2,269 research outputs found
El tecnotrabajo de trabajo
Este artÃculo realiza un tratamiento de las nuevas tecnologÃas en las relaciones
laborales estudiando la utilización de las herramientas telemáticas como canales
de comunicación en las fases de nacimiento, desarrollo y extinción del contrato
de trabajo. En este sentido, identifica la contratación electrónica con el término
"Tecnocontrato de trabajo" no sólo por la utilización de la `forma electrónica" en
el intercambio de las declaraciones de voluntades de un contrato de trabajo dotando
de validez al consentimiento en el periodo deformación sino también y, en
general, por las comunicaciones telemáticas entre las partes laborales durante la
vigencia del contrato de trabajo.________________________________This work deals with the use of new technologies in labour relations and the utilizatión of "e-tools" as means of comunication in the diferent phases of a labour contract:
origin, duration and termination. We use the term "tech-contract" to identify contracts signed using an "e form ". In this type of contract, e-tools are used for the
statements of will of the parties involved and the exchange of communications between
these parties while the contract is valid
A simple formula to find the closest consistent matrix to a reciprocal matrix
Achieving consistency in pair-wise comparisons between decision elements given by experts or stakeholders is of paramount importance in decision-making based on the AHP methodology. Several alternatives to improve consistency have been proposed in the literature. The linearization method (Benitez et al., 2011 [10]), derives a consistent matrix based on an original matrix of comparisons through a suitable orthogonal projection expressed in terms of a Fourier-like expansion. We propose a formula that provides in a very simple manner the consistent matrix closest to a reciprocal (inconsistent) matrix. In addition, this formula is computationally efficient since it only uses sums to perform the calculations. A corollary of the main result shows that the normalized vector of the vector, whose components are the geometric means of the rows of a comparison matrix, gives the priority vector only for consistent matrices. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work has been performed with the support of the project IDAWAS, DPI2009-11591 of the Direccion General de Investigacion del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain), with the supplementary support of ACOMP/2010/146 of the Conselleria d'Educacio of the Generalitat Valenciana, and the support given to the first author by the Spanish project MTM2010-18539. The use of English in this paper was revised by John Rawlins; and the revision was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain.BenÃtez López, J.; Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Pérez GarcÃa, R.; Ramos MartÃnez, E. (2014). A simple formula to find the closest consistent matrix to a reciprocal matrix. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 38(15-16):3968-3974. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2014.01.007S396839743815-1
Probing the Protosolar Disk Using Dust Filtering at Gaps in the Early Solar System
Jupiter and Saturn formed early, before the gas disk dispersed. The presence
of gap-opening planets affects the dynamics of the gas and embedded solids and
halts the inward drift of grains above a certain size. A drift barrier can
explain the absence of calcium aluminium rich inclusions (CAIs) in chondrites
originating from parent bodies that accreted in the inner solar system.
Employing an interdisciplinary approach, we use a -X-Ray-fluorescence
scanner to search for large CAIs and a scanning electron microscope to search
for small CAIs in the ordinary chondrite NWA 5697. We carry out long-term,
two-dimensional simulations including gas, dust, and planets to characterize
the transport of grains within the viscous -disk framework exploring
the scenarios of a stand-alone Jupiter, Jupiter and Saturn \textit{in situ}, or
Jupiter and Saturn in a 3:2 resonance. In each case, we find a critical grain
size above which drift is halted as a function of the physical conditions in
the disk. From the laboratory search we find four CAIs with a largest size of
200m. \Combining models and data, we provide an estimate for
the upper limit of the -viscosity and the surface density at the
location of Jupiter, using reasonable assumptions about the stellar accretion
rate during inward transport of CAIs, and assuming angular momentum transport
to happen exclusively through viscous effects. Moreover, we find that the
compound gap structure in the presence of Saturn in a 3:2 resonance favors
inward transport of grains larger than CAIs currently detected in ordinary
chondrites.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, updated to match published version in
Astrophysical Journa
Co-EP Banach algebra elements
[EN] In this work, given a unital Banach algebra A and a \in A such that a has a Moore-Penrose inverse a^+, it will be characterized when a^+ a - a a^+ is invertible. A particular subset of this class of objects wil also be studied. In addition, perturbations of this class of elements will be studied. Finally, the Banach space operator case will also be consider.The third author is supported by Grant No. 174025 of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Development, Republic of Serbia.BenÃtez López, J.; Boasso, E.; Rakocevic, V. (2015). Co-EP Banach algebra elements. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis. 9(1):27-41. doi:10.15352/bjma/09-1-3S27419
Present i futur de les cèl·lules dendrÃtiques
El sistema immunitari és una de les estructures més complexes del cos. Aquesta complexitat no és supèrflua, sinó que és totalment necessà ria per fer totes les tasques complicades a les quals fa front, com és el reconeixement i eliminació d'un ampli espectre de microorganismes i patògens, la detecció i destrucció de lesions oncològiques en un ampli rang de teixits i, mentre porta a terme aquestes tasques, el manteniment de la tolerà ncia perifèrica per mitjà de la supressió de respostes perjudicials autoreactives dirigides contra teixits sans. Des del seu descobriment, fet per R. Steinman i col·laboradors fa uns quaranta anys, les cèl·lules dendrÃtiques (CD) s'han situat com uns elements clau en la direcció del sistema immunitari per portar a terme les seves tasques. En aquesta revisió mostrem una visió general sobre la biologia de les CD, els coneixements que se'n tenen fins al moment, les seves possibles aplicacions terapèutiques per al tractament de malalties i les incògnites que encara queden per respondre en investigacions futures.The immune system is probably one of the most complex cellular organisations in the body. Its complexity is not superfluous; rather, it is necessary to fulfil the complicated purpose of the immune system, namely: recognition of the diverse repertoire of microorganisms and pathogens; the detection of neoplastic lesions originating from a range of tissues; and, while executing these tasks, the maintenance of peripheral tolerance by suppressing detrimental responses against healthy tissues. Since they were discovered by R. Steinman and co. nearly forty years ago, dendritic cells (DCs) have emerged to be critical players in conducting the immune response to fulfil these roles. Here, we provide a general overview of DCs, what we currently know, their possible therapeutic applications and the questions that remain unanswered for future research
Deliberative architecture for smart sensors in the filtering operation of a water purification plant
The increase of applications for industrial smart sensors is booming, mainly due to the use of distributed automation architectures, industrial evolution and recent technological advances, which guide the industry to a greater degree of automation, integration and globalization. In this research work, an architecture for deliberative-type intelligent industrial sensors is proposed, based on the BDI (Belief Desire Intentions) model, adaptable to the measurement of different variables of the filtering process of a water purification plant. An intelligent sensor with functions of signal digitalization, self-calibration, alarm generation, communication with PLC, user interface for parameter adjustment, and analysis with data extrapolation have been arranged. For decision making, the use of fuzzy logic techniques has been considered, which allows imprecise parameters to be appropriately represented, simplifying decision problem solving in the industrial environment, generating stable and fast systems with low processing requirements. The proposed architecture has been modelled, simulated and validated using UML language in conjunction with Petri nets, which facilitate the representation of discrete system events, presenting them clearly and precisely. In the implementation and testing of the prototype, C/C ++ language has been used in an 8-bit microcontroller, experimentally corroborating the operation of the device, which allowed evaluating the behavior of a pseudo-intelligent agent based on the requirements of the water treatment plant, and also through comparisons with similar works developed by other researchers
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