896 research outputs found

    Contrasting multi-taxa diversity patterns between abandoned and non-intensively managed forests in the southern Dolomites

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    The abandonment of silvicultural activities can lead to changes in species richness and composition of biological communities, when compared to those found in managed forests. The aim of this study was to compare the multi-taxonomical diversity of two mature silver fir-beech-spruce forests in the southern Dolomites (Italy), corresponding to the European Union habitat type 9130. The two sites share similar ecological and structural characteristics, but differ in their recent management histories. In the last 50 years, one site underwent non-intensive management, while the other was left unmanaged and was included in a forest reserve. The species richness and composition of eight taxa were surveyed in the two sites between 2009 and 2011. The difference in mean species richness between the two forest management types was tested through permutation tests, while differences in species composition were tested by principal coordinates analysis and the permutational multivariate analysis of variance. Mean species richness of soil macrofungi, deadwood lichens, bark beetles, and longhorn beetles were significantly higher in the abandoned than in the non-intensively managed forests. Deadwood fungi and epiphytic lichens did not differ in mean species richness between the two study sites, while mean species richness of ground beetles and birds were higher in the non-intensively managed than in the abandoned forest. Significant differences in species composition between the two sites were found for all the taxa, except for longhorn beetles. These results indicate that improving forest landscape heterogeneity through the creation of a mosaic of abandoned and extensively managed forests should better fulfill the requirements of ecologically different taxa

    Procedimentos metodológicos utilizados na compilação de dados do Modeflora para construção de mapas dinâmicos no cartão microSD para uso no GPS.

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    O planejamento da exploração florestal em florestas tropicais, realizada com técnicas de precisão recomendadas pelo Modelo Digital de Exploração Florestal (Modeflora), permite significativas vantagens. Porém, para que o planejamento da exploração florestal seja executado com precisão e agilidade pelas equipes de campo, é necessário que todas as informações estejam consolidadas num mapa dinâmico. Para que todas as informações fiquem consolidadas num único conjunto de mapas dinâmicos, há necessidade de compilar os dados em um formato de arquivo digital (IMG), o qual é reconhecido pelos receptores GPS e navegadores automotivos. As informações permanecem armazenadas num cartão de memória (SD ou microSD) e o aparelho de GPS fica com memória livre para a coleta de pontos e trilhas. Caso não se faça a compilação dos dados para o cartão de memória, a quantidade de waypoints e trilhas a serem inseridas no GPS será limitada, além de impossibilitar a gestão em campo para adicionar ou retirar um mapa de exploração de determinado pátio.bitstream/item/27594/1/Circular-tec-52.pd

    Cutaneous, genital and oral lichen planus : a descriptive study of 274 patients

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    Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the oral mucosa as well as the skin, genital mucosa and other sites. Objective: to evaluate the correlation between oral, genital and cutaneous lichen planus, in a sample of LP patients. This descriptive study reviewed 274 clinical histories of patients, who all presented histological confirmation of lichen planus verified by a pathologist, attending research centers in Barcelona. A total of 40 LP patients (14.59%) presented genital lesions. Of 131 patients with cutaneous LP (47.8%), the most commonly affected zones were the body?s flexor surfaces, representing 60.1% of cases. 24% of patients (n=55) related the start of the lesions with previous stress events. Of the 131 subjects with cutaneous lesions, 19% (n=25) also presented oral lichen planus (OLP). Of the total sample, 53.6% (n=147) of patients presented oral lesions. The systemic diseases most commonly associated with this patient sample were psychological problems such as stress, anxiety and depression (48%), hypertension (27%), gastric problems (12%), and diabetes (9.7%). A family history of lichen planus was found in only 2 cases (0,72%) out of the total of 274. Any patient with OLP should undergo a thorough history and examination to investigate potential extraoral manifestations. The fact that 37 patients with OLP in this patient series were identified with simultaneous involvement at more than one site highlights the need for thorough evaluation and multidisciplinary approaches to this disease

    Intervenção fisioterapêutica em crianças com pneumonia

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    Influencia da cobertura vegetal morta na reducao da velocidade da enxurrada e na distribuicao de tamanho dos sedimentos transportados.

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    O efeito da porcentagem de cobertura do solo com residuos culturais na reducao da velocidade do escoamennto superficial da agua e distribuicao de tamanho dos sedimentos erodidos, foi avaliado em condicoes de chuva simulada, na Estacao Experimental Agronomica da UFRGS, em Guaiba (RS). A area utilizada para o estudo encontra-se em solo franco-arenoso (Podzolico Vermelho-Amarelo distrofico abrupto petroferrico), com 7,5% de declividade. Os tratamentos principais consistiram em residuos culturais de milho, trigo e soja, espalhados uniformemente sobre superficie de solo preparada convencionalmente, em percentagens de cobertura do solo de 0 a 100% Independente do tipo de residuo cultural utilizado, o aumento na percentagem de cobertura do solo diminuiu acentuadamente a velocidade do escoamento superficial da agua, com a resteva de trigo mostrando-se mais eficaz. A percentagem de sedimentos de maior tamanho transportados na enxurrada e os valores do indice D50 diminuiram com o aumento da percentagem de cobertura do solo em todos os tipos de residuos culturais estudados, e cresceram com o aumento da velocidade do escoamento superficial da agua

    Oral lichen planus and its relationship with systemic diseases. A review of evidence

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    Oral lichen planus (OLP) is one of the most common dermatological diseases which are present in the oral cavity. It is a chronic autoimmune, mucocutaneous disease that affects the oral mucosa as well as the skin, genital mucosa and other sites. Review the relevant information to OLP and its relationship with systemic diseases. Searches were carried out in the Medline/PubMed, Lilacs, Bireme, BVS, and SciELO databases by using key-words. After an initial search that provided us with 243 papers, this number was reduced to 78 from the last seven years. One of the first criteria adopted was a selective reading of the abstracts of articles for the elimination of publications that presented less information regarding the subject proposed for this work. All the selected articles were read in their entirety by all of the authors, who came to a consensus about their level of evidence. The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) criteria were used as the criteria of methodological validation. Only 9 articles showed an evidence level of 1+, 2+, 3 or 4, as well as a recommendation level of A, B, C or D. Three of them were non-systematic reviews, one was a cohort study and only one was a controlled clinical trial. Three of the studies were case series, with respective sample sizes of 45, 171 and 633 patients. Several factors have been associated with OLP. Patients with OLP are carriers of a disease with systemic implications and may need the care of a multidisciplinary team. The correct diagnosis of any pathology is critical to making effective treatment and minimizes iatrogenic harm. For OLP is no different, taking into account its association with numerous systemic diseases that require special attention from health professionals. Periodic follow-up of all patients with OLP is recommended