17 research outputs found

    CartografĂ­a geomorfolĂłgica del Valle de Tobalina (Burgos)

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    [Resumen] La cartografía geomorfológica a escala 1/25.000 del valle de Tobalina permite establecer un inventario morfológico y la secuencia temporal de glacis, terrazas, acumulaciones tobåceas y conos que caracterizan el valle. La evolución geomorfológica presenta once fases morfogenéticas mayores que permiten reconstruir la evolución del curso del Ebro en Tobalina durante el Cuaternario.[Abstract] The Tobalina valley geomorphological map permits to establish a geomorphological inventory and the temporal sequences of glacis, terraces, tufas and fans. The geomorphological evolution has eleven main morphogenetic phases and it is posible to estblish the Ebro course evolution in Tobalina during Quaternary

    Environmental education and landscape leisure. Geotourist map and geomorphosites in the Picos de Europa National Park

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    Picos de Europa National Park is the oldest and most extensive National Park in Spain, a symbol of conservationism and management of Iberian nature. The present day use is defined by abandoned ancient traditional structures, summer livestock and mainly tourism in and around the National Park, and over the last forty years the visitors of the National Park has grown until 2 million per year. The context of the map it framed in the next questions, which places are most frequented by visitors?, what places are the most interesting to visitors?, what are visitors looking for?, and who visits the National park? The main type of visitors are mountaineers (1,5%), hikers (5), active tourists (10%), recreational tourists (66%) and students (16%). Hikers and active tourist represent the 18% of visitors to the National Park, over 120,000 visitors per year. They are, joint the monitors and teachers guiding students groups, the main objective of documents and geotouristic maps. The map has five levels of reading (planimetry, altimetry, geomorphology, human uses and tourist routes), the elements are represented by areas, patterns and symbols in colours, and the selected significant elements represent the topography, geomorphological features (glacial, karst, nivation, landslide) and human remains (mining, grazing) and routes between geomorphosites and more representative scenic view points. The interpretative geotouristic maps are useful tools to develop an approach to tourist activity and for interpret nature and landscapes from direct knowledge of the field but also they are a powerful tool for environmental educationin National Parks and Natural Protected Areas.This work was funded by the projects OAPN 053/2010 (Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Environment, Spain) and the support of the Picos deEuropa National Park

    How the Implementation of BREEAM in Hotels Could Help to Achieve the SDGs

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    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was approved in 2015 by the United Nations. It is a call of action to protect our planet, end poverty and improve the lives and prospects of all. Sustainable development has been fundamental in the tourism and construction sectors in the past few decades. Nowadays, developing countries are leaders in green engineering procedures, and progressively, hotels are including sustainable standards in their designs, architecture and management. In places where tourism is the main contributor to the Gross Domestic Product, the incorporation of energy certifications is crucial. In this context, this article explores the positive implications of the application of the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) on hotels in relation to the achievement of SDGs. The study analyses the influence of BREEAM on hotel design using six case studies and examines the sustainable modifications incorporated. Qualitative data were obtained through in-depth interviews and by the analysis of the documentation provided. The results revealed that a BREEAM approach in the initial stage of a project will optimize the sustainability of the hotel and can help with the achievement of several of the SDGs

    Ground-based remote-sensing techniques for diagnosis of the current state and recent evolution of the Monte Perdido Glacier, Spanish Pyrenees

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    This work combines very detailed measurements from terrestrial laser scanner (TLS), groundbased interferometry radar (GB-SAR) and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to diagnose current conditions and to analyse the recent evolution of the Monte Perdido Glacier in the Spanish Pyrenees from 2011 to 2017. Thus, this is currently one of the best monitored small glacier (<0.5 km2) worldwide. The evolution of the glacier surface was surveyed with a TLS evidencing an important decline of 6.1 ± 0.3 m on average, with ice losses mainly concentrated over 3 years (2012, 2015 and 2017). Ice loss is unevenly distributed throughout the study period, with 10–15 m thinning in some areas while unchanged areas in others. GB-SAR revealed that areas with higher ice losses are those that are currently with no or very low ice motion. In contrast, sectors located beneath the areas with less ice loss are those that still exhibit noticeable ice movement (average 2–4.5 cm d─1 in summer, and annual movement of 9.98 ma─1 from ablation stakes data). GPR informed that ice thickness was generally <30 m, though locally 30–50 m. Glacier thinning is still accelerating and will lead to extinction of the glacier over the next 50 years.E. Alonso-GonzĂĄlez is supported by a FPI fellowship of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES2015-071466). J. Revuelto is supported by a Post-doctoral Fellowship of the AXA research foundation. This research was made possible partially by funding granted by the Junta de Extremadura and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional-FEDER, through the reference GR15107 to the research group COMPHAS and the EXPLORA PaleoICE project (ref. CGL2015-72167-EXP), and CLIMPY (FEDERPOCTEFA). The research of J. Lapazaran and J. Otero was funded by the Spanish State Plan for Research and Development project CTM2014-56473-R

    Structure des grands bassins glaciaires dans le nord de la péninsule ibérique: comparaison entre les vallées d'Andorre (Pyrénées orientales), du Gållego (Pyrénées centrales) et du Trueba (Chaßne Cantabrique).

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    Les grandes vallĂ©es glaciaires de la PĂ©ninsule IbĂ©rique sont situĂ©es dans la chaĂźne pyrĂ©nĂ©o-cantabrique, principalement dans le bassin de l'Èbre. Ainsi, les vallĂ©es d'Andorre, de la Noguera Pallaresa et de la haute vallĂ©e du GĂĄllego, dans les PyrĂ©nĂ©es, ont eu des appareils glaciaires longs de 42, 50 et 40 km respectivement. Dans les vallĂ©es du Sil (bassin du Miño) et du Trueba, dans la ChaĂźne Cantabrique, ils atteignaient 42 et 16,5 km (Serrano-Cañadas, 1996 ; GĂłmez-Ortiz et al., 2001 ; Turu & Peña, 2006a et b ; Redondo-Vega et al., 2006). L'une des caractĂ©ristiques gĂ©omorphologiques de la plupart de ces vallĂ©es est l'existence d'une dĂ©pression morphologique du substratum dans les parties moyennes et terminales, interprĂ©tĂ©e comme la consĂ©quence de l'Ă©rosion glaciaire. Dans tous les cas, on observe une architecture litho-stratigraphique commune (Vilaplana & Casas, 1983 ; Bordonau et al., 1989 ; Bordonau, 1992 ; Turu et al., 2002) reprĂ©sentĂ©e par trois unitĂ©s gĂ©oĂ©lectriques : une unitĂ© infĂ©rieure trĂšs Ă©paisse, avec des rĂ©sistivitĂ©s Ă©lectriques basses (70 - 200 Ohms par mĂštre), qui traduit la prĂ©sence de matĂ©riaux fins considĂ©rĂ©s comme d'origine lacustre ; une unitĂ© intermĂ©diaire, moins Ă©paisse, avec des valeurs de rĂ©sistivitĂ© plus Ă©levĂ©es (400 - 800 Ohms par mĂštre), pouvant ĂȘtre interprĂ©tĂ©e comme un systĂšme fluvio-deltaĂŻque pro-glaciaire et une unitĂ© gĂ©oĂ©lectrique supĂ©rieure, avec des valeurs de rĂ©sistivitĂ© trĂšs variables (100 - 1500 Ohms par mĂštre), constituĂ©e de sĂ©diments alluviaux subactuels. La comparaison des donnĂ©es de type gĂ©ophysique et gĂ©omĂ©canique (sismique Ă  rĂ©fraction et essais pressiomĂ©triques) montre que l'unitĂ© intermĂ©diaire, considĂ©rĂ©e comme d'origine fluvio-deltaĂŻque, prĂ©sente des valeurs de vitesse sismique anormalement Ă©levĂ©es, ainsi que de hautes valeurs de consolidation. Cette observation effectuĂ©e pour la premiĂšre fois dans la vallĂ©e d'Andorre (Turu, 2000) montre des remarquables corrĂ©lations entre les hautes vitesses sismiques et les valeurs Ă©levĂ©es de consolidation, ainsi que la trĂšs nette corrĂ©lation entre les hautes valeurs de consolidation et les tills sous-glaciaires. Elle permet d'interprĂ©ter l'unitĂ© intermĂ©diaire comme essentiellement glaciaire et de remettre en question le modĂšle simple d'une sĂ©quence de comblement lacustre et deltaĂŻque proposĂ© jusquÂŽĂ  maintenant