7,494 research outputs found

    Non-diffusive transport in plasma turbulence: a fractional diffusion approach

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    Numerical evidence of non-diffusive transport in three-dimensional, resistive pressure-gradient-driven plasma turbulence is presented. It is shown that the probability density function (pdf) of test particles' radial displacements is strongly non-Gaussian and exhibits algebraic decaying tails. To model these results we propose a macroscopic transport model for the pdf based on the use of fractional derivatives in space and time, that incorporate in a unified way space-time non-locality (non-Fickian transport), non-Gaussianity, and non-diffusive scaling. The fractional diffusion model reproduces the shape, and space-time scaling of the non-Gaussian pdf of turbulent transport calculations. The model also reproduces the observed super-diffusive scaling

    Separatrix Reconnections in Chaotic Regimes

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    In this paper we extend the concept of separatrix reconnection into chaotic regimes. We show that even under chaotic conditions one can still understand abrupt jumps of diffusive-like processes in the relevant phase-space in terms of relatively smooth realignments of stable and unstable manifolds of unstable fixed points.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted do Phys. Rev. E (1998

    Long-time discrete particle effects versus kinetic theory in the self-consistent single-wave model

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    The influence of the finite number N of particles coupled to a monochromatic wave in a collisionless plasma is investigated. For growth as well as damping of the wave, discrete particle numerical simulations show an N-dependent long time behavior resulting from the dynamics of individual particles. This behavior differs from the one due to the numerical errors incurred by Vlasov approaches. Trapping oscillations are crucial to long time dynamics, as the wave oscillations are controlled by the particle distribution inhomogeneities and the pulsating separatrix crossings drive the relaxation towards thermal equilibrium.Comment: 11 pages incl. 13 figs. Phys. Rev. E, in pres

    MAXIMA: an experiment to measure temperature anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background

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    We describe the MAXIMA experiment, a balloon-borne measurement designed to map temperature anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) over a wide range of angular scales (multipole range 80 < l < 800). The experiment consists of a 1.3 m diameter off-axis Gregorian telescope and a receiver with a 16 element array of bolometers cooled to 100 mK. The frequency bands are centered at 150, 240, and 410 GHz. The 10' FWHM beam sizes are well matched to the scale of acoustic peaks expected in the angular power spectrum of the CMB. The first flight of the experiment in its full configuration was launched in August 1998. A 122 sq-deg map of the sky was made near the Draco constellation during the 7 hour flight in a region of extremely low galactic dust contamination. This map covers 0.3% of the sky and has 3200 independent beamsize pixels. We describe the MAXIMA instrument and its performance during the recent flight.Comment: To appear in proceedings of `3K Cosmology', ed. F Melchiorri, Conference held Oct 5-10 1998, Rome, 13 pages LaTeX (using aipproc2.sty & aipproc2.cls), Postscript with higher resolution graphics available at http://cfpa.berkeley.edu/group/cmb/gen.htm

    Estudio del efecto solvatocrĂłmico en derivados fenĂłlicos naturales

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    Se describen las características espectrofluorimétricas de dos derivados de quercetina aislados de las hojas deFlaveria bidentis, un derivado de 6-prenilpinocembrina, aislado de las raíces de Dalea elegans y un compuesto deestructura antraquinónica aislado de las hojas de Heterophyllaea pustulata. Todos ellos presentan espectros deabsorción con máximos en la región UV-visible acordes con los grupos cromóforos presentes en su estructura. Loscuatro compuestos estudiados presentan fluorescencia nativa. La posición de los máximos de emisión de fluorescenciase modifica en función del disolvente. Los desplazamientos producidos están relacionados con el diferente gradode solvatación de las moléculas en estado excitado según la polaridad del disolvente. La adición de ácidos mineralesprovoca desplazamientos en los máximos de fluorescencia concordantes con los ya descritos para compuestos deestructura similar. Estas modificaciones espectrales tienen un gran interés analítico desde el punto de vista de laidentificación y caracterización de productos naturales de estructura fenólica

    Asymmetrical structure of ionization and kinematics in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5033

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    We present integral field spectroscopy of NGC 5033, a low luminosity Seyfert galaxy. The observations were made with INTEGRAL, a fiber based system operating at the WHT. The intensity map of the Hβ\beta emission line represents a spiral or ring-like pattern of HII regions. On the contrary, the [OIII] intensity map morphology is markedly anisotropic. The strong morphological differences imply that the [OIII] emitters represent highly ionized gas illuminated by the central source. The [OIII] map morphology is compatible with a biconical structure of ionization induced by strong extinction in the galaxy disc that also obscures half of the spheroidal stellar bulge. We identify the spectrum corresponding to the Seyfert 1 nucleus from the presence of Hβ\beta broad emission lines. This spectrum is located in a region where strong extinction is expected but exhibits the bluest spectral energy distribution. The Seyfert 1 nucleus seems to be offcenter with respect to the stellar rotation center. This result has been also found in other Seyfert galaxies and interpreted in terms of a past merger. The offcentering could indicate the presence of nonsymmetric departures in the gravitational potential which could be fueling the active nucleus. The kinematics of the [OIII] emitters show important deviations at a kpc scale with respect to the stellar velocity field and show features related to the asymmetrical morphology of the high ionization region.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Figures 1 and 7 are attached as .gif file

    Nyquist method for Wigner-Poisson quantum plasmas

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    By means of the Nyquist method, we investigate the linear stability of electrostatic waves in homogeneous equilibria of quantum plasmas described by the Wigner-Poisson system. We show that, unlike the classical Vlasov-Poisson system, the Wigner-Poisson case does not necessarily possess a Penrose functional determining its linear stability properties. The Nyquist method is then applied to a two-stream distribution, for which we obtain an exact, necessary and sufficient condition for linear stability, as well as to a bump-in-tail equilibrium.Comment: 6 figure

    Allele-Specific Impairment of GJB2 Expression by GJB6 Deletion del(GJB6-D13S1854)

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    Mutations in the GJB2 gene, which encodes connexin 26, are a frequent cause of congenital non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss. Two large deletions, del(GJB6-D13S1830) and del(GJB6-D13S1854), which truncate GJB6 (connexin 30), cause hearing loss in individuals homozygous, or compound heterozygous for these deletions or one such deletion and a mutation in GJB2. Recently, we have demonstrated that the del(GJB6-D13S1830) deletion contributes to hearing loss due to an allele-specific lack of GJB2 mRNA expression and not as a result of digenic inheritance, as was postulated earlier. In the current study we investigated the smaller del(GJB6-D13S1854) deletion, which disrupts the expression of GJB2 at the transcriptional level in a manner similar to the more common del(GJB6-D13S1830) deletion. Interestingly, in the presence of this deletion, GJB2 expression remains minimally but reproducibly present. The relative allele-specific expression of GJB2 was assessed by reverse-transcriptase PCR and restriction digestions in three probands who were compound heterozygous for a GJB2 mutation and del(GJB6-D13S1854). Each individual carried a different sequence variant in GJB2. All three individuals expressed the mutated GJB2 allele in trans with del(GJB6-D13S1854), but expression of the GJB2 allele in cis with the deletion was almost absent. Our study clearly corroborates the hypothesis that the del(GJB6-D13S1854), similar to the larger and more common del(GJB6-D13S1830), removes (a) putative cis-regulatory element(s) upstream of GJB6 and narrows down the region of location

    A nonstationary generalization of the Kerr congruence

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    Making use of the Kerr theorem for shear-free null congruences and of Newman's representation for a virtual charge ``moving'' in complex space-time, we obtain an axisymmetric time-dependent generalization of the Kerr congruence, with a singular ring uniformly contracting to a point and expanding then to infinity. Electromagnetic and complex eikonal field distributions are naturally associated with the obtained congruence, with electric charge being necesssarily unit (``elementary''). We conjecture that the corresponding solution to the Einstein-Maxwell equations could describe the process of continious transition of the naked ringlike singularitiy into a rotating black hole and vice versa, under a particular current radius of the singular ring.Comment: 6 pages, twocolum

    One-Loop Supergravity Corrections to the Black Hole Entropy and Residual Supersymmetry

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    We study the one-loop corrections to the effective on-shell action of N=2 supergravity in the background of the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. In the extreme case the contributions from graviton, gravitino and photon to the one-loop corrections to the entropy are shown to cancel. This gives the first explicit example of the supersymmetric non-renormalization theorem for the on-shell action (entropy) for BPS configurations which admit Killing spinors. We display the residual supersymmetry of the perturbations of a general supersymmetric theory in a bosonic BPS background.Comment: 13 Pages, LaTe
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