174 research outputs found

    Стратегії та підходи до реструктуризації підприємств сфери ЖКГ в умовах реформування власності України

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    Наведено результати дослідження існуючих підходів до стратегічних напрямів реструктуризації підприємств сфери ЖКГ в умовах реформування власності. Ключові слова: стратегія реструктуризації, ЖКГ України, реструктуризація підприємства, антикризове управління, стратегічний менеджмент.Приведены результаты исследования существующих подходов в стратегических направлениях реструктуризации предприятий сферы ЖКГ в условиях реформирования собственности. Ключевые слова: стратегия реструктуризации, ЖКХ Украины, реструктуризация предприятия, антикризисное управление, стратегический менеджмент.The paper presents the results of studying the approaches in strategic directions of restructuring of housing and communal enterprises under property reformation in Ukraine. Keywords: strategy of restructuring, housing and communal facilities of Ukraine, restructuring of enterprise, anti-crisis management, strategic management

    Growth portfolios buffer climate-linked environmental change in marine systems

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    Large-scale, climate-induced synchrony in the productivity of fish populations is becoming more pronounced in the world's oceans. As synchrony increases, a population's “portfolio” of responses can be diminished, in turn reducing its resilience to strong perturbation. Here we argue that the costs and benefits of trait synchronization, such as the expression of growth rate, are context dependent. Contrary to prevailing views, synchrony among individuals could actually be beneficial for populations if growth synchrony increases during favorable conditions, and then declines under poor conditions when a broader portfolio of responses could be useful. Importantly, growth synchrony among individuals within populations has seldom been measured, despite well-documented evidence of synchrony across populations. Here, we used century-scale time series of annual otolith growth to test for changes in growth synchronization among individuals within multiple populations of a marine keystone species (Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua). On the basis of 74,662 annual growth increments recorded in 13,749 otoliths, we detected a rising conformity in long-term growth rates within five northeast Atlantic cod populations in response to both favorable growth conditions and a large-scale, multidecadal mode of climate variability similar to the East Atlantic Pattern. The within-population synchrony was distinct from the across-population synchrony commonly reported for large-scale environmental drivers. Climate-linked, among-individual growth synchrony was also identified in other Northeast Atlantic pelagic, deep-sea and bivalve species. We hypothesize that growth synchrony in good years and growth asynchrony in poorer years reflects adaptive trait optimization and bet hedging, respectively, that could confer an unexpected, but pervasive and stabilizing, impact on marine population productivity in response to large-scale environmental change.publishedVersio

    The Promise and Challenge of Therapeutic MicroRNA Silencing in Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, non-coding, RNA molecules that regulate gene expression. They have a long evolutionary history and are found in plants, viruses, and animals. Although initially discovered in 1993 in Caenorhabditis elegans, they were not appreciated as widespread and abundant gene regulators until the early 2000s. Studies in the last decade have found that miRNAs confer phenotypic robustness in the face of environmental perturbation, may serve as diagnostic and prognostic indicators of disease, underlie the pathobiology of a wide array of complex disorders, and represent compelling therapeutic targets. Pre-clinical studies in animal models have demonstrated that pharmacologic manipulation of miRNAs, mostly in the liver, can modulate metabolic phenotypes and even reverse the course of insulin resistance and diabetes. There is cautious optimism in the field about miRNA-based therapies for diabetes, several of which are already in various stages of clinical trials. This review will highlight both the promise and the most pressing challenges of therapeutic miRNA silencing in diabetes and related conditions

    Improving algorithms and uncertainty estimates for satellite NO<sub>2</sub> retrievals: results from the quality assurance for the essential climate variables (QA4ECV) project

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    Global observations of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) columns have been shown to be feasible from space, but consistent multi-sensor records do not yet exist, nor are they covered by planned activities at the international level. Harmonised, multi-decadal records of NO2 columns and their associated uncertainties can provide crucial information on how the emissions and concentrations of nitrogen oxides evolve over time. Here we describe the development of a new, community best-practice NO2 retrieval algorithm based on a synthesis of existing approaches. Detailed comparisons of these approaches led us to implement an enhanced spectral fitting method for NO2, a 1°&thinsp; × &thinsp;1° TM5-MP data assimilation scheme to estimate the stratospheric background and improve air mass factor calculations. Guided by the needs expressed by data users, producers, and WMO GCOS guidelines, we incorporated detailed per-pixel uncertainty information in the data product, along with easily traceable information on the relevant quality aspects of the retrieval. We applied the improved QA4ECV NO2 algorithm to the most current level-1 data sets to produce a complete 22-year data record that includes GOME (1995&ndash;2003), SCIAMACHY (2002&ndash;2012), GOME-2(A) (2007 onwards) and OMI (2004 onwards). The QA4ECV NO2 spectral fitting recommendations and TM5-MP stratospheric column and air mass factor approach are currently also applied to S5P-TROPOMI. The uncertainties in the QA4ECV tropospheric NO2 columns amount to typically 40&thinsp;% over polluted scenes. The first validation results of the QA4ECV OMI NO2 columns and their uncertainties over Tai'an, China, in June 2006 suggest a small bias (&minus;2&thinsp;%) and better precision than suggested by uncertainty propagation. We conclude that our improved QA4ECV NO2 long-term data record is providing valuable information to quantitatively constrain emissions, deposition, and trends in nitrogen oxides on a global scale.</p

    Comparison between Spanish young and elderly people evaluated using Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test

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    The first objective of this work was to compare scores obtained in the daily memory function between young and elderly people, and to check whether there are differences between the groups for each of the profile scores obtained in the memory test. A second aim of this paper is to study the relationship between everyday memory and age, while controlling for gender and educational level. The total and profile scores obtained in the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test were compared in a sample of 60 young and 120 elderly people from Valencia (Spain). Results showed significant differences between the two groups: those between 18 and 30 years obtained a higher average than those over 65. Once the group comparison was controlled for gender and educational level, the statistical effect of age group disappeared. The non-significant effect of group can not be explained by the introduction of gender, because both its main effect and the interaction were not statistically significant. However, educational level had a statistically significant effect which may explain the non-significant effect of group in this new analysis. The main conclusion is the need to carefully control for educational level in all studies related with everyday memory and ageing, as the differences found could be due to generational differences more than to biological deterioratio

    Prognostic significance of MRI-detected extramural venous invasion according to grade and response to neo-adjuvant treatment in locally advanced rectal cancer A national cohort study after radiologic training and reassessment

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    Background: Detection of grade 3–4 extra mural venous invasion (mrEMVI) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is associated with an increased distant metastases (DM)-rate. This study aimed to determine the impact of different grades of mrEMVI and their disappearance after neoadjuvant therapy.Methods: A Dutch national retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted, including patients who underwent resection for rectal cancer in 2016 from 60/69 hospitals performing rectal surgery. Patients with a cT3-4 tumour ≤8 cm from the anorectal junction were selected and their MRI-scans were reassessed by trained abdominal radiologists. Positive mrEMVI grades (3 and 4) were analyzed in regard to 4-year local recurrence (LR), DM, disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS). Results: The 1213 included patients had a median follow-up of 48 months (IQR 30–54). Positive mrEMVI was present in 324 patients (27%); 161 had grade 3 and 163 had grade 4. A higher mrEMVI stage (grade 4 vs grade 3 vs no mrEMVI) increased LR-risk (21% vs 18% vs 7%, &lt;0.001) and DM-risk (49% vs 30% vs 21%, p &lt; 0.001) and decreased DFS (42% vs 55% vs 69%, p &lt; 0.001) and OS (62% vs 76% vs 81%, p &lt; 0.001), which remained independently associated in multivariable analysis. When mrEMVI had disappeared on restaging MRI, DM-rate was comparable to initial absence of mrEMVI (both 26%), whereas LR-rate remained high (22% vs 9%, p = 0.006). Conclusion: The negative oncological impact of mrEMVI on recurrence and survival rates was dependent on grading. Disappearance of mrEMVI on restaging MRI decreased the risk of DM, but not of LR.</p