1,437 research outputs found

    Water retention properties of two deep Tertiary clay formations within the context of radioactive waste disposal.

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    Belgium investigates the design for disposal of its ‘High-Level Radioactive Waste’ in two deep clay formations; the Boom clay at Mol, considered the reference host formation, and Ypresian clay at Kallo as the alternative one. The water retention properties of these deep low-porosity formations have been investigated for two main reasons. High suctions develop as a consequence of sample retrieval (at depths between 223 and 350 m), which affect the hydro-mechanical response of these materials, especially at low stress levels. In addition, water retention properties have also been studied to better assess possible desaturation effects due to venting of the disposal facility galleries. After a description of their main properties at intact state and their microstructural features (pore size distributions), the water retention properties of both clays covering a wide suction range and using different complementary techniques are presented and discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Descripción de una nueva subespecie de leptotila verreauxi bonaparte,1855 (aves: columbidae) del sureste de colombia

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    La especie Leptotila verreauxi se conocía en Colombia en la región suroccidental, mitad meridional de la cuenca del río Cauca y la ladera occidental de los Andes occidentales en el Departamento del Cauca, hacia el sur y en la ladera amazónica de los Andes en el sureste de Nariño (cf. Meyer De Schauensee,1952: 4) con la subespecie L. v. decolor (SALVIN, 1892). Al norte del país y en el valle del río Magdalena está representada por L. v, verreauxi (BONAPARTE,1855) de la cual para el oriente del país sólo se dispone de un macho adulto obtenido en el raudal de San Borja en el río Orinoco, al sur de Puerto Carreno, NE de la Comisaría del Vichada, coleccionado el 17 de marzo por el doctor Polidoro Pinto E. y don Pablo Bernal, del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Tabaquismo: un problema que afecta a los jóvenes universitarios a nivel nacional e internacional: Tobacco: A problem that affects young universities at the national and international levels

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    The World Health Organization defines smoking as a chronic addictive disease widespread worldwide. It represents one of the greatest threats to public health, affecting children, youth and adults. It is estimated, that there are 1.300 million smokers in the world and about 80% of these live in countries where there is a high rate of morbidity and mortality associated with tobacco mainly in adult consumers. In particular, the consumption of tobacco among young university students is evident and worrisome. Different authors in the world have raised factors for tobacco use among adolescents and young adults. Such studies argue that the habit of smoking usually begins during adolescence and consolidates in the university stage. Smoking in parents, relatives, and friends is a factor, perhaps the most remarkable, which is associated with the acquisition of smoking as a habit.La Organización Mundial de la Salud define al tabaquismo como una enfermedad adictiva crónica muy extendida a nivel mundial. Representa una de las mayores amenazas para la salud púbica, afectando a niños, jóvenes y adultos. Se calcula que existen 1.300 millones de fumadores en el mundo y alrededor del 80% de estos viven en países en los que existe una alta tasa de morbilidad y mortalidad asociada al tabaco principalmente en consumidores adultos. De manera particular, el consumo de tabaco ente jóvenes universitarios es evidente y preocupante. Diferentes autores en el mundo han planteado factores para el consumo de tabaco entre adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Tales estudios sostienen que el hábito de fumar inicia, por lo general, durante la adolescencia y se consolida en la etapa universitaria. Además, el tabaquismo en progenitores, familiares y amigos es un factor, quizás el más destacable, que se asocia a la adquisición del hábito tabáquico

    Herramienta autor Indesahc para la creación de cursos hipermedia adaptativos

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    Un elemento fundamental dentro de una plataforma de gestión del aprendizaje (Learning Management Systems, LMS) es la herramienta autor para la producción del material didáctico. En este artículo presentamos un sistema de desarrollo integrado para la creación y evaluación de cursos hipermedia adaptativos accesibles, basados en páginas Web. INDESAHC (Integrated Development System for Adaptive Hypermedia Courses), facilita la introducción del mapa de contenidos del curso, según un modelo del dominio basado en temas, lecciones, conceptos y escenarios tipos, en los cuales se realiza la integración de los archivos de media mediante un entorno visual intuitivo basado en plantillas. Una vez definidas las relaciones entre los temas y los niveles de dificultad de cada lección, se genera el curso hipermedia adaptativo, cuyo diseño final puede ser evaluado a través de una herramienta accesorio llamada EPRules (Educational Prediction Rules). Esta herramienta utiliza algoritmos de minería de datos, para el descubrimiento de información útil para facilitar un proceso de retroalimentación. Se describe además, el modelo didáctico en que se basa INDESAHC y se presenta una metodología eficaz, para evitar los problemas de desorientación y sobrecarga de contenidos en la navegación.In this paper we present an integrated development system for Web Based Adaptive Hypermedia Courses. We have developed an authoring tool called INDESAHC (Integrated Development System for Adaptive Hypermedia Courses) for this purpose. This tool facilitates to the course designer introducing the conceptual map, according to a domain model based on topics, lessons, concepts and learning components. Furthermore, the program allows the integration of media files in the course by means of an intuitive visual environment based on templates. Once defined the relationship among the topics and the difficulty level of each lesson, the user can generate the hypermedia adaptive course. The final design could be evaluated with an accessory tool called EPRules (Educational Prediction Rules). This tool is based on data mining algorithms in order to discover useful information for feedback. We also discuss on how our methodology can avoid the problems of disorientation and cognitive overload

    Preliminary structural and seismic performance assessment of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba: The Abd al-Rahman I sector

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    This manuscript discusses some preliminary results on the structural and the seismic performance of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, a UNESCO World Heritage. The area is characterized by a moderate seismic hazard. The building was built from the 8th to the 16th century and it has undergone several transformations. Owing to the complexity of the building, this work has focused on the assessment of the Abd al-Rahman I sector, which is the most aged part of the complex. For that, first, a 3D numerical finite element model of the sector has been done in the OpenSees framework and calibrated. To do so, an experimental non-destructive campaign has been carried out. Second, the model has been used to evaluate the structural behaviour, under vertical and horizontal loads, considering different scenarios. Finally, the crack patterns and the seismic safety have been obtained. The results showed that the numerical damage obtained for the gravitational loads is in good agreement with the data collected from the in situ surveys. Also, particular attention should be paid to the cymatiums, as they are the most demanded part of the system. Regarding its seismic performance, the building presents a higher capacity in the direction of the arcades. For the seismic demand, slight damage is expected in both principal directions of the building, which could be easily repaired. Damage concentration is expected in the contact between the perimetral wall and the arcades. This work has expanded the study of the features of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba to the structural and seismic analysis with advanced numerical FE computing, which has not been done to date. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time that a macro-modelling approach with solid elements is presented for the seismic assessment of heritage buildings using the OpenSees framework. The methodology to do so is also presented. Apart from showing how advanced numerical analyses can provide useful information to assess the existing damage on monumental buildings, this work aims at contributing to the assessment of the vulnerability and the safety of one of the most emblematic mosque-like buildings of the world.20 página

    ALERT Doctoral School 2012: advanced experimental techniques in geomechanics

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    The twenty-second session of the European Graduate School 2012 (called usually ALERT Doctoral School) entitled Advanced experimental techniques in geomechanics is organized by Cino Viggiani, Steve Hall and Enrique Romero.Postprint (published version

    Factores asociados al consumo de tabaco en estudiantes universitarios de Lima metropolitana.: Factors associated with tobacco consumption in university students of Lima metropolitan

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    Introduction: The consumption of tobacco is very harmful to people’s health. According to WHO, smoking is the cause of death of 8 million people a year. Objetive: The purpose of the research was to determine the factors associated with the consumption of tobacco in university students in Metropolitan Lima. Methods: The sample consisted of 447 students from Lima universities, the survey was applied: Fagerstrom test. Subsequently the data was analyzed using tables of: distribution, frequency, contingency.  Results: It was evidenced through the X2 statistical test that there is a significant association between the variables sex and smoking habit, OR = 1.93, IC 95%[1.29-6,519]. It was also observed that having smoking parents is significantly associated with the habit of smoking by the children, with a value p =0,000 of X2 and the OR 3.31, IC 95%[2,145 - 5,116]. Conclusion: The variables sex and parental background have a significant association with tobacco consumption, emphasizing that our family environment deserves to be safe, healthy and free of tobacco smokeIntroducción: El consumo de tabaco es muy perjudicial para la salud de las personas, según la OMS el tabaquismo es la causa de muerte de 8 millones de personas al año. Objetivo: El propósito de la investigación fue determinar los factores asociados al consumo de tabaco en estudiantes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana. Métodos: La muestra estuvo conformada por 447 estudiantes de universidades de Lima, se aplicó la encuesta: Test de Fagerstrom. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando tablas de distribución, frecuencia, y contingencia. Resultados: Se evidenció a través de la prueba estadística X2 que existe asociación significativa entre las variables sexo y el hábito de fumar, OR = 1.93, IC 95% [1.29 – 6,519].  También se pudo observar que tener padres fumadores está asociado significativamente al hábito de fumar por parte de los hijos, con un valor de p=0,000 del X2 y el OR 3,31, IC 95% [2,145 – 5,116].  Conclusión: Las variables sexo masculino y antecedentes parentales tienen asociación significativa con el consumo de tabaco enfatizando que nuestro entorno familiar merece ser seguro, saludable y libre del humo de tabaco

    Testing Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance of Basic Psychological Needs in the Digital Version of the Sport Scale

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    Motivation is an important field in sport because it is related to the satisfaction, psychological well-being, or adherence to sport. The Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise Scale (PNSE) is one of the questionnaires that assess motivation from the Self-Determination Theory. Online tools are growing because of the advantages that they offer. The PNSE has been validated in different populations but never in its digital version. The aim of the present study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the digital version of the PNSE hosted on the MenPas platform. The current study included 1050 platform users aged 18 to 58 who engage in regular physical-sports activity. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the 18-item model was conducted, and invariance was performed according to gender and type of sport. The results indicated that the measurement model displayed a good fit to the data: (CFI = 0.93, TLI = 0.92, RMSEA = 0.08, SRMR = 0.06; df = 132; B-S p = 0.02–0.07): general sample (χ2 = 934.86, χ2/df = 7.08), female (χ2 = 699.94, χ2/df = 5.30), male (χ2 = 442.42, χ2/df = 3.35) individual sports (χ2 = 753.17, χ2/df = 5.71), and team sports (χ2 = 390.44, χ2/df = 2.96). Appropriate values of invariance, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and composite reliability were obtained. The digital version of the PNSE shows adequate psychometric properties and it could improve the data collection process in future investigations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optimizacion del diseino de una red de distribucion de agua potable

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    En el presente reporte se present an los resultados obtenidos por el grupo de trabajo que estudio el problema de disenar de manera optima, una red de distribucion de agua potable. Esencialmente se discuten dos clases de estrategias. En primer lugar, aquellas cuya finalidad es reducir significativamente los recursos computacionales requeridos por los algoritmos im- plementados por el IMTA. Estos algoritmos son de caracter heuristico y generan una solucion factible que no es optima. En ciertos casos se sabe que las soluciones obtenidas por dichos algoritmos estan relativamente lejos del optima y no son aceptables desde el punto de vista del disenador. La segunda clase de estrategias propuestas, esta destinada precisamente a aliviar este problema. Se sugieren tecnicas originadas en optimizacion continua yen flujo en redes
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