297 research outputs found

    Puerto Rican crisis migration : a pastoral response to hurricane María crisis migrants

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    Las redes de parentesco y el gobierno de la ciudad : (Mendoza, siglo XVIII) : acerca de Las tres casas reinantes de Cuyo del Prof. Jorge Comadrán Ruiz

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    Este artículo consiste en el análisis y recuperación de una investigación del Prof. Jorge Comadrán Ruiz de finales de los cincuenta, que puede ser considerada pionera por su estudio de la élite mendocina de finales del XVIII en términos de redes sociales o relacionales. Las tres casas reinantes de Cuyo es, asimismo, una investigación que tiene la virtud de colaborar, varias décadas atrás, con la perspectiva social con que actualmente se indagan las instituciones jurídicopolíticas.This article analyzes and recovers a research done by Prof. Jorge Comadrán Ruiz in the late fifties. Las tres casas reinantes de Cuyo ("The three ruling houses of Cuyo") can be considered a pioneering work because it was a study of the elite of Mendoza in the late colonial period, in terms of social or relational networks. This is also an article that –several decades ago- had the virtue of working with the social perspective, that the history of legal and political institutions uses today.Fil: Sanjurjo, Inés. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y SocialesFil: López, Gloria E.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letra

    Collagen-containing scaffolds enhance attachment and proliferation of non-cultured bone marrow multipotential stromal cells

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    Large bone defects are ideally treated with autografts, which have many limitations. Therefore, osteoconductive scaffolds loaded with autologous bone marrow (BM) aspirate are increasingly used as alternatives. The purpose of this study was to compare the growth of multipotential stromal cells (MSCs) from unprocessed BM on a collagen-containing bovine bone scaffold (Orthoss® Collagen) with a non-collagen-containing bovine bone scaffold, Orthoss®. Another collagen-containing synthetic scaffold, Vitoss® was included in the comparison. Colonization of scaffolds by BM MSCs (n = 23 donors) was evaluated using microscopy, colony forming unit-fibroblast assay and flow-cytometry. The number of BM MSCs initially attached to Orthoss® Collagen and Vitoss® was similar but greater than Orthoss® (p = 0.001 and p = 0.041, respectively). Furthermore, the number of MSCs released from Orthoss® Collagen and Vitoss® after 2-week culture was also higher compared to Orthoss® (p = 0.010 and p = 0.023, respectively). Interestingly, collagen-containing scaffolds accommodated larger numbers of lymphocytic and myelomonocytic cells. Additionally, the proliferation of culture-expanded MSCs on Orthoss® collagen and Vitoss® was greater compared to Orthoss® (p = 0.047 and p = 0.004, respectively). Collectively, collagen-containing scaffolds were superior in supporting the attachment and proliferation of MSCs when they were loaded with unprocessed BM aspirates. This highlights the benefit of collagen incorporation into bone scaffolds for use with autologous bone marrow aspirates as autograft substitutes

    Energy Analysis of Bare Electrodynamic Tethers

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    The design of an electrodynamic tether is a complex task that involves the control of dynamic instabilities, optimization of the generated power (or the descent time in deorbiting missions), and minimization of the tether mass. The electrodynamic forces on an electrodynamic tether are responsible for variations in the mechanical energy of the tethered system and can also drive the system to dynamic instability. Energy sources and sinks in this system include the following: 1) ionospheric impedance, 2) the potential drop at the cathodic contactor, 3) ohmic losses in the tether, 4) the corotational plasma electric field, and 5) generated power and/or 6) input power. The analysis of each of these energy components, or bricks, establishes parameters that are useful tools for tether design. In this study, the nondimensional parameters that govern the orbital energy variation, dynamic instability, and power generation were characterized, and their mutual interdependence was established. A space-debris mitigation mission was taken as an example of this approach for the assessment of tether performance. Numerical simulations using a dumbbell model for tether dynamics, the International Geomagnetic Reference Field for the geomagnetic field, and the International Reference Ionosphere for the ionosphere were performed to test the analytical approach. The results obtained herein stress the close relationships that exist among the velocity of descent, dynamic stability, and generated power. An optimal tether design requires a detailed tradeoff among these performances in a real-world scenario

    Three-Body Dynamics and Self-Powering of an Electrodynamic Tether in a Plasmasphere

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    The dynamics of an electrodynamic tether in a three-body gravitational environment are investigated. In the classical two-body scenario the extraction of power is at the expense of orbital kinetic energy. As a result of power extraction, an electrodynamic tether satellite system loses altitude and deorbits. This concept has been proposed and well investigated in the past, for example for orbital debris mitigation and spent stages reentry. On the other hand, in the three-body scenario an electrodynamic tether can be placed in an equilibrium position fixed with respect to the two primary bodies without deorbiting, and at the same time generate power for onboard use. The appearance of new equilibrium positions in the perturbed three-body problem allow this to happen as the electrical power is extracted at the expenses of the plasma corotating with the primary body. Fundamental differences between the classical twobody dynamics and the new phenomena appearing in the circular restricted three-body problem perturbed by the electrodynamic force of the electrodynamic tether are shown in the paper. An interesting application of an electrodynamic tether placed in the Jupiter plasma torus is then considered, in which the electrodynamic tether generates useful electrical power of about 1 kW with a 20-km-long electrodynamic tether from the environmental plasma without losing orbital energy

    Datos paleoambientales de depósitos fluviales asociados a antiguas presas de pesca en el río Miño, NW Iberia

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    [Abstract] Fluvial sediments provide environmental records of the Quaternary. In some cases, fluvial deposits are caused by anthropogenic processes that cause changes in the water regime of some river stretches. This is the case of dams. It has been reported that some dams or partial damming systems existed in the past, at least from some thousands of years ago. Such dams were used for fishing purposes and are referred as fishing weirs. In a recently published work it has been demonstrated that a fluvial thick deposit was caused by a damming system in a river of NW Iberia (River Miño, Pontevedra). Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) provided the burial age of such fluvial deposit, showing a 1300-year-old fluvial record. The sedimentation rates of the record did not match with known climate fluctuations in the area. In this work, the sedimentation phases of such record are identified, and the detrital and organic matter content is studied to assess any change occurred in the environmental and fluvial conditions during the deposition period of the record that ranges from 814±134 to 1837±11 AD.[Resumen] Los sedimentos fluviales pueden proporcionar registros ambientales del Cuaternario. En algunos casos, los depósitos fluviales pueden ser causados por procesos antropogénicos que provocan cambios en el régimen hídrico de algunos tramos de los ríos. Este es el caso de los actuales embalses. Algunos estudios han mostrado que en el pasado existieron algunas presas o sistemas de represas parciales, desde hace al menos algunos miles de años. Esas presas se utilizaban con fines pesqueros y se denominan fishingweirs o en Galicia pesqueiras. En un trabajo reciente se ha estudiado un depósito fluvial causado por un sistema de embalses en un río del noroeste de la Península Ibérica (rio Miño, Pontevedra). Utilizando luminiscencia estimulada ópticamente (OSL) se pudo datar la edad de deposición de estos sedimentos, obteniéndose un registro fluvial de 1300 años de antigüedad. Las tasas de sedimentación del registro no coincidían con las fluctuaciones climáticas conocidas en la zona. En este trabajo se identifican las fases de sedimentación de ese registro y se estudia el contenido detrítico y la materia orgánica para evaluar los posibles cambios que se hayan producido en las condiciones ambientales y fluviales de ese tramo del río durante el período de deposición del registro, que va de 814±134 a 1837±11 d.C

    LAS REDES DE PARENTESCO Y EL GOBIERNO DE LA CIUDAD (Mendoza, siglo XVIII) Acerca de Las tres casas reinantes de Cuyo del Prof. Jorge Comadrán Ruiz

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    Este artículo consiste en el análisis y recuperación de una investigación del Prof.Jorge Comadrán Ruiz de finales de los cincuenta, que puede ser consideradapionera por su estudio de la élite mendocina de finales del XVIII en términos deredes sociales o relacionales. Las tres casas reinantes de Cuyo es, asimismo, unainvestigación que tiene la virtud de colaborar, varias décadas atrás, con laperspectiva social con que actualmente se indagan las instituciones jurídicopolíticas

    High-pressure Raman Study Of Zone-center Phonons In Pbtio3

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    A complete study of the k=0 optical phonons of the ferroelectric tetragonal PbTiO3 as a function of hydrostatic pressure has been carried out using Raman spectroscopy. The coalescence, to the same frequency, of the high-energy [A1(TO), E(TO)] pairs of phonons in the ferroelectric phase and the disappearance of the first-order Raman lines in the cubic phase has enabled us to determine the transition pressure Pc, as well as the second-order character of the phase transition. Our results also suggest the existence of a tricritical point in the (P,T) phase diagram. Using the Liddane-Sachs-Teller relation we calculate the static dielectric constant as a function of pressure and compare the results with previous dielectric measurements. Moreover, we discuss the soft phonons, their damping, and their behavior near the phase transition. It is found that the soft E(TO) phonon damping function is nearly constant over a wide frequency range and that it appears to diverge near the phase transition. © 1983 The American Physical Society.28127260726