1,037 research outputs found
The Stalin modernization and the material and legal statusof the ural teaching in the first half of the 1930s
The article consider the issues of social status and real working and living conditions of the Urals in the first half of the 1930s in the conditions of complete collectivization. Problem of comparing the declarative and actual situation of the village school workers is important. The authors come to the conclusion that to solve the problem of social security, to improve the material status of teachers only by administrative and command methods in the early 1930s was impossible. In the conditions of a budget deficit, the state tried to shift the costs of ensuring the material situation of teachers in rural areas to collective farms, public organizations, and consumer co-operation bodies in the cities, obliging their leaders to allocate funds, without taking into account the existing financial possibilities.В статье освещены вопросы социального статуса и реальных условий труда и быта учительства Урала в первой половине 1930-х гг. в условиях сплошной коллективизации
Dynamics of the Free Surface of a Conducting Liquid in a Near-Critical Electric Field
Near-critical behavior of the free surface of an ideally conducting liquid in
an external electric field is considered. Based on an analysis of three-wave
processes using the method of integral estimations, sufficient criteria for
hard instability of a planar surface are formulated. It is shown that the
higher-order nonlinearities do not saturate the instability, for which reason
the growth of disturbances has an explosive character.Comment: 19 page
Experimental characterization of anomalous strong scattering of mm-waves in TEXTOR plasmas with rotating islands
Anomalous scattering of high power millimetre waves from gyrotrons at 140 and 110 GHz is investigated for plasma with rotating islands at TEXTOR. The magnetic field and plasma density influence the spectral content of the scattered waves and their power levels significantly. Anomalous strong scattering occurs in two density regimes, one at low densities and one at high densities, that also depend on the magnetic field. The two regimes are separated by a quiescent regime without anomalous scattering. Investigations suggest that scattering in the high-density regime is generated at the low-field side intersection of the gyrotron beam and the island position. The transition from the quiescent regime to the high-density regime occurs when the gyrotron frequency is twice the upper hybrid frequency at this position. There is some evidence that the scattering in the low-density regime is generated near the plasma centre. Under this assumption all the observed scattering is generated when the gyrotron frequency is near or below twice the upper hybrid frequency
Targeted training of the function of walking according to the stance and single support phase in patients in the early recovery period of cerebral stroke
Background: The phases of support and single support on a limb are significant basic parameters of walking (phase of support means the whole limb support time, while the phase of single support is when only one limb is on the ground). Both can be used as targets for biofeedback training.
Aim: to investigate the effectiveness of both target parameters for training the function of walking with biofeedback in patients in the early recovery period of cerebral stroke.
Methods: The study involved 40 patients, 20 in each group, who underwent a training course to harmonize walking: the first group for the period of support, and the second group for the period of single support. The control group of healthy people also consisted of 20 people. We studied the spatiotemporal parameters of walking at an arbitrary pace at the beginning and after the end of the training course, as well as classical clinical scales. The treadmill training consisted of 10 sessions.
Results: The clinical and biomechanical parameters of walking changed their values in the direction of a significant improvement in the performance. At the same time, the biomechanical parameters of the second group indicated a more severe functional state before the start of the treatment, with the same clinical parameters according to the Barthel scale, Rivermead Mobility Index, modified Rankin scale, rehabilitation routing scale, and manual muscle testing. In the first group, indirect data were obtained on the possible effect of the target indicator on the training and direct data on its effect on the function of a healthy limb, which also allows increasing the load on the paretic one. In the second group, there were no reliable data on the effect of biofeedback training on the functional outcome.
Conclusion: The conducted study showed that the classical clinical assessment of the patient's condition may not correspond to the instrumental functional study of walking. When using the support period as the training target parameter, indirect evidence was obtained that such a training is effective
In accordance with the detailed first-arrival data, the near-surface part of the Earth’s crust consists of three layers. The upper discontinuous layer is represented by the Mesocenozoic deposits in local basins. The two inhomogenous layers decrease in thickness towards the north from 1.5 km to total thinning in the Stanovoy block and from 4 km in the Chulman basin to 1 km in the Aldan. It is implied that the nature of thinning lies in weathering and disintegration of crystalline rocks. Their underlying boundary at a depth of 1–4 km with a longitudinal wave velocity of 6.0–6.2 km/s can be assigned to the unchanged Early Precambrian basement surface.The deep seismic sounding data show that the two-layer crust thickness of the Stanovoy block reaches 40 km, and the three-layer crust in the Aldan block is as thick as 50 km. These blocks are separated by the vertical zone beneath the Stanovoy ridge with contrast inhomogeneities in the crust and step-like increase in the Moho depth beneath the Chulman basin.There was discovered an isostatic imbalance of the lithosphere, correlated with seismicity of the Chulman basin.Приповерхностная часть земной коры по детальным сейсмическим данным метода первых вступлений охарактеризована тремя слоями. Прерывистый верхний представлен мезокайнозойскими осадочными отложениями в локальных впадинах. В двух неоднородных слоях мощность уменьшается в северном направлении от 1.5 км до полного выклинивания в Становом блоке и от 4 км в Чульманской впадине до 1 км в Алданском. Предполагается, что природа слоистости обусловлена корой выветривания и дезинтеграции кристаллических пород. Подстилающая их граница на глубине 1–4 км со скоростью продольных волн 6.0–6.2 км/с может быть отнесена к неизмененной поверхности раннедокембрийского фундамента.Показано, что мощность двухслойной земной коры Станового блока по данным глубинного сейсмического зондирования достигает 40 км, а в трехслойной земной коры Алданского блока – 50 км. Вертикальная зона под Становым хребтом с контрастными неоднородностями в коре и ступенчатым увеличением глубины Мохо под Чульманской впадиной разделяет эти блоки.Обнаружена изостатическая неуравновешенность литосферы, коррелируемая с сейсмичностью Чульманской впадины
Hybrid interventions on aorto-iliac segment and arteries of lower limbs
Department of Vascular Surgery, Department of Endovascular Surgery, Mariinsky Hospital, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și
al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroduction: Current progress in endovascular methods and techniques makes possible its effective combination with open surgical
Material and methods: The following hybrid procedures were performed in our department: 34 interventions on aorto-iliac segment
(iliac arteries stenting combined with reconstruction of deep femoral artery – 16 cases, loop-endarterectomy from external iliac artery
combined with iliac arteries stenting – 18 cases); 25 interventions on femoral-popliteal segment (loop-endarterectomy from superficial
femoral artery – 15 cases, iliac stenting combined with loop-endarterectomy from superficial femoral artery – 7 cases, above-knee
femoral-popliteal bypass combined with popliteal artery stenting – 3 cases); and 21 interventions on popliteal-tibial segment (loopendarterectomy from popliteal artery with angioplasty of tibial arteries – 8 cases, femoral-peroneal bypass combined with angioplasty
of tibial arteries – 13 cases). Completion angiography was routinely performed in all patients for quality control of revascularization.
Chronic ischemia grade II Fontaine was diagnosed preoperatively in 19 (23,75%) patients, grade III - in 40 (50%) and grade IV – in
21 (26,25%) patients.
Results: Complete regression of ischemic pain, initial signs of healing of superficial defects of soft tissues as well as primary healing
of wounds after debridement of necrotic lesions were observed in the postoperative period. Mean duration of hospital stay was 7 days.
Conclusion: Thus, implementation of hybrid procedures contributes to the reduction of the volume of open vascular reconstructions.
Hybrid interventions represent the optimal approach for treatment of occlusive lesions of aorto-iliac segment and arteries of lower
Solar neutrino detection in a large volume double-phase liquid argon experiment
Precision measurements of solar neutrinos emitted by specific nuclear
reaction chains in the Sun are of great interest for developing an improved
understanding of star formation and evolution. Given the expected neutrino
fluxes and known detection reactions, such measurements require detectors
capable of collecting neutrino-electron scattering data in exposures on the
order of 1 ktonne yr, with good energy resolution and extremely low background.
Two-phase liquid argon time projection chambers (LAr TPCs) are under
development for direct Dark Matter WIMP searches, which possess very large
sensitive mass, high scintillation light yield, good energy resolution, and
good spatial resolution in all three cartesian directions. While enabling Dark
Matter searches with sensitivity extending to the "neutrino floor" (given by
the rate of nuclear recoil events from solar neutrino coherent scattering),
such detectors could also enable precision measurements of solar neutrino
fluxes using the neutrino-electron elastic scattering events. Modeling results
are presented for the cosmogenic and radiogenic backgrounds affecting solar
neutrino detection in a 300 tonne (100 tonne fiducial) LAr TPC operating at
LNGS depth (3,800 meters of water equivalent). The results show that such a
detector could measure the CNO neutrino rate with ~15% precision, and
significantly improve the precision of the 7Be and pep neutrino rates compared
to the currently available results from the Borexino organic liquid
scintillator detector.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, 6 table
Upper crust fault and fold patterns are studied with an innovative approach of controlled‐source seismic refraction profiling integrated with gravity data. The potentiality of the conventional method based on refrac‐ tion/wide‐angle reflection traveltimes, which has been so far applied to plane‐parallel layered earth, is extended onto deformed crust with lateral and vertical inhomogeneities due to advanced processing technologies. Performance of the approach is tested on data of the 1‐SB transect that traverses geologically studied areas and provides good refer‐ ence. Upper crust features revealed from seismic data agree with known geological structures, this indicating the basic applicability of refraction surveys to tectonically complex areas with 7 to 10 km wide low‐angle dipping fault zones between blocks marked by velocity anomalies to depths of 4–6 km. Joint interpretation of refraction and gravity patterns becomes possible within the limits of a seismic‐gravity model in which both are characterized by seismic‐ density and seismic acceleration values of the same dimension.Новизна исследований заключается в применении метода первых вступлений (МПВ) для изуче‐ ния разломно‐складчатых структур, верхней коры, тогда как ранее он традиционно использовался в условиях пологозалегающих слоев в платформенных условиях. Новые возможности метода первых вступлений сов‐ местно с закритическими отражениями определяются технологией решения прямых кинематических задач сейсмики в двумерных слоисто‐неоднородных средах. Объект изучения, вследствие высокой геологической изученности, является эталонным для оценки эффективности применения сейсмического метода совместно с гравитационными наблюдениями. Показана высокая корреляция между сейсмическими и приповерхност‐ ными геологическими характеристиками верхней коры, свидетельствующая о принципиальной возможности выделения тектонических блоков. Последние, с различными скоростными и структурными неоднородно‐ стями, прослежены на глубину 4–6 км и разделены полого наклоненными разломными зонами шириной до 7–10 км. Расширение возможностей интерпретации сейсмических данных реализуется в комплексе с резуль‐ татами обработки гравитационных наблюдений. Для этого использована корреляция между обобщенными структурным сейсмическим (сейсмическое ускорение) и сейсмоплотностным (изменения плотности, согла‐ сованные с сейсмической структурой) параметрами. При этом выявляются дополнительные характеристики, трудновыявляемые в методах по отдельности
Search for electron antineutrino interactions with the Borexino Counting Test Facility at Gran Sasso
Electron antineutrino interactions above the inverse beta decay energy of
protons (E_\bar{\nu}_e>1.8) where looked for with the Borexino Counting Test
Facility (CTF). One candidate event survived after rejection of background,
which included muon-induced neutrons and random coincidences. An upper limit on
the solar flux, assumed having the B solar neutrino energy
spectrum, of 1.1 cm~s (90% C.L.) was set with a 7.8
ton year exposure. This upper limit corresponds to a solar neutrino
transition probability, , of 0.02 (90% C.L.).
Predictions for antineutrino detection with Borexino, including geoneutrinos,
are discussed on the basis of background measurements performed with the CTF.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 5 table
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