30 % and median survival time of 17–28 months. However, only a small proportion of patients (13–35 % by the data from population-based studies) can receive CRT. Radiotherapy is currently progressing towards new approaches, including IMRT and IGRT, showing promising results, however, these approaches are still experimental. Accelerated repopulation of clonogens is biological factor necessitating intensification of both RT and chemotherapy. For RT, accelerated hyperfractionation is an optimal way for that. There is some data evidencing negative role of delays in the radiation treatment to overall efficacy and even survival. Therefore, the optimal approach to the treatment of Stage III NSCLC seems to be early beginning of RT and short overall time for both RT and chemotherapy