2,176 research outputs found

    Relationship Between Social Intelligence Level and Accentuations of Adolescents’ Character

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    Introduction. The research is aimed at analysing the nature of the relationship between the social intelligence level and the type of accentuation of the personality of adolescents. This relationship is a problem because no fundamental research has been done on it, although its social significance is extremely high. After all,the weight of evidence suggests that personality accentuations are not simply connected with just social intelligence but perhaps are its determining factor. Social intelligence development provides a condition for success in both social adaptation and interpersonal interaction. This especially concerns adolescents, in whom accentuations determine both the way to overcome puberty crises—and acute affective reactions—and—especially—the situation in the system of interpersonal relationships. Methodology and methods. The comparative analysis is used. The authors compare the results of their own research into adolescents and school children aged 13–14 with the reference data. Specific empirical methods: Guildford’s social intelligence method, a modified questionnaire to identify the types of character accentuations among Lichko’s adolescents. Results. Adolescents with a labile and sensitive accentuation have a better ability to foresee the consequences of behaviour based on a real situation analysis. However, in the case of the labile type, this is due to adequate self-esteem, and in the case of the sensitive type this is due to the desire to avoid conflicts. An excitable type of accentuation adversely affects the level of development of the ability to assess the non-verbal behaviour. Adolescents with the demonstrative accentuation are able to better understand the speech expression ofother people and correctly build their verbal behaviour. Among girls, the hypertemic and demonstrative accentuations are significantly more common than that in boys. Conclusion. Knowing the peculiarities of the interrelation between accentuations of the individual and social intelligence makes it possible to achieve the development of the latter by smoothing accentuations. Keywords: social intelligence, character accentuation, adolescenc

    Technocratic and Humanistic Trends in Education: New Tunes

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    Introduction. The fundamental difference between humanism and technocracy is the attitude toward a human: For a humanist, s/he is the goal, for a technocrat (of any professional affiliation), s/he is a means. For education, this became especially evident when it was labelled as a service sector. The technocratic projects of schooland society in the twentieth century turned out to be unsustainable. Humanistic projects have always remained the examples of ‘abstract humanism’ in history. Humanistic concepts of education are based on the self-actualization of a person, technocratic ones (the second half of the twentieth century) are based on Skinner’sideas that are still popular among practical people. The reason for their survivability is the simplicity and accessibility as well as the success of information technology that contributed to a new wave of technocracy. Humanistic concepts are not so obvious but they have no alternative. Materials and methods. Humanistically oriented teachers, theoretical modelling, surveys, the methods of Cattell, Rosenzweig, and Fidler, the descriptive statistics and discriminant analysis. Results. The situation is ambivalent. Humanists never shied away from advanced technologies and rational justification of their actions, while technocrats still do not always mask the anti-human nature of their position. Nevertheless, the problems of falsification and imitation of education noted by researchers as well as the charm of modern technologies are significant, and this veil hides (for many) the anti-humanity of technocracy. Our approach allows us to remain a humanist under the circumstances. Conclusion. Technology has always been and remains only a tool in the hands of people. The main thing is what kind of the world image exists in their minds, what they are ready to do to achieve their goals. Scientists offer a new humanistic project with the use of the twenty-first-century technologies. This work is a fragment of such a project. The authors would like to see the real action on turning education into a true priority area on the part of the country’s leadership. Keywords: humanism, technocracy, modern education, information technolog

    Searching for Organics Preserved in 4.5 Billion Year Old Salt

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    Our understanding of early solar system fluids took a dramatic turn a decade ago with the discovery of fluid inclusion-bearing halite (NaCl) crystals in the matrix of two freshly fallen brecciated H chondrite falls, Monahans and Zag. Both meteorites are regolith breccias, and contain xenolithic halite (and minor admixed sylvite -- KCl, crystals in their regolith lithologies. The halites are purple to dark blue, due to the presence of color centers (electrons in anion vacancies) which slowly accumulated as 40K (in sylvite) decayed over billions of years. The halites were dated by K-Ar, Rb-Sr and I-Xe systematics to be 4.5 billion years old. The "blue" halites were a fantastic discovery for the following reasons: (1) Halite+sylvite can be dated (K is in sylvite and will substitute for Na in halite, Rb substitutes in halite for Na, and I substitutes for Cl). (2) The blue color is lost if the halite dissolves on Earth and reprecipitates (because the newly-formed halite has no color centers), so the color serves as a "freshness" or pristinity indicator. (3) Halite frequently contains aqueous fluid inclusions. (4) Halite contains no structural oxygen, carbon or hydrogen, making them ideal materials to measure these isotopic systems in any fluid inclusions. (5) It is possible to directly measure fluid inclusion formation temperatures, and thus directly measure the temperature of the mineralizing aqueous fluid. In addition to these two ordinary chondrites halite grains have been reliably reported in several ureilites, an additional ordinary chondrite (Jilin), and in the carbonaceous chondrite (Murchison), although these reports were unfortunately not taken seriously. We have lately found additional fluid inclusions in carbonates in several additional carbonaceous chondrites. Meteoritic aqueous fluid inclusions are apparently relatively widespread in meteorites, though very small and thus difficult to analyze

    Volatile contents of primitive bubble-bearing melt inclusions from Klyuchevskoy volcano, Kamchatka: Comparison of volatile contents determined by mass-balance versus experimental homogenization

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    Primitive olivine-hosted melt inclusions provide information concerning the pre-eruptive volatile contents of silicate melts, but compositional changes associated with post-entrapment processes (PEP) sometimes complicate their interpretation. In particular, crystallization of the host phase along the wall of the melt inclusion and diffusion of H+ through the host promote CO2 and potentially S or other volatiles to exsolve from the melt into a separate fluid phase. Experimental rehomogenization and analysis of MI, or a combination of Raman spectroscopy, numerical modeling, and mass balance calculations are potentially effective methods to account for PEP and restore the original volatile contents of melt inclusions. In order to compare these different approaches, we studied melt inclusions from a suite of samples from Klyuchevskoy volcano (Kamchatka Arc) for which volatile compositions have been determined using experimental rehydration, Raman spectroscopy, and numerical modeling. The maximum CO2 contents of melt inclusions are in agreement (~3600-4000 ppm), regardless of the method used to correct for CO2 in the bubble, but significantly more uncertainty is observed using mass balance calculations. This uncertainty is largely due to the lack of precision associated with the petrographic method of determining bubble volumes and may also be related to the presence of daughter minerals at the glass-bubble interface

    Caracterización estratigráfica, sedimentológica y paleoflorística del Grupo Sorocayense (Triásico) en el área de Barreal, provincia de San Juan, Argentina

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    The northern area of Cuyo Basin (west‐central Argentina) corresponds to the Rincón Blanco half-graben, whose filling is arranged into the Rincón Blanco and Sorocayense groups. In the present study, we propose a new stratigraphic scheme for the Sorocayense Group in the Barreal depocenter (San Juan Province), revise the palaeoenvironmental interpretations, and organize and analyse the plant assemblages of previous and new fossiliferous levels. We defined three tectosedimentary sequences. The basal sequence represents the initial graben filling with pyroclastic flows, alluvial fan, and ephemeral fluvial systems, and is arranged in a new unit, the Cerro Colorado del Cementerio Formation. The middle sequence, including Barreal and Cortaderita formations, is characterized by sediment gravity flow deposits and different fluvial systems, with development of floodplains with vertisols and calcisols, and temporal ponds/lakes. In turn, the Cortaderita Formation was divided into the following lithostratigraphic members: Don Raúl and La Emilia. The upper sequence, represented by Cepeda Formation, was deposited by distributary fluvial and ephemeral fluvial systems. Twelve fossiliferous strata (EF) were recognized, which were all identified in the middle sequence: EF1 to EF3 in the Barreal Formation, EF4 to EF8 in the Don Raúl Member, and EF9 to EF12 in the La Emilia Member, both of Cortaderita Formation. The taphocoenosis found in the Barreal and Cortaderita formations were dominated by corystosperms, with conifers, cycadales, and peltasperms as subordinate forms. The available evidence from the taphofloras, palaeosols and palaeonvironments indicate the development of seasonal subtropical climates, which vary from arid or semi-arid in the basal sequence, sub-humid to semi-arid in the middle sequence, and arid or semi-arid in the upper sequence. On the basis of the new information, geological correlation and age of the lithostratigraphic units were accurately re-evaluated. Based on the palaeofloristic content and the correlation with the Rincón Blanco Group, it is possible to infer that the basal sequence was accumulated during late Early Triassic-early Middle Triassic, the middle sequence during the Middle Triassic, while the upper sequence was deposited in the early Late Triassic.El área norte de la cuenca Cuyana (centro-oeste de la Argentina) corresponde al hemigraben de Rincón Blanco, cuyo relleno comprende los grupos Rincón Blanco y Sorocayense. En este estudio, se propone un nuevo esquema estratigráfico para el Grupo Sorocayense en el depocentro de Barreal, se reinterpretan los paleoambientes, y se organizan y analizan las asociaciones plantíferas de niveles fosilíferos nuevos y previamente estudiados. Se definieron tres secuencias tecto-sedimentarias. La secuencia basal representa el relleno inicial del hemigraben con depósitos de flujos piroclásticos, abanicos aluviales y sistemas fluviales efímeros, y es incluida en una nueva unidad: Formación Cerro Colorado del Cementerio. La secuencia media, que comprende a las formaciones Barreal y Cortaderita, se caracteriza por depósitos de flujos gravitacionales de sedimentos, y diferentes sistemas fluviales, con planicies de inundación en las que se desarrollaron vertisoles y calcisoles, y estanques o lagunas temporales. La Formación Cortaderita fue dividida en los siguientes miembros litoestratigráficos: Don Raúl y La Emilia. La secuencia superior, representada por la Formación Cepeda, fue depositada por sistemas fluviales distributarios y efímeros. Se reconocieron doce estratos fosilíferos (EF), todos identificados en la secuencia media: EF1 al EF3 en la Formación Barreal; EF4 al EF8 en el Miembro Don Raúl; y EF9 al EF12 en el Miembro La Emilia, ambos de la Formación Cortaderita. Las tafocenosis halladas están dominadas por corystospermas, con las coníferas, cycadales y peltaspermas como formas subordinadas. La evidencia disponible acerca de las tafofloras, paleosuelos y paleoambientes indican el desarrollo de climas subtropicales estacionales, que varían de áridos a semiáridos en la secuencia basal, subhúmedos a semiáridos en la secuencia media, y áridos o semiáridos en la secuencia superior. Con la nueva información, se reevaluaron las correlaciones y la edad de las unidades en forma más precisa. Sobre la base del contenido paleoflorístico y la correlación con el Grupo Rincón Blanco, se infiere que la secuencia basal se depositó durante el Triásico Temprano tardío–Triásico Medio temprano, la secuencia media durante el Triásico Medio y la secuencia superior durante el Triásico Tardío temprano.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Youth entrepreneursh1p: definitions, challenges and prospects of development

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    The article deals with the definition of «youth entrepreneurship», age stages and psychological types of young entrepreneurs. The authors highlighted the barriers of youth entrepreneurs hip and ways of overcoming them.В статье рассматриваются определение понятия «молодежное предпринимательство», возрастные стадии и психологические типы молодых предпринимателей. Выделены барьеры предпринимательской деятельности молодежи и пути их преодоления

    A Closed-Form Solution of the Multi-Period Portfolio Choice Problem for a Quadratic Utility Function

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    In the present paper, we derive a closed-form solution of the multi-period portfolio choice problem for a quadratic utility function with and without a riskless asset. All results are derived under weak conditions on the asset returns. No assumption on the correlation structure between different time points is needed and no assumption on the distribution is imposed. All expressions are presented in terms of the conditional mean vectors and the conditional covariance matrices. If the multivariate process of the asset returns is independent it is shown that in the case without a riskless asset the solution is presented as a sequence of optimal portfolio weights obtained by solving the single-period Markowitz optimization problem. The process dynamics are included only in the shape parameter of the utility function. If a riskless asset is present then the multi-period optimal portfolio weights are proportional to the single-period solutions multiplied by time-varying constants which are depending on the process dynamics. Remarkably, in the case of a portfolio selection with the tangency portfolio the multi-period solution coincides with the sequence of the simple-period solutions. Finally, we compare the suggested strategies with existing multi-period portfolio allocation methods for real data.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, changes: VAR(1)-CCC-GARCH(1,1) process dynamics and the analysis of increasing horizon are included in the simulation study, under revision in Annals of Operations Researc

    Debate for Civic Learning

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    Collaborative trails in e-learning environments

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    This deliverable focuses on collaboration within groups of learners, and hence collaborative trails. We begin by reviewing the theoretical background to collaborative learning and looking at the kinds of support that computers can give to groups of learners working collaboratively, and then look more deeply at some of the issues in designing environments to support collaborative learning trails and at tools and techniques, including collaborative filtering, that can be used for analysing collaborative trails. We then review the state-of-the-art in supporting collaborative learning in three different areas – experimental academic systems, systems using mobile technology (which are also generally academic), and commercially available systems. The final part of the deliverable presents three scenarios that show where technology that supports groups working collaboratively and producing collaborative trails may be heading in the near future