149 research outputs found

    Dilaton-Axion hair for slowly rotating Kerr black holes

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    Campbell et al. demonstrated the existence of axion ``hair'' for Kerr black holes due to the non-trivial Lorentz Chern-Simons term and calculated it explicitly for the case of slow rotation. Here we consider the dilaton coupling to the axion field strength, consistent with low energy string theory and calculate the dilaton ``hair'' arising from this specific axion source.Comment: 13 pages + 1 fi

    Rare Genetic Variant in SORL1 May Increase Penetrance of Alzheimer's Disease in a Family with Several Generations of APOE-ɛ4 Homozygosity

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    BACKGROUND: The major genetic risk factor for late onset Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the APOE-ɛ4 allele. However, APOE-ɛ4 homozygosity is not fully penetrant, suggesting co-occurrence of additional genetic variants. OBJECTIVE: To identify genetic factors that, next to APOE-ɛ4 homozygosity, contribute to the development of AD. METHODS: We identified a family with nine AD patients spanning four generations, with an inheritance pattern suggestive of autosomal dominant AD, with no variants in PSEN1, PSEN2, or APP. We collected DNA from four affected and seven unaffected family members and performed exome sequencing on DNA from three affected and one unaffected family members. RESULTS: All affected family members were homozygous for the APOE-ɛ4 allele. Statistical analysis revealed that AD onset in this family was significantly earlier than could be expected based on APOE genotype and gender. Next to APOE-ɛ4 homozygosity, we found that all four affected family members carried a rare variant in the VPS10 domain of the SORL1 gene, associated with AβPP processing and AD risk. Furthermore, three of four affected family members carried a rare variant in the TSHZ3 gene, also associated with AβPP processing. Affected family members presented between 61 and 74 years, with variable presence of microbleeds/cerebral amyloid angiopathy and electroencephalographic abnormalities. CONCLUSION: We hypothesize that next to APOE-ɛ4 homozygosity, impaired SORL1 protein function, and possibly impaired TSHZ3 function, further disturbed Aβ processing. The convergence of these genetic factors over several generations might clarify the increased AD penetrance and the autosomal dominant-like inheritance pattern of AD as observed in this family

    Pathologically confirmed autoimmune encephalitis in suspected Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

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    Objective: To determine the clinical features and presence in CSF of antineuronal antibodies in patients with pathologically proven autoimmune encephalitis derived from a cohort of patients with suspected Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). Methods: The Dutch Surveillance Centre for Prion Diseases performed 384 autopsies on patients with suspected CJD over a 14-year period (1998-2011). Clinical information was collected from treating physicians. Antineuronal antibodies were tested in CSF obtained postmortem by immunohistochemistry on fresh frozen rat brain sections, by Luminex assay for the presence of wellcharacterized onconeural antibodies, and by cell-based assays for antibodies against NMDAR, GABABR1/2, GABAAR GLUR1/2, LGI1, Caspr2, and DPPX. Results: In 203 patients, a diagnosis of definite CJD was made, while in 181 a variety of other conditions were diagnosed, mainly neurodegenerative. In 22 of these 181, the neuropathologist diagnosed autoimmune encephalitis. One patient was excluded because of lack of clinical information. Inflammator

    [18F]Flortaucipir PET Across Various MAPT Mutations in Presymptomatic and Symptomatic Carriers

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the [18F]flortaucipir binding distribution across MAPT mutations in presymptomatic and symptomatic carriers. METHODS: We compared regional [18F]flortaucipir binding potential(BPND) derived from a 130-minute dynamic [18F]flortaucipir PET scan, in nine (pre)symptomatic MAPT mutation carriers(4 with P301L[1 symptomatic], 2 with R406W[1 symptomatic]; 1 presymptomatic L315R, 1 presymptomatic S320F and 1 symptomatic G272V carrier) with 30 cognitively normal controls and 52 Alzheimer's disease patients. RESULTS: [18F]flortaucipir BPND images showed overall highest binding in the symptomatic carriers. This was most pronounced in the symptomatic R406W carrier in whom tau binding exceeded the normal control range in the anterior cingulate cortex, insula, amygdala, temporal, parietal and frontal lobe. Elevated medial temporal lobe BPND was observed in a presymptomatic R406W carrier. The single symptomatic and one of the three presymptomatic P301L carriers showed elevated [18F]flortaucipir BPND in the insula, parietal and frontal lobe compared to controls. The symptomatic G272V carrier exhibited a widespread elevated cortical BPND, with at neuropathological examination a combination of 3R pathology and encephalitis. The L315R presymptomatic mutation carrier showed higher frontal BPND compared to controls. The BPND values of the S320F presymptomatic mutation carrier fell within the range of controls. CONCLUSION: Presymptomatic MAPT mutation carriers already showed subtle elevated tau binding, whereas symptomatic MAPT mutation carriers showed a more marked increase in [18F]flortaucipir BPND. Tau deposition was most pronounced in R406W MAPT (pre)symptomatic mutation carriers, which is associated with both 3R and 4R tau accumulation. Thus, [18F]flortaucipir may serve as an early biomarker for MAPT mutation carriers in mutations that cause 3R/4R tauopathies

    The Coarse-Grained Plaque: A Divergent Aβ Plaque-Type in Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by amyloid-beta (Aβ) deposits, which come in myriad morphologies with varying clinical relevance. Previously, we observed an atypical Aβ deposit, referred to as the coarse-grained plaque. In this study, we evaluate the plaque’s association with clinical disease and perform in-depth immunohistochemical and morphological characterization. The coarse-grained plaque, a relatively large (Ø ≈ 80 µm) deposit, characterized as having multiple cores and Aβ-devoid pores, was prominent in the neocortex. The plaque was semi-quantitatively scored in the middle frontal gyrus of Aβ-positive cases (n = 74), including non-demented cases (n = 15), early-onset (EO)AD (n = 38), and late-onset (LO)AD cases (n = 21). The coarse-grained plaque was only observed in cases with clinical dementia and more frequently present in EOAD compared to LOAD. This plaque was associated with a homozygous APOE ε4 status and cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). In-depth characterization was done by studying the coarse-grained plaque’s neuritic component (pTau, APP, PrPC), Aβ isoform composition (Aβ40, Aβ42, AβN3pE, pSer8Aβ), its neuroinflammatory component (C4b, CD68, MHC-II, GFAP), and its vascular attribution (laminin, collagen IV, norrin). The plaque was compared to the classic cored plaque, cotton wool plaque, and CAA. Similar to CAA but different from classic cored plaques, the coarse-grained plaque was predominantly composed of Aβ40. Furthermore, the coarse-grained plaque was distinctly associated with both intense neuroinflammation and vascular (capillary) pathology. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and 3D analysis revealed for most coarse-grained plaques a particular Aβ40 shell structure and a direct relation with vessels. Based on its morphological and biochemical characteristics, we conclude that the coarse-grained plaque is a divergent Aβ plaque-type associated with EOAD. Differences in Aβ processing and aggregation, neuroinflammatory response, and vascular clearance may presumably underlie the difference between coarse-grained plaques and other Aβ deposits. Disentangling specific Aβ deposits between AD subgroups may be important in the search for disease-mechanistic-based therapies

    Mindaugas e Radvilas

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    Desde 1920, quando enviou uma delegação pela primeira vez aos Jogos Olímpicos, o Brasil já foi representado por 2.111 atletas. Parte deles nasceu fora do país e é brasileira nata, por questões de ancestralidade familiar, ou naturalizada. Este texto discorre sobre Radvilas Gorauskas, que nasceu na Lituânia, imigrou para o Brasil no fim da década de 1940 e atuou como pivô pela seleção brasileira de basquete nos Jogos Olímpicos de Munique, em 1972. Refere-se ainda a Mindaugas, irmão de Radvilas, também nascido na Lituânia e atleta da seleção brasileira de basquete, por meio de quem a história do membro olímpico da família pode ser resgatada. O objetivo desse artigo é recuperar a memória da carreira esportiva de Radvilas, contextualizando todo o processo de deslocamento e a imigração desencadeada pela Segunda Guerra Mundial da família Gorauskas. O método utilizado baseia-se nas narrativas biográficas, e a entrevista com Mindaugas é a principal referência para a realização do trabalho, além de objetos biográficos trazidos pelo entrevistado. Conclui-se que a recuperação de um universo informativo é possível quando um narrador ainda vivo compartilha suas memórias. A entrevista com Mindaugas revelou dados pouco ou nada conhecidos não apenas sobre o processo migratório da família Gorauskas para o Brasil, como também do basquetebol das décadas de 1960 e 1970

    Investigation into the Role of Tumor-Associated Macrophages in the Antitumor Activity of Doxil

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    Purpose. Our recent studies show specific localization of long-circulating liposomes (LCL) within the endosomal/lysosomal compartment of tumor-associated macrophages (TAM). Based on this finding, the present study aims to investigate whether clinically applied LCL formulations such as Doxil (LCLencapsulated doxorubicin), have alternative mechanisms of action additionally to direct drug-mediated cytotoxicity towards tumor cells. Methods. The antitumor activity of Doxil was evaluated in B16.F10 melanoma-bearing mice, in the presence and in the absence of TAM. To suppress TAM functions, liposomal clodronate (Lip-CLOD) was injected 24 h before the actual treatment. The effect of Doxil on the levels of angiogenic factors was determined using an angiogenic protein array. As positive control, the same experiments were conducted with LCL-encapsulated prednisolone phosphate (LCL-PLP), a tumor-targeted formulation with known strong anti-angiogenic/anti-inflammatory effects on TAM. Results. Our results show that the antitumor efficacy of Doxil was only partially attributed to the inhibition of TAM-mediated angiogenesis whereas LCL-PLP inhibited tumor growth through strong suppressive effects on pro-angiogenic functions of TAM. As described previously, the main mechanism of Doxil might be a cytotoxic effect on tumor cells. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that the antitumor activity of Doxil does not depend mainly on the presence of functional TAM in tumors

    Protective Effects of Walnut Extract Against Amyloid Beta Peptide-Induced Cell Death and Oxidative Stress in PC12 Cells

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    Amyloid beta-protein (Aβ) is the major component of senile plaques and cerebrovascular amyloid deposits in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Aβ is known to increase free radical production in neuronal cells, leading to oxidative stress and cell death. Recently, considerable attention has been focused on dietary antioxidants that are able to scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS), thereby offering protection against oxidative stress. Walnuts are rich in components that have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The inhibition of in vitro fibrillization of synthetic Aβ, and solubilization of preformed fibrillar Aβ by walnut extract was previously reported. The present study was designed to investigate whether walnut extract can protect against Aβ-induced oxidative damage and cytotoxicity. The effect of walnut extract on Aβ-induced cellular damage, ROS generation and apoptosis in PC12 pheochromocytoma cells was studied. Walnut extract reduced Aβ-mediated cell death assessed by MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) reduction, and release of lactate dehydrogenase (membrane damage), DNA damage (apoptosis) and generation of ROS in a concentration-dependent manner. These results suggest that walnut extract can counteract Aβ-induced oxidative stress and associated cell death

    Human Prion Diseases in The Netherlands (1998–2009): Clinical, Genetic and Molecular Aspects

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    Prion diseases are rare and fatal neurodegenerative disorders that can be sporadic, inherited or acquired by infection. Based on a national surveillance program in the Netherlands we describe here the clinical, neuropathological, genetic and molecular characteristics of 162 patients with neuropathologically confirmed prion disease over a 12-year period (1998–2009). Since 1998, there has been a relatively stable mortality of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in the Netherlands, ranging from 0.63 to 1.53 per million inhabitants per annum. Genetic analysis of the codon 129 methionine/valine (M/V) polymorphism in all patients with sporadic CJD (sCJD) showed a trend for under-representation of VV cases (7.0%), compared with sCJD cohorts in other Western countries, whereas the MV genotype was relatively over-represented (22,4%). Combined PrPSc and histopathological typing identified all sCJD subtypes known to date, except for the VV1 subtype. In particular, a “pure" phenotype was demonstrated in 60.1% of patients, whereas a mixed phenotype was detected in 39.9% of all sCJD cases. The relative excess of MV cases was largely accounted for by a relatively high incidence of the MV 2K subtype. Genetic analysis of the prion protein gene (PRNP) was performed in 161 patients and showed a mutation in 9 of them (5.6%), including one FFI and four GSS cases. Iatrogenic CJD was a rare phenomenon (3.1%), mainly associated with dura mater grafts. Three patients were diagnosed with new variant CJD (1.9%) and one with variably protease-sensitive prionopathy (VPSPr). Post-mortem examination revealed an alternative diagnosis in 156 patients, most commonly Alzheimer's disease (21.2%) or vascular causes of dementia (19.9%). The mortality rates of sCJD in the Netherlands are similar to those in other European countries, whereas iatrogenic and genetic cases are relatively rare. The unusual incidence of the VV2 sCJD subtype compared to that reported to date in other Western countries deserves further investigation