133 research outputs found

    Нарушения в системе иммунитета после перенесенной новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19

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    During the pandemic, a large number of works devoted to COVID infection have appeared, which have made it possible to understand the pathogenetic features of the disease and to accumulate significant clinical experience. However, the question remains about the degree of participation of humoral and cellular (primarily T-cell) immunity in the mechanisms of immune defense and resistance to COVID-19, the individual features of the immune response in different subjects. Post-COVID syndrome is currently a separate diagnosis included in the ICD-10 International Classification of Diseases, but the long-term effects of the SARS-CoV-2 on the immune system are not yet well established. At the same time, a long-term increased activity of the immune system can contribute to the development of autoimmune reactions. The review of the literature presents the results of studies, mainly devoted to immune system disorders after COVID infection. The changes in subpopulations of T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, their functional properties, the complement system and other factors of humoral immunity, as well as the production of a number of cytokines are described. Data on immune disorders in post-COVID syndrome and during the convalescence period are presented in detail. Since COVID-19 is an infection that has a significant impact on the hematopoietic system and hemostasis, special attention is paid to the category of subjects with an increased risk of severe complications. Among the latter are elderly patients, persons suffering from diabetes mellitus, oncological and oncohematological patients, in particular, with hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue neoplasia, such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma. The review pays special attention to the peculiarities of the course of COVID-19 and the response of the immune system to vaccination in patients with oncohematological diseases. Deciphering the significance of individual links of cellular and humoral immunity in patients who have undergone COVID-19 is an important issue in creating effective vaccines and improving therapeutic methods.За время пандемии появилось большое число работ, посвященных COVID-инфекции, позволивших достаточно глубоко понять патогенетические особенности течения заболевания, накопить значительный клинический опыт. Однако остаётся открытым вопрос о степени участия гуморального и клеточного (прежде всего, Т-клеточного звена) иммунитета в механизмах иммунной защиты и невосприимчивости к инфицированию вирусом, особенностях иммунного ответа отдельных лиц. Постковидный синдром в настоящее время является самостоятельным диагнозом и включен в Международную классификацию болезней МКБ-10, но отдаленные последствия воздействия вируса SARS-CoV-2 на иммунную систему еще недостаточно хорошо установлены. При этом длительно поддерживаемая повышенная активность иммунной системы может способствовать развитию аутоиммунных реакций и осложнений. В обзоре литературы приводятся результаты исследований, главным образом, посвященных проблемам нарушений в системе иммунитета после перенесенной инфекции COVID. Описаны особенности изменений в субпопуляциях Т-лимфоцитов, В-лимфоцитов, их функциональных свойств, системы комплемента и других факторов гуморального иммунитета, а также продукции ряда ключевых цитокинов. Подробно представлены данные об иммунологических нарушениях при постковидном синдроме и в периоде реконвалесценции. Так как COVID-19 является инфекцией, оказывающей значительное влияние на кроветворную систему и гемостаз, то особое внимание уделяется категории лиц с повышенным риском развития тяжелых осложнений. В числе последних – пожилые больные, пациенты, страдающие сахарным диабетом, онкологическими и онкогематологическими заболеваниями, в особенности опухолевыми заболеваниями кроветворной и лимфоидной тканей, такими как хронический лимфолейкоз, лимфома, множественная миелома. В обзоре уделено отдельное внимание особенностям течения COVID-19 и реакции иммунной системы на вакцинацию у пациентов с онкогематологическими заболеваниями. Расшифровка значимости отдельных звеньев клеточного и гуморального иммунитета у пациентов, перенесших COVID-19, является важным вопросом при создании эффективных вакцин и совершенствовании методов терапии

    Impact of transfusion of blood components on the recipient immune system

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    Transfusions of blood provide essential therapeutic measures in a number of pathological conditions. However, when carrying out blood component therapy, it is important to consider probability of post-transfusion complications. Most of them are immune-mediated side effects. The unfavorable consequences of blood transfusions can manifest at long-range time periods, and pathogenesis of these phenomena may be associated not only with the presence of alloantibodies. They may be caused by alloimmunization to HLA antigens, leukocyte factors, including cytokines, products of leukocyte degranulation, as well as storage-related erythrocyte damage («storage lesion»), immunomodulatory properties of extracellular vesicles or microparticles derived from blood components, and other factors. Despite significant number of publications on this issue, a lot of unresolved issues still remain, concerning transfusion-related effects of blood components on the immune system of recipients. The review article provides the results of current studies in this area. We present and discuss the results of current studies and the features of transfusion-mediated immunomodulation (TRIM) revealed over recent years, when transfusing different blood components. The role of plasma factors, microparticles, platelets and erythrocytes, HLA sensitization and microchimerism in the development of TRIM is highlighted, the data on occurrence and clinical features of TRIM in perioperative period are presented. A separate section of the review provides information about recent clinical studies, devoted to the issues of TRIM in different clinical cohorts, including newborns, patients with malignant neoplasms, immunocompromised patients after heart and vascular surgery. The data on TRIM incidence in the patients with exhausted immune system due to previous disease or treatment, severe comorbidity, extensive surgical thoracic/abdominal intervention and artificial circulation are also in scope. As based on the studies performed, the role of distinct measures, e.g., washing of erythrocyte concentrates, leukodepletion, and gamma irradiation are discussed in view of potential TRIM prevention. The results of published research do not allow us to draw definite conclusions about the effects of blood component transfusion on the immune system of recipients with respect to differences between the studied groups of patients, characteristics of the studied disorders and clinical situations, diversity of hemocomponents, as well as varying standards of transfusion therapy adopted in different countries. However, the systematic literature review may provide some guidance in transfusion-mediated immune modulation


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    In recent years, the surgical treatment of DTG includes extirpation of the thyroid gland that can lead to the development of postoperative hypocalcemia, which causes of development are under study. Up to now, there are no clear recommendations for prophylaxis of postoperative hypocalcemia. In this connection, it is actually to carry out additional research to explore the methods of prophylaxis of postoperative hypocalcemia. The study involved 57 patients with diffuse toxic goiter, who had extirpation of the thyroid gland in period from 2010 until 2015. According to results of the performed study, it has been shown that prophylactic administration of preparations of calcium and vitamin D reduces the risk of postoperative hypocalcemia for patients with vitamin D deficiency.В последние годы при хирургическом лечении диффузного токсического зоба выполняют экстирпацию щитовидной железы, что может привести к развитию послеоперационной гипокальциемии, причины развития которой на стадии изучения. До настоящего времени четких рекомендаций по профилактике послеоперационной гипокальциемии нет. В связи с этим является актуальным проведение дополнительных исследований для изучения методов профилактики послеоперационной гипокальциемии. Обследованы 57 пациентов с диффузным токсическим зобом, которым за период с 2010 по2015 г. была выполнена экстирпация щитовидной железы. По результатам проведенного исследования было показано, что пациентам, имеющим дефицит витамина D, профилактический прием препаратов кальция и витамина D уменьшал риск развития послеоперационной гипокальциемии

    Differential effects of nitrate, ammonium, and urea as N sources for microbial communities in the North Pacific Ocean

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    Nitrogen (N) is the major limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth and productivity in large parts of the world's oceans. Differential preferences for specific N substrates may be important in controlling phytoplankton community composition. To date, there is limited information on how specific N substrates influence the composition of naturally occurring microbial communities. We investigated the effect of nitrate ( math formula), ammonium ( math formula), and urea on microbial and phytoplankton community composition (cell abundances and 16S rRNA gene profiling) and functioning (photosynthetic activity, carbon fixation rates) in the oligotrophic waters of the North Pacific Ocean. All N substrates tested significantly stimulated phytoplankton growth and productivity. Urea resulted in the greatest (>300%) increases in chlorophyll a (<0.06 μg L−1 and ∼0.19 μg L−1 in the control and urea addition, respectively) and productivity (<0.4 μmol C L−1 d−1 and ∼1.4 μmol C L−1 d−1 in the control and urea addition, respectively) at two experimental stations, largely due to increased abundances of Prochlorococcus (Cyanobacteria). Two abundant clades of Prochlorococcus, High Light I and II, demonstrated similar responses to urea, suggesting this substrate is likely an important N source for natural Prochlorococcus populations. In contrast, the heterotrophic community composition changed most in response to math formula. Finally, the time and magnitude of response to N amendments varied with geographic location, likely due to differences in microbial community composition and their nutrient status. Our results provide support for the hypothesis that changes in N supply would likely favor specific populations of phytoplankton in different oceanic regions and thus, affect both biogeochemical cycles and ecological processes

    New Assembly, Reannotation and Analysis of the Entamoeba histolytica Genome Reveal New Genomic Features and Protein Content Information

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    Entamoeba histolytica is an anaerobic parasitic protozoan that causes amoebic dysentery. The parasites colonize the large intestine, but under some circumstances may invade the intestinal mucosa, enter the bloodstream and lead to the formation of abscesses such amoebic liver abscesses. The draft genome of E. histolytica, published in 2005, provided the scientific community with the first comprehensive view of the gene set for this parasite and important tools for elucidating the genetic basis of Entamoeba pathogenicity. Because complete genetic knowledge is critical for drug discovery and potential vaccine development for amoebiases, we have re-examined the original draft genome for E. histolytica. We have corrected the sequence assembly, improved the gene predictions and refreshed the functional gene assignments. As a result, this effort has led to a more accurate gene annotation, and the discovery of novel features, such as the presence of genome segmental duplications and the close association of some gene families with transposable elements. We believe that continuing efforts to improve genomic data will undoubtedly help to identify and characterize potential targets for amoebiasis control, as well as to contribute to a better understanding of genome evolution and pathogenesis for this parasite

    Heightened Vulnerability to MDR-TB Epidemics after Controlling Drug-Susceptible TB

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    Prior infection with one strain TB has been linked with diminished likelihood of re-infection by a new strain. This paper attempts to determine the role of declining prevalence of drug-susceptible TB in enabling future epidemics of MDR-TB.A computer simulation of MDR-TB epidemics was developed using an agent-based model platform programmed in NetLogo (See http://mdr.tbtools.org/). Eighty-one scenarios were created, varying levels of treatment quality, diagnostic accuracy, microbial fitness cost, and the degree of immunogenicity elicited by drug-susceptible TB. Outcome measures were the number of independent MDR-TB cases per trial and the proportion of trials resulting in MDR-TB epidemics for a 500 year period after drug therapy for TB is introduced.MDR-TB epidemics propagated more extensively after TB prevalence had fallen. At a case detection rate of 75%, improving therapeutic compliance from 50% to 75% can reduce the probability of an epidemic from 45% to 15%. Paradoxically, improving the case-detection rate from 50% to 75% when compliance with DOT is constant at 75% increases the probability of MDR-TB epidemics from 3% to 45%.The ability of MDR-TB to spread depends on the prevalence of drug-susceptible TB. Immunologic protection conferred by exposure to drug-susceptible TB can be a crucial factor that prevents MDR-TB epidemics when TB treatment is poor. Any single population that successfully reduces its burden of drug-susceptible TB will have reduced herd immunity to externally or internally introduced strains of MDR-TB and can experience heightened vulnerability to an epidemic. Since countries with good TB control may be more vulnerable, their self interest dictates greater promotion of case detection and DOTS implementation in countries with poor control to control their risk of MDR-TB

    Impact of aspirin on takotsubo syndrome: a propensity score-based analysis of the InterTAK Registry

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    Aims: The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of aspirin on prognosis in takotsubo syndrome (TTS). Methods and results: Patients from the International Takotsubo (InterTAK) Registry were categorized into two groups based on aspirin prescription at discharge. A comparison of clinical outcomes between groups was performed using an adjusted analysis with propensity score (PS) stratification; results from the unadjusted analysis were also reported to note the effect of the PS adjustment. Major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE: a composite of death, myocardial infarction, TTS recurrence, stroke or transient ischaemic attack) were assessed at 30-day and 5-year follow-up. A total of 1533 TTS patients with known status regarding aspirin prescription at discharge were included. According to the adjusted analysis based on PS stratification, aspirin was not associated with a lower hazard of MACCE at 30-day [hazard ratio (HR) 1.24, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.50\u20133.04, P&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.64] or 5-year follow-up (HR 1.11, 95% CI 0.78\u20131.58, P&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.58). These results were confirmed by sensitivity analyses performed with alternative PS-based methods, i.e. covariate adjustment and inverse probability of treatment weighting. Conclusion: In the present study, no association was found between aspirin use in TTS patients and a reduced risk of MACCE at 30-day and 5-year follow-up. These findings should be confirmed in adequately powered randomized controlled trials. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01947621

    Сопоставление рентгенологической и патоморфологической картины легких у пациентов с COVID-19

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    Aim. Compare radiological patterns of COVID-19 pneumonia with pulmonary histology in deceased patients.Materials and methods. The analysis of recent lifetime CT studies of deceased patients was performed with the identification of all existing and leading CT symptoms, including “ground glass”, “crazy paving”, consolidation, as well as the symptom complex (pattern) of organizing pneumonia. Based on the CT symptoms, we selected the target points for taking the specimens by 3-D reconstructions. At the autopsy the lungs were entirely fixed into the front and then marked on CT sections cut from 1 to 3 pieces that were placed in paraffin and processed according to the standard technique, stained with hematoxylin and eosin and fuchsin-facelina. The specimens were analyzed by identifying all available histology changes and selecting the leading one.Results. 45 targeted pieces of lung tissue were obtained from 14 deceased COVID-19 patients (7 men/ 7 women), with an average age of 77.1 ± 12.9 (49–90 years). In deceased patients with the presence of the "ground glass" symptom, in most cases (57.1%) revealed an increase in intra-alveolar cellularity, hyaline membranes, desquamation of the alveolar epithelium and infiltration of the interalveolar septum by lymphocytes, which corresponds to the exudative phase of diffuse alveolar damage (DAP). Mosaic histological changes with alternation of filled alveoli (intraalveolar edema, clusters of red blood cells, macrophages, lymphocytes) and air alveoli were detected from the areas of “crazy paving” zones. Several cases demonstrated interstitial edema and lymphoid infiltration of interalveolar partitions of different severity without their thickening. Areas of consolidation were histologically represented by extensive intraalveolar hemorrhages and / or typical zones of hemorrhagic infarcts in 45.5% of cases. Perilobular consolidation, subpleural cords, symptoms of “halo” and “reverse halo”, which we considered as part of the symptom complex of organizing pneumonia in 43% of cases, morphologically corresponded to organizing pneumonia (the proliferative phase of DAP), as well as to distelectases.Conclusion. Comparison of CT patters and post-mortem pulmonary histology in COVID-19 deceased patients demonstrated that CT symptoms and patterns correspond to certain morphological changes of different phases of DAP.Цель исследования: сопоставить рентгенологические паттерны COVID-19 с гистологическими изменениями у умерших.Материал и методы. Проведен анализ последних прижизненных КТ-исследований умерших пациентов с выделением всех имеющихся и ведущего КТ-симптомов, включая “матовое стекло”, “булыжная мостовая”, консолидация, а также симптомокомплекс (паттерн) организующейся пневмонии. На основании выделенных КТ-симптомов были выбраны прицельные точки взятия материала при помощи построения трехмерных реконструкций. На аутопсии фиксированные целиком легкие разрезались фронтально, далее из обозначенных на компьютерной томограмме участков вырезали от 1 до 3 кусочков, которые заливались в парафин и обрабатывались по общепринятой методике с последующей окраской срезов толщи- ной 3–5 мкм гематоксилином и эозином, пикрофуксин-фукселином. Анализ материала проводили путем выявления всех имеющихся патоморфологических изменений с выделением ведущего из них.Результаты. Были получены 45 прицельно взятых кусочков ткани легкого от 14 умерших (7 мужчин/ 7 женщин), средний возраст 77,1 ± 12,9 (49–90) года. У умерших пациентов с наличием симптома “матово- го стекла” при КТ в большинстве случаев (57,1%) были выявлены увеличение числа клеток в просветах альвеол (внутриальвеолярная клеточность), гиалиновые мембраны, десквамация альвеолярного эпителия и инфильтрация лимфоцитами межальвеолярных перегородок, что может соответствовать признакам экссудативной фазы диффузного альвеолярного повреждения (ДАП). Из участков, обозначенных как зоны “булыжной мостовой”, были выявлены мозаичные гистологические изменения с чередованием заполненных альвеол (внутриальвеолярный отек, скопления эритроцитов, макрофагов, лимфоцитов) и воздушных альвеол, местами при наличии интерстициального отека и лимфоидной инфильтрации межальвеолярных перегородок разной степени выраженности без их утолщения. Участки консолидации гистологически были представлены обширными внутриальвеолярными кровоизлияниями и/или типичными зонами геморрагических инфарктов в 45,5% случаев. Перилобулярная консолидация, субплевральные тяжи, симптомы “ободка” и “обратного ободка”, которые мы расценивали в рамках симптомокомплекса организующейся пневмонии, на компьютерной томограмме в 43% случаев морфологически соответствовали организующейся пневмонии (пролиферативная фаза ДАП), а также дистелектазам.Заключение. При попытке рентгенопатоморфологического сопоставления у пациентов с COVID-19 с поражением легких нами было показано, что различные симптомы и паттерны при КТ соответствуют определенным морфологическим изменениям в различные фазы ДАП

    The αGal Epitope of the Histo-Blood Group Antigen Family Is a Ligand for Bovine Norovirus Newbury2 Expected to Prevent Cross-Species Transmission

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    Among Caliciviridae, the norovirus genus encompasses enteric viruses that infect humans as well as several animal species, causing gastroenteritis. Porcine strains are classified together with human strains within genogroup II, whilst bovine norovirus strains represent genogroup III. Various GI and GII human strains bind to carbohydrates of the histo-blood group family which may be shared among mammalian species. Genetic relatedness of human and animal strains as well as the presence of potentially shared ligands raises the possibility of norovirus cross-species transmission. In the present study, we identified a carbohydrate ligand for the prototype bovine norovirus strain Bo/Newbury2/76/UK (NB2). Attachment of virus-like particles (VLPs) of the NB2 strain to bovine gut tissue sections showed a complete match with the staining by reagents recognizing the Galα1,3 motif. Alpha-galactosidase treatment confirmed involvement of a terminal alpha-linked galactose. Specific binding of VLPs to the αGal epitope (Galα3Galβ4GlcNAcβ-R) was observed. The binding of Galα3GalαOMe to rNB2 VLPs was characterized at atomic resolution employing saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR experiments. Transfection of human cells with an α1,3galactosyltransferase cDNA allowed binding of NB2 VLPs, whilst inversely, attachment to porcine vascular endothelial cells was lost when the cells originated from an α1,3galactosyltransferase KO animal. The αGal epitope is expressed in all mammalian species with the exception of the Hominidaea family due to the inactivation of the α1,3galactosyltransferase gene (GGTA1). Accordingly, the NB2 carbohydrate ligand is absent from human tissues. Although expressed on porcine vascular endothelial cells, we observed that unlike in cows, it is not present on gut epithelial cells, suggesting that neither man nor pig could be infected by the NB2 bovine strain