200 research outputs found

    Módulo Agroecológico de rotación agrícola extensiva. Resultados del cultivo de soja

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    Realizar agricultura bajo un enfoque agroecológico supone una producción más sustentable que la realizada actualmente en forma convencional. La mayor dificultad para implementar este tipo de manejo en lotes agrícolas, es el control de adversidades biológicas (enfermedades, plagas y malezas), principalmente durante el periodo de crecimiento del cultivo. Esta dificultad en el control de malezas, implica una menor producción de granos, que puede ser compensada económicamente por una reducción en el uso de herbicidas, insecticidas y fertilizantes. Bajo agricultura convencional o con agroecológica, la utilización de cultivos de cobertura o de servicios, es fundamental para reducir la presión de malezas y contribuir a la fertilidad del suelo. Si bien, la incorporación en la rotación de pasturas perennes permite la recuperación de la fertilidad fisca y química del suelo, además de suprimir el ciclo de plagas, enfermedades y malezas. Bajo las condiciones del sistema productivo actual no es posible su implementación en los planteos agrícolas.EEA ParanáFil: Rodriguez, Héctor. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concepción del Uruguay. Agencia de Extensión Rural San Salvador; ArgentinaFil: Rampoldi, Andres. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concepción del Uruguay; ArgentinaFil: Oronel, E. Asesor Privado; Argentin

    Long-term outcomes of surgical aortic fenestration for complicated acute type B aortic dissections

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    IntroductionSurgical aortic fenestration has been used for treating ischemic complications of acute type B aortic dissection (ABAD). In the current endovascular era, surgical aortic fenestration may serve as an alternative for these patients after percutaneous failure. The purpose of this study is to describe our surgical suprarenal and infrarenal aortic fenestration technique, and to report the long-term outcomes of this approach in the management of complicated ABAD.MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed the in-hospital and long-term outcomes of 18 patients treated with either suprarenal (n = 10) or infrarenal surgical fenestration (n = 8) for complicated ABAD between 1988 and 2002. Suprarenal fenestration was performed through a thoracoabdominal incision in the 10th intercostal space, whereas patients treated with infrarenal fenestration underwent a midline laparotomy. A longitudinal aortotomy was performed and the true and false lumens were identified, followed by a wide resection of the intimal membrane.ResultsMedian age was 60 years (range, 48-82 years) and 89% (n = 16) were male. The in-hospital mortality was 22% (n = 4), which included two deaths after suprarenal fenestration and two deaths after infrarenal fenestration. In the remaining patients, full visceral, renal, and lower extremity function was recovered, except for 1 patient with paraplegia at admission in which the neurologic deficit was permanent. Median follow-up of the surviving patients was 10.0 years (interquartile range, 12.5; range, 0.5-20 years). During follow-up, none of the patients developed renal or visceral ischemia, or ischemic complications to the lower extremities, and no significant dilatations of the treated aortic segments were noted. Three of 14 patients with ABAD who were discharged alive expired during the follow-up period due to causes unrelated to the surgical procedure.ConclusionSurgical aortic fenestration represents an effective and durable option for treating ischemic complications of ABAD. Actually, this conservative surgical technique may serve as the alternative treatment in case of contraindications or failure of endovascular management of complicated ABAD

    Evaluación del comportamiento de diferentes materiales de Maíz (Zea mays) a gusano Cogollero Spodoptera frugiperda en la Campaña 18/19

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    La siembra de cultivos de maíz tardíos es una práctica cada vez más habitual en nuestra zona. Es prioritario buscar seguridad con respecto a factores climáticos como las precipitaciones minimizando riesgos de la producción. Sin embargo este manejo brinda mejores condiciones a una plaga de alto impacto como lo es Spodoptera frugiperda quien produce perdidas de rendimiento considerables. El uso de maíces modificados genéticamente para resistir a esta plaga muestra hasta el momento resultados erróneos. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el comportamiento de diferentes materialescomerciales de maíz a S. frugiperda. en la campaña 18/19. Se realizaron 3 tratamientos con cuatro repeticiones; T1: VT3PRO, T2: Convencional (sin evento para insectos), T3: Power Core. El ensayo se realizó a campo con una densidad de siembra de 60.000 pl/ha siendo la fecha de siembra tardía 01/02/2019. Las observaciones se realizaron en los estadios de V2, V4, V6 y V10 escala de Ritchie & Hanway1. Las mediciones visuales efectuadas se basaron en la escala de Davis2. Se realizó un Anova con test de LSD Fisher, alfa: 0,05; siendo las tres tecnologías evaluadas diferentes estadísticamente con un R2: 0,92 y un CV: 6,83. Los daños de mayor importancia se dan con la tecnología VT3PRO en un 22,59%, tecnología Convencional 17,73% y tecnología Power Core en un 13,01%. Es de destacar que el material convencional no posee ningún evento para el control de insectos. Los resultados que arrojan este ensayo confirman la incertidumbre que aun existe sobre el uso de organismos genéticamente modificados(OGM) para el control de esta importante plaga. Destacando que el material convencional sigue siendo una herramienta válida que permite reducir la presión de selección por parte de los OGM hacia la plaga en estudio

    The serine protease hepsin mediates urinary secretion and polymerisation of Zona Pellucida domain protein uromodulin.

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    Uromodulin is the most abundant protein in the urine. It is exclusively produced by renal epithelial cells and it plays key roles in kidney function and disease. Uromodulin mainly exerts its function as an extracellular matrix whose assembly depends on a conserved, specific proteolytic cleavage leading to conformational activation of a Zona Pellucida (ZP) polymerisation domain. Through a comprehensive approach, including extensive characterisation of uromodulin processing in cellular models and in specific knock-out mice, we demonstrate that the membrane-bound serine protease hepsin is the enzyme responsible for the physiological cleavage of uromodulin. Our findings define a key aspect of uromodulin biology and identify the first in vivo substrate of hepsin. The identification of hepsin as the first protease involved in the release of a ZP domain protein is likely relevant for other members of this protein family, including several extracellular proteins, as egg coat proteins and inner ear tectorins

    Inheritance of porcine receptors for enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli with fimbriae F4ad and their relation to other F4 receptors

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    Enteric Escherichia coli infections are a highly relevant cause of disease and death in young pigs. Breeding genetically resistant pigs is an economical and sustainable method of prevention. Resistant pigs are protected against colonization of the intestine through the absence of receptors for the bacterial fimbriae, which mediate adhesion to the intestinal surface. The present work aimed at elucidation of the mode of inheritance of the F4ad receptor which according to former investigations appeared quite confusing. Intestines of 489 pigs of an experimental herd were examined by a microscopic adhesion test modified in such a manner that four small intestinal sites instead of one were tested for adhesion of the fimbrial variant F4ad. Segregation analysis revealed that the mixed inheritance model explained our data best. The heritability of the F4ad phenotype was estimated to be 0.7±0.1. There are no relations to the strong receptors for variants F4ab and F4ac. Targeted matings allowed the discrimination between two F4ad receptors, that is, a fully adhesive receptor (F4adRFA) expressed on all enterocytes and at all small intestinal sites, and a partially adhesive receptor (F4adRPA) variably expressed at different sites and often leading to partial bacterial adhesion. In pigs with both F4ad receptors, the F4adRPA receptor is masked by the F4adRFA. The hypothesis that F4adRFA must be encoded by at least two complementary or epistatic dominant genes is supported by the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium statistics. The F4adRPA receptor is inherited as a monogenetic dominant trait. A comparable partially adhesive receptor for variant F4ab (F4abRPA) was also observed but the limited data did not allow a prediction of the mode of inheritance. Pigs were therefore classified into one of eight receptor phenotypes: A1 (F4abRFA/F4acR+/F4adRFA); A2 (F4abRFA/F4acR+/F4adRPA); B (F4abRFA/F4acR+/F4adR−); C1 (F4abRPA/F4acR−/F4adRFA); C2 (F4abRPA/F4acR−/F4adRPA); D1 (F4abR−/F4acR−/F4adRFA); D2 (F4abR−/F4acR−/F4adRPA); E (F4abR−/F4acR−/F4adR−

    Evaluación del control de malezas y el efecto fitotóxico de herbicidas preemergentes en cultivo de trigo (Triticum aestivum)

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    Los cultivos compiten con las malezas por luz, agua y nutrientes con diferente intensidad dependiendo de sus capacidades de obtener recursos del ambiente, del momento relativo de emergencia (cultivo-maleza) y de las condiciones ambientales. Existen diversas estrategias de control de malezas de acuerdo al momento en que se realice (presiembra, preemergencia y postmergencia). El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el control de malezas y fitotoxicidad sobre el cultivo de trigo, de herbicidas aplicados en pre-emergencia. Se realizaron 7 tratamientos con tres repeticiones; T1: Testigo, T2: Metsulfuron metil 5 gr/ha, T3: Flumioxazin 120 cc/ha, T4: Clomazone 1400cc /ha, T5: Cletodim 500 cc/ha, T6: Haloxifop 250 cc/ha y T7: 2,4D Sal-amina 800 cc/ha. Se utilizaron bandejas de plástico para la siembra con densidad de siembra de 300 pl/m2 siendo la fecha de siembra óptima para la zona. Las observaciones se realizaron a los 7, 15, 21 y 35 días desde aplicación (DDA). Las mediciones realizadas fueron: Evaluación visual del control de malezas y evaluación de fitotoxicidad mediante mediciones de altura de planta, Nº de plantas y Materia Seca. El T4 fue el más fitotóxico para este cultivo, bloqueando el nacimiento del cultivo por completo. La altura fue afectada solo en T4 y T3 (0 y 29% respectivamente), en el resto no se observaron diferencias con respecto al testigo. El número de plantas fue afectado en todos los tratamientos mostrando diferencias significativas con el testigo (T1), a saber (T2: 50%; T3 y T5: 62%; T6: 64% y T7: 22%). Respecto a Materia Seca, salvo el T7el resto difiere del testigo (T2: 21%; T3: 71%; T5: 34%; T6: 50%). Los mejores controles se observaron en los tratamientos (T2: 85% y T3: 90%). Destacamos la importancia de respectar las recomendaciones de uso de fitosanitarios para el cultivo, minimizando el riesgo de pérdidas por fitotoxicidad

    Association of Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate and Urinary Uromodulin Concentrations with Rare Variants Identified by UMOD Gene Region Sequencing

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    Background: Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified common variants in the UMOD region associated with kidney function and disease in the general population. To identify novel rare variants as well as common variants that may account for this GWAS signal, the exons and 4 kb upstream region of UMOD were sequenced. Methodology/Principal Findings Individuals (n = 485) were selected based on presence of the GWAS risk haplotype and chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the ARIC Study and on the extremes of of the UMOD gene product, uromodulin, in urine (Tamm Horsfall protein, THP) in the Framingham Heart Study (FHS). Targeted sequencing was conducted using capillary based Sanger sequencing (3730 DNA Analyzer). Variants were tested for association with THP concentrations and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and identified non-synonymous coding variants were genotyped in up to 22,546 follow-up samples. Twenty-four and 63 variants were identified in the 285 ARIC and 200 FHS participants, respectively. In both studies combined, there were 33 common and 54 rare (MAF<0.05) variants. Five non-synonymous rare variants were identified in FHS; borderline enrichment of rare variants was found in the extremes of THP (SKAT p-value = 0.08). Only V458L was associated with THP in the FHS general-population validation sample (p = 9*103^{−3}, n = 2,522), but did not show direction-consistent and significant association with eGFR in both the ARIC (n = 14,635) and FHS (n = 7,520) validation samples. Pooling all non-synonymous rare variants except V458L together showed non-significant associations with THP and eGFR in the FHS validation sample. Functional studies of V458L revealed no alternations in protein trafficking. Conclusions/Significance: Multiple novel rare variants in the UMOD region were identified, but none were consistently associated with eGFR in two independent study samples. Only V458L had modest association with THP levels in the general population and thus could not account for the observed GWAS signal

    Evaluación de la comunidad de malezas y su relación con los sistemas de rotaciones de arroz y cultivos de cobertura

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    Entre Ríos y en especial en Arroz, ocasiona problemas crecientes de manejo de malezas, originadas como consecuencia de las rotaciones cortas Arroz-Soja; incrementando el uso de fitosanitarios de similar mecanismo de acción, y aumentando la frecuencia de biotipos de malezas resistentes. El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar el efecto de diferentes rotaciones y la inclusión de cultivos de cobertura (CC) sobre la frecuencia y abundancia de malezas. Se plantean 4 tratamientos (secuencias de cultivos) con dos repeticiones; T1: (A-S), T2: (A/cc1-S/cc2), T3: (A/cc2-A/cc1-S/cc2), T4: (A-Pp-Pp-A); siendo A: Arroz, S: Soja, CC1: Leguminosas + Avena, CC2: Leguminosas solas, Pp: Leguminosas + Gramíneas. La siembra de los CC (CC1, CC2) y (Pp) fue al voleo el 18/04/2018 (V. villosa 35 kg ha-1, T. persa -Trifolium resupinatum- 15 kg ha-1) y 26/04/2018 (T. alejandría -Trifolium alexandrinum-20 kg ha-1) y se consociaron con 40 kg ha-1 de Avena strigosa cuando se destinó a soja. La (Pp) constó de Trifolium repens, Trifolium pratense, Lotus corniculatus y Lolium multiflorum. El arroz sembró el 24/10/2018 (Gurí, 110 kg ha) se realizó la aplicación de pre-emergente (Clomazone+glifosato) solamente en el tratamiento barbecho. El control de pos-emergencia se realizó con (bispiribac+quinclorac). Se realizaron dos observaciones (29/10 y 05/12/2018 para Arroz) y (05/12/2018 y 06/02/2019 para Soja) de malezas, donde se determinó tipo y abundancia. La producción de biomasa fue mayor con T. persa y Alejandría (>3000 kg/ha), diferenciándose estadísticamente de Vicia (1300 kg/ha). Se observó una disminución de malezas (50% Vicia, 70% T. persa y 88% T. alejandría) y (60% T. persa y 75% Alejandría; diferenciándose estadísticamente de vicia y barbecho) para la primera observación en arroz y soja respectivamente. Para la segunda observación no se encuentra reducción de malezas en los tratamientos de CC

    An intermediate-effect size variant in UMOD confers risk for chronic kidney disease

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    The kidney-specific gene UMOD encodes for uromodulin, the most abundant protein excreted in normal urine. Rare large-effect variants in UMOD cause autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease (ADTKD), while common low-impact variants strongly associate with kidney function and the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the general population. It is unknown whether intermediate-effect variants in UMOD contribute to CKD. Here, candidate intermediate-effect UMOD variants were identified using large-population and ADTKD cohorts. Biological and phenotypical effects were investigated using cell models, in silico simulations, patient samples, and international databases and biobanks. Eight UMOD missense variants reported in ADTKD are present in the Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD), with minor allele frequency (MAF) ranging from 10(−5) to 10(−3). Among them, the missense variant p.Thr62Pro is detected in ∼1/1,000 individuals of European ancestry, shows incomplete penetrance but a high genetic load in familial clusters of CKD, and is associated with kidney failure in the 100,000 Genomes Project (odds ratio [OR] = 3.99 [1.84 to 8.98]) and the UK Biobank (OR = 4.12 [1.32 to 12.85). Compared with canonical ADTKD mutations, the p.Thr62Pro carriers displayed reduced disease severity, with slower progression of CKD and an intermediate reduction of urinary uromodulin levels, in line with an intermediate trafficking defect in vitro and modest induction of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Identification of an intermediate-effect UMOD variant completes the spectrum of UMOD-associated kidney diseases and provides insights into the mechanisms of ADTKD and the genetic architecture of CKD

    Computational Identification of Phospho-Tyrosine Sub-Networks Related to Acanthocyte Generation in Neuroacanthocytosis

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    Acanthocytes, abnormal thorny red blood cells (RBC), are one of the biological hallmarks of neuroacanthocytosis syndromes (NA), a group of rare hereditary neurodegenerative disorders. Since RBCs are easily accessible, the study of acanthocytes in NA may provide insights into potential mechanisms of neurodegeneration. Previous studies have shown that changes in RBC membrane protein phosphorylation state affect RBC membrane mechanical stability and morphology. Here, we coupled tyrosine-phosphoproteomic analysis to topological network analysis. We aimed to predict signaling sub-networks possibly involved in the generation of acanthocytes in patients affected by the two core NA disorders, namely McLeod syndrome (MLS, XK-related, Xk protein) and chorea-acanthocytosis (ChAc, VPS13A-related, chorein protein). The experimentally determined phosphoproteomic data-sets allowed us to relate the subsequent network analysis to the pathogenetic background. To reduce the network complexity, we combined several algorithms of topological network analysis including cluster determination by shortest path analysis, protein categorization based on centrality indexes, along with annotation-based node filtering. We first identified XK- and VPS13A-related protein-protein interaction networks by identifying all the interactomic shortest paths linking Xk and chorein to the corresponding set of proteins whose tyrosine phosphorylation was altered in patients. These networks include the most likely paths of functional influence of Xk and chorein on phosphorylated proteins. We further refined the analysis by extracting restricted sets of highly interacting signaling proteins representing a common molecular background bridging the generation of acanthocytes in MLS and ChAc. The final analysis pointed to a novel, very restricted, signaling module of 14 highly interconnected kinases, whose alteration is possibly involved in generation of acanthocytes in MLS and ChAc