140 research outputs found

    Zero-temperature spin-glass freezing in self-organized arrays of Co nanoparticles

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    We study, by means of magnetic susceptibility and magnetic aging experiments, the nature of the glassy magnetic dynamics in arrays of Co nanoparticles, self-organized in N layers from N=1 (two-dimensional limit) up to N=20 (three-dimensional limit). We find no qualitative differences between the magnetic responses measured in these two limits, in spite of the fact that no spin-glass phase is expected above T=0 in two dimensions. More specifically, all the phenomena (critical slowing down, flattening of the field-cooled magnetization below the blocking temperature and the magnetic memory induced by aging) that are usually associated with this phase look qualitatively the same for two-dimensional and three-dimensional arrays. The activated scaling law that is typical of systems undergoing a phase transition at zero temperature accounts well for the critical slowing down of the dc and ac susceptibilities of all samples. Our data show also that dynamical magnetic correlations achieved by aging a nanoparticle array below its superparamagnetic blocking temperature extend mainly to nearest neighbors. Our experiments suggest that the glassy magnetic dynamics of these nanoparticle arrays is associated with a zero-temperature spin-glass transition.Comment: 6 pages 6 figure

    Ac magnetic susceptibility of a molecular magnet submonolayer directly patterned onto a microSQUID sensor

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    We report the controlled integration, via Dip Pen Nanolithography, of monolayer dots of ferritin-based CoO nanoparticles (12 Bohr magnetons) into the most sensitive areas of a microSQUID sensor. The nearly optimum flux coupling between these nanomagnets and the microSQUID improves the achievable sensitivity by a factor 100, enabling us to measure the linear susceptibility of the molecular array down to very low temperatures (13 mK). This method opens the possibility of applying ac susceptibility experiments to characterize two-dimensional arrays of single molecule magnets within a wide range of temperatures and frequencies.Comment: 4 pages 3 figure

    Geocronología de la Terraza Compleja de Arganda en el valle del río Jarama (Madrid, España)

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    La Terraza Compleja de Arganda (TCA), situada en el tramo bajo del río Jarama (Madrid), está formada por sucesivos apilamientos de secuencias fluviales denominados de abajo a arriba Arganda I, II, III y IV, en los que se han encontrado importantes yacimientos arqueológicos y paleontológicos del Pleistoceno (Áridos 1 y 2, Valdocarros o HAT), y numerosos conjuntos de industria lítica del Paleolítico inferior y medio. Hasta ahora, la única referencia cronológica disponible para la TCA era la proporcionada por el estadio evolutivo de los micromamíferos de los yacimientos Áridos 1 en Arganda I y Valdocarros en Arganda II. En este trabajo, se propone la equivalencia de las distintas unidades de la TCA con terrazas escalonadas y se establece un marco cronológico numérico, obtenido mediante dataciones de termoluminiscencia, luminiscencia ópticamente estimulada y racemización de aminoácidos. Arganda I (≈ T+30-32 m) se situaría hacia el final del MIS 11 o en el inicio del MIS 9, Arganda II (≈T+23-24 m) se correspondería con el inicio del MIS 7, Arganda III (≈T+18-20 m) se situaría entre el MIS 7 y el MIS 5, y Arganda IV comenzaría su deposición en el MIS 5 finalizando su sedimentación en el MIS 1 al sur de Arganda del Rey (Madrid)

    Structural and functional findings in patients with moderate diabetic retinopathy

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    Purpose: To evaluate structural and functional ocular changes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and moderate diabetic retinopathy (DR) without apparent diabetic macular edema (DME) assessed by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and microperimetry. Methods: This was a single-center cross-sectional descriptive study for which 75 healthy controls and 48 DM2 patients with moderate DR were included after applying exclusion criteria (one eye per patient was included). All eyes underwent a complete ophthalmic examination (axial length, macular imaging with swept-source OCT, and MAIA microperimetry). Macular thicknesses, ganglion cell complex (GCC) thicknesses, and central retinal sensitivity were compared between groups, and the relationships between the OCT and microperimetry parameters were evaluated. Results: Macular thickness was similar in both groups (242.17 ± 35.0 in the DM2 group vs 260.64 ± 73.9 in the control group). There was a diminution in the parafoveal area thickness in the DM2 group in the GCC complex. Retinal sensitivity was reduced in all sectors in the DM2 group. The central global value was 24.01 ± 5.7 in the DM2 group and 27.31 ± 2.7 in the control group (p < 0.001). Macular integrity was 80.89 ± 26.4 vs 64.70 ± 28.3 (p < 0.001) and total mean threshold was 23.90 ± 4.9 vs 26.48 ± 2.6 (p < 0.001) in the DM2 and control group, respectively. Moderate correlations were detected between the central sector of MAIA microperimetry and retina total central thickness (- 0.347; p = 0.0035). Age, visual acuity, and hemoglobin A1c levels also correlated with retinal sensitivity. Conclusion: Macular GCC thickness and central retinal sensitivity were reduced in patients with moderate DR without DME, suggesting the presence of macular neurodegeneration.[Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2021, The Author(s)

    Mineralización del fósforo orgánico

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    p.157-163Con la finalidad de estudiar el índice de mineralización del fósforo se efectuaron incubaciones de suelos naturales y previamente esterilizados, solos y en contacto con resina Amberlite IRA 400 en su forma C 0 3 H - y Cl- llevada a pH 7,0. Las variaciones del fósforo inorgánico se estudiaron en períodos entre 1 y 56 días

    Los micromamíferos (Lagomorpha, Eulipotyphla y Rodentia) del yacimiento del Pleistoceno Medio de Cuesta de la Bajada (Teruel, España): Estudio sistemático y consideraciones paleoambientales

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    The micromammal association established in this work is the following: Lagomorpha: Oryctolagus cuniculus; Eulipotyphla: Crocidura cf. russula, cf. Sorex sp., Neomys sp., Soricidae indet. and Talpa sp.; and Rodentia: Eliomys quercinus, Apodemus cf. sylvaticus, Cricetulus (Allocricetus) bursae, Arvicola aff. sapidus, Microtus (Iberomys) brecciensis and Microtus (Terricola) duodecimcostatus. This association is characteristic of the Middle Pleistocene. The morphological state of Cricetulus (A.) bursae, Arvicola aff. sapidus and Microtus (I.) brecciensis allows to place it in the advanced, but not final, Middle Pleistocene, which agrees with the numerical data of the site (243–337 ka) that places it in the MIS 8 or 9. The micromammals indicate the predominance of the open spaces with abundant vegetation mainly of herbaceous and bushes but also with some areas with trees. The climate would be of Mediterranean type, similar to the actual or perhaps a little milder and more humid.La asociación de micromamíferos determinada en este trabajo es la siguiente: Lagomorpha: Oryctolagus cuniculus; Eulipotyphla: Crocidura cf. russula, cf. Sorex sp., Neomys sp., Soricidae indet. y Talpa sp.; y Rodentia: Eliomys quercinus, Apodemus cf. sylvaticus, Cricetulus (Allocricetus) bursae, Arvicola aff. sapidus, Microtus (Iberomys) brecciensis y Microtus (Terricola) duodecimcostatus. Es una asociación característica del Pleistoceno Medio. El estadio evolutivo de Cricetulus (A.) bursae, Arvicola aff. sapidus y Microtus (I.) brecciensis le aproximan a las poblaciones de dichas especies de algunos yacimientos de la Península Ibérica del Pleistoceno Medio avanzado, pero no final, lo que es acorde con las dataciones numéricas obtenidas en el yacimiento (243-337 ka) que le sitúan en el MIS 8 o 9. Los micromamíferos indican la predominancia de los espacios abiertos con abundante vegetación herbácea y arbustiva, en los que podría haber también alguna zona arbolada. El clima que indican es de tipo mediterráneo, similar al actual en la zona o quizás algo más benigno y más húmedo

    Síntesis de la cronoestratigrafía y evolución sedimentaria de los sistemas lacustres evaporíticos y carbonatados neógenos de la Cuenca de Calatayud-Montalbán.

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    La Cuenca terciaria de Calatayud-Montalbán consta de dos subcuencas diferentes separadas por el umbral de Daroca (Cuenca de Calatayud en el sector septentrional y Cuenca de Montalbán en el sector meridional). Estas cuencas presentan una evolución sedimentaria muy similar de los sistemas lacustres neógenos evaporíticos y carbonáticos, que generalmente ocupan los sectores centrales de ambas depresiones. En la Cuenca de Calatayud, se reconocen tradicionalmente en el Neógeno tres unidades sedimentarias mayores denominadas Unidad Inferior, Intermedia y Superior separadas por dos rupturas sedimentarias principales. Las dos primeras tienen carácter evaporítico, mientras que la última tiene un carácter fluviolacustre. En los sectores centrales de la Cuenca de Montalbán, el sondeo Barrachina-l y las secciones estratigráficas complementarias han permitido apreciar una evolución sedimentaria muy similar para las unidades neógenas, con facies evaporíticas y carbonáticas muy parecidas, aunque con una cronoestratigrafía diferente y la ausencia del registro sedimentario del Mioceno medio a Plioceno. En este trabajo también se describe por vez primera la presencia de un nivel volcanoclástico intercalado entre las facies evaporíticas del Mioceno inferior de la Cuenca de Montalbán. Las asociaciones minerales identificadas en los depósitos lacustres del Mioceno inferiormedio de ambos sectores de la cuenca, muestran una secuencia que evoluciona desde facies lacustres evaporíticas de alto grado de hipersalinidad, hacia facies lacustres evaporíticas de baja-moderada salinidad. Solamente, el registro sedimentario de la Cuenca de Calatayud permite asegurar que esta evolución sedimentaria se completa con la presencia de facies carbonáticas fluviolacustres características de aguas dulces en el Mioceno superior. Esta secuencia de precipitación salina responde a un cambio progresivo en la hidroquímica de los sistemas lacustres relacionado con un cambio gradual de las condiciones climáticas que comenzaría en el Rambliense y se extendería, al menos, durante todo el Mioceno medio. Las diferencias cronoestratigráficas entre los dos sectores de la misma depresión deben estar relacionados con los diferentes condicionantes tectónicos y/o geomorfológicos a los que se han visto sometidas ambas cuencas durante el Mioceno. [ABSTRACT] The Tertiary Calatayud-Montalbán Basin consists of two distinct sub-basins separated by the Daroca High (Calatayud Basin in the northern sector and Montalbán Basin in the southern sector). These basins present a quite similar sedimentary evolution of the Neogene evaporitic and carbonatic lacustrine systems, that generally occupy central locations in both basins. Three main sedimentary units (Lower, Intermediate and Upper units) divided by two main sedimentary breaks are traditionally described in the Calatayud Basin. The Lower and Intermediate units have evaporitic sedimentation, whilst the Upper Unit is tipically freshwater fluviolacustrine sedimentation. In the central areas of the Montalbán basin, the Barrachina-l drill hole and complementary stratigraphic sections showed a very similar sedimentary evolution of the Neogene units, with similar evaporitic and carbonatic facies, but different chronostratigraphy. The Upper MiocenePliocene sedimentary record of the Montalbán Basin is absent. In addition, this work presents the first occurrence of a volcanoclastic layer interbedded in the Lower Miocene evaporitic facies of the Montalbán Basin. The identified mineral assemblages of the lacustrine deposits of both sectors of the basin, show an evolutionary sequence during the Lower-Middle Miocene from hypersaline to lower moderated salinity lacustrine facies. This evolutionary trend is only complete in the sedimentary record of the Calatayud Basin, where freshwater carbonatic fluviolacustrine facies are described in the Upper Miocene. This precipitation sequence is the result of a progressive hydrochemical change of the lacustrine systems related to a climatic change from the Ramblian to the Middle Miocene. Differences in the chronostratigraphy of both basins should be related to distinct tectonic scenarios and/or geomorphologic features during the Miocene

    YBa2Cu3O7 and Nb NanoSQUIDs for the Investigation of Magnetization Reversal of Individual Magnetic Nanoparticles

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    We report on the fabrication, performance and application of sensitive YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) and Nb nanoSQUIDs to magnetization reversal measurements of individual magnetic nanoparticles. The YBCO SQUIDs are based on grain boundary Josephson junctions and are patterned in a single layer of epitaxially grown YBCO films by Ga focused ion beam milling. The Nb SQUIDs contain sandwich-type Josephson junctions with normal conducting HfTi barriers; they are fabricated with a multilayer technology that includes patterning by e-beam lithography and a combination of milling techniques and chemical-mechanical polishing. Due to the small inductance of the SQUID loops, ultralow white flux noise at 4.2 K can be achieved, which yields spin sensitivities of down to a few Bohr magnetons per unit bandwidth for a magnetic nanoparticle placed at 10 nm distance to the SQUID loop

    Uncovering the MIR emission of quiescent galaxies with JWSTJWST

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    We present a study of the mid-IR (MIR) emission of quiescent galaxies (QGs) beyond the local universe. Using deep JWSTJWST imaging in the SMACS-0723 cluster field we identify a mass limited (M>109M_{*} >10^{9}M_{\odot}) sample of intermediate redshift QGs (0.2<z<0.70.2<z<0.7) and perform modeling of their rest-frame UV to MIR photometry. We find that QGs exhibit a range of MIR spectra that are composed of a stellar continuum and a dust component that is 1-2 orders of magnitude fainter to that of star-forming galaxies. The observed scatter in the MIR spectra, especially at λrest>5μ\lambda_{\rm rest} > 5 \mum, can be attributed to different dust continuum levels and/or the presence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) features. The latter would indicate enhanced 11.3- and 12.7 μ\mum PAHs strengths with respect to those at 6.2- and 7.7μ \mum, consistent with the observed spectra of local ellipticals and indicative of soft radiation fields. Finally, we augment the average UV-to-MIR spectrum of the population with cold dust and gas emission in the far-IR/mm and construct a panchromatic UV-to-radio SED that can serve as a template for the future exploration of the interstellar medium of z>0z>0 QGs with ALMA and JWSTJWST.Comment: The panchromatic QG SED has been made publicly available at http://www.georgiosmagdis.com/softwar