862 research outputs found

    Spatially Stable Mitochondrial Compartments Fuel Local Translation during Plasticity

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    Local translation meets protein turnover and plasticity demands at synapses, however, the location of its energy supply is unknown. We found that local translation in neurons is powered by mitochondria and not by glycolysis. Super-resolution microscopy revealed that dendritic mitochondria exist as stable compartments of single or multiple filaments. To test if these mitochondrial compartments can serve as local energy supply for synaptic translation, we stimulated individual synapses to induce morphological plasticity and visualized newly synthesized proteins. Depletion of local mitochondrial compartments abolished both the plasticity and the stimulus-induced synaptic translation. These mitochondrial compartments serve as spatially confined energy reserves, as local depletion of a mitochondrial compartment did not affect synaptic translation at remote spines. The length and stability of dendritic mitochondrial compartments and the spatial functional domain were altered by cytoskeletal disruption. These results indicate that cytoskeletally tethered local energy compartments exist in dendrites to fuel local translation during synaptic plasticity

    Europe belongs to the young? Generational differences in public opinion towards the European Union during the Eurozone crisis

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    The notion that younger people hold more favourable attitudes towards the European Union (EU) is prevalent in both academic and popular discourse. While certain events like the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom fit this intuition, other developments such as Eurosceptic parties garnering considerable support among millennial voters in some member states do not. To understand these diverging trends, this study draws our attention to how specific events shape EU support. It empirically demonstrates how the Eurozone crisis shapes generational divides. Younger cohorts in debtor countries have become significantly more sceptical of the EU than their peers in creditor states. The opposite pattern emerges for older cohorts. Older generations are more supportive of the EU in debtor countries compared to creditor states. These findings have important implications for our understanding of how public support for the EU will develop in the future by suggesting that generational divides are highly context-dependent

    In Vitro Synthesis of Chlorophyll A in the Dark Triggers Accumulation of Chlorophyll A Apoproteins in Barley Etioplasts”

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    An in vitro translation system using lysed etioplasts was developed to test if the accumulation of plastid-encoded chlorophyll a apoproteins is dependent on the de novo synthesis of chlorophyll a. The P700 apoproteins, CP47 and CP43, were not radiolabeled in pulsechase translation assays employing lysed etioplasts in the absence of added chlorophyll precursors. When chlorophyllide a plus phytylpyrophosphate were added to lysed etioplast translation assays in the dark, chlorophyll a was synthesized and radiolabeled P700 apoproteins, CP47 and CP43, and a protein which comigrates with D1 accumulated. Chlorophyllide a or phytylpyrophosphate added separately to the translation assay in darkness did not induce chlorophyll a formation or chlorophyll a apoprotein accumulation. Chlorophyll a formation and chlorophyll a apoprotein accumulation were also induced in the lysed etioplast translation system by the photoreduction of protochlorophyllide to chlorophyllide a in the presence of exogenous phytylpyrophosphate. Accumulation of radiolabeled CP47 was detectable when very low levels of chlorophyll a were synthesized de novo (less than 0.01 nmol/10(7) plastids), and radiolabel increased linearly with increasing de novo chlorophyll a formation. Higher levels of de novo synthesized chlorophyll a were required prior to detection of radiolabel incorporation into the P700 apoproteins and CP43 (greater than 0.01 nmol/10(7) plastids). Radiolabel incorporation into the P700 apoproteins, CP47 and CP43, saturated at a chlorophyll a concentration which corresponds to 50% of the etioplast protochlorophyllide content (0.06 nmol of chlorophyll a/10(7) plastids)

    The effect of force-field parameters on properties of liquids:Parametrization of a simple three-site model for methanol

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    A simple rigid three-site model for methanol compatible with the simple point charge (SPC) water and the GROMOS96 force field is parametrized and tested. The influence of different force-field parameters, such as the methanol geometry and the charge distribution on several properties calculated by molecular dynamics is investigated. In particular an attempt was made to obtain good agreement with experimental data for the static dielectric constant and the mixing enthalpy with water. The model is compared to other methanol models from the literature in terms of the ability to reproduce a range of experimental properties.<br/

    H2 as a fuel for flavin- and H2O2-dependent biocatalytic reactions

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    The soluble hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha provides an atom efficient regeneration system for reduced flavin cofactors using H2 as an electron source. We demonstrated this system for highly selective ene-reductase-catalyzed C[double bond, length as m-dash]C-double bond reductions and monooxygenase-catalyzed epoxidation. Reactions were expanded to aerobic conditions to supply H2O2 for peroxygenase-catalyzed hydroxylations.DFG, 284111627, H2-basierende Kaskaden für die Biosynthese von N-HeterocyclenDFG, 405325648, ,Engineering von O2-toleranten Hydrogenasen und ihre physiologischen Auswirkungen in rekombinanten Bakterien im Hinblick auf die Hydrogenase-abhängige NAD(P)H-Regeneration und H2-ProduktionDFG, 390540038, EXC 2008: UniSysCatTU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 202

    Assessing exhibition swine as potential disseminators of infectious disease through the detection of five respiratory pathogens at agricultural exhibitions

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    International audienceAbstractWidespread geographic movement and extensive comingling of exhibition swine facilitates the spread and transmission of infectious pathogens. Nasal samples were collected from 2862 pigs at 102 exhibitions and tested for five pathogens. At least one pathogen was molecularly detected in pigs at 63 (61.8%) exhibitions. Influenza A virus was most prevalent and was detected in 498 (17.4%) samples. Influenza D virus was detected in two (0.07%) samples. More than one pathogen was detected in 165 (5.8%) samples. Influenza A virus remains a top threat to animal and human health, but other pathogens may be disseminated through the exhibition swine population


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    Розглянуто процеси в багатофазно-однофазних реверсивних електромашинно-вентильних перетворю- вачах безконтактних машин подвійного живлення. Рассмотрены процессы в многофазно-однофазных реверсивных электромашинно-вентильных преобра- зователях бесконтактных машин двойного питания

    Early psychiatric morbidity in a Brazilian sample of acute ischemic stroke patients

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    OBJECTIVE: Stroke is a major public health problem worldwide, and its neuropsychiatric sequelae are frequent and disabling. Furthermore, there is evidence that these sequelae impair recovery. Brazil has the highest stroke rates in Latin America, but data on the frequency of neuropsychiatric disorders in these patients are scarce. This study aimed to identify mental disorders among in-hospital patients with acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview-Plus (MINI-Plus) was applied to 60 patients during the first week of hospitalization. RESULTS: Psychiatric disorders were diagnosed in 55% of the patients. A wide range of neuropsychiatric disorders have been identified, mainly mood and anxiety disorders. Specifically, we identified major depression (26.7%), alcohol abuse or dependence (11.7%), specific phobia (8.3%), generalized anxiety disorder (6.7%), psychosis (5.0%), social phobia (3.3%), adjustment disorder (3.3%) and panic disorder (1.7%). CONCLUSION: Psychiatric comorbidity should be evaluated as part of the rehabilitation of stroke patients and should be carefully examined by physicians


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    O presente artigo relata como a produção audiovisual pode incentivar o ingresso de meninas nas carreiras científicas. Através do projeto de extensão Meninas na Ciência: Tecendo Redes, da Universidade Feevale, em 2019 e 2020, foram elaborados mais de dez vídeos com entrevistas de mulheres que atuam na ciência. Os vídeos foram utilizados em salas de aula do Ensino Médio para incentivar o ingresso e despertar o interesse das meninas pelas áreas da ciência. Aos alunos e alunas foi também disponibilizado, junto aos vídeos do projeto, um questionário com seis perguntas. As respostas do questionário afirmam a importância da mulher na ciência e demonstram o significado dos vídeos para as meninas. Além de incentivar o ingresso nas áreas STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathemamatics), a produção audiovisual posiciona a mulher na sociedade, mostra ações importantes de mulheres na ciência e a necessidade das meninas continuarem esse trabalho