161 research outputs found

    Observational methods for COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness research:an empirical evaluation and target trial emulation

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    Background:There are scarce data on best practices to control for confounding in observational studies assessing vaccine effectiveness to prevent COVID-19. We compared the performance of three well-established methods [overlap weighting, inverse probability treatment weighting and propensity score (PS) matching] to minimize confounding when comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Subsequently, we conducted a target trial emulation to study the ability of these methods to replicate COVID-19 vaccine trials.Methods:We included all individuals aged ≥75 from primary care records from the UK [Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) AURUM], who were not infected with or vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 as of 4 January 2021. Vaccination status was then defined based on first COVID-19 vaccine dose exposure between 4 January 2021 and 28 January 2021. Lasso regression was used to calculate PS. Location, age, prior observation time, regional vaccination rates, testing effort and COVID-19 incidence rates at index date were forced into the PS. Following PS weighting and matching, the three methods were compared for remaining covariate imbalance and residual confounding. Last, a target trial emulation comparing COVID-19 at 3 and 12 weeks after first vaccine dose vs unvaccinated was conducted.Results:Vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts comprised 583 813 and 332 315 individuals for weighting, respectively, and 459 000 individuals in the matched cohorts. Overlap weighting performed best in terms of minimizing confounding and systematic error. Overlap weighting successfully replicated estimates from clinical trials for vaccine effectiveness for ChAdOx1 (57%) and BNT162b2 (75%) at 12 weeks.Conclusion:Overlap weighting performed best in our setting. Our results based on overlap weighting replicate previous pivotal trials for the two first COVID-19 vaccines approved in Europe


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    The patterns of innovation diffusion are well approximated by the logistic curves. This is the robust empirical fact confirmed by many studies in innovations dynamics. Here, we show that the logistic pattern of innovation diffusion can be replicated by the time-dependent stochastic process with positive feedbacks along the diffusion trajectory. The dynamic increasing returns process is modelled by Polya Urns. So far, Urn models have been mostly used to study the [path-dependent] limit properties. On the contrary, this work focuses on the transient [finite time] properties studying the conditions under which urn models capture the logistic trajectories which often track empirical diffusion process. As examples, we calibrate the process to match several cases of diffusion of motor ships in European countries

    High-throughput amplicon sequencing-based analysis of active fungal communities inhabiting grapevine after hot-water treatments reveals unexpectedly high fungal diversity

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    [EN] The ecology of total fungal communities in grapevine is so far largely derived from studies on culture-dependent methods or cultivation-independent rDNA approaches. Sequencing the ribosomal RNA transcripts (rRNA) would rather reveal the functionally and metabolically active important taxa of the fungal community and provide insights into its activity in the wood. The present study investigated changes in the potentially active fungal communities of internal grapevine wood after Hot-Water Treatment (HWT) in planting material from Czech Republic and Spain at two different times during the propagation process and from two plant zones. We examined fungal communities using both traditional isolation into culture and high-throughput amplicon sequencing (HTAS) of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region in extracted total RNA. HTAS from metatranscriptomic RNA increased the resolution of the fungal community analysis and revealed a highly diverse mycobiota of grapevine wood compared to the traditional method. Fungal diversity differed between grapevine genotypes and showed a temporal variation over the vegetative period. Grapevine planting materials exhibited high fungal diversity after HWT, which demonstrates that the HWT process does not sterilize the internal wood of grapevine. HWT reduced the infection caused by fungal trunk disease pathogens but was not completely effective in eliminating their growth. This study provides important and practically useful insights into the dynamics of active fungal communities in hot-water treated plants, and represents the first study of active fungal communities on grapevine grafted plants by comparing traditional and next-generation sequencing methods. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd and British Mycological Society. All rights reserved.This work was supported by Projects No. LD14051 from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic covered by COST Action FA1303, and No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_025/0007314 "Multidisciplinary research to increase application potential of nanomaterials in agricultural practice" from EFRR (Grant provider: Ministerstvo Skolstvi, mladeze a telovychovy Ceske republiky (MSMT). Access to computing and storage facilities owned by parties and projects contributing to the National Grid Infrastructure MetaCentrum provided under the programme "Projects of Large Research, Development, and Innovations Infrastructures" (CESNET LM2015042), is greatly appreciated. David Gramaje was supported by the DOC-INIA program from the National Institute for Agronomic Research (INIA), co-funded by the European Social Fund. The authors are grateful for the technical assistance of Jesus Alfonso Crespo and Aitor Gavara Vidal.Eichmeier, A.; Pecenka, J.; Penazova, E.; Baranek, M.; CatalĂ , S.; LeĂłn Santana, M.; Armengol FortĂ­, J.... (2018). High-throughput amplicon sequencing-based analysis of active fungal communities inhabiting grapevine after hot-water treatments reveals unexpectedly high fungal diversity. Fungal Ecology. 36:26-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2018.07.011S26383

    An insight into curcumin-based photosensitization as a promising and green food preservation technology

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    Consumer awareness on the side effects of chemical preservatives has increased the demand for natural preservation technologies. An efficient and sustainable alternative to current conventional preservation techniques should guarantee food safety and retain its quality with minimal side effects. Photosensitization, utilizing light and a natural photosensitizer, has been postulated as a viable and green alternative to the current conventional preservation techniques. The potential of curcumin as a natural photosensitizer is reviewed in this paper as a practical guide to develop a safe and effective decontamination tool for industrial use. The fundamentals of the photosensitization mechanism are discussed, with the main emphasis on the natural photosensitizer, curcumin, and its application to inactivate microorganisms as well as to enhance the shelf life of foods. Photosensitization has shown promising results in inactivating a wide spectrum of microorganisms with no reported microbial resistance due to its particular lethal mode of targeting nucleic acids. Curcumin as a natural photosensitizer has recently been investigated and demonstrated efficacy in decontamination and delaying spoilage. Moreover, studies have shown the beneficial impact of an appropriate encapsulation technique to enhance the cellular uptake of photosensitizers, and therefore, the phototoxicity. Further studies relating to improved delivery of natural photosensitizers with inherent poor solubility should be conducted. Also, detailed studies on various food products are warranted to better understand the impact of encapsulation on curcumin photophysical properties, photo-driven release mechanism, and nutritional and organoleptic properties of treated foods

    Country-report pattern corrections of new cases allow accurate 2-week predictions of COVID-19 evolution with the Gompertz model

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    Accurate short-term predictions of COVID-19 cases with empirical models allow Health Officials to prepare for hospital contingencies in a two–three week window given the delay between case reporting and the admission of patients in a hospital. We investigate the ability of Gompertz-type empiric models to provide accurate prediction up to two and three weeks to give a large window of preparation in case of a surge in virus transmission. We investigate the stability of the prediction and its accuracy using bi-weekly predictions during the last trimester of 2020 and 2021. Using data from 2020, we show that understanding and correcting for the daily reporting structure of cases in the different countries is key to accomplish accurate predictions. Furthermore, we found that filtering out predictions that are highly unstable to changes in the parameters of the model, which are roughly 20%, reduces strongly the number of predictions that are way-off. The method is then tested for robustness with data from 2021. We found that, for this data, only 1–2% of the one-week predictions were off by more than 50%. This increased to 3% for two-week predictions, and only for three-week predictions it reached 10%

    Mathematical modeling of SARS-CoV-2 variant substitutions in European countries: transmission dynamics and epidemiological insights

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    Background: Countries across Europe have faced similar evolutions of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern, including the Alpha, Delta, and Omicron variants. Materials and methods: We used data from GISAID and applied a robust, automated mathematical substitution model to study the dynamics of COVID-19 variants in Europe over a period of more than 2 years, from late 2020 to early 2023. This model identifies variant substitution patterns and distinguishes between residual and dominant behavior. We used weekly sequencing data from 19 European countries to estimate the increase in transmissibility (Δβ) between consecutive SARS-CoV-2 variants. In addition, we focused on large countries with separate regional outbreaks and complex scenarios of multiple competing variants. Results: Our model accurately reproduced the observed substitution patterns between the Alpha, Delta, and Omicron major variants. We estimated the daily variant prevalence and calculated Δβ between variants, revealing that: (i) Δβ increased progressively from the Alpha to the Omicron variant; (ii) Δβ showed a high degree of variability within Omicron variants; (iii) a higher Δβ was associated with a later emergence of the variant within a country; (iv) a higher degree of immunization of the population against previous variants was associated with a higher Δβ for the Delta variant; (v) larger countries exhibited smaller Δβ, suggesting regionally diverse outbreaks within the same country; and finally (vi) the model reliably captures the dynamics of competing variants, even in complex scenarios. Conclusion: The use of mathematical models allows for precise and reliable estimation of daily cases of each variant. By quantifying Δβ, we have tracked the spread of the different variants across Europe, highlighting a robust increase in transmissibility trend from Alpha to Omicron. Additionally, we have shown that the geographical characteristics of a country, as well as the timing of new variant entrances, can explain some of the observed differences in variant substitution dynamics across countries

    Evaluation of growth performance, oxidative stress and immune response in gilthead sea bream fed with novel feed formulations

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    Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe 2020, celebrado en modalidad virtual del 12 al 15 de abril de 2021.[Introduction]: As the aquaculture sector continues to expand while being more environmentally conscious, the development of sustainable aquafeeds is becoming increasingly important (FAO, 2020). Tolerance to the replacement of fishmeal and fish oil in feeds has been largely studied in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) (Gasco et al., 2018; Karapanagiotidis, Psofakis, Mente, Malandrakis, & Golomazou, 2019), and many products emerge now as potential alternatives to ingredients used in conventional formulations. A main goal of GAIN EU project is to evaluate emerging ingredients, already commercially available, using different formulation concepts that consider all fish nutritional requirements. GAIN diets are based on circularity principles, maximizing resource efficiency, while contributing towards zero waste in the agro-food value chain, feed cost-effectiveness, and having good social acceptance. The present study aims to understand the real impacts of these novel feed formulations on growth performance, nutritional condition, immunity, and oxidative status using biomarkers.[Methods]: Quadruplicate groups of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) were fed ad libitum with four different diets. Three of them have been designed to facilitate aquaculture eco-intensification through increased circularity and resource utilization: NOPAP - formula without terrestrial animal by-products processed animal protein; PAP - formula with terrestrial animal by-products processed animal protein; and MIX - a mixture of NOPAP and PAP. The fourth feed followed a standard commercial formulation and was used as a control diet. After a 77-day feeding trial, plasma samples were collected to evaluate humoral parameters (protease, anti-protease, bactericidal activity and IgM). Liver and head kidney tissues were collected for the simultaneous profiling of a panel of 42 (liver) or 29 (head kidney) genes, as markers of growth performance, lipid and energy metabolism, and immune and antioxidant activities by qPCR. Liver samples were also used to analyse oxidative biomarker (Lipid peroxidation and catalase).[Results]: Tested feed formulations did not affect growth performance or feed intake. However, fish fed PAP and MIX diets had a higher feed conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio than control and NOPAP groups. This impairment was accompanied by a decreased hepatic expression of igf-i and ghr1. NOPAP diet slightly increased innate immunity parameters, showing better results on bactericidal, IgM, and anti-protease activity, as well as a significant up-regulation of il-8 in head kidney. Fish fed with PAP diet displayed an up-regulation of pro-inflammatory genes, namely il-8 and other cytokines (il-1β, tnf-α), chemokines (ck8), and chemokine receptors (ccr3). The same pattern was found for the T-cell markers cd3x, cd4, and cd8a. The activity of the antioxidant enzyme catalase was significantly lower in fish fed with PAP and MIX diet, being a possible indication of decreased antioxidant defences. This is supported by the observed regulation of antioxidant genes (mn-sod/sod2, gpr-170, gpr-94, and gpr-75), although not statistically significant.[Discussion]: The similar performance of novel formulations and the control diet indicates that they can be considered as viable options for seabream feeds. Differences in FCR suggest that NOPAP can promote a better bioavailability and/or increased absorption of key nutrients than PAP and MIX diets. Indeed, this impairment was also evidenced by their hepatic expression pattern of markers of growth performance. In general, PAP exhibited an opposite response to the NOPAP group. NOPAP was closer to the control diet, and MIX showed intermediate values between PAP and NOPAP in almost all parameters. The markedly pro-inflammatory head kidney expression profile in PAP fish may be also indicative of an impaired response at the mucosal level. In any case, the low proportion of differentially expressed genes between the experimental diets and control (18 out of 71) constitutes an additional and indirect confirmation of their suitability.[Conclusions]: Novel feed formulations for gilthead seabream seem to be viable options for a near future. In any case, all results are related to the formulation itself and cannot be attributed to a specific ingredient alteration. More studies are necessary to understand the cost-benefit of these new formulations and their market acceptability to optimize sustainability within the current/predictable European regulatory framework.“This project was financed from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773330 (GAIN), with additional support from Nord university (Norway) and Sparos SA (Portugal)”

    Fish meal-free diets supplemented with health promoters support optimal growth in gilthead sea bream, with benefitial changes in gene expression, intestinal microbiota and improved intestinal disease recovery

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    Trabajo presentado en la International Conference & Exposition Aquaculture Europe, celebrada en Funchal, Maderia (Portugal) del 04 al 07 de octubre de 2021.[Introduction]: The exponential growth of the aquaculture sector requires the development of sustainable aquafeeds with less dependence on marine products. Tolerance to fish meal (FM) and fish oil replacement in the economically important gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) is being extensively studied with many products emerging as alternative feed ingredients. It has been demonstrated that alternative diets influence the composition of intestinal adherent microbial populations, which have a key role on host metabolism, health and disease resistance. In addition, low fish meal diets showed an increased susceptibility to enteric parasites (Piazzon et al., 2017). Clearly, differences in diet have an impact on the overall health and metabolism of the fish and many parameters have to be taken into account when studying alternative diets for their use in aquaculture. In this study we evaluated the effect of a novel feed formulation (NoPAP SANA) with total replacement of FM by insect meal and bacterial fermentation biomass, and supplemented with the health-promoter additive SANACORE®GM (Palenzuela et al., 2020), on growth performance, gene expression, intestinal microbiota and disease resistance in gilthead sea bream.[Methods]: Tagged gilthead sea bream of mean weight 21.3 g were distributed in two open-flow tanks (160 fish/tank) and fed ad libitum during 34 days with control or NoPAP SANA diets. Twelve fish/diet were sacrificed and head kidney (HK), liver (L) and posterior intestine (PI) were taken for RNA extraction. From the same fish, the adherent bacteria of PI were collected and immediately used for DNA extraction. RNA from HK, L and PI was used to run three customized PCR-arrays including genes of interest for each tissue, with markers of performance and metabolism (L), immune system (HK and PI), epithelial integrity, nutrient transport and mucins (PI). Using the bacterial DNA, the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA of each individual sample was amplified and sequenced by Illumina MiSeq. After quality filtering, taxonomic assignment was performed with a custom-made pipeline using the RDP database. Alpha diversity was calculated using Phyloseq and beta diversity using PERMANOVA and PLS-DA models. Metagenome prediction and pathway analysis were performed using Piphillin. Differential gene expression and OTU presence and abundance correlations were studied using the corrplot R package. From the remaining fish, 70 fish/group were challenged with the intestinal parasite Enteromyxum leei by effluent exposure and the remaining fish were used as controls. The challenge lasted 78 days, including a non-lethal diagnosis sampling at day 40. At the end of the challenge all fish were sampled for histological and molecular diagnosis. Biometric values from all fish were taken in all sampling points.[Results]: A slight decrease in condition factor and specific growth rate was detected in the NoPAP SANA group. However, all fish grew efficiently considering gilthead sea bream standards. NoPAP SANA group showed differential expression of 17 out of 44 genes in L, two out of 29 in HK, and 4 out of 44 in PI. The bacterial composition at the PI showed no major differences in diversity or at the phylum level. However, 29 abundant (>1%) OTUs significantly changed with the diet. From these, 10 OTUs were significantly correlated with differential expression of genes in the different tissues, highlighting Pseudoxanthomonas which was positively correlated with the expression of seven L genes, or Actinomyces, significantly correlated with the expression of L and HK genes (Fig. 1). Inferred metagenome analyses revealed that the altered microbiota with NoPAP SANA diet could account for changes in 15 metabolic pathways. The intensity and prevalence of infection after the parasite challenge was not significantly different between diets. In fact, infected fish from both groups showed similar recovery rates.[Conclusions]: NoPAP SANA promoted good growth parameters and efficient conversions arising as a good alternative for a FMbased diet in gilthead sea bream diets. This diet modulated the expression of several genes in L showing the capacity to reduce lipogenesis, mitochondrial activity and the risk of oxidative stress and, at the same time, promoting an antiinflammatory gene expression profile in HK and PI. Changes were also detected in the adherent bacterial populations of PI, with significant changes of OTUs that could potentially account for significant metabolic alterations. The correlations between presence and abundance of intestinal bacteria with changes in gene expression of different tissues, together with the pathway analysis results, show that microbiota changes can have an impact on host metabolism at a systemic level, and vice versa. Clearly, the changes induced by this novel FM-free diet supported an accelerated growth with an overall feed conversion ratio close to 1 and no increased susceptibility against this intestinal parasite, as often observed in studies when replacing a FM-based diet.GAIN (EU-H2020 #773330); RYC2018-024049-I/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    A novel fish meal-free diet formulation supports proper growth and does not impair intestinal parasite susceptibility in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) with a reshape of gut microbiota and tissue-specific gene expression patterns

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    The exponential growth of the aquaculture sector requires the development of sustainable aquafeeds with less dependence on marine products. The maximized replacement of fish meal (FM) and fish oil (FO) with plant ingredients has been extensively studied in the economically important species gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). Recently, major progress has been done with other alternative raw materials, though some non-pathological inflammatory response persisted with feed formulations that increased the circularity of resource utilization. In the present study, we evaluated the effects on growth performance, gene expression, intestinal microbiota and disease resistance of a FM-free diet (NoPAP SANA), based on plant ingredients, aquaculture by-products, algae oil, insect meal and bacterial fermentation biomasses as main dietary oil and protein sources, and supplemented with a commercially available health-promoting feed additive (SANACORE®GM). Juveniles of 21 g initial body weight were fed control or NoPAP SANA diets for 34 days, and head kidney, liver and posterior intestine were collected for gene expression analyses using customized PCR-arrays. Each tissue-specific PCR covered 96 genes in total and included markers of growth performance, lipid and energy metabolism, antioxidant defence, immune system, and intestinal function and integrity. From the same fish, the adherent bacteria of the posterior intestine were studied by Illumina sequencing of the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA. The remaining fish were challenged with the intestinal parasite Enteromyxum leei for 78 days and sampled for parasite diagnosis. Both control and NoPAP SANA fish grew efficiently considering gilthead sea bream standards. Before parasite challenge, the NoPAP SANA group showed differential expression of 17, 2 and 4 genes in liver, head kidney and posterior intestine, respectively. The intestinal bacterial composition showed no major differences in diversity or at the phylum level. However, 29 abundant OTUs significantly changed with the diet. From these, 10 OTUs were significantly correlated with differentially expressed genes in the different target tissues. Inferred metagenome analyses revealed that the altered microbiota with NoPAP SANA diet could account for changes in 15 metabolic pathways. The intensity and prevalence of infection after the parasite challenge did not significantly vary between dietary treatments, and infected fish from both groups showed similar disease outcome. Altogether, these results indicate that the NoPAP SANA diet promoted optimal growth and a healthy condition in gilthead sea bream without affecting susceptibility against the tested intestinal parasite, as often observed with alternative diets following current industry formulations.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 773330 (GAIN, Green Aquaculture Intensification). This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Additional funding was obtained by a Spanish MICINN project (Bream-AquaINTECH, RTI2018–094128-B-I00, AEI/FEDER, UE). M.C·P was funded by a Ramón y Cajal Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (RYC2018-024049-I, co-funded by the European Social Fund & ACOND/2020 Generalitat Valenciana)
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