670 research outputs found

    Detailed study of SNR G306.3-0.9 using XMM-Newton and Chandra observations

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    We used combined data from XMM-Newton and Chandra observatories to study the X-ray morphology of SNR G306.3-0.9. A spatially-resolved spectral analysis was used to obtain physical and geometrical parameters of different regions of the remnant. Spitzer infrared observations were also used to constrain the progenitor supernova and study the environment in which the SNR evolved. The X-ray morphology of the remnant displays a non-uniform structure of semi-circular appearance, with a bright southwest region and very weak or almost negligible X-ray emission in its northern part. These results indicate that the remnant is propagating in a non-uniform environment as the shock fronts are encountering a high-density medium, where enhanced infrared emission is detected. The X-ray spectral analysis of the selected regions shows distinct emission-line features of several metal elements, confirming the thermal origin of the emission. The X-ray spectra are well represented by a combination of two absorbed thermal plasma models: one in equilibrium ionization with a mean temperature of ~0.19 keV, and another out of equilibrium ionization at a higher temperature of ~1.1 or 1.6-1.9 keV. For regions located in the northeast, central, and southwest part of the SNR, we found elevated abundances of Si, S, Ar, Ca, and Fe, typical of ejecta material. The outer regions located northwest and south show values of the abundances above solar but lower than to those found in the central regions. This suggests that the composition of the emitting outer parts of the SNR is a combination of ejecta and shocked material of the interstellar medium. The comparison between the S/Si, Ar/Si, and Ca/Si abundances ratios (1.75, 1.27, and 2.72 in the central region, respectively), favor a Type Ia progenitor for this SNR, a result that is also supported by an independent morphological analysis using X-ray and IR data.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Physicochemical and antimicrobial characterization of beeswax–starch food-grade nanoemulsions incorporating natural antimicrobials

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    Nanoemulsions are feasible delivery systems of lipophilic compounds, showing potential as edible coatings with enhanced functional properties. The aim of this work was to study the effect of emulsifier type (stearic acid (SA), Tween 80 (T80) or Tween 80/Span 60 (T80/S60)) and emulsification process (homogenization, ultrasound or microfluidization) on nanoemulsion formation based on oxidized corn starch, beeswax (BW) and natural antimicrobials (lauric arginate and natamycin). The response variables were physicochemical properties, rheological behavior, wettability and antimicrobial activity of BW–starch nanoemulsions (BW–SN). The BW–SN emulsified using T80 and microfluidized showed the lowest droplet size (77.6 ± 6.2 nm), a polydispersion index of 0.4 ± 0.0 and whiteness index (WI) of 31.8 ± 0.8. This BW–SN exhibited a more negative ζ-potential: −36 ± 4 mV, and Newtonian flow behavior, indicating great stability. BW–SN antimicrobial activity was not affected by microfluidization nor the presence of T80, showing inhibition of the deteriorative fungi R. stolonifer, C. gloeosporioides and B. cinerea, and the pathogenic bacterium S. Saintpaul. In addition, regardless of emulsifier type and emulsification process, BW–SN applied on the tomato surface exhibited low contact angles (38.5° to 48.6°), resulting in efficient wettability (−7.0 mN/m to −8.9 mN/m). These nanoemulsions may be useful to produce edible coatings to preserve fresh-produce quality and safety.We are grateful to CONACyT for PhD grant to Teresita Arredondo Ochoa, and financial support for project No. 166751. Special thanks are given to Alfonso Pérez for help on DSC analysis and Ma. Lourdes Palma Tirado for technical support on micrographs

    Increased cerebrospinal fluid levels of cytokines monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and macrophage inflammatory protein-1β (MIP-1β) in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Introduction: Neuroinflammation has recently been described in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However, the precise role of such proinflammatory cytokines as monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and macrophage inflammatory protein-1� (MIP-1�) in ALS has not yet been determined. In this study, we determined cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) MCP-1 and MIP-1� levels and assessed their association with the duration and severity of ALS. Methods: Concentrations of MCP-1 and MIP-1� were determined in the CSF of 77 patients diagnosed with ALS and 13 controls. Cytokine levels were analysed in relation to ALS duration ( 12 months) and severity ( 30 points on the ALS Functional Rating Scale administered at hospital admission). Results: Higher CSF MIP-1� (10.68 pg/mL vs 4.69 pg/mL, P < .0001) and MCP-1 (234.89 pg/mL vs 160.95 pg/mL, P = .011) levels were found in the 77 patients with ALS compared to controls. There were no differences in levels of either cytokine in relation to disease duration or severity. However, we did observe a significant positive correlation between MIP-1� and MCP-1 in patients with ALS. Conclusions: The increase in MIP-1� and MCP-1 levels suggests that these cytokines may havea synergistic effect on ALS pathogenesis. However, in our cohort, no association was found witheither the duration or the clinical severity of the disease

    Behavior analysis of real wages in Mexico (1995-2018)

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    Objective: To determine through econometric analysis which variables —inflation, real exchange rate, unemployment, and consumption— have a major impact on workers' wages and, therefore, on production. Design/Methodology/Approach: We developed a multiple linear regression model for the behavior of macroeconomic variables in Mexico from 1995 to 2018, using the ordinary least squares method (OLS) and the Gretl statistical package. Results: The analysis of the model showed that inflation, exchange rate, and unemployment are highly significant, unlike consumption. For the model of real wages in Mexico, we obtained a 0.87 coefficient of determination —i.e., the variables included in the model account for 87% of the wages’ behavior. The relation of consumption, unemployment, and inflation to wages was as expected. Regarding the exchange rate, the result was the opposite of the expectations. The wage-unemployment elasticity had the greatest impact. Study Limitations/Implications: The database used was the main limitation because it relies on official sources, which lack data and show inconsistencies. Findings/Conclusions: The study helped to determine whether or not the proposed variables affected the national economic growth. Mexico is not a first-world country than can offer high salaries; therefore, the Mexican economy must continue to grow, before it reaches a higher per capita income. In this regard, it is essential to consider the extent to which the new government’s proposals will be able to face the reality: very few and very low-quality jobs are created, despite what the official figures say

    Incremento de las citoquinas proteína quimiotáctica de monocitos-1 (MCP-1) y proteína inflamatoria macrofágica-1β (MIP-1β) en líquido cefalorraquídeo de pacientes con esclerosis lateral amiotrófica

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    Introducción: En la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA) se ha descrito recientemente la presencia de neuroinflamación. Sin embargo, no se ha definido el rol de citoquinas proinflamatrorias como la proteína quimiotáctica de monocitos-1 (MCP-1) y la proteína inflamatoria macrofágica-1� (MIP-1�) en ELA. En este estudio evaluamos niveles de MCP-1 y MIP-1� en líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR), analizando su participación en la duración y gravedad de la ELA. Métodos: En 77 pacientes con ELA definida y 13 sujetos controles, se comparó el nivel de citoquinas MCP-1 y MIP-1� en LCR. Se analizaron estos niveles con relación a la duración de la ELA ( 12 meses) y a la gravedad de esta determinada mediante el puntaje obtenido al ingreso en la escala funcional estratificada de la ELA ( 30 puntos). Resultados: En los 77 pacientes con ELA, se encontraron aumentados los niveles de MIP-1� (4,69 pg/ml vs. 10,68 pg/ml, p < 0,0001) y MCP-1 (160,95 pg/ml vs. 234,89 pg/ml, p = 0,011) en comparación con sujetos controles. No se observó diferencia de los niveles de estas citoquinas con la duración o la gravedad de la enfermedad. Sin embargo, observamos una correlación positiva significativa entre MIP-1� y MCP-1 en pacientes con ELA. Conclusiones: El aumento de MIP-1� y MCP-1 sugiere que estas citoquinas parecen tener unefecto sinérgico en la patogénesis de la ELA. Sin embargo, en nuestra cohorte no se asociaroncon la duración o la gravedad de la ELA

    Extracción y purificación de timol y carvacol en orégano (Lippia graveolens Kunth) para su evaluación biológica sobre semillas de maíz cebú (Zea mays L.) y sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) como fitorregulador natural.

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    México es el principal exportador a nivel mundial de orégano mexicano; debido al contenido de aceite esencial. Su contenido de metabolitos secundarios se relaciona con el proceso de germinación y actividad biológica de muchas plantas dependiendo de la dosis. Los cereales juegan un papel primordial en la vida alimenticia del hombre por la fuente de nutrientes que proporciona, así como la gran importancia económica, en México se hace necesario estudiar el Maíz Cebú y Sorgo , los cuales por sus características agronómicas y nutricionales pudieran aportar grandes beneficios en la alimentación, a nivel mundial. Se evaluó el efecto de timol y carvacrol durante la germinación de semillas de maíz y sorgo. Se colocaron 20 semillas por caja petri en cuatro grupos de 15 cajas para cada tratamiento: 2,1, 0.1 (ppm) y el control. A los 9 días se cortó por separado radícula, coleoptilo y endospermo. Los resultados para peso seco de coleoptilo y radícula mostraron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos pero no entre las especies, mientras que para el peso seco del endospermo las diferencias son significativas tanto entre genotipos como entre tratamientos. A menor concentración existe un estímulo en el crecimiento. Los extractos de orégano podrían funcionar como estimulantes naturales

    Biotechnological production of γ-decalactone, a peach like aroma, by Yarrowia lipolytica

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    The request for new flavourings increases every year. Consumer perception that everything natural is better is causing an increase demand for natural aroma additives. Biotechnology has become a way to get natural products. γ-Decalactone is a peach-like aroma widely used in dairy products, beverages and others food industries. In more recent years, more and more studies and industrial processes were endorsed to cost-effect this compound production. One of the best-known methods to produce -decalactone is from ricinoleic acid catalyzed by Yarrowia lipolytica, a generally regarded as safe status yeast. As yet, several factors affecting -decalactone production remain to be fully understood and optimized. In this review, we focus on the aromatic compound -decalactone and its production by Y. lipolytica. The metabolic pathway of lactone production and degradation are addressed. Critical analysis of novel strategies of bioprocess engineering, metabolic and genetic engineering and other strategies for the enhancement of the aroma productivity are presented.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684)

    A Review of the Progress and Potential of Energy Generation from Renewable Sources in Latin America

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    Sustainable energy economics in Latin America has become relevant due to the region’s dependence on the oil market and the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review of the ten major economies in the region based on gross domestic product is conducted. We primarily analyze production performance of hydro, wind, and solar energies, in terms of total gigawatt hours produced, current participation levels in energy matrices, and total installed capacity. Current and future trends and legal frameworks for each technology and country are discussed. Our analyses indicate that Latin America and the Caribbean can potentially increase the usage of renewable energy sources given a plethora of natural resources, favorable geographical and climatic conditions, and existing large-scale hydro installations to counteract the inconsistency of wind and solar projects. Therefore, governments in the region must overhaul sustainable policies to increase awareness and reduce energy dependence on foreign powers
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