157 research outputs found

    The analysis of the Russian Federation tourism infrastructure (according to the Yekaterinburg citizens’ opinion)

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    В статье представлены актуальные проблемы туристической инфраструктуры РФ на основании данных Росстата и Ростуризма, выполнен анализ туристической инфраструктуры РФ на примере оценок жителей города Екатеринбурга. Проведено социологическое исследование: «Инфраструктура внутреннего туризма РФ в оценках самодеятельных туристов». Методы исследования: количественный метод – опрос (анкетирование) в технике он-лайн, качественный метод – глубинное интервью. Сроки проведения исследования: 2015 – 2016 г.г. География: г. Екатеринбург. Для углубленного изучения брались следующие области/ города: Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Краснодарский край – входят в топ-10 лучших туристических направлений по России на протяжении многих лет, а также Свердловская, Тюменская, Пермская, Челябинская области – за счет близости к городу Екатеринбургу являются популярными направлениями «выходного дня» для екатеринбуржцев. Объем выборки: 171 респондент в возрасте от 18 – 63 лет.In this paper the actual problems of the tourism infrastructure of the Russian Federation are presented, based on the Rosstat and Rostourism data. The analysis is made according to the Yekaterinburg citizens‘ opinion. The social research has been made. It is in titled: ―The infrastructure of the domestic tourism in Russia according to the independent tourist‘s opinion‖. The methods of research are following: quantity method means sociological survey, using on-line technique, and quality method – deep interview. Dates of research: 2015 – 2016. Location: Yekaterinburg city. For deeper research we used the following districts/cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar district are in top-ten list of the best travelling destinations around Russia for ages and also Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Perm, Chelyabinsk regions – because of their close position to Yekaterinburg are very popular destinations of weekend tours for citizen of Yekaterinburg. The volume of sample: 171 respondents aged from 18 to 63

    Implementation of electronic business interaction in terms of mental characteristics of business partners

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    Vorobyova, A. E. Implementation of electronic business interaction in terms of mental characteristics of business partners / A. E. Vorobyova, M. I. Vershinina // Научный результат. Сер. Вопросы теоретической и прикладной лингвистики. - 2019. – Т.5, №4.-С 3-9. - Doi: 10.18413/2313-8912-2019-5-4-0-1.The present study is aimed at revealing different approaches to discourse styles and rhetoric conventions of intercultural business communication that are inherent in mentality of representatives of dif. ferent linguistic and cultural communities. For this purpose, the so called “Hamburger model” was extrapolate

    Liberty, Equality and Not Too Much Fraternity: An Experience in Practical Application of Liberal Education Teaching Techniques

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    The paper explores an experience in practical application of liberal education teaching techniques. We describe the most frequently used techniques and present sample classroom assignments based on this framework. We also discuss the opportunities and limitations provided by the use of these methods in a classroom setting. Keywords: teaching techniques, liberal education, writing and analytical reading, humanities teaching

    Theory and practice of capital estimation methods : an application in bank management

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    The mechanism of the banking institution’s capital management is a complex array of effective management’s actions and activities aimed at maximization of profit. Banking institutions should carry out theoretical and practical analysis of existing methods of capital estimation in order to develop appropriate management decisions. Nowadays, every banking institution should accentuate the key points and properly define priorities in the bank management system, as it directly influences the main goal of the bank’s activity, i.e., profit-making. Special attention should be paid to bank capital estimation, as the correct capital estimation influences the bank’s activity; the capital plays a dominant role and is considered to be a base value for planning, forecasting and implementing banking transactions. Taking into consideration the existing legislative framework and the experience of various countries in bank capital estimation, it is proposed to identify strengths and weaknesses of the existing methods of bank capital estimation to determine proposals for appropriate estimation.peer-reviewe

    Software Products for the Numeric Evaluation of Oscillation of Nox in the Pulverized Fuel Combustor

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    In this paper, a numerical study of the formation of nitrogen oxides in the combustion chamber based on the model created by Mitchellom and Terbellom. The distribution of furnace temperature and the concentration of nitrogen oxides, as well as a comparison of numerical results with the data of field experiment

    Methodology and results in bank capital assessment

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    In the context of the present financial and economic environment, bank capital assessment requires new methods adapted to current situations. So, the selective model of bank capital assessment has been developed and proposed, which aims at the selection of the most important indices of capital’s structure. The main groups of indices are outlined, which are reasonable and practical to be used in the selective model: a group of liquidity indices, a group of bank reliability indices, a group of risk indices, a group of capital sufficiency indices and an index of IT-implementation level. Moreover, a notion of the bank capital factor is introduced. For the key index – bank capital factor – calculation values are structured according to the integral principle, i.e., by summing all reasonable values with the use of normalization, which contributes to the qualitative capital assessment. The calculation is carried out for the main banks of Crimea, which provide open information on the results of their activity. Bank activity data is taken from open sources. The data is ranked in the summary Table according to the value of the bank capital factor. The banks operating in Crimea have been found to work successfully, however, some problematic banks have been identified, which are advised to reconsider their capital management policy.peer-reviewe

    Specific verbal representation of the time category

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    The article aims to describe the verbal representation of the time category as exemplified by languages with different structures. The authors consider semantic features of temporal vocabulary, namely, the semantics and functioning of temporal verbs, adjectives and adverbs in english, french and russian from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics. The article presents the possible themed classification of these lexical units. The authors conduct their comparative analysis, highlight issues of their semantization and metaphorization, as well as analyze their roles and functions in the formation of the speaker's worldvie

    The use of morphobiological characteristics in the selection of Phacelia Tanacetifolia Benth

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    The aim of the work is to create new adapted varieties resistant to the complex of biotic and abiotic factors on the basis of the use of Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. morphological and biological characteristic