278 research outputs found

    : uma mediação artística do elo etérico

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    Tese de mestrado, Pintura, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas Artes, 2011In the current era of post-industrialization and exaltation of cyber-technology, what, in the past, (fifty years ago) was natural has now become strange to the western man, thus expanding, through this behaviour, the inversion3 phenomenon. Thus, the “inverted man has, intentionally or not, to make choices that are difficult to harmonize with its natural condition. This thesis aims to challenge two senses of the feminine, a contemporaneous, another bygone (referring to the period before the industrialization of childbirth4) and propose a third conduct as a result of the redemption and the adaptation of the second sense, motherhood and love for the natural law in accordance with today’s science possibilities. The theoretical assumptions presented serve as a basis for further work on this idea behind artistic mediation we perform, namely: the artistic reconfiguration of love that exists in the ether bond between mother and child as the idea of natural law for the preservation of the human beingNuma era actual de pós-industrialização e exaltação da ciber-tecnologia, aquilo que no passado (há cinquenta anos atrás) era natural, tornou-se hoje estranho para o homem ocidental ampliando assim, através desse comportamento, o fenómeno da inversão1. Deste modo o ‘homem invertido’ tem vindo, deliberadamente ou não, a tomar opções que dificilmente se harmonizam com a sua condição ‘natural’. Esta dissertação pretende questionar duas acepções de feminino, uma contemporânea, outra pretérita (referente à época anterior à industrialização do parto2), bem como propor uma terceira conduta como resultado do resgate e da adaptação da segunda acepção, à maternidade, ao amor e à “lei natural”, em conformidade com as possibilidades da ciência hodierna. As hipóteses teóricas apresentadas servirão de base ao aprofundamento desta ideia subjacente à mediação artística que vamos realizar, a saber: a reconfiguração artística do Amor que existe no elo etérico entre mãe e filho enquanto ideia de “lei natural” para a preservação do ser-human

    A descaracterização do instituto constitucional da justiça gratuita pela Lei n. 13.467/2017

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2018.Em um Estado Social Democrático de Direito, como o brasileiro, o instituto da assistência jurídica integral e gratuita assume um papel de extrema importância na efetivação do direito fundamental de acesso à justiça, principalmente em virtude da profunda desigualdade econômica e social em que a sociedade brasileira vive. A justiça gratuita se torna ainda mais essencial no âmbito da Justiça do Trabalho por lidar com uma relação intrinsecamente assimétrica como a empregatícia. Com a vigência da Lei 13.467/2017, que altera diversos dispositivos da Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho – CLT, muito se discute sobre sua constitucionalidade. A presente monografia objetiva analisar as alterações processuais propostas pela Lei 13.467/2017 e de que maneira impactam na efetivação do acesso à justiça dos trabalhadores economicamente hipossuficientes. Busca-se verificar se a restrição das vantagens da concessão do benefício da gratuidade judiciária, na justiça trabalhista, prejudica a concretização do direito fundamental de acesso a uma ordem jurídica plena, igualitária e justa.In a Democratic Constitutional State as the Brazilian, the institute of integral and affordable legal assistance assumes a role of extreme importance in the realization of the fundamental right of access to justice, mainly due to the profound economic and social inequality in which Brazilian society lives. Affordable legal assistance becomes even more essential within the scope of Labor courts for dealing with an intrinsically unequal relationship such as employment. With the validity of Law 13467/2017, which amends several provisions of the Consolidation of Labor Laws - CLT, much is discussed about its constitutionality. This research aims to analyzing the procedural changes proposed by Law 13467/2017 and how they impact on the effective access to justice of economically disadvantaged workers. It seeks to verify if the restriction of the advantages of granting the benefit of judicial gratuity in labor courts prejudices the effectiveness of the fundamental right of access to a full, equal and just legal order

    Use of Nitroglycerin in the Active Phase of Tilt Testing: Is There a Difference in Elderly Patients?

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    Está demonstrado o papel do teste de inclinação na avaliação de doentes com síncope de causa não esclarecida, sendo utilizado como a técnica gold standard para o diagnóstico da síncope neurocardiogénica, em particular com o recurso a agentes provocativos farmacológicos de modo a melhorar a acuidade diagnóstica. A estimulação com nitroglicerina sub-lingual é, regra geral, bem tolerada e permite aumentar a sensibilidade do teste reduzindo a sua duração. Neste sentido, tem-se verificado também o alargamento da sua aplicação em doentes idosos. Objectivos: Avaliar, numa população referenciada por síncope de etiologia desconhecida, a utilidade do teste de inclinação com recurso a nitroglicerina sub-lingual e comparar o tipo de respostas obtidas nos doentes idosos com o dos restantes doentes. Métodos: Estudámos 158 doentes submetidos a teste de inclinação com utilização de nitroglicerina como agente provocativo. Foram considerados doentes com idade <65 anos (Grupo A, n=74) e ≥65 anos (Grupo B, n=84). O teste de inclinação foi efectuado segundo o protocolo “italiano”, sob monitorização contínua do electrocardiograma e da tensão arterial (Task Force Monitor; CNSystems). Foram incluídos somente doentes assintomáticos na fase passiva do teste. O teste foi considerado positivo para resposta neurocardiogénica quando houve reprodução da sintomatologia acompanhada de bradicardia e/ou hipotensão arterial e as respostas foram definidas como cardio-inibitória, vasodepressora ou mista. Uma descida gradual e paralela da tensão arterial após administração de nitroglicerina seguida de síncope foi considerada como resposta exagerada aos nitratos. Resultados: Não se verificam diferenças na distribuição por sexos entre os grupos. O teste de inclinação foi positivo em 57% do Grupo A e 51% do Grupo B (p=NS), tendo ocorrido resposta exagerada aos nitratos em 11% e 16%, respectivamente (p=NS). Relativamente ao tipo de respostas neurocardiogénicas, as vasodepressoras foram mais frequentes no Grupo B (53% versus 24%; p=0,001) e as mistas tendencialmente mais frequentes no Grupo A (59% versus 40%; p=0,07), sem diferenças significativas no que se refere à resposta do tipo cardio-inibitória (17% nos Grupo A versus 7% no Grupo B; p=NS). Conclusões: Numa população com síncope de etiologia não conhecida, o teste de inclinação potenciado pela nitroglicerina: a) contribui de modo significativo para o esclarecimento diagnóstico com utilidade idêntica em idosos e nos restantes doentes. B) associa-se a maior incidência de resposta neurocardiogénica vasodepressora nos idosos embora com uma taxa semelhante de respostas exageradas aos nitratos

    Mouse models for preeclampsia: disruption of redox-regulated signaling

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    The concept that oxidative stress contributes to the development of human preeclampsia has never been tested in genetically-defined animal models. Homozygous deletion of catechol-Omethyl transferase (Comt-/-) in pregnant mice leads to human preeclampsia-like symptoms (high blood pressure, albuminurea and preterm birth) resulting from extensive vasculo-endothelial pathology, primarily at the utero-fetal interface where maternal cardiac output is dramatically increased during pregnancy. Comt converts estradiol to 2-methoxyestradiol 2 (2ME2) which counters angiogenesis by depleting hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1 alpha) at late pregnancy. We propose that in wild type (Comt++) pregnant mice, 2ME2 destabilizes HIF-1 alpha by inhibiting mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Thus, 2ME2 acts as a pro-oxidant, disrupting redox-regulated signaling which blocks angiogenesis in wild type (WT) animals in physiological pregnancy. Further, we suggest that a lack of this inhibition under normoxic conditions in mutant animals (Comt-/-) stabilises HIF-1 alpha by inactivating prolyl hydroxlases (PHD). We predict that a lack of inhibition of MnSOD, leading to persistent accumulation of HIF-1 alpha, would trigger inflammatory infiltration and endothelial damage in mutant animals. Critical tests of this hypothesis would be to recreate preeclampsia symptoms by inducing oxidative stress in WT animals or to ameliorate by treating mutant mice with Mn-SOD-catalase mimetics or activators of PHD

    Structure-Based Development of Small Molecule PFKFB3 Inhibitors: A Framework for Potential Cancer Therapeutic Agents Targeting the Warburg Effect

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    Cancer cells adopt glycolysis as the major source of metabolic energy production for fast cell growth. The HIF-1-induced PFKFB3 plays a key role in this adaptation by elevating the concentration of Fru-2,6-BP, the most potent glycolysis stimulator. As this metabolic conversion has been suggested to be a hallmark of cancer, PFKFB3 has emerged as a novel target for cancer chemotherapy. Here, we report that a small molecular inhibitor, N4A, was identified as an initial lead compound for PFKFB3 inhibitor with therapeutic potential. In an attempt to improve its potency, we determined the crystal structure of the PFKFB3•N4A complex to 2.4 Å resolution and, exploiting the resulting molecular information, attained the more potent YN1. When tested on cultured cancer cells, both N4A and YN1 inhibited PFKFB3, suppressing the Fru-2,6-BP level, which in turn suppressed glycolysis and, ultimately, led to cell death. This study validates PFKFB3 as a target for new cancer therapies and provides a framework for future development efforts

    The bioenergetic signature of isogenic colon cancer cells predicts the cell death response to treatment with 3-bromopyruvate, iodoacetate or 5-fluorouracil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Metabolic reprogramming resulting in enhanced glycolysis is a phenotypic trait of cancer cells, which is imposed by the tumor microenvironment and is linked to the down-regulation of the catalytic subunit of the mitochondrial H<sup>+</sup>-ATPase (β-F1-ATPase). The <it>bioenergetic signature </it>is a protein ratio (β-F1-ATPase/GAPDH), which provides an estimate of glucose metabolism in tumors and serves as a prognostic indicator for cancer patients. Targeting energetic metabolism could be a viable alternative to conventional anticancer chemotherapies. Herein, we document that the <it>bioenergetic signature </it>of isogenic colon cancer cells provides a gauge to predict the cell-death response to the metabolic inhibitors, 3-bromopyruvate (3BrP) and iodoacetate (IA), and the anti-metabolite, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The <it>bioenergetic signature </it>of the cells was determined by western blotting. Aerobic glycolysis was determined from lactate production rates. The cell death was analyzed by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. Cellular ATP concentrations were determined using bioluminiscence. Pearson's correlation coefficient was applied to assess the relationship between the <it>bioenergetic signature </it>and the cell death response. <it>In vivo </it>tumor regression activities of the compounds were assessed using a xenograft mouse model injected with the highly glycolytic HCT116 colocarcinoma cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that the <it>bioenergetic signature </it>of isogenic HCT116 cancer cells inversely correlates with the potential to execute necrosis in response to 3BrP or IA treatment. Conversely, the <it>bioenergetic signature </it>directly correlates with the potential to execute apoptosis in response to 5-FU treatment in the same cells. However, despite the large differences observed in the <it>in vitro </it>cell-death responses associated with 3BrP, IA and 5-FU, the <it>in vivo </it>tumor regression activities of these agents were comparable.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Overall, we suggest that the determination of the <it>bioenergetic signature </it>of colon carcinomas could provide a tool for predicting the therapeutic response to various chemotherapeutic strategies aimed at combating tumor progression.</p

    Clonal Characterization of Rat Muscle Satellite Cells: Proliferation, Metabolism and Differentiation Define an Intrinsic Heterogeneity

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    Satellite cells (SCs) represent a distinct lineage of myogenic progenitors responsible for the postnatal growth, repair and maintenance of skeletal muscle. Distinguished on the basis of their unique position in mature skeletal muscle, SCs were considered unipotent stem cells with the ability of generating a unique specialized phenotype. Subsequently, it was demonstrated in mice that opposite differentiation towards osteogenic and adipogenic pathways was also possible. Even though the pool of SCs is accepted as the major, and possibly the only, source of myonuclei in postnatal muscle, it is likely that SCs are not all multipotent stem cells and evidences for diversities within the myogenic compartment have been described both in vitro and in vivo. Here, by isolating single fibers from rat flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) muscle we were able to identify and clonally characterize two main subpopulations of SCs: the low proliferative clones (LPC) present in major proportion (∼75%) and the high proliferative clones (HPC), present instead in minor amount (∼25%). LPC spontaneously generate myotubes whilst HPC differentiate into adipocytes even though they may skip the adipogenic program if co-cultured with LPC. LPC and HPC differ also for mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), ATP balance and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) generation underlying diversities in metabolism that precede differentiation. Notably, SCs heterogeneity is retained in vivo. SCs may therefore be comprised of two distinct, though not irreversibly committed, populations of cells distinguishable for prominent differences in basal biological features such as proliferation, metabolism and differentiation. By these means, novel insights on SCs heterogeneity are provided and evidences for biological readouts potentially relevant for diagnostic purposes described

    Suppression of adenine nucleotide translocase-2 by vector-based siRNA in human breast cancer cells induces apoptosis and inhibits tumor growth in vitro and in vivo

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    INTRODUCTION: Adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT) 2 is highly expressed in proliferative cells, and ANT2 induction in cancer cells is known to be directly associated with glycolytic metabolisms and carcinogenesis. In addition, ANT2 repression results in the growth arrest of human cells, implying that ANT2 is a candidate for cancer therapy based on molecular targeting. METHODS: We utilized an ANT2-specific RNA interference approach to inhibit ANT2 expression for evaluating its antitumor effect in vitro and in vivo. Specifically, to investigate the therapeutic potential of ANT2 repression, we used a DNA vector-based RNA interference approach by expressing shRNA to knockdown ANT2 in breast cancer cell lines overexpressing ANT2. RESULTS: ANT2 shRNA treatment in breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 repressed cell growth as well as proliferation. In addition, cell cycle arrest, ATP depletion and apoptotic cell death characterized by the potential disruption of mitochondrial membrane were observed from the ANT2 shRNA-treated breast cancer cells. Apoptotic breast cancer cells transfected with ANT2 shRNA also induced a cytotoxic bystander effect that generates necrotic cell death to the neighboring cells. The intracellular levels of TNFalpha and TNF-receptor I were increased in ANT2 shRNA transfected cells and the bystander effect was partly blocked by anti-TNFalpha antibody. Ultimately, ANT2 shRNA effectively inhibited tumor growth in vivo. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that vector-based ANT2 RNA interference could be an efficient molecular therapeutic method for breast cancer with high expression of ANT2.This work was supported in part by the grants from the Cancer Research Center, and the Korean Science & Engineering Foundation through the Tumor Immunity Medical Research Center at Seoul National University College of Medicine