57 research outputs found

    Assessment of technological options and economical feasibility for cyanophycin biopolymer and high-value amino acid production

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    Major transitions can be expected within the next few decades aiming at the reduction of pollution and global warming and at energy saving measures. For these purposes, new sustainable biorefinery concepts will be needed that will replace the traditional mineral oil-based synthesis of specialty and bulk chemicals. An important group of these chemicals are those that comprise N-functionalities. Many plant components contained in biomass rest or waste stream fractions contain these N-functionalities in proteins and free amino acids that can be used as starting materials for the synthesis of biopolymers and chemicals. This paper describes the economic and technological feasibility for cyanophycin production by fermentation of the potato waste stream Protamylasse™ or directly in plants and its subsequent conversion to a number of N-containing bulk chemicals

    The CPLEAR detector at CERN

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    The CPLEAR collaboration has constructed a detector at CERN for an extensive programme of CP-, T- and CPT-symmetry studies using K0{\rm K}^0 and Kˉ0\bar{\rm K}^0 produced by the annihilation of pˉ\bar{\rm p}'s in a hydrogen gas target. The K0{\rm K}^0 and Kˉ0\bar{\rm K}^0 are identified by their companion products of the annihilation K±π{\rm K}^{\pm} \pi^{\mp} which are tracked with multiwire proportional chambers, drift chambers and streamer tubes. Particle identification is carried out with a liquid Cherenkov detector for fast separation of pions and kaons and with scintillators which allow the measurement of time of flight and energy loss. Photons are measured with a lead/gas sampling electromagnetic calorimeter. The required antiproton annihilation modes are selected by fast online processors using the tracking chamber and particle identification information. All the detectors are mounted in a 0.44 T uniform field of an axial solenoid of diameter 2 m and length 3.6 m to form a magnetic spectrometer capable of full on-line reconstruction and selection of events. The design, operating parameters and performance of the sub-detectors are described.

    The Importance of Getting Names Right: The Myth of Markets for Water

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    Relating Prototype Theory and Label Semantics

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