270 research outputs found

    Eco-innovation and openness: Mapping the growth trajectories and the knowledge structure of open eco-innovation

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    Open innovation runs contrary to the individualistic mentality of traditional corporate R&D implementation while embracing external cooperation in a complex world. Our main motivation for the study is to assess and characterize knowledge structure that represents radical transformation toward accelerating co-development of sustainable innovations. Our review points to the role of the open eco-innovation research landscape as an emerging research domain of potential contributions to sustainable development. Specifically, in this systematic analysis, we apply exploratory, bibliometric, and network visualization techniques to characterize the available knowledge in the field. We trace the growth trajectory of this emerging literature and map the knowledge base of the open eco-innovation (OE) research field. We conceptualised four phases of research domain development and recognised that OE is at the acceleration phase. We emphasized that a synthetic knowledge base is one of the basic ingredients of an open eco-innovation model in addition to analytic and symbolic knowledge bases. Finally, we highlighted what might seem to be budding theoretical perspectives underlining open eco-innovation

    Measuring environmental policy stringency: Approaches, validity, and impact on environmental innovation and energy efficiency

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    Solid tests of the impact of environmental and energy policy on important economic outcomes, such as innovation, productivity, competitiveness and energy and carbon efficiency are impaired by the lack of appropriate empirical proxies for the commitment to, and stringency of, environmental policy. We contribute to the literature by: (1) computing different indicators of environmental policy stringency, (2) testing to what extent they convey similar insights through a statistical comparison exercise, and (3) showing the implications of using one or the other indicator in two illustrative empirical applications focused on environmental innovation and energy efficiency. We conclude by highlighting the implications of our analysis for empirical research focusing on the evaluation of policy impacts, and highlight fruitful future research avenues

    Channeling diverse innovation pressures to support European sustainability transitions

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    Innovation patterns and processes must be aligned, and harnessed and accelerated across multiple domains to address our climate objectives and wider sustainability challenges. In this Perspective, we draw from original case studies on specific technologies and their related innovation systems in agriculture, buildings, electricity, ICT, industry, and transport across Germany, Italy, Poland, and the United Kingdom. Across these innovation systems, the Research Note discusses the technologies, infrastructure, actors, policies and institutions that may lead to, or prevent, successful and unsuccessful technology transitions. We synthesize this diverse evidence to offer five key findings on technology costs and configurations, diversity and multiplicity of actors, diversity of value systems, and countervailing pressures. These insights support the design of effective innovation and decarbonization policies to promote low-carbon transitions

    ‘The future costs of nuclear power using multiple expert elicitations: effects of RD&D and elicitation design

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    Characterization of the anticipated performance of energy technologies to inform policy decisions increasingly relies on expert elicitation. Knowledge about how elicitation design factors impact the probabilistic estimates emerging from these studies is, however, scarce. We focus on nuclear power, a large-scale low-carbon power option, for which future cost estimates are important for the design of energy policies and climate change mitigation efforts. We use data from three elicitations in the USA and in Europe and assess the role of government research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) investments on expected nuclear costs in 2030. We show that controlling for expert, technology, and design characteristics increases experts' implied public RD&D elasticity of expected costs by 25%. Public sector and industry experts' cost expectations are 14% and 32% higher, respectively than academics. US experts are more optimistic than their EU counterparts, with median expected costs 22% lower. On average, a doubling of public RD&D is expected to result in an 8% cost reduction, but the uncertainty is large. The difference between the 90th and 10th percentile estimates is on average 58% of the experts' median estimates. Public RD&D investments do not affect uncertainty ranges, but US experts are less confident about costs than Europeans

    The effects of expert selection, elicitation design and R&D assumptions on experts' estimates of the future costs of photovoltaics

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    Expert elicitations of future energy technology costs can improve energy policy design by explicitly characterizing uncertainty. However, the recent proliferation of expert elicitation studies raises questions about the reliability and comparability of the results. In this paper, we standardize disparate expert elicitation data from five EU and US studies, involving 65 experts, of the future costs of photovoltaics (PV) and evaluate the impact of expert and study characteristics on the elicited metrics. The results for PV suggest that in-person elicitations are associated with more optimistic 2030 PV cost estimates and in some models with a larger range of uncertainty than online elicitations. Unlike in previous results on nuclear power, expert affiliation type and nationality do not affect central estimates. Some specifications suggest that EU experts are more optimistic about breakthroughs, but they are also less confident in that they provide larger ranges of estimates than do US experts. Higher R&D investment is associated with lower future costs. Rather than increasing confidence, high R&D increases uncertainty about future costs, mainly because it improves the base case (low cost) outcomes more than it improves the worst case (high cost) outcomes

    A research and development investment strategy to achieve the Paris climate agreement

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    Climate stabilization requires the deployment of several low-carbon options, some of which are still not available at large scale or are too costly. Governments will have to make important decisions on how to incentivize Research and Development (R&D). Yet, current assessments of climate neutrality typically do not include research-driven innovation. Here, we link two integrated assessment models to study R&D investment pathways consistent with climate stabilization and suggest a consistent financing scheme. We focus on five low-carbon technologies and on energy efficiency measures. We find that timely R&D investment in these technologies lowers mitigation costs and induces positive employment effects. Achieving 2 °C (1.5 °C) requires a global 18% (64%) increase in cumulative low-carbon R&D investment relative to the reference scenario by mid-century. We show that carbon revenues are sufficient to both finance the additional R&D investment requirements and generate economic benefits by reducing distortionary taxation, such as payroll taxes, thus enhancing job creation

    Transition Towards a Green Economy in Europe: Innovation and Knowledge Integration in the Renewable Energy Sector

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    This paper investigates the fragmentation of the EU innovation system in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) by estimating the intensity and direction of knowledge spillovers over the years 1985-2010. We modify the original double exponential knowledge diffusion model proposed by Caballero and Jaffe (1993) to provide information on the degree of integration of EU countries’ RES knowledge bases and to assess how citation patterns changed over time. We show that EU RES inventors have increasingly built “on the shoulders of the other EU giants”, intensifying their citations to other member countries and decreasing those to domestic inventors. Furthermore, the EU strengthened its position as source of RES knowledge for the US. Finally, we show that this pattern is peculiar to RES, with other traditional (i.e. fossil-based) energy technologies and other radically new technologies behaving differently. We provide suggestive, but convincing evidence that such decrease in fragmentation around the turn of the century emerged as a result of the EU increased support for RES taking mainly the form of demand-pull policies
