802 research outputs found

    Photorespiration: metabolic pathways and their role in stress protection

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    Photorespiration results from the oxygenase reaction catalysed by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase. In this reaction glycollate-2-phosphate is produced and subsequently metabolized in the photorespiratory pathway to form the Calvin cycle intermediate glycerate-3-phosphate. During this metabolic process, CO2 and NH3 are produced and ATP and reducing equivalents are consumed, thus making photorespiration a wasteful process. However, precisely because of this ine¤ciency, photorespiration could serve as an energy sink preventing the overreduction of the photosynthetic electron transport chain and photoinhibition, especially under stress conditions that lead to reduced rates of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation. Furthermore, photorespiration provides metabolites for other metabolic processes, e.g. glycine for the synthesis of glutathione, which is also involved in stress protection. In this review, we describe the use of photorespiratory mutants to study the control and regulation of photorespiratory pathways. In addition, we discuss the possible role of photorespiration under stress conditions, such as drought, high salt concentrations and high light intensities encountered by alpine plants

    Comparative Analysis of the Subventricular Zone in Rat, Ferret and Macaque: Evidence for an Outer Subventricular Zone in Rodents

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    The mammalian cerebral cortex arises from precursor cells that reside in a proliferative region surrounding the lateral ventricles of the developing brain. Recent work has shown that precursor cells in the subventricular zone (SVZ) provide a major contribution to prenatal cortical neurogenesis, and that the SVZ is significantly thicker in gyrencephalic mammals such as primates than it is in lissencephalic mammals including rodents. Identifying characteristics that are shared by or that distinguish cortical precursor cells across mammalian species will shed light on factors that regulate cortical neurogenesis and may point toward mechanisms that underlie the evolutionary expansion of the neocortex in gyrencephalic mammals. We immunostained sections of the developing cerebral cortex from lissencephalic rats, and from gyrencephalic ferrets and macaques to compare the distribution of precursor cell types in each species. We also performed time-lapse imaging of precursor cells in the developing rat neocortex. We show that the distribution of Pax6+ and Tbr2+ precursor cells is similar in lissencephalic rat and gyrencephalic ferret, and different in the gyrencephalic cortex of macaque. We show that mitotic Pax6+ translocating radial glial cells (tRG) are present in the cerebral cortex of each species during and after neurogenesis, demonstrating that the function of Pax6+ tRG cells is not restricted to neurogenesis. Furthermore, we show that Olig2 expression distinguishes two distinct subtypes of Pax6+ tRG cells. Finally we present a novel method for discriminating the inner and outer SVZ across mammalian species and show that the key cytoarchitectural features and cell types that define the outer SVZ in developing primates are present in the developing rat neocortex. Our data demonstrate that the developing rat cerebral cortex possesses an outer subventricular zone during late stages of cortical neurogenesis and that the developing rodent cortex shares important features with that of primates

    Live Imaging at the Onset of Cortical Neurogenesis Reveals Differential Appearance of the Neuronal Phenotype in Apical versus Basal Progenitor Progeny

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    The neurons of the mammalian brain are generated by progenitors dividing either at the apical surface of the ventricular zone (neuroepithelial and radial glial cells, collectively referred to as apical progenitors) or at its basal side (basal progenitors, also called intermediate progenitors). For apical progenitors, the orientation of the cleavage plane relative to their apical-basal axis is thought to be of critical importance for the fate of the daughter cells. For basal progenitors, the relationship between cell polarity, cleavage plane orientation and the fate of daughter cells is unknown. Here, we have investigated these issues at the very onset of cortical neurogenesis. To directly observe the generation of neurons from apical and basal progenitors, we established a novel transgenic mouse line in which membrane GFP is expressed from the beta-III-tubulin promoter, an early pan-neuronal marker, and crossed this line with a previously described knock-in line in which nuclear GFP is expressed from the Tis21 promoter, a pan-neurogenic progenitor marker. Mitotic Tis21-positive basal progenitors nearly always divided symmetrically, generating two neurons, but, in contrast to symmetrically dividing apical progenitors, lacked apical-basal polarity and showed a nearly randomized cleavage plane orientation. Moreover, the appearance of beta-III-tubulin–driven GFP fluorescence in basal progenitor-derived neurons, in contrast to that in apical progenitor-derived neurons, was so rapid that it suggested the initiation of the neuronal phenotype already in the progenitor. Our observations imply that (i) the loss of apical-basal polarity restricts neuronal progenitors to the symmetric mode of cell division, and that (ii) basal progenitors initiate the expression of neuronal phenotype already before mitosis, in contrast to apical progenitors

    Gating of aqùaporins by light and reactive oxygen species in leaf parenchyma cells of the midrib of Zea mays

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    Changes of the water permeability aqùaporin (AQP) activity of leaf cells were investigated in response to different light regimes (low versus high). Using a cell pressure probe, hydraulic properties (half-time of water exchange, T1/2 ∞ 1/water permeability) of parenchyma cells in the midrib tissue of maize (Zea mays L.) leaves have been measured. A new perfusion technique was applied to excised leaves to keep turgor constant and to modify the environment around cells by perfusing solutions using a pressure chamber. In response to low light (LL) of 200 μmol m−2 s−1, T1/2 decreased during the perfusion of a control solution of 0.5 mM CaCl2 by a factor of two. This was in line with earlier results from leaf cells of intact maize plants at a constant turgor. In contrast, high light (HL) at intensities of 800 μmol m−2 s−1 and 1800 μmol m−2 s−1 increased the T1/2 in two-thirds of cells by factors of 14 and 35, respectively. The effects of HL on T1/2 were similar to those caused by H2O2 treatment in the presence of Fe2+, which produced ·OH (Fenton reaction; reversible oxidative gating of aquaporins). Treatments with 20 mM H2O2 following Fe2+ pre-treatments increased the T1/2 by a factor of 30. Those increased T1/2 values could be partly recovered, either when the perfusion solution was changed back to the control solutuion or when LL was applied. 3mM of the antioxidant glutathione also reversed the effects of HL. The data suggest that HL could induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as ·OH, and they affected water relations. The results provide evidence that the varying light climate adjusts water flow at the cell level; that is, water flow is maximized at a certain light intensity and then reduced again by HL. Light effects are discussed in terms of an oxidative gating of aquaporins by ROS

    Immunocytochemical determination of the subcellular distribution of ascorbate in plants

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    Ascorbate is an important antioxidant in plants and fulfills many functions related to plant defense, redox signaling and modulation of gene expression. We have analyzed the subcellular distribution of reduced and oxidized ascorbate in leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana tabacum by high-resolution immuno electron microscopy. The accuracy and specificity of the applied method is supported by several observations. First, preadsorption of the ascorbate antisera with ascorbic acid or dehydroascorbic acid resulted in the reduction of the labeling to background levels. Second, the overall labeling density was reduced between 50 and 61% in the ascorbate-deficient Arabidopsis mutants vtc1-2 and vtc2-1, which correlated well with biochemical measurements. The highest ascorbate-specific labeling was detected in nuclei and the cytosol whereas the lowest levels were found in vacuoles. Intermediate labeling was observed in chloroplasts, mitochondria and peroxisomes. This method was used to determine the subcellular ascorbate distribution in leaf cells of plants exposed to high light intensity, a stress factor that is well known to cause an increase in cellular ascorbate concentration. High light intensities resulted in a strong increase in overall labeling density. Interestingly, the strongest compartment-specific increase was found in vacuoles (fourfold) and in plastids (twofold). Ascorbate-specific labeling was restricted to the matrix of mitochondria and to the stroma of chloroplasts in control plants but was also detected in the lumen of thylakoids after high light exposure. In summary, this study reveals an improved insight into the subcellular distribution of ascorbate in plants and the method can now be applied to determine compartment-specific changes in ascorbate in response to various stress situations

    Radial Columns in Cortical Architecture: It Is the Composition That Counts

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    The function of any brain structure depends on its neuronal composition and on the pattern of its extrinsic and intrinsic excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connectivity. In this issue of Cerebral Cortex, 3 related papers provide the most comprehensive analysis to date of the cellular and synaptic relationships of a standard cortical column in the somatosensory cortex of the Wistar rat. It is hoped that understanding normal composition of this archetypical cortical column may help to explain its functional operations, expose subtle pathological changes that could cause abnormal sensory and cognitive functions, and provide insight into evolution of the cerebral cortex

    Gene Expression Profiling of Preplate Neurons Destined for the Subplate: Genes Involved in Transcription, Axon Extension, Neurotransmitter Regulation, Steroid Hormone Signaling, and Neuronal Survival

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    During mammalian corticogenesis a series of transient cell layers establish laminar architectonics. The preplate, which forms from the earliest-generated neurons, separates into the marginal zone and subplate layer. To provide a systematic screen for genes involved in subplate development and function, we screened lines of transgenic mice, generated using bacterial artificial chromosome methodology (GENSAT Project), to identify transgenic lines of mice that express the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter in preplate neurons destined for the subplate. Gene expression profiling of RNA purified from EGFP-positive neurons identified over 200 genes with enriched expression in future subplate neurons. Major classes of subplate-enriched genes included genes involved in transcriptional processes, cortical development, cell and axon motility, protein trafficking and steroid hormone signaling. Additionally, we identified 10 genes related to degenerative diseases of the cerebral and cerebellar cortex. Cre recombinase–based fate mapping of cells expressing Phosphodiesterase 1c (Pde1c) revealed beta-galactosidase positive cells in the ventricular zone, as well as the subplate, suggesting that subplate neurons and cortical projection neurons may be derived from common progenitors. These experiments therefore reveal genetic markers, which identify subplate neurons from the earliest stages of their development, and genes with enriched expression in subplate neurons during early stages of corticogenesis

    A different role for hydrogen peroxide and the antioxidative system under short and long salt stress in Brassica oleracea roots

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    Salinity affects normal growth and development of plants depending on their capacity to overcome the induced stress. The present study was focused on the response and regulation of the antioxidant defence system in Brassica oleracea roots under short and long salt treatments. The function and the implications of hydrogen peroxide as a stressor or as a signalling molecule were also studied. Two different zones were analysed—the elongation and differentiation zone and the fully differentiated root zone—in order to broaden the knowledge of the different effects of salt stress in root. In general, an accumulation of hydrogen peroxide was observed in both zones at the highest (80 mM NaCl) concentration. A higher accumulation of hydrogen peroxide was observed in the stele of salt-treated roots. At the subcellular level, mitochondria accumulated hydrogen peroxide in salt-treated roots. The results confirm a drastic decrease in the antioxidant enzymes catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, and peroxidases under short salt treatments. However, catalase and peroxidase activities were recovered under long salt stress treatments. The two antioxidant molecules analysed, ascorbate and glutathione, showed a different trend during salt treatments. Ascorbate was progressively accumulated and its redox state maintained, but glutathione was highly accumulated at 24 h of salt treatment, but then its concentration and redox state progressively decreased. Concomitantly, the antioxidant enzymes involved in ascorbate and glutathione regeneration were modified under salt stress treatments. In conclusion, the increase in ascorbate levels and the maintenance of the redox state seem to be critical for root growth and development under salt stress