110 research outputs found

    Realising a species-selective double well with multiple-radiofrequency-dressed potentials

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    Techniques to manipulate the individual constituents of an ultracold mixture are key to investigating impurity physics. In this work, we confine a mixture of the hyperfine ground states of Rb-87 in a double-well potential. The potential is produced by dressing the atoms with multiple radiofrequencies. The amplitude and phase of each frequency component of the dressing field are individually controlled to independently manipulate each species. Furthermore, we verify that our mixture of hyperfine states is collisionally stable, with no observable inelastic loss.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Applications of phase-contrast velocimetry sequences in cardiovascular imaging.

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    AIMS: To describe and illustrate the main applications of phase-contrast flow quantification in cardiovascular imaging. CONCLUSION: Phase-contrast velocimetry sequences provide an accurate, reliable, reproducible and non-invasive study of blood flow, information which is sometimes not available from other investigation methods. The haemodynamic information obtained from these complement MRI angiography images. They appear to have a range of clinical applications, firstly improving pathophysiological understanding but also contributing to the treatment and follow-up strategy after surgical or endovascular treatment

    In-medium two-nucleon properties in high electric fields

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    The quantum mechanical two - particle problem is considered in hot dense nuclear matter under the influence of a strong electric field such as the field of the residual nucleus in heavy - ion reactions. A generalized Galitskii-Bethe-Salpeter equation is derived and solved which includes retardation and field effects. Compared with the in-medium properties in the zero-field case, bound states are turned into resonances and the scattering phase shifts are modified. Four effects are observed due to the applied field: (i) A suppression of the Pauli-blocking below nuclear matter densities, (ii) the onset of pairing occurs already at higher temperatures due to the field, (iii) a field dependent finite lifetime of deuterons and (iv) the imaginary part of the quasiparticle self-energy changes its sign for special values of density and temperatures indicating a phase instability. The latter effect may influence the fragmentation processes. The lifetime of deuterons in a strong Coulomb field is given explicitly.Comment: ps file + 7 figures (eps

    Effect of symmetry reduction on the electronic transitions in polytypic GdAl3(BO3)4:Eu:Tb crystals

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    The existence of a recently described monoclinic phase (C2/c, Z=8) in addition to the well-known Huntite type rhombohedral (R32) polytypic modification of the GdAl3(BO3)4 (GAB) crystal at room temperature provides a unique possibility to investigate the incorporation of rare earth dopants into slightly modified crystal lattice by spectroscopic methods. In these characteristic GAB structures the dopant ions, e.g Tb3+ or Eu3+ , possess slightly different neighbor geometries and local symmetries. The Tb3+:7F6 → 5D4 and Eu3+:7F0,1,2 → 5D0,1,2 electronic transitions were successfully identified in the absorption spectra using polarization, concentration and temperature dependent measurements in both polytypic modifications. The positions of the investigated Tb lines are shifted by up to 10 cm−1 due to symmetry changes. In addition, some of the Eu lines show splittings of about 4–30 cm−1 as a consequence of the change of the local environment. From the room temperature absorption measurements some of the low energy crystal field levels of 7F and 5D states of the Eu3+ ions were successfully determined for both modifications

    Renal artery stenosis-when to screen, what to stent?

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    Renal artery stensosis (RAS) continues to be a problem for clinicians, with no clear consensus on how to investigate and assess the clinical significance of stenotic lesions and manage the findings. RAS caused by fibromuscular dysplasia is probably commoner than previously appreciated, should be actively looked for in younger hypertensive patients and can be managed successfully with angioplasty. Atheromatous RAS is associated with increased incidence of cardiovascular events and increased cardiovascular mortality, and is likely to be seen with increasing frequency. Evidence from large clinical trials has led clinicians away from recommending interventional revascularisation towards aggressive medical management. There is now interest in looking more closely at patient selection for intervention, with focus on intervening only in patients with the highest-risk presentations such as flash pulmonary oedema, rapidly declining renal function and severe resistant hypertension. The potential benefits in terms of improving hard cardiovascular outcomes may outweigh the risks of intervention in this group, and further research is needed

    Promoting Drp1-mediated mitochondrial fission in midlife prolongs healthy lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster

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    The accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria has been implicated in aging, but a deeper understanding of mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy during aging is missing. Here, we show that upregulating Drp1—a Dynamin-related protein that promotes mitochondrial fission—in midlife, prolongs Drosophila lifespan and healthspan. We find that short-term induction of Drp1, in midlife, is sufficient to improve organismal health and prolong lifespan, and observe a midlife shift toward a more elongated mitochondrial morphology, which is linked to the accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria in aged flight muscle. Promoting Drp1-mediated mitochondrial fission, in midlife, facilitates mitophagy and improves both mitochondrial respiratory function and proteostasis in aged flies. Finally, we show that autophagy is required for the anti-aging effects of midlife Drp1-mediated mitochondrial fission. Our findings indicate that interventions that promote mitochondrial fission could delay the onset of pathology and mortality in mammals when applied in midlife

    Temporal progression in migratory status and sexual maturation in European silver eels during downstream migration

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    The onset of downstream migration of European eels is accompanied by a cessation of feeding and the start of sexual maturation which stresses the link between metabolism and sexual maturation, also suggesting an important role for exercise. Exercise has been tested with eels in swim tunnels and was found to stimulate the onset of sexual maturation. In this study, we have investigated the interplay between migration and maturation in the field during the downstream migration of female silver eels. Temporal changes in migratory status and sexual maturation among silver eels of the upstream Rhine River system over 3 months of the migration season (August, September and October) were determined in biometrical parameters, plasma 17β-estradiol and calcium levels, oocyte histology and gonadal fat levels. Furthermore, the ecological relevant parameters age as determined by otolithometry and health aspects indicated by haematocrit, haemoglobin and swim-bladder parasite load were measured. Silver eels were estimated to be 14 years old. A strong temporal progression in migratory stage was shown over the months of downstream migration. Catches probably represented a mix of reproductive migrants and feeding migrants of which the ratio increased over time. Furthermore, this study confirmed our hypothesis linking the migratory stage to early maturation as indicated by enlargement of the eyes, oocyte growth and fat deposition in the oocytes, exactly the same changes as found induced by exercise but not ruling out environmental influences. Migrants show extensive fat uptake by the oocytes, probably stimulated by the swimming exercise. In addition, at least 83% of the silver eels in this spawning run may have suffered from negative effects of swim-bladder parasites on their swimming performance